Advertising angles.

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by Brett Nortje, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    This is a very popular form of media, and, business, all in one. advertising is about getting people to know about and buy your products. if you have a advert that is by any standards attention getting, people will notice it. but, all adverts have different target audiences, as they all follow different themes, of course.

    So, let's start with the cheapest form of advertising? this would be a newspaper advert - a picture, that doesn't change, and a few characters supplying you with information about the product or service, that lingers and is cheap to put into the paper. i find it very strange that adverts are more expensive for magazines, as, more people buy newspapers, of course.

    Let's get into my own idea of advertising - brainwashing! this would be where it would be on television or radio, and have a picture on television - a solid image - and repeat the message twice. it doesn't matter if people hate your advert, all they need to do is hear it and recognise it. this means making a bad advert is just as good as having a good advert. all you need to do is hammer it in, so making a cheap advert is just as good.

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