1.5 million Catalans are marching for independence!what's next?Scotland,w-Sahara, Kur

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by litwin, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    It the Catalunyans want their independence then they will have it. Your constitution is not a magic document. Indeed strutting about like some jackbooted caudillo from Latin America will only make Catalunya and the Basques more likely to declare independence and when they do there is little you can do to end it. What are you going to do? Send in the army like the Putin?

    Scotland is getting an independence vote. If they want to go ..they go...its as simple as that.
  2. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    No, they won´t have it, like Alabama, South and North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi or Tennesse hadn´t it... like hadn´t Bavaria, Saxen, Württenberg, Prussia or Holland or Vlaandes or Cornwall... Only if the Spanish people voted It would be possible.

    I didn´t know you think Lincoln was a "jackbooted caudillo from Latin America" or Churchill or the British government... Did you know something like Belfast?.. Only It´s necessary to send the Policia Nacional and Guardia Civil... not army. Catalonia and Basque Provinces aren´t like Scotland... the history is different...Scotland was a Kingdom not Catalonia (a few different counties united to Aragon) like basques provinces united to Castille... and both (Aragon and Castille) united for returning again to the life the old Kingdom of Spain (Century VI)... in 1475.

    Scotland was a kingdom (allied to France and enemy of England)... one day a Scot King was King of England... and in XVIII centuy, finally, both kingdoms established the United Kingdom...Any relation with Spain... not from a constitutional way nor from historic way. A Scots is not an english but yes a british... a catalonian is a spaniard... not from today, not from medieval age... but from roman time, when Tarraco (Tarragona) was the Hispania´s Capital.

    I´m sure you don´t kno who was Companys.. another golpist... 11 hours lasted to the goverment finished with his coup d´Etat in 1934......

    If people in Cornwall want to separete from England... Would it be possible? In Spain Not. Only if spaniards (from basque to catalonian) vote yes, It would be possible.

  3. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The southern US tried it 150 years ago and the US invaded to take it back. I have no idea why you mention those german countries or Holland but if flanders wants independence it will get it.

    If Catalunya has a majority who wants independence and decalres it -what exactly will you do to stop them?
    I think Rajoy is. What about Belfast? If Northern ireland ever votes to be independent of teh Uk they can be independent.

    And do what? Shoot people?

    Aragon was a Catalunyan state

    Scotland was a kingdom (allied to France and enemy of England)... one day a Scot King was King of England... and in XVIII centuy, finally, both kingdoms established the United Kingdom...

    You are 100 years out

    Catalunyas seem to NOt want to be Spanish


    If people in Cornwall want to separete from England... Would it be possible?

    Its rather unlikely but ultimately it would be possible

    The Catalunyans will just vote for independence and your constitution won't apply to them.
  4. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    No, Arrest to political had done the coup d´Etat.

    FALSE. It´s never been any catalonian state. Aragon was a Spanish kingdom, like Navarra or Castilla. The kings of Aragon spoke in castillian, latin and catalonian (although catalonian wasn´t called catalonian till 1876, in that time was Occitan, and later Limousin)...All of them named themself like Spanish... as you can read their letters... Its too difficult to be name catalonian when not even exist than name or concept. Aragon and Castile, Navarra, Asturias and Leon considered themselves like heirs of the old kingdom of Spain founded by the Goths.

    It´s not my constitution, It is the SPANISH CONSTITUTION and will apply because it was voted by the spaniards in 1978 and in Catalonian more voted than in any other place in Spain... laws are obeyed and that will never be negotiate. A country with more than 500 years does not disappear because a minority say it unilaterally.... Not,

    Defeated the Islam, held the Turkish and the protestantism, defeated Napoleon and Christianized the world ... no, will not be a coup d´Etat by the totalitarian nationalists who have perverted the law for 33 years that will end with Spain. No, they are in govermnent because THE CONSTITUTION allowed them... Loyalist? never. They had built a totalitarian state by social engineering. In the School for 30 years have manipulated the history, have used the school system to indoctrinate (Pedagogy of hate), have ban the spanish language in School... (Is it possible to study in English in Cornwall or in Aberdeen or in Swansea? Because in Barcelona the spanish language is ban... in the School like It´s ban in the shops (against the individual freedom)... Not.. against the rebellion... Guardia Civial and Policia...

    And Not, Guardia Civil is not army, like police is not army.. By the way, if It was necessary the army then be used as the British used in Belfast or the French in Corsica.
    With the difference that the English invaded Ireland, the French bought Corsica, but Catalonia was never invaded or not bought. It is an essential part of the existence of Spain since the beginning of the country. Catalonia is Spanish from Tarraco´s Roman times...

    The nationalis have using the democracy to extend the hate, the split like nazis in Germany in the thirties...The have been using the Democracy to destroy the democracy, not, under any concept!. The political rebels will be tried for treason.

    The referendums is not held, unless is voted by the Spanish population, from Gerona to Canary.

  5. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Coups d'etats are when a small group of people try and take over the government. Remember 1981? I suppose you are going to have millions of Catalands arrested

    It won;t dissapear. Spain will continue to be Spain..it just won;t have Catalunya or the Basque country in it

    You don;t seem to know what coup d'etat is.

    You are claiming that the Spainish language is not taught in Catalan schools?
    The British army in Belfast was used because of the actions of terrorists. If teh Catalan regional government declares independence then it is hardly comparable,
    ANd yet the Catalunyans seem to beleive otherwise
    Ah you want to arrest them and put the n jail for wanting to be independent. the spirit of Franco lives on.

    I think it will be. The STrutting Rajoy will claim it is illegal and the Catalands will ignore it. Then Rajoy will send the Guardia Civil into teh streets and no doubt some students will be murdered by them and Spain will be the Serbia of Western Europe.
  6. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Not,not millions. only the main chiefs...who have sown hatred, division, and established totalitarianism in the streets for 30 years... yes, all of them will be arrested, maybe 300 - 500 arrested, no more.

    Of course, Spain will continue being Spain... with Catalonia and the basques provinces, like always...

    Maybe you don´t know.. coup d´etat is not related to number of people. Both Lenin in 1917 and Mussolini in 1922 made a coup d´etat and having lot of peple with them!

    What I say It´s Spanish Language is forbiden in school in catalonia... It is banned to teach in Spanish in Barcelona... Is it possible to study in English language in Cornwall, Swansea or Glasgow? Because in Spain is not possible to study in Spanish language in Barcelona... Forbidden!
    although the Supreme Court has said that it should be possible, regional authorities, in full rebellion, refuse to accept the judicial decisions. I repeat.. Is it possible for a tax-payer study in English if he want in Glasgow or Falmouth? In Barcelona, No. (Totalitarism is said).

    Is it possible for a shop owner in UK to label his shop in English Language in Cardiff, Aberdeen or Falmouth? Because in Barcelona is forbidden to labe in Spanish language...attacking individual liberty and private property (totalitarism is said).

    Businessman fined for labeling in Spanish refuses to pay (this news was in 2010)


    So, Is it possible in UK to labe in English in Cardiff, Falmouth or Inverness or the nationalist totalitarism fine people lable in English?

    Red sticker to a 5 year old child for not speaking Catalan in the recess (year 2011)


    Is it possible to a 5 years old child speak in english in the kindergarden in Cardiff, Swansea, Penzance or Dundee? or is it forbidden?

    In basques provinces there is terrorism and the Spanish army was never used.

    No, not the catalonians, only the nationalist...after 33 years educated in hatred and sectarianism and the nationalist media... by the way, forbidden in France for inciting hatred.

    No, it won´t be any referendum, but early elections and unilateral declaration of independence. Section 155 and dissolution of the regional government and control of the region by the Guardia Civil and arrest of the main coup leaders.
    Catalonia is constitutive part of Spain, the same history, the same institution, the same people, any relation with Balkan, nor Serbia.


    Is It possible to speak in Kindergarden in English in Aberdeen? Is It not banned?
  7. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Mmm.... Just a few facts, the British army was call in again in 1969 because the catholic divide were not prepared to to accept any more intimidation or thuggery.
    Pregnant Mothers were thrown into the street to make way for one Protestant single man to live.
    Protestants were allowed to vote when a catholic family was not, these families were marginalised at the behest of the British government.
    The Labour Party is still not allowed to stand in Ireland to ensure the Orangemen rule.
    The terrorism was manifested at the behest of the English aristocracy not those marginalised by the economic policies and corrupt practices.

  8. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Exactly, the Ireland´s conflict lacks of paralelism with the Basques provinces´one. Ireland was invaded by England and this country established settlers there. Basques provinces never was invaded, they have always been part of Spain... the "pure" Spain or like It said in XVI Century: the basques are the Older Spaniards!
    Any paralelism:

    1.- Irish nationalists want to reunite a community (Northern Ireland) separated by the English invaders. Basque nationalists want to separate a community that has always been linked to the rest of Spain, It is an integral part since antiquity and the Roman province of Hispania.

    2.- Irish nationalists seek to merge a territory, Northern Ireland, with an existing state, the Republic of Ireland. Basque nationalists seek separate a territory (the Basque Provinces) of one of the oldest states in Europe, the Kingdom of Spain, to create another state from nothing. The consequences in international laws are very different for a case and the other one.

    3.- The Irish are a people faced the English one for centuries. The story of their relationship is the story of a perpetual conflict (the Irish regiments in the Spanish army are a clear example of this). The Basques have always been part of what is known as Spaniards and they have built Spain from the very beginning together with the rest of the Spaniards.

  9. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Who writes history?

    I'm at a loss to decide the rights and wrongs!
    The Basque people's both Spanish and French see them selves as basque.
    Self determination and their right to there own sovereignty on there own lands.
    The king of Spain has not long been allowed back!

  10. Pro-Consul

    Pro-Consul Banned

    Dec 4, 2012
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    You'd know if you went back to school
  11. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Would I assist you..... Your reprobates within the degenerate aristocracy you seem to support!

    Have a nice day.

    We're all going up the sun shine mountain 2014

  12. Pro-Consul

    Pro-Consul Banned

    Dec 4, 2012
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    You do speak English don't you? Because once again this does not make one bit of sense.
  13. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Aye... Well we will see!
    Have a nice day!
  14. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Highlander wrote:


    But I have not talked about history, but about politics, the Irish movement is unifying the basque one is separator, splitter.

    About history there are still major differences.

    4.- In the twelfth century the English were conquering Ireland (With the authority of the papal bull Laudabiliter from Adrian IV, Henry landed with a large fleet at Waterford in 1171, becoming the first King of England to set foot on Irish soil. Henry awarded his Irish territories to his younger son John with the title Dominus Hiberniae ("Lord of Ireland"). When John unexpectedly succeeded his brother as King John of England, the "Lordship of Ireland" fell directly under the English Crown)...at the time of the English invasion ... the different historical evolution and the absence of relations between English and Irish is evident: ones are Romanized, others not. Germanized England, Celtized Ireland, conquerors one, conquested others... Meanwhile, basques had shared the fate of other Spanish people under Roman Empire and the Visigoth Kingdom of Spain and as castillian as they were, in XII century, together Navarre and Aragon, had centuries conquering lands to Islam..A generation after the conquest of Ireland.. the basques under Don Diego Lopez de Haro´s command (he was Lord of Biscay) formed the Castillian army´s vanguard in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212, one of the greater defeat never sustained by Islam, a decisive Spanish victory, in which also took part Navarre and Aragon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Las_Navas_de_Tolosa

    5.- English in Ireland imposed a foreign domination. The Basques, with the Cantabrian and Asturian, originated the kingdom of Castile

    6.- English and Irish have fought in many battles .. There was never a battle to force the Basques to be Spanish ... Basques formed Castile and Aragon with Castile and Navarre reconstituted the old Kingdom of Spain.The Irish were conquered and colonized by the English. The Basques have been conquerors and colonizers, as any Spanish citizen.

    7.- The English imposed their rule to the Irish population .. Basques imposed the Spanish rule by the world and for centuries they were Spanish admirals, generals, viceroys, ministers and explorers. How many Irish have been viceroys in India? Do you know how may basques have been viceroys? many!!!!!

    8.- The Irish lost their lands that were transfered to English settlers... Nothing like that happened in Spain.. the basques repopulated Spain and (like spaniards) arrogated many lands in America...Because of that, basques consist in a social elite in American, nowadays. For example, Argentina: How many presidents of Argentina have been Basques? Urquiza, Irigoyen, Uriburu, Aramburu, Alcolta or Alfonsin.. And when Argentina belonged to the Spanish Empire.. how may basque were Viceroys? and Chile? Mexico? Panama? Peru? Basques were an elite in Spanish Empire...by contrast, the Irish have been humiliated and exploited by the English.

    9.- Ireland was repopulated with English ((later also with Scottish and Welsh) settlers, on the contrary while the reconquest progressed, the basques, along with the other Northern Spaniards flocked en masse to repopulate the conquered territories to Islam. The English repopulated Ireland ... "Spaniards" not repopulated the Basque provinces ... Basques were (together with other Northern Spaniards) who repopulated Spain.

    10.- Englishmen parceled Ireland out and appropiated Irish land... Basques, together the others spaniards distributed the world with portuguese (Treaty of Tordesillas).

    There is no relationship between Ireland and the Basque provinces, none.


    By the way, the self-determination right to is only valid for colonial territories, Not for non-metropolitan territories., so the Spanish Sahara occupied by Morocco have the right to self-determination, as a colonial territory .. but not Toledo.
  15. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I find myself agreeing with most of what you say...... But!
    Ireland has never been conquered, 700years fighting tells you something different!
    And Collins.... Wasn't he from Edinburgh!
    Yes you humiliated the Irish nation, in one village I visited on holiday, they talked of the Black and Tans, English officers, enter the village, called everyone into the main square and names taken,
    Anyone missing was reported as an IRA sympathiser unless they had an appropriate excuse treated as such! Then they started to rape mothers and young girls, anyone who tried to protect there families were shot! Many were shot! Aye your lot humiliated them at every opportunity! But the IRA did interven broke into the officers mess captured the officers tried them, found them guilty, and tied them at low water mark.
    The tide did the rest! A fitting end to a horrendous crime! And that my friend was only one of many.
    You have laid he seeds of decension over generations, but that will at some time in the future your down fall,no matter how you support the religious divide, either side, people will eventually talk and see how the have been duped.
    I have never said Ireland has a bearing on the basque right to sovereignty, but perhaps I might forward a link, relating to Scotland which is regardless of over bearing zealots factual legal standing.
    http://scottishsovereignty.co.uk/attachments/article/4/Scotland's Status.doc


  16. highlander

    highlander Banned

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I've been thinking about my last post.
    The area concerned was Kilkenny barracks the three officers were captured, after committing the rapes and murders. Taken to St Mullins and staked to the sea bed at low tide. The sea did the rest.
    As I understand the warnings from the IRA wasn't heeded, a new top security man fron NI came to carry on the same crimes, and did so! A captain or the IRA organised the capture of this mans daughters and wife, he was made to watch the same crime committed against his loved ones, the he too was staked to the same sea bed.
    The tide ended this debacle.
    Proof of heinous crimes result in heinous crimes.

  17. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    The brutal English colonization in Ireland has no parallelism in Europe.In this case there are two Christian people... any parallelism in history.
    The Arpad and Bela´s Hungarians were brutal when they came to Europe and settled in the plain of the Danube ... but they were pagans ..
    The Spaniards were too brutal against Muslims, but were Catholic against Islamists, and were reconquering the Old Kingdom of Spain, the Ottomans in Balkan, but they were islamic against Christian, ...The Teutonic Knights were also fearsome, but they were on a religious crusade against the paganism in Baltic area...So any paralelism with the english action in Ireland..

    It is incredible that had been more Irish viceroys, governors, generals, ministers in Spain than in Great Britain.. few spaniards surname O'Connor, O'Reilly, McCarthy, O'Callaghan etc etc No, they aren´t tourist´s sons arrived in 1966, but Irishmen´s issue who served to the Catholick King between 1500 to 1822.
    For example: Ricardo Wall, Spanish primer minister... he was an irish! from Killmallock, County Limerick. while the Irish were discriminated in Britain and in their own island!.

  18. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

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  19. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    no one in evilness can compare with those Nazi fu&ks , but i agree what the Germans have dome to Celts are very terrible as well
  20. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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  21. Vlad Ivx

    Vlad Ivx Active Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2012
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    No matter how talented, old people are still old people...
  22. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    a real talent is like wine ...
  23. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Scottish secession spreads to Spain...
    Fired up by Scotland, Catalans rally for secession
    Fri, Sep 12, 2014 - Fired up by Scotland’s looming independence referendum, nationalists in Catalonia vowed to throng the streets yesterday for noisy protests to demand their own vote on breaking away from Spain.
  24. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    all my friends Catalans want independence ...
  25. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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