A proof: God or Religion.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Anarcho-Technocrat, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Anarcho-Technocrat

    Anarcho-Technocrat New Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Many would argue God's nature is intrinsically Good, that whom commands morality and justice. And because God's nature is intrinsically Good whatever such a being commands must also be Good. However let me ask this: is morality universal and constant? Is morality everywhere in the universe and is it unchanging? Consider two particles in a box, can the one proton do anything unjust or just to the other proton? Or perhaps if we were to watch the grass grow is there anything just or unjust one grass pedal can do to the next? Many would say of course not, morality and justice apply to only mankind.
    God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day. Whether or not you take Genesis literally or not if morality is amoungst man only, commanded by God than before man's existence how could there have been a Good and moral God? How could God have commanded the Good, the moral, and the just, amoungst creatures and objects of which are incapable of neither good nor bad, moral nor immoral, just nor injustice? And if this is the nature of God of which such nature comes into question before the creation of man then who is this so called God? Many would argue without God there can be no morality and with no morality there can be no God. By this definition we are not the creations of a God but the creators of God. Or if we suppose God exists otherwise then this God is neither moral nor immoral, good nor bad, just nor unjust, and if so then such a God has no concern over our petty affairs, what we consider good or bad, whether we are believers of his existence, our prayers, or our religions. As it seems God can only exist in harmony with reason void of all religion. Do you believe in God or Religion?
  2. JavaBlack

    JavaBlack New Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Morality in religion is a relatively recent development.
    All human societies have had moral systems, many with cultural universals that the big religions claim to own (i.e. The Golden Rule). All societies have also had a religion of some sort, though monotheism is fairly new.

    The ancient Greeks were more the norm. Their religion was made up of myths to encourage rituals (not so much moral as to appease gods and create social solidarity) and explain the order of things. Their morality was captured in secular philosophy.

    Originally Judaism was barely a moral religion. It was more about traditions to appease their God and establish order. Their morals, like those of most tribes, only counted for people within society. Same goes for Hinduism.

    A couple thousand years ago, Judaism and Hinduism adopted movements that tied their religions to a greater universal morality. Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam were built with this morality in mind in the same general era (give or take several centuries).
    The catalyst is believed to be the horrors of wars that larger civilizations encountered. This horror created a demand for a more humanistic morality and religion, for most societies, was the primary organizing force.

    So when people tie religion to morality, they are ignoring most of human history.

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