are you sure you are thinking properly?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by delade, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

    Hello there Lord. The Good Shepherd that gave Your Life for myself and others. How are you? Besides having given Your Life, what other 'Good' do You do?

    Have you ever considered this?

    Suppose there was an Island with a land mass area of 597 square miles. Now not all of that land is accessible nor inhabited. Lots of that land is still undeveloped. So... Let us say that the majority of those living on this Island drive cars. Well, what might the time be to travel around a 597 square mile Island?

    So, I go and tell the residents to invest in a Scooter. Not a moped but a Scooter. A Scooter is Highway legal. And it does go pretty well and is quiet and fuel efficient. ... And what if most of the replies I get back is that Scooters are dangerous and that it could lead to vechicular accidents leading to death. And this is true.

    However, what IF everyone on the Island had a Scooter and there were only a few cars? Would that lessen any chance of a fatal 'car' accident?

    I'm just wondering... Are you sure you are thinking properly? Are you sure you are okay?

    Are Mercedes, and BMWs and Ferraris and Lamborghinis and expensive cars really efficient on an Island with water surrounding it all 4 sides?

    So the answer would be family outings. Drives to dinner and such. Okay.. Great.. What about a reserve 'car' for those 'special' moments and events?

    But people need to work.. They need to haul and move and pull and push with their vehicles. They need to go shopping and load their cars and bring all that stuff home.

    Oh, yeah.. I forgot about all those.

    Well.. Not to keep You from doing what You were doing, but Thanks, Lord. Amen.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  2. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    But honestly. Besides having given Your Life for many, what other sorts of 'Good' do You do? Give 'millions' to the needy? Provide life and strength on a daily basis so we can rise from sleep? Provide each breath? Provide the eyes from shutting? Give brain molecules their joys and wholesome thoughts? Come down from Heaven with special 'treats' from time to time? What other sorts of 'Good' do You do?

    I'm sure that having given Your life once, that isn't ALL that You have done for the past 2000 years, right?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  3. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    So you might be wondering, 'Why do you ask this in such a way'?

    And so this is my answer to that question.

    Because, Lord, I'm not sure if You know this or not, but there are some who read that sentence, "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" as the ONLY thing You have or EVER will do. Don't ask me why they think this, but I know they take each word 'verbatim' and are very very uncertain until the question is asked. Are you sure your sheep are okay?

    You have it heard it said, right Lord, that if you hang around a barber shop long enough, you might be asked if you want a free hair cut. Well, hanging around brothels might result in similar invitations.

    Are you okay?

    Well... Day unto Day, You do 'Good', since You Are The Good Shepherd.. And that which You were then IS what You are still Today, 'The Good Shepherd'. Lord, won't You lead me onward, please. Thank You. Amen.


    Funny... To how far onward can 'we' go on an Island?? hahahaha
    And that is why You are also All Wise and Knowing...
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  4. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Lord, since YOU are The Shepherd, why do some consider others to be their shepherds by choosing them before listening and obeying to YOU? Please, Lord, it's either onward and upward or a class in reality checks and answers and solutions to not being okay. Reality checks and answers to not being able to think properly.. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

    Who are these other 'shepherds' You might ask?

    Well, obviously the ones you have ordained to be shepherds for and unto Thee, right?

    So what's wrong with them listening to the ones You ordained?

    Nothing, as long as you don't tell them otherwise..
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  5. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Lord, I know You know that I'm an obtuse kind of person. Always needing to be a certain way.. Always needing my hair a certain way.. Always needing food and drinks at certain times and in certain ways. And this might be seen as obtuse to Thee, and sure, I admit and confess that it is somewhat more obtuse than not. However I know You understand the ways of life and the 'invisible' demands Society places on the classes. I know You are aware but this is not the concern.

    The concern is this. Great. They live in High Society. Wonderful! I praise You for making them wealthy. I truly do. But not all others are in the same level of wealth. And this is also great and wonderful and I also praise You for their lives. But couldn't You provide a place where the poor and the high Society doesn't need to be so close to one another? High Society persons are also just as claustrophobic as the poor, and I'm sure You know this also. So, Lord.. Why not help the poor be in a place where they can have more space, more breathing room? Please, Lord. Thank You Lord. I know You are The Good Shepherd. Amen.

    Lord, You do realize that until You DO something, the same complaints and false associations will be, right? Thanks, Lord. Amen.

    And Lord? Allah is very unpleased with false associations to Him, You are aware, right? Thanks Lord. Amen.

    Who IS Allah? Did I hear You ask? I thought I might have. <ahem>

    Well, just in case You did ask, Allah is The Magnificent One. The Most Magnificent One.

    Then where are You and Your Father?

    You are also The Magnificent One. The Most Magnificent One and Your Father is also The Magnificent One, The Most Magnificent One.

    How can all THEE be the same? Well, in a way all Thee are different but still each IS The Magnificent One, The Most Magnificent One.

    And together, side by side, THOU art, 'THE MAGNIFICENT ONE' 'THE MOST MAGNIFICENT'

    Please take note of the capitalzations, please. Thank You. Amen

    So Lord, although Thou knowest full well all there is, I do not. So please help me and guide me onward and upward. First onward, then upward. Until the Peace that surpasses all understanding and all other Good which proceeds down from The Father of Lights may be Praised for and thanked for. Thank You, Lord. Amen
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  6. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    And among the Top things, please remember this.

    That I love You because I was first Loved by You.

    Apart from You, I cannot love.

    As they say in Hebrew, 'Laila Tov'. (I hope this is correct).

    And as they say in Arabic, 'Tisbah `ala khair'. (I also hope this is correct).
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  7. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    I am absolutely positive that you are not thinking properly.
  8. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I rather enjoy his self contained conversations.

    delade is a great thinker, a philosopher of sorts.

    I wish the world had more people like him.

    When I read his threads it makes me think about what the larger point is that he is going for. Usually I don't get it but sometimes I do and I go, "ahh" so keep up the good work delade.

    You are appreciated.

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