
Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by Brett Nortje, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    The art of chivalry.. what a great concept. this is where men are gentlemen towards ladies, setting a good example for young men and women, and, restoring everyone's faith in humanity. this would be a sign of refinement, where cavemen and animals force themselves onto the females, these fine men will seek the consent of their mates instead.

    What does it mean to be a gentleman? this is where you, besides your 'flirting,' they will seek to set a refined example for those around them to hold them in high esteem. these men and women are more socially acceptable than those that behave in coarse or base manners, and, they will hold the difference between their base urges and what is highly thought of completely separate, yes?

    But, what it is really? is it looking to woo a woman gently to sleep with you? this would be where the woman is made to feel safe, while the male will just hold onto some form of dignity for her before he gets to the action he wants, yes? this is a sign of pride, where the man does not want to feel undignified in 'buying' women or just getting a mate because they are important or powerful.

    In essence, it is a play by the males to 'show off.' this is where the males will show that they can win women over without the things that woman basely want, money and lifestyle and all that. this is where a man hides his hand, and, then the woman may take it 'if she chooses to.' this is like politics, you could say, as the woman will now be able to gratify the ego of the male by submitting to the one she wants - a new form of fencing, if you will, with the woman as the prize.
  2. Texan

    Texan Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Chivalry isn't dead, at least not in Texas. Daily, I hold doors for ladies or give up my seat in a crowded restaurant waiting area for a lady. I don't expect to sleep with any of them, either. I see others doing it as well. I expect it out of my 3 sons.

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