Hong Kong VS CCP: anti-smuggler actions, HK won a little battle

Discussion in 'Asia' started by dreamin'gal, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. dreamin'gal

    dreamin'gal New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    after the fourth action which spread to 3 locations within a little time frame. (this was a "wild cat" protest) protesters rest yesterday (Sunday)

    yet the cops didn't rest. they placed their men at the locations where had happened protests. as protesters were mostly absence, their nervous only vent to simple passer-by

    and it's a good chance for those cold and ignorance people know clearly how ugly our HK police has become.

    this reporter said he witness the cops caught the wrong person, he was willing to be a witness to prove his innocence, yet the cops ignored him.

    Yesterday in Shatin ‪#‎HK‬, SocREC 社會記錄頻道 reporter was searched by police at a mall. Police asked the reporter if he's covered ‪#‎UmbrellaRevolution‬ & ‪#‎9Wu‬ protests. The police also asked if he hates police & his views on ‪#‎HKIndependence‬. After leaving his personal details (20min later), the reporter was released.


    while we people are suffering, once again the HKSAR takes one step further to a fascist society. remember Nazi banned all the smokers?

    yet, China reduced the amount of free walkers and travel teams to HK, and these few days HK has back to normal, the good old days when free walkers didn't exist.
  2. s002wjh

    s002wjh Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    are you still attach to british empire, you have no idea under british HK were treated as 2nd class citizen etc. UK NEVER treat HK equally, they treat HK as a colony
    this is from taiwan news, start watching from min 14.


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