A 'vulture' circles over Twitter

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by XXJefferson#51, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Watch Singer get in there and force this social media giant to live up to its promises. That would be good news for conservatives in the short term.

    In the long term, it might be even better. Singer's breach of Fortess Social Media with all its monolithic leftist denizens might just be a first step for a conservative long march through the institutions, the cultural takeover that the late Andrew Breitbart dreamed of happening.One hopes more conservative billionaires start getting in on the act and buying up newspapers, educational establishments, television and radio stations and social media companies in following. A giant could tumble...”


    This is good stuff. A possible hostile take over of Twitter. It’s about time well off conservative and libertarian investors engage in the culture wars and realize a conservative place in big tech social media. I hope it sets a pattern to go after Google and Facebook as well. Creating small niche alternatives to the giants is ok but taking them to bring them down is even better. It’s high time this happened and I wish Singer the best of luck. The big internet platforms censoring, deleting, banning conservatives and conservative thought must end. So to must the so called fact checking gate keepers they use to target conservative sites.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
  2. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    FIrst Twitter, then the rest of them. Their use of what they call community standards as a content control tool to censor opposition points of view is just morally wrong and intellectually cowardly. The use of the SPLC and others to target legitimately conservative and Christian groups and sites as hate groups over different political or religious views is just wrong. The SPLC itself USA terrorist enabling hate group overrun with corruption., racism, and misogyny. Why should big teeth be allowed to use them to sit in judgement over others! Let us take Twitter and see how the surviving big tech social media react!

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