8 years later.... Obama's legacy in bullet points

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Borat, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    The results are in and they are damning. While Obama enjoys a higher than usual for the outgoing president approval rating, 10-15% of it are people afraid to be called racists if they express disapproval of his performance. Who can blame them, they would be called racists.... Anyway, ironically the Boston Globe of all papers, has been probably the most fair news paper and their op'ed editorial completely destroys Obama's record with facts and numbers. Other than being the first affirmative actions president, he does not appear to have much else to be proud of.

    -Annual GDP growth since the recession ended has averaged a feeble 2.1 percent, by far the puniest economic performance of any president since World War II.
    -Obama spent more public funds on “stimulus” than all previous stimulus programs combined, with wretched, counterproductive results.
    -On his watch, millions of additional Americans fell below the poverty line. The number of food stamp recipients soared.
    -The national debt doubled to an incredible $20 trillion.
    -According to the Pew Research Center, the share of young adults (18- to 34-year-olds) living in their parents’ homes is the highest it has been since the Great Depression-In 2008, -when Obama was first elected president, 63 percent of Americans considered themselves middle class. Seven years later, only 51 percent still felt the same way.

    -Obamacare has been a fiasco. At least 27 million Americans are still without health insurance,
    -many of those who are newly insured have simply been added to the Medicaid rolls.
    -Far from reducing costs, Obamacare sent premiums and deductibles skyrocketing.
    -Insurance companies, having suffered billions of dollars in losses on the Obamacare exchanges,
    -Insurance companies have pulled out from many of them, leaving consumers in much of the country with few or no options.

    -In his rush to pull US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, he created a power vacuum into which terror networks expanded and the Taliban revived.
    -Islamic State’s jihadist savagery not only plunged a stabilized Iraq back into shuddering violence, but also inspired scores of lethal terrorist attacks in the West.
    -Obama vowed to take action if Assad crossed a “red line” by deploying chemical weapons — but when those weapons were used, Obama blinked.
    -The death toll in Syria climbed into the hundreds of thousands, triggering a flood of refugees greater than any the world had seen since the 1940s.

    -the president indulged dictatorial regimes in Iran, Russia, and Cuba. They in turn exploited his passivity with multiple treacheries
    -seizing Crimea and destroying Aleppo (Russia)
    -abducting American hostages for ransom and illicitly testing long-range missiles (Iran)
    -cracking down mercilessly on democratic dissidents (Cuba).

    -the nation has been led by a president intent on lowering America’s global profile...The consequences have been stark:
    -a Middle East awash in blood and bombs,
    -US troops re-embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan,
    -aggressive dictators ascendant, human rights and democracy in retreat,
    -rivers of refugees destabilizing nations across three continents,
    -the rise of neo-fascism in Europe, and the erosion of US credibility to its lowest level since the Carter years.


    Well done, Obama.
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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  3. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Legacy!? His "legacy" is shredded. A year from now, it'll almost be like he was never there. Except for the damage he caused around the globe.
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I harken back to Obama's 2008 June release of his Birth Certificate.
    It was a short form { COLB } which is basically merely a receipt.
    No doctor or hospital.No profession listed by the Father.
    Yet,that pathetic excuse for an Unauthenticated Birth certificate was the
    impetus for mounting public ridicule for anyone doubting Obama's place
    of birth.Chris Matthews made it a test every guest on - Hardball - had to go thru.
    he would not let any guest leave his cameras w/o answering whether they
    believe Obama was born in the U.S.
    Same thing is gonna be tried here with Obama's Legacy.
    You will be Birthered and hounded relentlessly if you do not follow
    the Script that Obama had a Legacy and a mighty good one at that.
    Valerie Jarrett already started the ball rolling last weekend on CNN
    stating affirmatively that Obama had not a Single Scandal in all his 8 years.
    And that he is proud of that fact.
    This is what we are being dealt.It's a form of Coercion or Stalinism.
    Like the way anyone making a big deal about Obama knowing Bill Ayers
    is flat out wrong.Obama said ... he's just a guy who lives in the neighborhood.
    The Democrat Party and Obama are desperate.They are truly in a pickle.
    Look for them to double down and try and force the public to accept their
    further Lies.I mean,what else do they have to look Forward to.
    To Lean Forward ?
  5. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Drivel, babbling, and out of context. You got your fool so quit fetishizing the past.

    I don't think I've ever seen any righty take responsibility for almost destroying the global economy. You should be on your knees and praising the heavens that Obama came along when we needed him most. He was a gift from God.

    I guess we will need Obama Extreme, in 2020, to fix this mess again.
  6. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Translation: I have absolutely no rebuttal, every OP point is irrefutable.

    Too bad "our fool" can't start with a clean slate. He inherited struggling, shrinking middle class, crumbling infrastructure, disastrous situation in healthcare, $20 trillion national debt, collapsing world order and all time low America's global profile in the world from your genius anointed one.
  7. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    I think that should read as follows, "Countless leftists worshiped Barack Obama as a god."
  8. Elcarsh

    Elcarsh Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I'm a man of facts, so let's just check the facts for your claims.

    This is not accurate. There have been periods of much much worse growth in the US in the past, for instance in 2001, when it wasn't even 1%, not to mention the enormous recession that Bush presided over.

    Given that your previous point was false, it can't have been that counterproductive.

    This one is not accurate either. The actual poverty rate has barely changed at all between 2009 and 2015.

    This one is gratifyingly accurate. Irrelevant, but accurate.

    Do you put that much value in what "class" people "feel" they belong to? I thought this was about facts, not feelings.

    But the rate of uninsured has steadily dropped during the last few years.

    ...and are thus insured.

    This is accurate. The evidence shows that the PPACA did not fix the price situation.

    Source for that?

    This one is also accurate, but how it relates to Obama I do not know. Is the greed and avarice of insurance companies his fault, now?

    This is not accurate. The withdrawal was ordered and signed by George W. Bush long before Obama entered office.

    Again; true, but irrelevant to the subject.

    This one isn't true, though. Obama did seek congressional approval for action against Assad.

    See two steps above.

    What did Obama actually do, in real terms, that you oppose in this instance?

    And none of this is factual, this is all emotions. They are of no interest.
  9. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    And I am a man of attention, common sense and facts so I can recognize a strawman when one is introduced. The claim was "feeble 2.1 percent, by far the puniest economic performance of any president since World War II". Your response claiming that there had been instances of lower or negative growth had nothing to do with the claim. The rest of your post built on the strawman, not on the facts in the OP

    Try again.
  10. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    come on guys, if we are to criticize, let's do in a manner that at least demands some credibility and respect.

    Obama inherited an absolute DISASTER. We were finishing off a trillion dollar war in Iraq where we took out a guy that was needed in the ME - Saddam. Taking Saddam out created a void. The people who accuse Obama of ISIS really don't demand much respect, why? simply because Bush was the one who committed to removing Troops from Iraq, Obama just carried out what Americans and prior administrations wanted and set out to do. The Iraqi government wanted us out! All this mess in ME is 100% Bush and his administration, Saddam was absolutely KEY to balance and removing him created a domino effect. Not only this, the war was brutal, thousands of innocent people were killed and deemed 'collateral damage', this created ISIS, where thousands of sunnis were imprisoned, killed and marginalized. It is intellectually shallow and dishonest to blame Obama for this, this was 99.999999% Bush and his intelligence agencies.

    As far as economy, Obama inherited a DISASTER, where 800k jobs were being lost every month, big banks going bankrupt and car industry about to collapse. the stock market was destroyed and there was fear and panic everywhere. The funny thing is that it was Bush who started the stimulus packages and any other president would've done the same, EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. NO PRESIDENT, even the most conservative would've just allowed big banks and car industry to disappear, this would've created great depression 2. The stimulus was no big deal anyway, by far the reason deficits exploded was due to recession (everyone that has taken econ 101 knows this) and the record deficit was in 09 (nothing to do with Obama as he was just 1 year in and economy still in a recession he didn't create). The Bush tax cuts also didn't help and neither did the trillions spent on wars. The first 1-2 years of Obama was a mess and it was 100% recovering from what he inherited, no president (lincoln, JFK, reagan) would've been able to magically turn around the recession or not gone through with stimulus and none of them would've been able to reverse the irreversible damage done when US invaded Iraq and took Saddam out. The GREAT reagan himself didn't do very well in first few years when he inherited a much less serious recession from Jimmy Carter, he would've done nothing in first few years to stop the collapse of 08-09.

    Then we want to criticize the GDP growth of around 2% and labor force participation yet we don't talk about the record # of jobs created in private sector? and record stock market levels?

    I would argue (and i'm an independent who everyone here knows supported Trump) that given the mess he inherited economically and worldwide (US wars and intrusion), Obama has done quite well. The American people have spoken, Obama has an approval rating that rivals THE GREAT REAGAN when he left office... All you guys are just full of hot air and angry that Obama has done a pretty decent job considering what he had to deal with.

    Now seriously, i have my own criticisms of Obama but i really want to start seeing people post stuff that is thoughtful at least, some of this nonsense fails economics 101 and common sense! come on!
  11. RedStater

    RedStater Active Member Past Donor

    Nov 5, 2016
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    See my post #82 in the "My apologies" thread.

    I do address a great deal of your points.

    Warning: it's long.

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