This is the funniest thing I've read in at least a month. At this point, I don't find very many worldviews to be silly. We're at such a disadvantage, when it comes to knowledge of all of reality, that none of us are in a position to justly think of very many beliefs as silly; false, perhaps, after a great deal of thought and investigation. Most religions are somewhat tenable from the inside. Are you aware that what you have written about it in this thread is not proper statement of typical Baptist doctrine?
Your will is your heaven. If an alcoholics drinks only one beer then he's maybe lost and has to suffer a lot - while another one feels only relaxed by drinking a beer from time to time. I don't know what's the right way for you or for your people. Why do you write in a forum with the name "religion" - if you are not interested in god and spirituality?
And what would you do if you were a dolphin? As a Catholic I'm able to imagine what you would do in this case: You would go to god and you would tell him that all human beings are cruel idiots because they are producing with their ships an unbelievable loud noise in all oceans on planet earth. And as a Catholic I'm able to imagine god makes a big notice in a big book about this problem. Oh ... you said nothing about this problem? Costs money? You don't think this problem is a problem. You are not ready to do anything for dolphins without profit? ... Hmmm .... But you know what's good for Catholics ... and you would insist in the first line ... "Captain America" ... Nice - somehow nice.
If the story is true (no names, no dates, no coordinates) how I was able to read it in a german source - then bishop José Cardoso Sobrinho was without any doubt wrong to say that an excommunication was automatically fullfilled in this case. The girl was able to get pregnant but it was not able to stay pregnant with twins. The mother and the doctors made the only possible decision: they saved the life of the girl. Nevertheless abortion is always a reason for excomunication, because a Catholic is not allowed to murder someone. And a human being is always a human being - evolving for example in the own mothers womb. And human beings should be able to live under the protection of natural unalienable human rights. It are the secular societies in this world which have a problem in case of abortion and logic - because as long as no one is able to say why a human being what's living in his mother is not a human being we have to accept children in their mothers womb to be human beings. In dubio pro humanitas - wether we like to doubt or not. Indeed it's nearly exactly in the opposit: Without any doubt a human mother will get a human baby what evolves as a human being in her womb. In the conrete [¿hypothetic?] case: From a catholic point of view were three victims existing: The pregnant girl and her twins. Nevertheless the decision of the mother of the girl and the doctors was right - because the twins were not able to survive and it's was without any doubt better to save one life "only" instead to save no life at all. This is one of the very very seldom exceptions where abortion and sin are not the same. The abortion was only a method in this special case - not a mass-murdering lifestyle as it is everywhere in the western world. I hope you are able to understand what I like to say with this words.
Actually, this is a political debate board with religion as the topic. I post here because I enjoy the discussion. Perhaps you would be more comfortable at a Christians Only forum, of which there are many. Be prepared to take sides in the Arminianism vs Calvinism debate. Those guys are way harsher on each other over that issue than I have ever seen in an atheist vs Christin discussion.
I'm not interested in Calvinism and I don't have any idea what Arminianism could be ... let me take a look what Wikipedia is writing about ... hmm ... also uninteresting for me.
I hate the doctrine of eternal suffering. It all comes from three passages. One in Luke, where Jesus is talking about Lazarus and the rich man, and the rich man is in flames, another from mark, where He says "their worm dieth not" several times, and the one in Revelation, where the smoke of the torment of beast and the false prophet rises up for ever and ever. The first is a parable. The second is obviously a metaphor. The last one is in Revelation, an extremely symbolic book, and it's talking about smoke. I don't see how people can persist in drawing the whole doctrine of eternal torment from three ambiguous and allegorical passages, when I can make a giant list of passages from the old and new testament that presuppose, entail, necessarily imply and/or explicitly state that the soul that sinneth shall die.
There's more to it than that. I think something changed, in the Godhead, permanently, when Jesus died. The relationship between the Father and the Son is not the same now as it was before He died. I think that's what Paul was talking about in Ephesians 5:31,32. "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." I think God really did give his Son for us and to us. When I talk about this with other Christians, they don't seem to get it, or even think it's very important.
Yea, that's a funny thing about Christians. They don't really seem to care about what would presumably be the most important thing in their lives. Some preacher somewhere made it sound easy for them to get into Heaven and they took it as a promise that they would not have to think or do any homework. I did NOT mean to dislike this post. I accidently hit the button as I am still becoming accustomed to using my new android. Sorry about that.
This statement, for example, presupposes knowledge that some people are good. But Christianity, including the Baptists, teaches that only God is good, and that, in order to be saved, we have to be reconciled to God, who requires perfection. There is an idea that pervades most of the protestant denominations, that the atoning sacrifices in the old Testament should be seen as symbolic of Christs atoning sacrifice. So the animal without blemish which was required in Leviticus and Deuteronomy was a substitute for Jesus' life in the flesh and His death (1 Peter). Most of the prophets rail against the people for offering blemished sacrifices. They speak of them as polluted, perverted and evil. It isn't that the most perfect sacrifice can atone for most people, some less perfect sacrifice can atone for, maybe, one person. Once the most perfect sacrifice has been offered, any other sacrifice is an abomination. Once I wrote this, I just couldn't post it. It just seems like this is something personal, and the way it looks, when I write it out is just, I don't know,,, harsh.
I did not accept that aspect of Christian theology. I even argued in my youth group that atheists should not be sent to Hell, but should be given a chance for rehabilitation after death. I was assured that life on earth was their only chance. I stuck to my guns that such a scenario was stupid and unfair. At first, I simply disregarded the aspects of Christianity with which I did not agree. After I stopped attending, I began to study about the history of Christianity. I knew the things I was being taught were wrong, but I still believed that Jesus was the Son of God. So I set out to discover the truth of Jesus's message. The idea of turning the other cheek, which I fully accepted and held dear, did not match the apparent fate of people who followed other religions or no religion (eternal torture). So something was amiss it seemed. As I studied the history of Christianity, and learned about the establishment of Christianity as the state religion of Rome, forced assimilations, the arbitrary placements of certain texts within the Canon, I was absolutely floored at how feeble my own connection to Christianity was. If Rome picks some other religion, we would all be following that one, instead of Christianity. Certainly it should take more than a quirk of history to achieve salvation. I found that confirmation of the truth of Christianity was no where near as obvious as I had been taught, but was actually very feeble. So God expects everyone to believe something which seems so absurd upon a closer look, and if not, they are all tortured for all eternity? No way. No how.I decided that it was high time for God to learn about the importance of something that humans had learned centuries before: religious freedom. Suddenly, I saw myself as personally superior to God Almighty. What a trip. So naturally, I considered that I might actually be the Messiah, since I had figured this all out, and that it was my job to correct the gospel. Some time later, I would realize that I was not so special, that a BUNCH of people saw the same things I saw and were good enough people to leave the evil religion like I was. Turns out, ironically, those are the people Christians call "evil" and expect to be excluded from Paradise. LOL. The very people who are obviously superior in morality to Christians. So the whole thing is a joke to me now. I've grown up quite a bit since then and have found Christianity to be a suitable tool for getting people to do what I want. This must be how the Romans felt. Some of the theology is difficult to tend to with a straight face, but with practice, I have gotten much better at it. I now once again attend a Baptist church and have rededicated my life to the Lord. LOL. For my own personal benefit, of course. I am no longer idealistic. I will do whatever personally benefits me the most. I expect every other adult to do the same and don't want to hear their crying about their problems when they don't. I am very evil now, if I was to judge myself with the same criteria I used at 15. But even though I am evil enough to go along with Christianity and use it to my advantage, I can't delete my knowledge of its origins and the knowledge that it isn't true. Things would be easier if I could.
A little boy wants a bike for Christmas really badly, but the kid is a real bad seed, and he knows it. He writes a letter to Jesus. "Dear Jesus, if I get a bike for Christmas, I'll be good for a whole week." He thinks about it, crosses out what he wrote, and says, "I can't be good for a whole week, I'll be good for five days." He crosses that out and writes, "I'll be good for four days." Then he thinks again and says, "Can't do that." He gets down to one day and says, "I can't even be good for a day." Then in frustration, goes in his mother's room and get the statue of the Virgin Mary, wraps it up in a blanket, puts it in a paper bag, throws it in the closet and says, "Dear Jesus, if I don't get a bike for Christmas, you'll never see your mother again!"
How does faking the faith benefit you? I'm just curious about that. Also, I'm not sure your morality is so superior after all if you're so dishonest. Whether you believe atheists are going to hell or not makes no difference, but your decision to lie and purposely manipulate other people does make a difference.
Where I live, everyone who is anyone attends church. It is a way of being plugged into the community. I had specific reasons at first, but those no longer apply. Mostly, I go because I enjoy the spectacle. If I didn't actually enjoy it, I could never put up with them. I am also angling to perhaps become a Christian physicist, should the job market not improve by graduation. LOL. I no longer believe in morality. It was just another excuse to pump my head up and feel superior, without actually accomplishing anything. Kids' stuff. I dropped it once it became time for me to grow up and raise kids of my own. You can't please everyone by telling the truth. But you can please everyone with a few well placed lies. What they don't know doesn't hurt them and pleasing everyone is potentially very lucrative. The neat thing about all of this is that even if I am exposed, I can blame Satan and the sinfulness of humans for my lack of faith, and go through the process of being saved again. Christianity truly seems to have been invented for people like me to conquer the others.
There are plenty of preachers who say the same thing you say in the last paragraph. What about the first three hundred years? You don't think Christianity was invented for social control, do you? I don't think Rome chose Christianity arbitrarily. First it became popular, then it was decriminalized, then it became more popular, then it was made official. It was politics, yes, but not arbitrary. The same thing goes for the cannon. It emerged first, then it was made "official". When I study the history, I don't see it being used to control and do evil until after it was mixed with (taken over by?) the government. I think you had it right in the first paragraph. I wish you had just stuck to your guns. I know of one church that teaches exactly that, and I don't see any theological problem with it. Have you ever considered the possibility that you didn't believe any of it back then either, but you just believed that you believed it? You were only 15, after all. Are you lying to everyone at church? I recommend that you don't do that. You're gonna confuse yourself, and, at some point, it'll probably go horribly wrong.
If I were a dolphin??? Seriously? Pass some of that this way! If I WERE a dolphin, this is probably what I would do. [video=youtube;4Ml5IjwLNe4][/video]
You are saying so because you are a member of the english speaking world - us-american culture. And you showed to me one of the ugly sides of this culture: the misuse of an animal for the own psychopathic ideas about the world.
if you have or promote abortion (Nancy Pelosi, Sebellius, etc) you are automatically excommunicated from the Church if you reject some ex cathedra teaching, i am pretty sure you are ex c'd 4 that also since that is apostacy if you marry someone and the Catholic Church says you are already validly married so you cannot (uh...have 2 valid marriages) you are in wilful adultery and i suppose that incurs a latae sententiae exommunication also... I'm pretty sure it does... because you can't take Communion, which i suppose is the exact meaning of the term excommunication u can still attend Mass, though... ppl who commit these sins have shown they prefer some human value over God