Blacks, Americans, And Mitch McConnell

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by independentthinker, Jan 28, 2022.

  1. independentthinker

    independentthinker Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    McConnell has taken some heat recently for something he said that blacks and the left claim suggests that McConnell doesn't think that blacks are the same as Americans. BUT, I submit that blacks and the left have been implying for years that blacks are not Americans. They kneel during the American National Anthem because they refuse to acknowledge a country that suppresses them and has a long history of social injustice against them and they have their very own Black National Anthem, all as if blacks and the left don't consider blacks to be Americans and have their own separate country and anthem. In addition, we have a president (Biden) who has said that if you don't vote for him then you ain't black. Are blacks Americans or not?
  2. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    How are you supposed to figure this stuff out.
    Blacks fight segregation as being racist.
    Then DEMAND hundreds of Black only organizations, events, and opportunities
    And don't you even think of a White only anything. That would be racist.

    They support BLM like it has some meaning
    Yet they can't name a single Black community or organization that BLM has ever supported with hundreds of millions of dollars donated

    More Black babies are aborted than born
    Black on Black murder is the highest of any race
    13% of the population with over half all violent crimes
    78% born to single mothers

    Yet they vote for the same party over and over while their statistics get worse and worse.
    The same party that fought to keep them enslaved
    The same party that voted for Jim Crow laws
    The same party that instituted the KKK to terrorize them
    The same party that labels them the Black face of White supremacy if they have conservative thoughts
    Then vote for the most open racist president in history who adored his KKK Grand Dragon brother Robert Byrd

    But its the police and Republicans that are the problem?

    When you figure out that math, you let me know.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
  3. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I think you should send this argument to Mitch...he'd be very grateful.

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