"Donald Trump: Nobody knew health care was 'so complicated'"

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by VietVet, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. VietVet

    VietVet Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2017
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    Ummm, yes, many people did. Informed, educated people knew.
    The GOP has had the better part of two terms to come up with a health care plan - and they have ZILCH.
    They did, however, waste umpteen votes to repeal ObamaCare - which was, of course, RomneyCare, but since it had "ObamaCooties" it has to go.

    If health care is complicated, I can hardly wait until arithmetic rears its ugly head - what I've heard from the so-called president is tax cuts, massive increase in military spending, yet he has promised Medicare and Social Security will not be touched. Bring back voodoo economics.....
  2. BlackHogGranolaBrown

    BlackHogGranolaBrown Banned

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I'm a millennial, and feel that my generation is being sold out.

    I happen to support Trump's immigration policies, because for my millennials it isn't favorable to become a White minority.

    But, when it comes to healthcare, I don't support Trump.
    I work part time, and therefor don't get health insurance, not that I chose to work part time, but this is what a lot of employers do today to get out of paying for insurance.
  3. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    He has to promise that Medicare and Social Security won't be touched. We know it's complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*) but the Boomers seem to fall for it on a continuous basis.
  4. Greenbeard

    Greenbeard Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    That promise has already been violated. Trump's health bill would shorten the lifetime of the Medicare Trust Fund.
  5. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Sold out? How so?
    I'm curious to know where are you getting your info from on the new healthcare plans?

    I find it best to go direct to the source for the initial information.
    Here is an hour's worth of info to begin with.

    From the above video I was happy to hear that FINALLY someone is focused upon the root cause of healthcare system gone out of control which is the high costs. Thinking logically, lowering the outrageous costs is the only way to fix the problem and that's what I'm getting is one of the major objectives of this new plan.


    #1 Get rid of the mandate that each person must have health insurance is the first step.
    Economics 101: Lower the demand and prices drop.

    #2 Increase the competition within the healthcare industry nation wide.
    Allow for plans across state lines and also various levels of quality & coverage.
    Economics 101: Competition drives prices down.

    #3 Remove the requirement for employers to pay for healthcare.
    Make employees responsible for paying their own healthcare and
    allow the free market to adjust by raising the salaries of employees to

    For YOU, apart time worker, #3 could mean an increase of $5,000 to $10,000 /year in earnings.
    With that you could choose the best plan that suits your needs

    On #2, I will speak for myself. I DO NOT WANT organ transplants, or much of the most modern technology. If I get that sick, just let me die. And like wise, I do not want to pay for other people's use of the same. I just want old fashioned low cost medical care. Right with Obamacare. there is NO SUCH OPTION! So #2 should also include getting the government out of the business of healthcare when it comes to requirement of who can practice.

    In other words, I choose to go holistic, drug free, and only require hospitalization for something like broken bones or a routine hernia operation, there should be extremely low cost options for that. Due to current government regulations it's not even allowed which is driving prices upward due to lack of competition. So I say get the government out of my business and allow the return of the old fashioned low cost family doctors, or even online diagnosis systems where a person could get self-help with the aid of computers that tap into the latest medical info to provide guidance and even prescribe generic drugs.

    See, by opening the bottom levels of healthcare services it would expand the competition to such a great amount that prices would drop dramatically.

    If you happen to be extremely health conscious and have a relatively safe accident free lifestyle, the chances that you will need any healthcare are minimal and you should be able to use that $5,000 to $10,000 in higher income (mentioned earlier) to choose a low cost plan or no plan at all and use that money for something else besides healthcare. See, before Obamacare, I did exactly that and I saved an estimated $98,000 by having no healthcare plan all and paying CASH for all my healthcare needs over a 20 year period. And that $98k is a conservative estimate based upon only paying $5k per year for a medical plan.

    Makes sense?

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
  6. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Exactly, and for that reason national healthcare would solve a number of problems. It would eliminate the employer incentive to offer part time jobs, it would free the employer of having to deal with medical benefits programs, it would end the fussing over mandates and who is covered for what, it would cover everyone, it would end the pre-existing condition fuss, and contrary to republican weeping over "choice, choice, choice" it would simplify coverage. You need medical care? -You get treatment. Period.

    But I get a chuckle over trump and his "nobody knew healthcare was so complicated!" garbage. It's his admission that in spite of his boasting and raving and false confidence in his position, it was he who was clueless, not healthcare specialists.
    VietVet likes this.
  7. VietVet

    VietVet Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I'll sum up your arguments - Hope for the best.

    This was one of my favorites :
    "Make employees responsible for paying their own healthcare and
    allow the free market to adjust by raising the salaries of employees to

    R I G H T..... and that will happen, WHY?

    another gem:
    "Get rid of the mandate that each person must have health insurance is the first step.
    Economics 101: Lower the demand and prices drop"

    The mandate, a GOP idea, by the way, and central to RomneyCare as well, is needed to make insurance affordable by forcing young, healthy people to buy insurance. Drop the mandate and rates will skyrocket.
  8. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Due to a combination of factors, the employees demands, the free market, and legislation. Right now the employee pays a percentage and the employers pay a percentage. Right? These are known quantities and laws could be created that shifted the employers contribution to the employee instead of the insurance company. The free market & employee demands would have to adjust for people seeking new jobs.

    One of the reasons health insurance cost have skyrocketed is because government forced the employers to pay and the employees never really felt the pain of having to write that check. If we put the burden back on the employee to make that payment, people are going to respond to the outrageous costs by either pulling out all together, seeking alternative low cost care, or cheaper plans. This lower demand will force prices downward, but it will only work if more low cost alternatives become available.

    What I can't believe is how foolish the average healthy American people have become to pay for $10,000 to $25,000 per year for health insurance when they could have banked that money and paid CASH for the few minor medical issues they encountered. That's why I say stop the employer payments and make the employees pay it. Then you will hear the public outcry and protests to the outrageous prices that these doctors and hospitals charge. The concept is to wake up the people, make them more aware of the costs, and encourage them to stop acting as sheep being prepared for shearing.

    If just 30% of the HEALTHY people followed my lead and took the risk to pull out of healthcare system all together, the system would collapse under it's own weight and be forced to rebuild at much more affordable levels.

    It all begins by making the employees responsible for paying their entire costs of healthcare and demanding higher pay to compensate.

  9. VietVet

    VietVet Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2017
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    I think you are sincere in your beliefs and not a GOP hack, so I will respect your opinion - HOWEVER =
    You believing in it does not make it true. For as long as I can remember, health insurance costs have been increasing - true, for a long time employers ate the total cost, but well before ObamaCare employees were forced by employers to contribute and choose a plan. I have read that costs actually increased LESS (overall) under ObamaCare than they were increasing before, but in any case, the rise in insurance costs is NOT caused by the mandate.

    Your second argument - that wages will go up - real wages have basically been static for too many years. Increase in wealth is going to the top - look up for yourself how much of the total wealth is in the hands of a very small % - what will reverse that???? Certainly nothing from the GOP - they always tailor tax plans to favor the top. Unions are basically dead. Unions are what got employer health insurance programs. The only strong union I can think of is the Teachers union, and THEY have fantastic health insurance (at least when I was on the school board).

    Lastly - look at other nations - nowhere is what you describe alive and working.

  10. petef56

    petef56 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2008
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    No, you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Your medical benefits are part of your "wages" in a loose sense. So I'm saying take the employer healthcare payment and give it directly to the employee and allow the employee to use all or part of it for their healthcare. So it's actually not an increase at all. It just moving the money to be under the control of the employee. Judging by what you say below, you should be in favor of this.

    Here we agree. I believe that we have capitalism out for control that needs to be reigned in. Any company that grows too large should be split up into smaller companies. (anti-trust & monopoly laws).

    Unions can also get out of control. In my part of the country, teachers get healthcare for LIFE!!! The live like kings compared to most of the property tax payers that pay their salaries. As a result we have the highest property taxes in the USA with 63% of my annual property tax going towards the schools.

    So strong unions are not the answer and favoring the large corporations is not the answer either. There needs to be way to cap or control any entity from becoming too large and too powerful. I believe it's possible but it has to happen gradually. I believe that's the direction that Trump is taking us.

    In other words, first bring back manufacturing & jobs back to the country, then over time reign them in. If you try to do it all at once, the plan will fail.

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017

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