Data shows 2.7% wage growth vs 2.9% CPI

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by Quadhole, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    There you go, over the last year we are still losing thru Trumponomics. CPI doesn't even come close to showing real inflation which is closer to 6% year over year...
    Real costs over the last year.

    On top, everything dropped in sales, trade deficit up BIGGER than ever, maybe the biggest ever in the world.

    Listen to Schiffs podcast this month, tell you just how bad things are getting, REAL NEWS< REAL NUMBERS !

    Loading GOLD...

    June 2017 - June 2018
    CPI of course doesnt use anything below that is high, only the low stuff so you don't see the real increases.

    All items.................. 2.9
    Food...................... 1.4
    Food at home............. .4
    Food away from home (1).. 2.8
    Energy.................... 12.0
    Energy commodities....... 24.3
    Gasoline (all types).... 24.3
    Fuel oil................ 30.8
    Energy services.......... -.6
    Electricity............. -.1
    Utility (piped) gas
    service.............. -2.1
    All items less food and
    energy................. 2.3
    Commodities less food and
    energy commodities.... -.2
    New vehicles............ -.5
    Used cars and trucks.... -.7
    Apparel................. .6
    Medical care commodities 2.4
    Services less energy
    services.............. 3.1
    Shelter................. 3.4
    Transportation services 3.7
    Medical care services... 2.5
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  2. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Inflation is subjective to the individual.

    CPI and RPI don't reflect my own shopping basket.

    What inflation baskets also don't model is that as prices rise, my shopping habits change.
    The price of beer goes up, I stop going to the pub. I buy video games instead.
    Or smoke weed!

    Food goes up, I grow my own.
    Cars go up. I take the bus.

    Etc etc.

    Rent goes up, I get a house mate.
    Medical prices go up, I get treatment abroad.

    Economics is hard.
    It's not easy to model human behaviour. Because we don't just keep repeatedly doing the same things. We constantly adapt to our ever changing situations.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
  3. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Sure it is easy to model human behavior ! If you don't have money, you can't go to the pub. Then you can't buy chocolate, a Car that is decent, a home big enough for your family.

    Then, more Inflation(GREED) you can't drink beer at all, afford a car, or even a home.

    Then More inflation(GREED) you can't afford to keep your kids or even eat.

    All the time more money went to one other individual. It isn't complicated, it is very basic. I do understand that the EU, FED, USA Politicians, the GREEDY, wealthy, big business owners want to make it sound complicated, and that Everything is going to be ok... Until it isn't, then those very people won't be around for an interview, just like in 2008
  4. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Yes mate, but I do have money.
    You do too.

    Modelling spending habits of people with no money is not only easy it is a waste of your time.

    And I can brew my own booze too.
    Even the poorest people in the world have moonshine.

    A car that is "decent"
    A home that is "big enough" for your family.

    Subjective appraisals.

    And the greed that raises inflation?
    Might be my greed for beer.
    Might be my greed for children.

    What is greed? How much is enough?
    Do you get to decide for me?
    Do I get to decide for you?

    Or do we each get to decide for ourselves?

    Be liberal.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
  5. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    In our country GREED is MOSTLY Jewish people convincing Reagan, Clinton, Bush, OBAMA, and Trump to cut or keep taxes cut on the rich. THe MORE advance countries, like ours was from 1945 - 1985 raised taxes on the rich to a very high rate. Thus forcing them to help bring all people up to a NORMAL standard of living.
    Guys LIKE CARL ICAHN are a perfect example of Greed. The man has Billions and once he got to 1M, he used that money to leverage more money from other people using regulations that were removed to stop those very people from OWNING everything.

    Thus, you end up with 1000 people starving to death today somewhere... But if a GOVT stops those greedy people then everyone can be happy. The way you write, it sounds very (whatever and no one can decide). Guess what, we had good times in the USA from 1935 - 85. Many European nations, Germany, and others, Canada, have it good. It is about keeping things even, not letting a JEFF BEZOS run away like he is in value. It is absurd that he can do that and work people long hours for little money.
    I am surprised no one has shot guys like this...
  6. Baff

    Baff Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Germany had the same problem, but they found a solution to it.
  7. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    We did too, FDR found a solution, he taxed them, JP MORGAN hated all the WASP for this very reason. FDR is the one that made this country strong, we still hold that power even tho we reverse the course with Reagan and those that controlled him. Now it is even worse, amazing to think they keep cutting their own taxes, give some country Q bumpkin here 1000K back on his taxes and the guy is dumb enough to vote for Trump.

    The Jewish people are the smartest in the world, right there with Germans, Swiss, Austrians, Japaneses. They control this country thru the FED who is a private bank able to print the dollar, all they want for themselves. Pretty sick really... Then spend it on whatever they want and tax the normal working class to pay for it while the rich hide their money overseas.
  8. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    actually, FDR's administration was called the Great Depression and WW2 . Did you even know that?

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