I Wish I Was In The land Of Cotton- Southern Agrarian vs Northern Industrialization

Discussion in 'History and Culture' started by 1stvermont, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    White folks you can have your automobiles, paved streets and lights. You can have your buses, and street cars, and hot pavement and tall buildings cause I aint got no use for em no way. I tell you what I do want--I want my old cotton bed and the moonlight shining through the willow trees, and the cool grass under my feet while I run around catching lightening bugs. I want to feel the sway of the old wagon, going down the red, dusty road, and listening to the wheels groaning as they roll along. I want to sink my teeth into that old ash cake. White folks, I want to see the boats passing up and down the Alabammy river and hear the slaves singing at their work. I want to see dawn break over the black ridge and the twilight settle over the place spreading an orange hue. I want to walk the paths through the woods and see the rabbits and the birds and the frogs at night. But they took me away from that a long time ago... Maybe someday I'll get to go home. They tell me that when a person crosses over that river, the Lord gives him what he wants. I don told the Lord I don't want nothing much---only my home, white folks. I don't think that's much to ask for. I suppose he'll send me back there. I been waiting a long time for him to call.”
    - Clara Davis Alabama Slave Narratives

    The south is a garden. It has been worn out by the War, Reconstruction, the Period of Desolation, the Depression and the worst ravages of all—Modernity; yet, a worn-out garden, its contours perceived by keen eyes, the fruitfulness of its past stored in memory, can be over time, a time which will last no longer than those of us who initially set our minds to the task, restored, to once again produce, for the time appointed unto it, the fruits which nurture the human spirit and which foreshadow the Garden of which there will be no end. -Dr. Robert M. Peters of Louisiana

    If somebody drives 311 miles an hour (instead of 309) in a one-man car which consumes one gallon for every two miles on an artificial driveway then he or she has furthered the sacred cause of "progress." Even human sacrifices are made to placate the sinister god of progress. Every year about 40,000 people are squashed to death on the American highways with the help of explosive motors. If somebody would start a sect which would immolate every year about 40,000 innocent people to a god named Progressilopochtli or if a medicine were to be sold which annually cures the headache of about 20,000,000 people but kills off forty thousand men, women, and children, the police would definitely step in and the head of the sect or the manufacturer of the medicine would be confined in a prison or a psychopathic ward. Yet with our present state of mind we rather advocate the psychopathic ward for the man who would plead for the abolition of automobiles.” -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    In 1860 many in the north would agree with the southern agrarians as this had been the dominate American view. However more so in the south still, many northerners were fully agrarian and anti-industrial. The northern industrialist view is aimed at a relative few, but influancial, rich, industrialist, politicians and politicians educators from the north, that imposed themselves on the south as well as the north. The southern agrarian view was not against profit but certain philosophies forced on them from the northern industrialist. The south, the land of cotton, with its agrarian ways, was very much at odds with northern industry and conformity of the time. Maintaining Slavery of course played a part in this but was only one aspect. Only 4.8% of white southerners owned slaves. Slavery did allow agrarian life to compete with industrialization and even surpass it financially. Historian Frank Owsley said “Slavery... was part of the agrarian system but only one element and not an essential one...The fundamental and passionate ideal for which the south stood and fell was the ideal of an agrarian society.”

    God could have worked his plan throw builders of ancient Egypt or the scientists of Babylon or merchants and tradesmen, Instead he chose the tribe of Jacob, who traveled with their sheep and cattle. He brought their descendants to farmland and gave them agricultural laws.”
    -Joel Salatin the Glorious Piggness of pigs

    What The Old South Stood for- The American Founders View

    “Ours is an agricultural people, and God grant that we may continue so. We never want to see it otherwise. It is the freest, happiest, most independent , and, with us, the most powerful condition on earth.”
    -Montgomery Daily Confederation 1858

    “For hundreds of years prior to the industrial revolution, families were self-reliant, integrated units of efficient production. This historical model of family-based production is referred to as the family economy. In a properly functioning family economy, every member of the family—father, mother, children, grandparents, and any extended family living under the same roof—plays a role in making the family as self-sufficient as possible. Everyone works for the good of the family. Everyone is needed. This model is naturally suited to farming and homesteading. It was the norm in agrarian America prior to the mid-1800s. Within the family economy, mothers and fathers taught their children the many different skills associated with their way of life. The whole idea was to train children to be productive members of the family as children so they would become productive, self-reliant leaders (and teachers) of their own families one day. The virtues of thrift, hard work, family closeness, and religious faith, were integral elements of these families of yore and produced men and women of great character. The primary objective of the family economy was not to make a lot of money. It was to sustain a way of life. Indeed, most farming was subsistence farming, which means the family produced just about everything they needed, bartered for what they did not have, and did not require a lot of money.”
    -The southern Agrarian

    From the time of the founders to the 1820's both in the north and south, from all political persuasions, agreed that the agrarian way of life was best for man and liberty to be his own ruler and free. Big cities need large scale infrastructure to survive and need large amounts of goods moved from the country into the city survive witch needs massive government. The fact massive cities are not self sufficient and are unnatural, should make us question maintaining them. While a man who was his own boss and self sufficient , was independent, free thinking, self reliant, and a liberty minded people that govern themselves and will not be easily be enslaved by the government. Virginian John Taylor argued “unpressed and predominate agricultural population was the only possible permanent basis for free government” Slavery historian Robert William Fogel in his book “The Rise and Fall of American Slavery” said early americans “Celebrated the countryside, preferring a society of farmers and merchants organized around villages and towns to a society based on manufacturing industries organized around cities” agrarian life propagated “a due sense of Independence, liberty and justice.” The founders saw the European cities as cities “produced vast poor turned into mobs bent on the destruction of liberty” G.K Chesterton in his book Heretics wrote “A big society [cities] is, in the most literal sense, a society for the prevision of christian knowledge.”

    From Jefferson many of the southern populist learned the importance of a rural community of yeoman farmers only these enjoyed sufficient moral virtue to guarantee the consonance of the American republic”
    -Bruce Palmer Man over Money The Southern Populist Critique of American Capitalism University of North Carolina Press

    “The north was viewed by many Southerners as money grubbing and corrupt, a place of rampant industrialism, big banks, mass immigration of foreigners, and disregard for the traditions of America, in favor of blind “progress” while the south was a beautiful paradise of small farms, stout yeoman, and country aristocrats, all hewing to the unaltered ideas of Washington and Jefferson.”
    -Michael Korda the Life and Legend of Robert E Lee Harper Collins NY NY 2014

    Thomas Jefferson in his notes on Virginia said “those who labor the earth are the chosen people of God” another southerner called agriculture “The art of all arts, science of all sciences, and the life of all life.” One Southern newspaper warned its readers to “stay in the country” and “be free to think and act.” There views were “of an old American tradition, one that we find imbeded in American thought almost from the earliest days.” Jefferson believed farmers were independent unlike city dwellers. Urbanization would lead to conformity and dependency. James Rutledge Roesch in his book “From Founding Fathers to Fire eaters” wrote “The southern creed.... that an agrarian life cultivated the virtues necessary for Independence but an urban, industrial life cultivated vices which led to dependence.” and the south thought “Only a government comprised of a free holding yeomanry and gentry [in other words landowners] was responsible enough to rule.” Bruce Palmer in Man over Money wrote “Their rural background and their Jeffersonian-Jacksonian heritage, meant that southern populists invariably considered farmers the most important group in society” Southerners generally disliked the nervous life of cities, they were defenders of the small town farming and plantation community. The south liked their old tradition's and wished to keep to them. The south was following the dominate Jeffersonian Agrarian view that represented conservative, rural, middle class America. Frank Levering in “Welcome the the Country Things you need to know when moving to rural Virginia.” wrote ““For Jefferson....farming was nothing short of a noble calling.”

    Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds. As long, therefore, as they can find employment in this line, I would not convert them into mariners, artisans, or anything else.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1785

    Southern agrarians natural enemies were seen as urbanization and industrialization. This is in part why America lagged behind England a half century in the industrial revolution. South Carolinian James Hammond in 1842 warned ““In cities and factories, the vices of our nature are more fully displayed” and “Agrarian life promotes a generous hospitality, a high and perfect courtesy, a lofty spirit of independence...and all the nobler virtues and heroic traits.” Historian E Merton Culter in his work “the confederate states of America A History of the South” stated of the south ““Agriculture was their favorite and natural pursuit.””

    “Ownership of land beget Independence, Independence begets virtue, and virtue begets republican liberty.”
    -Historian Forest McDonald the intellectual origins of the Constitution.

    By 1830 two separate cultures were emerging in America. The south was about individualism and freedom from interference by the government. The north had a growing central government at the cost of individuality. The south disliked the northern urbanization, industrialization, centralization in politics and society and wished to defend as the authors of I'll Take my Stand wrote “Individualism against trend of baseless conformity in an increasing mechanized and dehumanized society.” They were farmers who loved the soil and land believing industry and “progress” was harmful to the society and to nature. Believing family, religion [where the church was central to the community] , small town community, individualism, and responsibility of raising children right, was more important than material wealth and “progress.” One Virginian Letita M Burwell in “a girls life in Virginia Before the war 1895 who traveled to NYC in 1855 said it was a “World of modern people and modern things...transported from the time of George the third to the largest hotel on Broadway in 1855. All was as strange to us then as we are now to the Chinese.” Instead the south preferred simplicity and diversity witch brings freedom. Before the civil war as historian James McPherson writes in his book battle cry of freedom “ southern agrarians had mounted a counter attack against the gospel of industrialization...The south created a cultural climate unfriendly to industrialization.” In reaction to the drastic changes in the north the south dug in deeper on Jeffersonian agrarianism, they “wanted to turn back the clock largely based on their bible belt mentality.” David Goldfeild in War is good for Business Americas civil war Magazine wrote “The union became a synonym for “modern” and a really counterpart to the south” While the south maintained its % of farmers, the northern percentage of farmers dropped 30% since the founding of the union. One English observer of the time said southerners believed labor should be confined to agriculture wishing to leave the manufactures to Europe and the north. In doing so, unlike the north, the south maintained the American founders Jeffersonian Agrarian society. As professor and pro south historian Clyde Wilson said ““The north changed radically after the founders of the united states, especially in the 1850's.” And Kevin Marrow in his book the civil war wrote of the south ““little dynamic change, weather through immigration, the growth of new cities or new industrial manufacturing, was allowed to come in and stir up the pot.”

    “The South's concept of republicanism had not changed in three-quarters of a century; the North's had. With complete sincerity the South fought to preserve its version of the republic of the Founding Fathers--a government of limited powers that protected the rights of property, including slave property, and whose constituency comprised an independent gentry and yeomanry of the white race undisturbed by large cities, heartless factories, restless free workers, and class conflict."
    -James M. McPherson "Ante-bellum Southern Exceptionalism:

    Even the industry in the south was almost universally started by, and run by, northerners. Recent migrants from the north who went south to start new businesses.

    “The railroads enterprises, the banks, and the corporations are founded and devised by them” [new englanders]
    -Roger Burlingame March of the Iron men a Social History of Union

    Negative Effects of Northern Industrialism on the Agrarian South

    “The Southern Agrarians bemoaned the increasing loss of Southern identity and culture to industrialization. They believed that the traditional agrarian roots of the United States, which dated back to the nation's founding in the 18th century (with many of America's most important founding fathers being farmers), were important to its nature. ….. U.S. that were leading it to become more urban, national/international, and industrial. …. The stance was anti communistic ... and denounced "progress"
    -Conservative Series Agrarian Wiki

    “In this age of materialism we have increasingly removed ourselves from nature. The more we remove ourselves from the land and lock ourselves up in artificial environments of cities and suburbs, the more we lose sight of the divine”
    -James Kennedy and Walter Kennedy The South was Right

  2. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Urbanization and Industrialization's Effects on the Family

    agrarian lifestyle is very constant with and supportive of the biblical model of family. The abandonment of the agriculture family economy during the industrial revolution is partly responsible for much of the breakdown of the christian family and morals”
    -Noah Sanders Born Again Dirt farming to the Glory of God

    “Southern rural, evangelical protestant community to criticize another world they found devolving around them- an impersonal, amoral, urban centered, non southern, industrial society”...frequently and righteously attacked cities. The home of this new society...moral condemnation of city life remained a constant theme. Condition unique to urban areas prevented the development of good citizens ”
    -Bruce Palmer Man over Money The Southern Populist Critique of American Capitalism

    “Have we become better at living? Has modern technology given us a better world to live in than our grandparents? I think not”
    -Various Authors The Lost Ways 2017

    The early woman rights movement were fully christian and started during the second great awakening with the baptist, but this would change with the industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution the biblical view of men and woman as distinct and both benefiting from each other was the norm. Men who could not bear children or rear them were the ones who were involved more outside the home [such as politics] and family activities and providing for the family [farming] as the ones of greater physical strength and mobility as the non childbearing partner. Before the civil war only 5% of woman worked. Families were self sufficient units and producers. Woman were held in high esteem as mothers who raised and taught their children and helped the self sufficient lifestyle. Motherhood was seen as noble and vital to society held in the highest regard and as the of the highest importance.

    " When America has a generation of woman that are politicians instead of mothers, how fundamental must be the destruction of society."
    -R.l Dabney a defense of Virginia and the South 1867

    Moral norms and respect for woman like Chasity, chivalry and marriage protected woman from men who would not support the woman and thus financial security and a father were intact before sex or marriage ensuring the family unit. Men opening doors, pulling out chairs, always allowing woman to go first, while normal back then, are seen as oddity know. Gone were the days where woman we special and coveted and today are increasingly seen as objects. As one English observer to the old south said “woman were worshiped.” Letitia Burwell writing in a Girls life in Virginia Before the war said men had “a deference to ladies witch made us feel that we had been put in the world especially to be wanted upon by them....they seemed to regard her as some rare old costly statue set in a nintch to be adored and never taken down.”

    the Industrial Revolution changed the economic form and moral superstructure of European and American life. Men, women, and children left home and family, authority and unity, to work as individuals, individually paid, in factories built to house not men but machines...children no longer were economic assets; marriage was delayed; premarital continence became more difficult to maintain. The city offered every discouragement to marriage, but it provided every stimulus and facility for sex. Women were “emancipated”-i.e., industrialized; and contraceptives enabled them to separate intercourse from pregnancy. The authority of father and mother lost its economic base through the growing individualism of industry. The rebellious youth was no longer constrained by the surveillance of the village; he could hide his sins in the protective anonymity of the city crowd. The progress of science raised the authority of the test tube over that of the crosier; the mechanization of economic production suggested mechanistic materialistic philosophies; education spread religious doubts; morality lost more and more of its supernatural supports. The old agricultural moral code began to die”
    -The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant

    The industrial revolution changed us all into consumers, rather than producers. Industrialization in the north brought a “revolution of culture.” The industrial revolution caused the break up of the extended family. It brought people away from the small farm community to go live in a city. Instead of the family farm passed from generation to generation. Joel Salatin in his book The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer wrote ““The camaraderie and deep personal friendships created a seamless social fabric within the agrarian community. There was a depth of interaction and interdependence that is increasingly hard to maintain in a techno world.” Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Blair in 1787 wrote ““The pursuits of agriculture [are] the surest road to affluence and best preservative of morals.” Kids starting being educated and influenced by schools/media/government and less by parents to replace the family with government. This brought a industrialist/ feminist movement that know sought to bring woman into the workforce.

    "In light of the industrial revolution age, childbearing, and nurturing is viewed as a great burden."
    -Eric Robert Morse the Economic Theory of sex Industrialism, Feminism, and the Disintegration of the Family New Classic Books 2016

    Pregnancy and nursing children instead of a boost to the family economy, now was seen as a burden. And by some a disease needing medical assistance. This led to the eventual legalization of abortion, contraceptives, and legal divorce. Woman were pushed to pursue a “career” like men and told they were discriminated against as the ones who stayed at home with the kids and they somehow manged to convince a large number that slave wager work was a better life than being at home with the family and they would be free and independent. As Eric Morse in his book the Economic Theory of sex Industrialism, Feminism, and the Disintegration of the Family wrote of the women's rights movment "The goal was to bring woman into the realm of industry." And Joel Salatin in his book The Glorious Pudginess of Pigs says “The kitchen sufficient demonized as a place where losers, where underachieving non career woman served led to the industrial food system.” Woman in the workforce drove down wages of workers and earnings so families know needed two incomes to survive. This forced kids into state run schools and daycare's further diminishing the parental influence. This industrial feminism has often led woman to dependence not freedom. Feminism uses the cohesive power of government to support abortion, contraceptives, day care and dependent on the usually male industrial employer [overseer]. Agrarian J.R.R Tolkien commented on the push for woman to be economically independent in his time said it "really means economic subservience to male commercial employers instead of to the father or a family."

    "Evidently woman cannot become truly independent without first becoming dependent upon all powerful government."
    -Eric Robert Morse the Economic Theory of sex Industrialism, Feminism, and the Disintegration of the Family New Classic Books 2016

    “It [feminism] is mixed up with a muddled idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they help their husbands.”
    ― G.K. Chesterton

    Woman are often left today as a single mother dependent on the state. Industrial feminism has taken the ability to demand marriage and security before sex. Now often left as the sole provider trying to do the job of a man and a woman. While it claims to be for woman, it really is about bringing the woman into the industrial/consumer workforce of men. This itself has reduced feminism on men. G. K Chesterton points out as it use to be “The fact that they [women]alone rule education.... thank God it is nearly always done by women. Every man is womanized merely by being born, they talk of masculine women, but every man is a feminized man.”

    "Feminism... is in no way pro-female or pro feminine....have sought to achieve their equality is by defeminizing woman, by diminishing the natural procreative abilities that make them woman, and in the end make them more like men....its destroying the concept of woman altogether."
    -Eric Robert Morse the Economic Theory of sex Idustrlisim, Feminsim, and the Disintegration of the Family New Classic Books 2016
  3. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Two Views of man


    Confederate State and Federal Money Often Depicted Agrarian Themes

    The family has to be torn down if the Gnostic value of the individual as a unity of homogeneous class is to be established....attempts to reconstruct human nature so that the individual may be pulled from his sustaining community membership and then artificially reassembled”
    -Why the South Will Survive University of Georgia press

    Many viewed industrialization as a spiritual problem Since it accepted materialism, atheism, progressivism, evolutionism and other isms. That dehumanized mankind and made them nothing but an extension of the machine age. Further the new industrialist view was that man was no longer a sinner, he makes mistakes, but is essentially good matured and means well. Man just needs education and his environment modified to correct “wrong behavior” [decided by them]. “Their goal, which they have already reached, has always been the transformation of our image of man.” They also sought to destroyed the moral fiber [biblical morality] that held families and America together. The south believed that man, far from being a god like genius of unlimited power progressing upward, was instead a fallible, finite, creature who functions best in a society that took account of his limitations. In the old south, men were individuals aware of their dependence on god. The responsibility of parenting the child was the family and not some external places such as public schools. The responsibility of man in society was to care for family and neighbors, not “some creature called society” they felt we were not “all in this together” but all individuals and responsible for our selves and our local communities. Further man was an individual, not a group of some mass.

    New York, none seemed to do anything by himself or herself. No one had any individuality, all existed in “clubs” or “societies” they had many “isms” also, of which we had never herd”
    Letitia M Burwell A Girls life in Virginia Before the war 1895

    Modern ochlocracy needs "crowds" and the old hierarchic and personal societies were hammered into shapeless masses by the two great products of "progress" — the megalopolis and the factory. "Progress" is (a) a collectivistic and (b) a purely urban ideal.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    Money Over Man

    When the whole energy of a people is applied to making money, the souls of men become dwarfed.”
    Letitia M Burwell A Girls life in Virginia Before the war 1895 reprint sprinkle publishing Harrisonberg Virginia

    The almighty dollar is everything with them [The north]”
    -The Richmond Dispatch

    Whenever we lose entirely the belief in human accountability to eternal powers, whenever we are possessed utterly by the belief that life ends at the grave, and therefore we must eat, drink, and be be merry. Than indeed, are we doomed. Money will be the god we worship....civilized savages whose only care, purpose, effect, religion, is to get money”
    -Bruce Palmer Man Over Money

    The south disliked materialism and what they called the “worship of progress.” The new industrial America often brought with it materialism and the worship of money on a large scale. Society began to place money above human beings. Humans became servants of money and industry, rather than the other way around. “When money became more valuable than labor, gold more esteemed than human beings, the society began to break down.” Virginian R.L Dabney called Northerners “Modern materialistic infidels.” In why the south will survive the authors wrote “Agrarians attacked secular aspects of industrialization reduction of man and nature to efficiency and material causes in the interest of production.” and Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn in his book The Menace of the Herd gets to the heart of the issue when he writes “Worship of nature or machines are typical for urban middle-class groups, who profess the tendency to substitute these for God.” People were now judged by their accumulated wealth, witch was now seen as money. Money was suppose to be a tool “not an end” itself, wealth had previously little to do with money before the civil war.

    Everything and everyone seemed in a mad whirl- the “march of material progress” they told us. Everybody said that if old-fogy Virginia did not make haste to join this march, she would be left “a wreck behind.”...land of enterprise and money.”
    -Letitia M Burwell A Girls life in Virginia Before the war 1895 reprint sprinkle publishing Harrisonberg Virginia

    Northern Industrialist has attempted to sell happiness in little boxes of materialism”
    -James Kennedy and Walter Kennedy The South was Right Pelican press

    In places like Communist china were humans have little value and instead they value government wealth and production over humans, the evils materialism and atheism are fully realized. In the recent Olympics held in China they shut down the industry and factories for two weeks just to clear the air for people coming in from around the world so they could breath. You have to wear masks in many places in china because the air is toxic. Millions die each year from air pollution around world because of the devalue of man and overvalue of industry. People work to death in factories and are treated as slaves. In china some factories have safety nets to catch employees trying to commit suicide. These results were seen and predicted by the agrarians as the “evils of industrialization” Southerns disliked the advertisements that industry brought who try to convince people to buy things they otherwise would not need or want. Southerns pointed out how industrializing also brought high unemployment. They was also concerned with the materialistic consumer attitude that was growing in society. Southerners hated advertisement that came from industrialization trying to convince people to buy what they otherwise would not need. When people are judged by their “Work” it can drive men mad.

    The American male of the white-collar class does not work himself to death... What he wants is the desired place in the community, the better "background" for his children. Up to the age of forty-five when he gets his nervous breakdown, or to the age of fiftyfive when he dies in the Cancer Hospital, or at 60 when he is found dead over the dictaphone, he hardly gets more than a fortnight a year off from his work to enjoy life and freedom (like his wife or his daughter). There is the type of the young lawyer in downtown New York who works daily till eleven p.m. in order to "make good."
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  4. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Industrial Slave Wager Work

    Wage labor was a from of dependency that seemed to contradict the republican principles on which the country was founded” the core of republicanism, was liberty...Thomas Jefferson had defined the essence of liberty as Independence, which required the ownership of productive property. A man dependent on others for a living could never be truly free, nor could a dependent class constitute the basis of a republican government...wage laboururs were also dependent, that was why Jefferson feared the devilment of industrial capitalism with its need for wage labors”
    -James McPherson Battle cry of freedom

    These are not days in which it is exactly obvious that an agricultural society was more dangerous than an industrial one. And even Southern slavery had this one moral merit, that it was decadent; it has this one historic advantage, that it is dead. The Northern slavery, industrial slavery, or what is called wage slavery, is not decaying but increasing; and the end of it is not yet.”
    -G.K Chesterton What I Saw In America; Chapter 13; 1922

    The south and the founders condemned the “slave wager work” of industrialization and factories. conformity and industrial work would produce a compliant people who would become servants of their boss and in turn, the government. The south was “unwilling to be dehumanized, to be reduced to cogs in a labor process that seemed as inhuman as the machines.” The founders were “concerned as rural conservatives about the dangers to the republic from hordes of propetyless urban workers.” C.S Lewis said of the industrial revolution, it was bad for culture and caused “country farmers who were masters of their own land to become a servant of another in a city with no land.” J.R.R Toliken saw industrial workers as “modern slavery for totalitarianism governments using people as tools for own finical gain” he as southerns felt “men should work with their hands not with machines.” Englishmen Thomas Carlisle noted on differences between northern Industrial worker and southern slave “One half of them prefers hiring their servants for life, and the other by the hour.” And even John Adams said “That in some countries the laboring poor were called freedmen, in others they were called slaves, but that the difference as to the state was imaginary only” Kevin Marrow in the civil war wrote “The north “Transitioned from independent, home based production, to wage based factory labor viewed by many as a form of slavery incompatible with republican democracy itself.”The dehumanization led to folk songs like John Henry. “John Henry is a symbol of physical strength and endurance, of exploited labor, of the dignity of a human being against the degradations of the machine age” Folk song John Henry by Bruce Springsteen


    our work a day world will slowly choke us with its dull standardization...before the industrial revolution people took much pleasure in the accomplishments of their labor. Today's wage slaves, on the other hand, endure their labor while anxiously awaiting the magical quitting time that will allow them to begin their real lives.....industrialization has in effect shortened out lives by eight hours per working day””
    -James Kennedy and Walter Kennedy
    The South was Right

    The progressives and northern industrialist wanted collectivism and complete control of the individual. Industrial work needs, and progressive politicians wanted, a populous that is complacent, complaint, non thinking, conformist, dependent, and collectivist who were willing to give up self and individual liberty for collective needs. Men that work not as self sufficient individuals on a farm, but an equal part in a collective factory work “all in it together” working to the same end product, often same pay socialism/communism for each job. Further they needed men that are not free, but work as a dependent “slave wager work” Fit for urban and industrial work. Supporting a stronger central government and increasing dependent block of enslaved voters. “Their dependence on their employees for a living made clerks, and tradesmen slaves to their masters politics.”

    We live in an industrial economy. Some say we are actually now in a service economy. If so, it is still a part of the industrial paradigm. In such an economy, the typical family is not a producer of goods. It is a collection of individual consumers. This is the way the industrial providers like it to be. They want everyone to be dependent on them. But that is contrary to the historical pattern.”
    -The southern Agrarian

    The game plan of northern industrialist, who were fighting not for black freedom, but for the freedom to exploit and devolve the American market...The only people who could say “free at last” after the civil war were northern industrialist and their allies”
    -Lerone Vennett JR Forced into Glory Abraham Lincolns White Dream

    The united states of America became a very different kind of nation than it had been.... with manufacture and banking as the economic driving forces, with a powerful, dominating central government replacing the looser, locally oriented confederation put into place by the founding fathers.”
    -Dr Charles T Pace Lincoln as he Really was Shotwell Publishing Columbia South Carolina 2018

    The northern industrialist were not against slavery, they were against the southern version of slavery. They wanted not a southern white man to be master, but they wanted the government/industrialist to be the proper master. One writer said of the freed slaves “the negro had merely exchanged his southern master for a Massachusetts shoemaker.” In this form of slavery the new master would be the factory manager. Dependence on wages robbed a man of his independence. With industrial “wage slavery” There was no difference than slave labor. The boss was like the slave owner, he determined hours of toil, pace of work, division of labor, levels of wages, and could hire and fire at will.

    “”as very hirelings as our slaves were slaves, who need just as much the eye of an overseer [boss] and who must be pricked on in their labor, at least as often, by the threat, not of the birch but of the more cruel penalty of discharge...worked by capitalist with organized gangs of hirelings... higherling labor at the north...“bosses” who stood with their formidable bludgeons in their hands, fro morning to night, with just fourfold the persist ency of any Southerners “headman” or “overseer”
    -R.L Dabney a Defense of Virginia and the South

    If they prefer a system of industry in which capital and labor are in perpetual conflict–and chronic starvation keeps down the natural increase of population–and a man is worked out in eight years–and the law ordains that children shall be worked only ten hours a day–and the sabre and bayonet are the instruments of order–be it so.”
    -Address of South Carolina to Slave holding States Convention of South Carolina December 25, 1860

    The workers were in lockstep and turned into machines. This new form of slavery was in fact more profitable for the master since he was no longer responsible for providing food, shelter, and medical support for his slaves. Comparing slavery with industrial factory workers John Haley of Maine stated Our plan is more profitable [non slave factory workers] we take care of no children or sick people, except as paupers, while owners of slaves have to provide for them from birth till death.” And a Virginian Letitia Burwell who visited NYC in 1855 said “Never had we seen white servants before....accustomed to less considerable and more hard work than were our negro servants.” Instead of leisure in our work, we know work 9-5 And became Slaves to the clock. We are than to turn off our “worker side” and turn on our “leisure side.” However man is not a machine and cannot do such a thing. It leaves us unsatisfied with either. Man often becomes enslaved to the very machines meant to free them from toil. Joel Salatin wrote ““The industrial economy....ultimately disenpowers the individual more and more Americans grew up feeling like just a cog in a wheel.” and “The idea of “going to work” is Farley modern. Historically. People lived where they worked.” Letitia M Burwell reminiscing in A Girls life in Virginia Before the war said ““Those [old Virginia] were the days of leisure and pleasure.” and G.K Chesterton in the everlasting man wrote of modern workers ““Wage-slaves of our morbid modern industrialism.” Further we have been reduced to financial slaves by taxation. As southern writer James Kennedy shows in Nullification why and how. The average American four five months of his income goes by direct tax alone [nll taxes and costs to the ruling rich elite [federal government]. Slaves kept more of their income than we of the “free and brave” do.

    That means that you and I must work four to five months for the benefit of the ruling elite—the very essence of involuntary servitude—we are indeed Uncle Sam‟s tax slaves.....If you are wondering why it takes two parents working full time to pay the bills—look no further than your local IRS office!”
    -James Ronald Kennedy NULLIFICATION! Why and How

    The Industrial revolution produced its super rich and multiple the poor while it shrank the middle class. The super rich were seen as a threat by the founders to liberty because they might influence the poor with their wealth [see George Soros]. Dependent poor also attacked liberty as they would seek government to redistribute from the working class to them as dependents. “Equal rights to all- special privileges to none” was a cry from the agrarians. In the agrarian society no-one who worked, would be poor.

    The difference between us is, that our slaves are hired for life and well compensated; there is no starvation, no begging, no want of employment among our people, and not too much employment either. Yours are hired by the day, not cared for, and scantily compensated, which may be proved in the most painful manner, at any hour in any street of your large towns. Why, you meet more beggars in one day, in any single street of the city of New York, than you would meet in a lifetime in the whole South.”
    -“Cotton is King” speech, James Henry Hammond

    The south foresaw the evils that would come from slave wage work.

    They [the north] have a laboring and dependent class, who perform the services of the slaves in the South, but they are voters. With universal suffrage they influence and may control the elections, and through the elections, the government. The evil day, when those who own no property will be the majority at the polls, may be put off for a time. It has been put off in the North, by our vast vacant territory, and the Union with the South, showering upon them an artificial prosperity. But the evil day must come at last, and may not be far distant. Nearly every corner of Europe, acknowledges its existence. And when that day comes, will their free institutions stand the conflict which must arise? Will property be protected from confiscation and appropriation? Will non-property holders live in want and starvation, with the government in their hands, by which they can, by all the forms of law, take the property of the country for their subsistence and relief? No statesmanship can prevent want. When the day arrives at the North, of a super abounding population and want, what will become of their free institutions? They will, indeed, have “an irrepressible conflict” -but it will be between capital and labor. The despotism they are so ready to extend over the South, may be extended over themselves”
    -Report on the confederate committee of foreign affairs 1861

    The industrious man is a truly feminine phenomenon. In male cultures men only work in order to live, but in nations where women domineer, men show ambition, zeal for labor, and they frequently work themselves to death firmly believing that they live in order to work......Haste is not only unmanly, but — as Ortega has demonstrated it — also the very negation of our immortality. The Middle Ages was a period without haste, it was male and timeless.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  5. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Negative Environmental Effects

    the idea that man can control nature, and that nature concerns only matter and energy, has lost belief in the divine order of the universe....materialism with all its accompanying isms is a sorry substitute to in religious terms, we have lost the covenant with god, we perforce to practice “magic.”
    -Why the South Will Survive 12 southern authors University of Georgia press

    With the creator out of the picture and life reduced to so much innate material, Americas landscape was ripe for exploitation rather than husbandry, rape rather than resource stewardship and adulteration rather than revertial awe ….Plants and animals are not just machines. Assaulting creation with a mechanistic, industrial view is not only immoral, but also devastating in terms of environmental degradation”
    -Joel Salatin You can Farm Polyface inc

    The south viewed the industrial, humanistic, materialistic, atheistic, Marxists worldview of northern industrialist towards God's creation as unnatural, and as denying God's stewardship of the earth to man. It put man as now the highest being of the universe. It separated god from his creation, thus man was the ultimate authority. Whatever was good for man regardless of its effects on Gods creation was permissible. Now that creation is viewed as only as evolved matter to be manipulated for the benefits of man. Since man was now seen as absolute, his absolute totalitarian control of nature will ultimately result once god is separated from his creation. Atheistic Man would lose any sense of calling of stewardship from the creator, enabling man to build concentration camp type factories for animals to “produce” from, using deadly chemicals and poisons to maintain this unnatural system, and pollute the country side at will. Evolutionary beliefs about origins told man plants and animals were mechanical, just elements, by chance and not special created, survival of the fittest. James and Walter Kennedy in their great book the south was right wrote ““With its rich tradition of agrarianism, the south has long been warning the world of the dangers inherit in the loss of our relationship with the environment.” In the book why the south will survive the authors wrote of the atheistic Marxist view of nature “ nature itself becomes merely prime matter for the exsersize of ones will. There are no longer any strings attached to nature

    The genuine European peasant never thinks about increasing his wealth; he is deeply rooted in the soil and timeless. Just like the proletarian he works in order to live and not the other way round. He stands nearer to nature than the bourgeois, but he is neither an animist, nor a pantheist, and least of all a deist. None of these philosophies attract him because he is near to nature. He fells trees and knows that they are not animated by any spirits, he moves the corn and is well aware that it is the wind whispering in the stalks and not the souls of the dead. In spite of the fact that his strong imagination is focused on his inner world, he is realistic and dry cut. All natural things are near to him — they are to him undemoniacal and transparent. Birth, death, love, illness, and sex are to him the fundamental facts of life. But the dweller of the cities uprooted from his usual artificial surroundings gets drunk like Rousseau when left alone with the forces of nature, the Urgewalten der Natur, which remind him of eternity and his finiteness.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    Southerners thought industry had taken man out of his natural environment to go live in cities that removed him from the natural world “In place of beauty and truth he had erected a new ideal, progress.” Man was “losing touch with natural world aesthetic and religious reality” in industrial habitation “we receive the illusion of having power over nature and lose the sense of nature as something mysterious and contingent.” When Man we placed in artificial an made environments [cities] he would lose touch with Gods world and it would not only lead to atheism, but physical problems as well, and we are seeing the results today.


    Man use to have respect for gods creation, still getting material necessities, but modern and northern society “wages war on nature.” Some viewed industrialization as machine vs nature. While many southerns “Resisted the dominion of the machine, persisted in its agriculture ways.” Harmony between humans and nature was destroyed. Joel Salatin wrote ““Until just the last two centuries people held a reverential respect for life, for creation, and for the company of nature...the philosophical underpinnings that gave us DDT are know giving us Gmo's.

    When natural scenery is picturesque, there is in the human character something to correspond, impressions made on the retina are really made on the soul. The noble old highlander has mountains in his soul, whose towering peaks points heavenward...it is an interesting fact that those who live in countries were natural scenery inspires the soul, and where the necessities of life bind to a permanent home, are always patriotic and high-minded.”
    -Letitia M Burwell A Girls life in Virginia Before the war 1895 reprint sprinkle publishing Harrisonberg Virginia 2001

    Listen to the murmuring and whispering of the leafy creatures. I know not what they say, but I know they are talking. They have their secrets- tales of old, old world, of the joyous prime of Eden........I tell you they are people...put a pine tree in a yard, and what does look like- how does he feel? He looks out of place and feels embarrassed and mad... you think trees have got no soul, no mind, no heart. That because you have got no soul yourself, plague on you...cant you see how happy the trees are, how they clap their hands and jump up and down and get bright in the face, and actually laugh in the sunshine? If you cant its because the panes in the windows of your soul need washing. You think because trees cant walk they are an inferior being. Well, now, if you think a bit, ain't you, too, stuck to this earth? Why dont you step over to the next star, and find out something that a tree don't know. Men have a small opinion of trees because their hearts are set on money, stocks, fame, glory, and such trash.”
    -George Bagby the old Virginia gentleman 1910

    With the modern mass production food we eat. Instead of eating healthy original created food, it is mass produced, genetically modified [GMO- God Move Over] and covered with chemicals. Almost all common illnesses, disease and 70% of cancers can be prevented by the foods we eat. These nutritional deficient foods are the byproduct of the industrial revolution and the change from local small town agrarian life, to conformity, urbanization and mass production. When people around the world switched from their natural farm/nature food to mass production/processed foods, the same problems with health followed. Not to mention the many negative effects these chemicals have done to the creation. Thomas Jefferson warned "If the people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

    William Summer founded the renowned Pomaria Nursery, which thrived from the 1840s to the 1870s in central South Carolina South Carolina nurserymen and botanists William and Adam Summer contributes much to the larger, long-view story of Southern agrarianism. They wrote about land conservation long before there was a United States Department of Agriculture to deem it worthy of the farmer’s attention. Their published essays argued in favor of right moral treatment of both land and livestock. The brothers argued for balance, an approach to land use that did not take from nature without putting something back in. This was sustainable agriculture at its finest. Unlike many of their contemporaries who planted cash crops on the same acreages each year, depleting soil quality in turn, the Summer brothers, like Jefferson decades earlier, preferred to see land through the lens of good stewardship, as the key to an independent, republican society based on small and local sources of production A reading of the Summers’ essays helps us rediscover the roots of the South’s agrarian philosophy. Contrary to the New England transcendentalism of Emerson and Thoreau, the Summers exemplified a view of nature as the Creation, of man as the created, a creature of limitations. Nature, rather than being separate from the human experience, is an essential part of it. Man derives his sustenance from land well tended and nurtured, and thus the land becomes an extension of himself. It is land that provides a sense of place and belonging. In many ways, Adam and William Summer continued to see nature similar to how historian Andrea Wulf described Washington and Jefferson, that is, as gentlemen who saw the American natural world as the greatest symbol of individual liberty and republicanism. Stewardship is a central theme of the Summers’ writings. In his introduction, Kibler highlights an 1854 essay from Adam Summer entitled “We Cultivate Too Much Land.” Summer began the essay thus, “When man was first commanded to go and dress the earth, it was a mandate which did not imply waste, and desecration, and heedless greediness in monopolizing thousands of broad acres, but he was ordered to cultivate, beautify and preserve that which, after it was finished, was pronounced by the Creator—good.” (116) The essay is a plea for agricultural diversity, localization of the economy, and better forms of land use. One might say that Summer exemplified an important, yet often forgotten, Southern agrarian land ethic.”
    -About Alan Harrelson Taking roo”t

    The villager meets nature intimately in the settlement; nature with all her laws and seasons determines the life, rhythm, and breathing of the village. The villager-peasant is a child of the stars, the winds, the clouds, the earth, the rivers. All these are for him concrete and important realities. Yet the essence of the city is pneumatic ghostliness. The factual and pragmatic occupations gradually vanished in the cities; factories replaced shoemakers, carpenters, tailors, blacksmiths, locksmiths, dyers, and painters. The artisan who could concentrate all his personal taste and talent into a door lock or a pointed shoe had to make room for a mechanically creating industrial proletarian, who day after day at certain intervals presses a certain handle or places consecutively five thousand screws on a running board in deadly monotony. The proletarianized factory worker is a comparatively new appearance (or rather: reappearance) in the picture of the city. In the superindustrialized modern world he is, in spite of his concrete work, no longer a realist — as, for instance, a mechanic in a repair shop — but a daydreamer, a sentimentalist, with nerves often weakened by the torture of monotonous routine, and therefore he "explodes" from time to time under external influences. He no longer masters his tools — the machines — but is mastered by them.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    Continued post 7
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    there are benefits to modern life for sure, but there was also benefits to the simple life

    course no one is referring to being a slave as the simple life

    owning a family farm, being able to support yourself and your family well is the life most think of

    corporate farming is destroying the small farmer
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
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  7. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Negative Political Change That Resulted From Industrial Revolution

    Authentic country life with its rugged spirit of Independence...its traditions, its distrust of modernity, and its self sufficiency, has compete disappeared, and with it, the most robust opposition to all state centralization.”
    -Christophe Buffin de Chosal the end of Democracy Tomblar House 2017

    "I think our governments will remain virtuous for many centuries; as long as they are chiefly agricultural; and this will be as long as there shall be vacant lands in any part of America. When they get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, they will become corrupt as in Europe."
    -Thomas Jefferson

    The complicated technological structure of the modern city demands an endless number of laws, regulations, restrictions, and controls which often cut deeply into the private life of the individual. Policemen have to regulate the traffic; the health service has to supervise factories, bakeries, and the welfare institutions. All these registration and immatriculation offices, the complicated machinery of finance which finds its practical expression in the savings banks, trust companies, and exchanges, the tax departments and tax collections, the fire regulations, broadcast regulations, driving regulations with their "dont's," the police with all their branches and ramifications, the whole army of detectives, morality squads, chartered accountants, vehicle testers, building, and elevator inspectors — they all constitute a pagoda of slavery, of control, of supervision, and regimentation.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    To the old time southerner, Politically the industrial revolution brought about many negatives. Thomas Jefferson wrote “"I view the great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man." “ and Professor Clyde Wilson in his essays from union to empire wrote ““The industrial revolution...worked to undermine the viability of the republican community.” The idea of progress, that man no longer needed god and could do for himself. Caused many such as in France, to look to the new savior humanism/man and government. Being the first time there was large numbers of atheist and France almost completely converted. The south viewed the differences as antique conservatism vs american progressiveism. The book I'll take my stand was almost titled “Tracts against communism.” They believed agriculture was the best check against socialism that will follow in excessive industrial nations. What they called Sovistism ,communism, socialism were the final stages of industrialization. Urban populations were ideal for progressivism. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote “Every central government worships uniformity.” This is what the industrial revolution brought.

    Urban populations without any real religion or culture, like much of the U.S today, cling to government as the source of identity and the meaning of their exsitance
    -Clyde Wilson Nullification Reclaiming the Consent of the Governed

    It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties”
    -Confederate General Patrick Cleburne Dec 1863

    They felt the progressive, communist, socialist industrialist was transforming the Union, and the south. They said industrial and big business were the inventors of “centralization of government in america” and “ the true soviets or communist are the industrialist themselves they would have government set up an economic super organization which than would become the government.” They felt the south was becoming more like Russia economically “we therefore look at communism with menace indeed.” Leaders in the north were beginning to deny America was a confederation of states, they began to talk of it as a national regime, with central powers of course in the north. In why the south will survive the authors connect atheist Because of the loss of the covenant with god....they all accept that the trouble is only a matter of managing the machine of state, we have forgot...that we are made in the image of god.”

    In order to crush all opposing forces and to facilitate the perfecting of the totalitarian machinery, it became necessary to step up the process of centralization. This alone is able to foster uniformity and egalitarianism, and to ensure swift execution of governmental orders. Yet centralism is opposed to the whole Christian tradition, with its libertarian and personalistic outlook.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn Liberty or Equality the Challenge of our Time Caxton Printers LTD Galdwell Idaho 1952

    The central issue in the civil war, to which all other questions including slavery and centralization were subordinate, was the movement of American society into modernization. Modernization among other things, implies economic, political, and cultural centralization and nationalism. To modernization the south provided a formidable obstacle”
    -Clyde Wilson From Union to Empire

    During the civil war with a large expansion of the federal government, political bureaucracy with a life of its own would becomes a major player in American politics. This was almost unknown in America agrarian dominated days. The new urbanized mass society in which operated by bureaucrats, corporations, or governmental, became as cancers on the body politics.

    Bureaucrats hate the quintessential American culture of family farms. The independence-centered, ‘pull yourself up by your boot straps’ emphasis on responsibility goes against everything they believe in. Simply put, people who think for themselves and work hard don’t live off the government . . . Farming is the essence of our loyalty to our families and our God.
    -Josiah Cantrall

    But maybe above all, the south felt it was losing its individualism. When rail, road, media, and other ways were used to connect distant lands, people became more alike and society began to change. Diversity was being lost and all were conforming to one set standard of life and thought. People stopped thinking for themselves and were told what to think, by fewer and fewer conformed outlets. Joel Salatin in his book you can farm wrote “The industrial mindset destroys diversity and pushes everything towards standardization.” and “As a nation, we have not got any better on the slavery issue. Patrick Henry would have called what we have know slavery.”

    Thus, After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. I have always thought that servitude of the regular, quiet, and gentle kind which I have just described might be combined more easily than is commonly believed with some of the outward forms of freedom, and that it might even establish itself under the wing of the sovereignty of the people.” -De Tocqueville Democracy in America Volume II, Book 4, Chapter 6
  8. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    The Origins Of Progressiveism In America And The Origins Of The Public Education System In America

    We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”
    -C.S Lewis

    A general state education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another, and the mould in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in government.”
    -John Stuart Mill, 19th Century English Economist, Author of On Liberty, Principles of Political Economy

    "Schools....became a daytime storehouse for children while parents worked and education has been largely neglected in favor of socialization and indoctrination."
    -Eric Robert Morse the Economic Theory of sex Idustrlisim, Feminsim, and the Disintegration of the Family New Classic Books 2016

    The origins of progressivism in America started around 1820. Al Benson Jr and Walter Kennedy in their book Lincolns Marxist qrote ““The public school movement, or statist education, did not exists until the 1830's”” The goal being to transform America into a socialist, communist utopia accomplished mainly through the education system. Socialist like Robert Owen in the 1820's formed Americas first communist secular colony in Indiana. To get rid of all religion he believed was the cause of all evil, to “educate without religion.” Education had previously been done by local church or home school.

    The very idea lying at the basis of compulsory education has, naturally, to be found in the notion that the children belong to the state or to " society" rather than to their parents.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn Liberty or Equality the Challenge of our Time Caxton Printers LTD Galdwell Idaho 1952

    The first Public school in America was in Boston in 1822, because they knew a public education system [for all] would be the best way for a government to control and change public opinion. Speaking of the first public school James carter a Harvard education “reformer” 1795–1849 said “A state controlled teachers collage [ government approved teachers] can be a engine to sway the public sentiment, morals and the public religion more powerful than any in the possession of the government” and R.L Rushdooney in the Nature of the American System “The conversion of american education into a instrument of statism was the most important step into socialism that a society can take” In government controlled schools, the teachers would be trained to do government bidding. Public school would became training ground for the industrial revolution that, like big government with voters, needed “Obedient factory workers.” The department of agriculture worked with public schools so

    Future generations must be made into pragmatic American materialists suitable for labor and production...Education turned from creating good men and woman to creating obedient tools”
    -Clyde Wilson professor of History University of South Carolina ”

    Later the education system would be influence by Karl Marx communist manifesto in 1848 that would further change America education. Marx is said to have written "My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” and "Communism begins were atheism begins” We know that violent measures against religion are nonsense, but this is an opinion, as socialism grows, religion will disappear. Its disappearance must be done by social development in witch education must play a part.”

    Tenth Plank: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
    -Communist Manifesto

    I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”
    -John D. Rockefeller (2015). “John D. Rockefeller on Making Money: Advice and Words of Wisdom on Building and Sharing Wealth”, p.7, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

    Part of Marx's goals were to destroy the family, free education for all, [Public government education only] and to destroy home school as a option. Later G Stanley Hall applied Darwinian evolution to public schools. Training kids as evolved animals with age segregation, grade based training, unlike the early american one room school house. Further changed were made by those like John Dewey. The ultimate goal was to replace God with government. It was warned against by the founders of America that government was limited and should not control education, as James Madison warned a unchecked federal government would do, yet assuring that our government was not of this kind, but tied down by the constitution.

    “If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the “general welfare,” and are the sole and supreme judges of the “general welfare,” [then Congress might] take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every state, county, and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision for the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than [the] post-roads; in short, everything from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police would be thrown under the power of [the federal] Congress.”

    The federal government has increased its control over the American education system...it is simply not in the federal governments self interest to teach the public that it is advantageous to place limits on the governments powers...Government always uses public education to aggrandize itself”
    -Thomas J Dilorenzo Lincoln Unmasked

    With government and industrialist in control of education. Of course they will seek their own. This is why the education system has been the foremost power in indoctrination of America youth into becoming children of the state. To create generations of children literally “Brain washed into being loyal to authority” that new authority of course is socialist government. Creating complacent, complaint, non thinking, conformist, dependent, collectivist willing to give up self and individual liberty for collective needs. Industry and government education are so connected, that Abbot Lawrence advised a friend in Virginia who wanted to emulate new england industry “you cannot exspect to develop your resources without a general [public] system of education.”

    public school which fostered the herd instinct. To be different was treason and indecency. The religious principles of old were replaced by taboos. The return to primitive society had begun.
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943

    American children have been taught to celebrate this betrayal of the founding fathers..The vast bulk of Americans proceed through twelve years of government funded education [by an interesting coincidence] teaches them all about the wonders of federal government, how lost they'd be without it, and how foolish it would be to worry that the constitution might not authorize most of what it does. Portrayed as a benevolent force innocently pursuing the common good....cost less benefits granted by selfless crusaders for justice...The modern state trains its citizens to think otherwise. When another institution attempts to resists the encroachments of the central government of a modern state, it is guilty of treason. What was once a virtue now becomes the gravest possible crime”
    -Tomas Woods Nullification How to Resist federal tyranny in the 21st Century
  9. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I Pledge Alliance to...big Government?

    There is little doubt that compulsory education was an exstermely important step towards the totalitarian state.”
    Erik Von Kuehnet- Leddihn Liberty and equality quoted in the end of democracy

    As Dilorenzo shows the pledge of alliance has socialist roots. Being written in 1892 by a radical christian socialist Reverend Francis Bellamy of Boston [who was removed from the pulpit for his view that Jesus was a socialist.] Bellamy said a purpose of the pledge was to achieve his cousin Edward Bellamy totalitarian fantasy in America. “The true reason” was to indoctrinate children into the idea of America as a “perpetual” “one nation indivisible” consolidated, omnipotent state. It was an attempt to rid America of any lasting ideas of state sovereignty, to help rid Americans of alliance to states, and instead to the central government. To make citizens love their government through indoctrination and blind faith to the state “patriotism.” Originally this pledge was recited with “their arms outstretched, palms up, similar to how roman citizens were required to hail Cesar” This custom was dropped in the 1940's when it was found to be to similar to the Nazi salute to Hitler and of Italian fascists.

    Think of how many young men have gone to war for the government and died in combat, out of a false sense of patriotism to the federal government. I am as patriotic as any, but not to the government, but to the founders, the land, the people and principles that this nation was founded on the opposite of blind faith to central authority.

    Opposition From Southerners Warning's From Dabney to Christians

    [​IMG] CSA National Seal George Washington on horseback, surrounded by the principle crops of The South – tobacco, cotton, rice, sugar cane, corn, and wheat

    It is not true that the civil authority is entitled to shape a people to suit itself. The opposite is true, the people should shape civil authority”
    -R.L Dabney on Secular Education

    Public school influenced by government being alien to American history and constitutional powers first coming on stage in 1822 of course had opposition. Opposition would continue for another 120 years north and south. Those who opposed the progressive takeover of education in America such as influential theologian Virginian R.L Dabney [On the staff of stonewall Jackson] in his book “On secular education.” He asked who controls education? though American history and colonial times it has been first the parents and the church. The state had not the constitutional right. He said liberals of the mid to late 1800's insists the state should control education and take control from the parents and the church. Not surprised he said “Does not the liberal pervert that other education agency, the press?” He warned “ If the state were to take control and educate citizens, the government would embrace the wildest communism” and set people against Christianity and accept “absurdities of materialism.” He felt it was Totalitarianism to make education universally done by the state. He said the “State is giving under the guise of non christian education , an anti-christian training.” He warned christian parents that to educate without god and try to fill one hour a week on Sundays will make students see god as a oddity. He warned of a society that would educate without the bible “To educate the mind of a bad man without correcting his morals is to put a sword into the hands of a maniac.” He quoted John Lock as saying “All the education in the world will do nothing but make the student worse or more dangerous.” This is the opposite thought of modern education philosophy, that does not believe in original sin, but that man must just be educated correctly and “correct” behavior will follow. Dabney said the way in witch government education would be set up was “mechanical”[Industry]. He argued, public education would begin to teach its students not truth, but the values and virtues which were palatable to society at large [Political correctness] how to conform all of society to best get along and be complaint with the government needs at this time a unthinking, compliant , industrial worker populous.

    Dabney also predicted the results of our modern education system in many ways more than just the above. Dabney could see the logical conclusion of the North's aggressive stance against the South and its advancement of government education upon the populace over 160 years ago. He said it would be used as a tool against Christ. He predicted they would become thoroughly secular and antithetical to Christianity. Dabney said “We have seen that their complete secularization is logically inevitable.” “Christians must prepare themselves then, for the following results: All prayers, catechisms, and Bibles will ultimately be driven out of the schools.”

    He said “If education becomes controlled by the state it will be perverted to serve an ideological faction [ liberalism] filling their minds with error and passion [ look at today children who are trained to think and react on emotion and truth is relative] in place of truth and right.” He predicted history would be “mutilated and falsified” that “It would leave young students totally ignorant of his own ancestry” [ Because it would leave Christianity out of its teachings including history see american heritage series by David Barton at wallbuilders.com]. He predicted Huxley will become educations prophet not moses on origins. He predicted censorship on what is allowed to be taught stricter than Rome [Catholicism]. Predicted baseless morality and moral decay to follow just what we have today, no moral foundation taught, so loss of morality. Government School he said, would become one sided on what it teaches. He also Predicted schools will become corrupt in morals and wasteful of money with Christianity kicked out . He predicted fewer believers and lower numbers going to church as result, and as said above truth will not matter over conformity and political correctness.

    How the South was Changed by Northern Industrialist Educators and Progressives

    Our enemy has indeed the consolation of Satan on removing our first parents from paradise from a peaceful and agricultural nation he makes us a military and manufacturing one.”
    -Thomas Jefferson

    In the minds of New england elites, the reprobate south had to be Americanized along the new england model. This “Americanization” of the south would remedy the agrarian backwardness that was proving so problematic for northern economic interests.”
    -Marshall Derosa Redeeming American Democracy Lessons From the Confederate Constitution Pelican Press 2007

    There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, Gallantry took its last bow. Here was the last ever to be seen of Knights and their Ladies Fair, of Master and of Slave. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilization gone with the wind.”
    -Prologue Gone With The Wind

    Joel Salatin wrote ““Since the civil war farmers as a class have been marginalized” Northern industrialist started buying politicians to vote against southern agriculture as many industrialist wanted to “Uproot” the economical system of the south. “The whole fabric of southern society must be changed.” Northerners forced out southern newspapers and installed northern ones to help sway the public opinion. The anti slavery political party that had been small and driven by Christianity, now became anti slavery based on “The pocketbook” and a powerful political force able to control national agenda. So war happened. After the war, the north imposed its ways as best it could on the south. They did this in a few ways media and public school conforming thought to curriculum based on northern industrial philosophy. The USDA was created by Lincoln and industrialized agriculture know under government/industrialist control, witch has led to a tyrannical system see the documentary Farmagdddon


    Washington controlled curriculum. To insure a uniformity nationalized”
    -John Codes Destroying the republic Jabez Curry and the Reeducation of the old South

    The government education system set up after civil war was to change the southern culture. As a teacher at a convention in Harrisburg PA 1865 called the civil war “A war of education and parasitism against ignorance and barbarism [the south].” Education being largely homeschooling or done by church was now public school by government standards, simplified and standardized for all for industrial work. The education system was run like a factory and people are the product for future factory work. At that time northern industrialist thought their wanted socialism was possible, but must first “Remake” the human nature through education. That would result in “Overwhelming social, economic, political change, so that the contrast between earlier ways [Old south confederacy] and later were dramatically visible.”

    When our youth learn to read similar books, similar lessons, we shall become one people, possessing one organic nationality”
    -Northern senator J.P Wickersmah 1865

    In 1861 congress passed the Morrill act to use federal money for education with the purpose of reeducating the conquered areas of the south, it was based on northern ideas and principles and to teach “Respect for national authority.” “The forces of centralized federalism had at last seized control of congress.”

    The role of the national government is to mold the character of the American people”
    -Northern senator Justin Morrill behind the first public school education bill

    “we will compel the states to do what they will not do” and to “form one homogeneous American people....after New England”
    -George Hoar Massachusetts 1870 Bill to support National education

    “The South is to be destroyed and replaced by new propositions and new ideas.”
    -Abraham Lincoln 1862 Quoted in Kirkpatrick Sale Emancipation Hell: The Tragedy Wrought By the Emancipation Proclamation 150 Years Ago

    They even moved some southern agrarians to the north to transform them.

    The transition through living in the midst of the industries of the north, was very great”
    -General John Eaton a Creator of the Freedmens Bureaue

    The same thing was done on native americans by the northern industrialist. “Native Americans were viewed as barbarians because of their non materialistic values” The federal government sought to overturn their power and than remake the remaining natives into red copies of new englanders.” In a northerner's words to “Change the disposition of the Indian to one more mercenary and ambitious to obtain riches, and teach him to value position consequent upon the possession of riches” Of course as in I'll take my stand, southerners were concerned and saw results by the 1920's of what they said was young southerners going to northern lifestyle/industry/conformity through what they called “Propaganda to southern children from public schools, universities, the press and all agents of institutionalization.” as Professor Clyde Wilson wrote “The influence of industrialist and bankers...was now permanent.

    a new and non-Christian world where the stock exchange, the gun factory, and the technological institute counted more than singing, painting, praying, and daydreaming.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943
  10. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    This Worldview Is In America Today

    The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”
    - H.L Mencken

    In modern times. The USA government/education system still views mankind as one fits all producers in a assemble line They see what they can get out of them, to produce for the benefit of the country or political wants. Our education system is still controlled by the progressives,socialist,conformist type, who still run education on the old industrial system. Our current education system is still based on the outdated 1860's industrial system, to create a compliant worker class for industry, used by the same progressives and northern industrialist as after the civil war. It is still used to create young dependents on the state [See the documentaries - Common Core Building the machine /Indoctrination public schools and the decline of Christianity in America / Indoctrinate U / Agenda/ America were would the world be without her/ The wallbuilders American heritage series and building on the American heritage series by David Barton /You tube videos RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms/ and Education Is a System of Indoctrination of the Young - Noam Chomsky/ ].

    The only people who could say “free at last” after the civil war were northern industrialist and their allies”
    -Lerone Vennett JR Forced into Glory Abraham Lincolns White Dream

    Created a population able to read the newspapers but not wise enough to see through them...education had nothing to do with learning and everything to do with control of the population by their betters”
    -Clyde Wilson University of South Carolina professor of History

    Agrarianism is Still Alive

    If a community...is groaning under industrialism, and well aware that it is an evil disposition. It must find the way to throw it off”
    -Ill Take my stand

    Southerness provides a substrate beneath the overlay of functional and utilitarian relationships imposed by a modern industrial economy. Its evidence can't be kept down, it continues to crop up here, there, and everywhere, like grass through concrete”
    -Why the South will Survive

    The southern agrarian
    Southern Agrarian Society
    The deliberate Agrarian
    Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
    Also see Joel Salatin Polyface Farm
  11. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    To all these horrors of technicism one must add the scourge of monotony and the tyranny of time. Cities like London, New York, Berlin, Paris, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Detroit, or Glasgow are high spots of slavery in comparison to Albania, Bulgaria, or even Central Africa. The slavery of the watch and clock, the bourgeois, anthropocentric slavery of material prestige and successful competition (to slave in order to keep up standards), the wage slavery of the proletarian, the school slavery of the children, the conscription slavery of the adolescents, the road slavery, the factory slavery, the barrack slavery, the party slavery, the office slavery, the parlor slavery of manners and conventions — all these slaveries make political "freedom" appear a bitter joke.”
    -Erik von Kuehnelt- Leddihn The Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large Bruce Publishing Company Milwaukee 1943
  12. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    In traditional, postindustrial production, tools are made to compliment the human hand and arm. Extensions of human faculties, they are made in measure of man who is in no way diminished by their use,...subordination to human facilities.....the artisan determines the rhythm and pace of the production processes, which, like the tools, are made to the measure of man. The mechanization of industrial processes... it means that machines and no longer man determines both the order of production and its final results...in a mechanized world, man becomes the servant of the machine.... in traditional labor we encounter true joy in work...the mechanization of labor is not only a degradation of man, it is a tragedy, ”
    -Tage Lindbom the Myth of Democracy Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Inc Grand Rapids/Cambridge 1996
  13. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Large scale industrialism and commercialism mark a total change of orientation in human social life. The world of freedom...is gravely threatened by these...the vertical element in the traditional social order was thoroughly eroded and then replaced by the industrial system.”
    -Tage Lindbom the Myth of Democracy Wm B Eerrdmans Publishin co Grand Rapids/Cambridge 1996
  14. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    It's often assumed that the North was only those Northeastern coastal states, but that's not completely true.

    There was also additional population and agriculture further West.
    Abraham Lincoln himself came from central Illinois.

    You can see it on this map: Wealth Distribution map of U.S. in 1870

    We can see on the map that there was already a lot of agriculture that had moved into Ohio and Illinois, and already by this time there was a fair amount of agriculture beginning in Missouri and Iowa. These Northern areas were also substantially wealthier per capita than most of the areas of the South. There are numerous possible reasons for this, including lack of air conditioning in the more hot humid South, limiting productivity, and the existence of slavery reducing per capita wealth. Despite the fact that the South had much more agriculturally fertile productive area.

    The issue was, a lot of the agriculture in the South were cash crops (cotton and tobacco) which didn't do much good once those exports were cut off to the North and Europe.

    If you look on that map, besides the area of Charleston (South Carolina) the major economic areas of the South were along the Mississippi River. The North would have never been able to wage a campaign that far West on the Mississippi River if it were not for all their Western territories.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  15. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    The South actually existed much further North than many people realize, but Maryland and Kentucky ended up siding with the Union. Even today, Kentucky really has a much more Southern culture than Midwest or Northern.
    Kentucky initially declared its neutrality at the outset of the war, but was forced to side with the Union after being attacked by the Confederacy)
    Maryland had a mixed economy, with elements of both North and South, and would have preferred not to join the war on either side, but found themselves compelled to join the North by pragmatics and circumstance, since they had more to lose if they had fought the North. The North could have easily cut off both their trade and agricultural exports, and they had a long border with Pennsylvania that would have been too difficult to defend.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
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  16. 1stvermont

    1stvermont Active Member

    Aug 18, 2017
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    I dont disagree and that is why in my op i said

    ""In 1860 many in the north would agree with the southern agrarians as this had been the dominate American view. However more so in the south still, many northerners were fully agrarian and anti-industrial. The northern industrialist view is aimed at a relative few, but influancial, rich, industrialist, politicians and politicians educators from the north, that imposed themselves on the south as well as the north."

    1870 is not a good judge at all. We need an 1860 map. Allot changed during the war and reconstruction. Much of that western agriculture was actually the begging of industrialized USDA farming [started by Lincoln]. The south lost its economy during the war and reconstruction while the north became rich. This happened rapidly. Our entire economy, culture and politics changed during the civil war and reconstruction.


    So in 1850 the south is the money maker. It was war and later corruption and massive theft that took the south out. I will be doing a thread eventually on reconstruction.
  17. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Save your Dixie cups, the South will rise again.
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  18. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Both were agrarian. It was mostly about slavery, not agrarian vs industrial. The North produced more food crops than the South while the South produced more textile crops than the North. The South pushed for slavery even if in its industrial areas and the North was getting rid of slavery (or had already gotten rid of it) even in their agrarian areas.
    Bezukhov likes this.
  19. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Follow the money.

    What baby economies do is protect their baby industries. Usually with tariffs. Britain responded with tariffs on us, but they mostly hit the South.

    The rise of industry brought with it a rise in wealth and population in the North. The South had enjoyed a dominant role in the early years (which was no accident). But then they saw not only their relative power slipping, the resulting tariffs hurt them where they lived.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
  20. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    if the Confederacy rises again, it will lose again
  21. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    But at the time that the South seceded, our tariffs were among the lowest in our nation's history . . . and they had been designed by the South.
  22. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    One wonders, however, exactly how important exports were for the Southern economy to succeed.
  23. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Cotton exports were important, but they also weren't at very much risk. Cotton was in high demand in Europe, and the American south had the market cornered. English cotton importers did, reluctantly, eventually, to their own financial detriment, eventually end up cutting ties with the South . . . but SOLELY due to their opposition slavery. I'll look it up, but there's actually a statue commemorating this in England.

    As for "following the money," domestic slave trade was the single largest economic interest that the South had, and they expressly said so in their declarations of causes for secession.
  24. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    This might be kind of off-topic, but if anyone was wondering what effect the end of slavery had on cotton prices...

    interestingly the price of cotton was the same in 1876 as it was in 1860

    price of cotton before the start of the Civil War in 1860 was 10 cents a pound.

    price of cotton in 1876 was 9.7 cents per pound.

    This suggests that the burden of higher production costs from not having slaves may have fell entirely on the producers, and not on the consumer.

    There was competition of cotton imports from Egypt that started up, and was able to gain a foothold due to the US Civil War temporarily cutting back the world commodity supply of cotton, but that did not start until several years after 1876.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2020

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