....The Bible teaches us in 1 Timothy 2:2-3 to pray for those in authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and...
With the 2020 election just around the corner, Rev. Franklin Graham asked and answered his own question Tuesday regarding the anti-Christian...
So, what are a pray and the point of praying? Do you know how to pray? Do you get your prayers answered? :)
The House Natural Resources Committee voted Wednesday to keep the words "so help you God" in its oath taken by witnesses testifying before the...
WASHINGTON – In a wide-ranging exclusive interview with CBN News, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says that God wanted Donald Trump to...
First, even though this approach presumes the atheist would be open to believing in God if there were sufficient evidence, I’ve never been...
And then, with more than one billion people watching around the world on television, the astronauts delivered a message to the largest audience in...
WASHINGTON – In this deeply partisan political climate, it may come as a surprise to many that a group of Senate Democrats and Republicans come...
Howdy What about if you knew for sure the end of the world is coming? What would you do? :icon_yoda: Me, I'd most probably declare war on God...
Howdy What do you think, do animals believe in God? How do they imagine God? How should they worship God? Reincarnation, past life memories? I...
...what would be the first thing you do? Just a brain quiz. 8)
The Shepard has prepared some "challenges" for sheep in the last days - wars, rumors of wars, pestilences, famines, the Antichrist, the mark of...
Do you have 'evidence' for your beliefs? Have you experienced something that compels you to conclude the existence of God or the supernatural?...
Hmmm... How do you see 'God' ?
Separate names with a comma.