Is free energy possible?

Discussion in 'Science' started by Scott, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  2. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    TESLA Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point Physics, Suppressed Technology - YouTube

    Fyi, '' will, with one keyboard stroke, will summarize any video, matching timestamps for you. It does issue a caveat bout accuracy, but I've found it accurate on the whole.

    So, here ya go. Post 1 of 2.

    • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the idea of free energy and zero-point energy, which is the potential energy that exists in the vacuum of empty space. This energy can be utilized for various technologies, including battery storage, power production, and more. The speaker highlights the significance of harnessing this energy, as it has the potential to solve the energy crisis we're currently facing due to the rapid burning of fossil fuels. he also highlights the potential negative impacts of continued reliance on such resources on the environment and human health. In addition, he talks about the scientific community pushing towards a monumental scientific revolution by challenging the outdated classical worldview to usher in new and innovative technologies.
    • 00:05:00 Tesla, a great inventor renowned for his contributions to electricity and energy technology, envisioned a world powered without the use of fossil fuels. He aimed to transmit electric power wirelessly, but ran into financial difficulties due to conflicting interests from industrialists who wanted to control the supply and delivery of energy. Tesla's beliefs and ideas about technology and harmony with nature clashed with the prevailing American attitude at the time, leading to his denunciation as a crackpot and eventual omission from history. Despite this, Tesla's team continued their research, leveraging his ideas to develop the Foundation for Free Energy, which sought to uncover the full extent of Maxwell's equations and establish the existence of a substance finer than air in the vacuum, commonly known today as zero-point energy.
    • 00:10:00 In this section, the excerpt discusses the concept of matter interacting with a zero-point field, which is believed to be an all-pervading electromagnetic field that interacts with everything. The energy from this field, known as zero-point energy, has the potential to be seen as a source of free energy. The section highlights how theoretical physics and experiments have proven the existence of this energy field, which challenges the old notion that empty space has no physical qualities.
    • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the work of a scientist named Dennis Moray, who developed a device known as a "radiant energy device" that could generate 50 kilowatts of electricity. Moray's device was ahead of its time, and he also made significant contributions to the development of semiconductors and transistors. Tragically, Moray and his family suffered from threats, persecution, and a ransacked laboratory for refusing to sell the technology to powerful interests. The video also talks about the work of Victor Schauberger, including his "implosion generator" and his ideas about how natural systems can reverse the effects of entropy. It reflects on the contributions of Walter Russell, including his revised periodical table and cosmological theories, and looks at the potential benefits of devices like the Wim Hearst electrostatic generator and the Swiss ML converter. Despite their promise, these devices are often kept under wraps due to concerns about the responsibility that comes with unlimited energy.
    • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the history of free energy research and the pioneering work of inventors like Tesla and Maury. The video starts in the 1950s when waves of flying saucer sightings occurred in the United States, leading to experiments in electrogravitics by scientists like T. Townsend Brown. Brown discovered that highly charged capacitors would exhibit a noticeable thrust in one direction, but his work was not widely replicated until recent times. The speaker also discusses the National Security Act, which prevented scientists from commercializing or publicizing their work if it could potentially be interpreted as having a military application.
    • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses their experience with free energy technology in the 1980s, when it was considered controversial and often dismissed by mainstream academia. The speaker acknowledges that measuring and producing these devices accurately was difficult, and many scientists dismissed them as perpetual motion machines. However, they point out that modern thermodynamics recognizes the existence of zero-point energy, an energy source that can produce over-unity and flow into and out of open systems. The speaker also discusses some recent developments in thermodynamics and physics that have helped to better understand the nature of zero-point energy and its potential as a renewable energy source. They also discuss the idea that consciousness remains supreme in this new science, taking inspiration from ancient ideas such as the ether and the vortex.
    • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses different inventions and theories related to free energy and inertial propulsion. They mention Roy Thornton's inertial impulse propulsion engine, which overcomes resistance using centrifugal force and is more efficient than a jet engine. They also mention Paolo and Alexandre Correa's pulsed abnormal glow discharge reactor, which converts plasma discharge directly into electricity. The speaker highlights the difficulties in commercializing these inventions and the need for sufficient investment capital to bring them to the marketplace. They suggest that many inventions are currently being developed independently, and mention Paul Pantone's geet fuel processor, which is a plasma generator that runs on 80% water and is entirely non-polluting.
    • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses a device called the "pantone gate device" that is fitted to an engine. During the run of the engine, air is drawn in to the fuel and creates bubbles which rise to the top of the chamber. These bubbles are then mixed with fuel and sent back into the reaction chamber. The efficiency of this process has been tested and has achieved results up to 300 percent of normal efficiency. The speaker claims that this device allows for the use of any fuel or water to achieve energy output. The speaker also notes that this device does not produce carbon in the exhaust.
    • 00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the Patterson Power Cell, a device developed by Gary Patterson of Dallas, Texas. The device claims to generate free energy through cold fusion and has received some attention from major foreign countries and a few US companies. Although some scientists have rejected the technology, many are working to understand the effects and properties of the device. The Patterson Power Cell is one of the most promising cold fusion devices in the field, and Gary Patterson is a respected figure in the industry. The speaker discusses the challenges facing cold fusion technology, including the difficulties in replicating results and our understanding of the underlying physics. Despite these challenges, the Patterson Power Cell represents a fascinating area of research and development.
    • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a United States Patent for a device that produces energy using tiny metal-coated beads and a flowing stream of liquid or electrolyte with lithium sulfate salt mixed in. The device produces energy consistently and at large energy ratios, with some experiments powering off completely for extended periods without outside input. The excess energy produced by the device is in the mega joules range, and a by-product of the device is hydrogen and oxygen. The speaker mentions that this device could potentially be used for hydrogen-powered vehicles and indoor oxygen supply. The device has led to breakthroughs in other areas of cold fusion, including metal transmutation with minimal energy input, which the speaker compares to alchemical practices of the past.
    • 00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the potential of low energy processes to create precious metals and to make radioactive materials non-radioactive. The speaker also talks about the current interest in cold fusion technology among utility companies and the potential disappearance of the electrical grid as energy generation becomes more efficient and accessible. The speaker questions whether exotic and advanced technology is necessary to extract energy from our environment, and suggests that simpler, low maintenance technologies may be available that could be bought and installed by anyone. The speak then goes on to discuss the work of individuals and companies working on perfecting devices that claim to generate energy with minimal input.
    • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker describes a personal experience with magnetism and energy technologies. They explain that a magnetic field consists of gyroscopic particles and that energy is stored in the gyroscopic particle motion. They also discuss their realization that the natural state of the universe is motion, not stillness. The speaker then enlists the help of several experts, including Dr. Williams, a former Commissioner of Patents, who confirm that the invention works and there is no contradictory evidence. The speaker concludes that the true source of energy lies in the natural motion of the universe and that humanity should open their eyes and minds to embrace the possibilities of space travel and an exciting future for their children.
      • 01:00:00 In this section of the video, David Porter of Gal Tech Semiconductors demonstrates his recently patented permanent magnet motor called the Carousel Electric Generator. The motor is built with high-tech space-age materials and microbe processors to regulate pulsations and rpm. The motor has 18 separate sections, each of which acts as a coil section, and six of these sections are used to drive the motor. The motor's encoder sends a pulse down to the electronics, which determines where the rotor is in relationship to the coils and turns power on and off to different coils. The duty cycle of the system can be changed from a pulse rate of one pulse per cycle to a hundred percent duty cycle by varying the pulse rate on the computer. The motor works as its own flywheel, with very little internal friction, and stabilizes at the third rpm. The system is not perpetual motion, as it will not run forever, but it maximizes the efficiency of electromagnetic flux density to produce electrical output.
      • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the viewer is introduced to a new prototype of a magnetic motor developed by inventor Troy Reed. The motor does not have a crank shaft or injectors, and the system in this motor operates from a little computer that takes just five volts. The motor is capable of generating electricity and can be used in an electric automobile to charge batteries. The video highlights the advantages of electric automobiles over traditional ones, such as reduced heat and longer battery life. The motor is a work in progress and is not yet available for purchase.
      • 01:10:00 This section of the video discusses the concept of electric cars and the surge technology that allows them to function on a single charge. The speaker mentions how Dennis Lee's Better World Technology has been working towards achieving energy independence for everyone with his simple inventions. The speaker also discusses Lee's line of prototypes, which he has publicly demonstrated in large US cities and claims to have achieved high levels of energy efficiency through closed-loop systems that recycle excess energy. The video then goes on to discuss the speaker's own Heat Pump, its efficiency rate, and how heat is transferred from a hotter body to a colder one. The video ends with a mention of a Direct-drive compressor that takes Freon from the panels and turns a piston to generate heat.
      • 01:15:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how a free-on-board (FOB) system converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The FOB system has a double-acting piston that converts freon into shaft rotation, which powers two wheels. Once the freon has taken the heat, it makes the power and is pumped back into the boiler by a little pump running on the same cylinder. The speaker then demonstrates how the system pumps water from energy to reduce the temperature of a walk-in freezer. Customers from around the world tested the system and were impressed with its performance. The speaker then explains how they met Dr. Fischer, who built the world's most efficient heat engine. Together, they plan to build a heat engine that exploits the world's most efficient heat source to become a potentially dangerous power source.
    DennisTate likes this.
  3. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Post 2 of 2 continued

    • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses their experience with free energy research and being put in prison for it. The speaker mentions the use of "zero-point energy" and " levitation" techniques in their research. They also talk about the involvement of the state of California in their case and the state of their research now, which involves a large national network of distributors. The speaker also talks about the Hutchison effect, a technique that uses ultra-high electromagnetic frequencies to transform matter. They also mention the involvement of quantum physics, barrier technology, and jitter activity in their research.
    • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker, Jerry Hutchison, demonstrates a simple method of producing crystalline energy converters that can power small motors. He claims that this material has the potential to create permanent batteries that do not need to be charged and can interface with the zero-point energy. He also shows footage of his more dramatic experiments that involve levitation, translational movement, and metallurgical samples falling apart. Hutchison believes that these effects are due to a dimension shift activated by conventional electrostatics and Tesla waves. He also mentions that he has had over 750 demonstrations and his experiments have generated interest from US military research labs.
    • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential dangers of harnessing free energy on a planetary scale. They mention the Hutchison effect as a benchmark for comparison to other high voltage propulsion devices and note that while the potential of these new energy sources is immense, there are downsides and limitations that must be considered. The speaker notes that there is a danger of tapping too much zero-point energy, which could lead to a minor meltdown, and emphasizes the need for caution and healthy respect when investigating this technology. They also mention that while there may be health effects and potential benefit from these new energy sources, it is ultimately up to us to use them responsibly.
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    This summary of a transcript from a YouTube video titled "TESLA - Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point Physics, Suppressed Technology" provides a comprehensive overview of various topics related to free energy and suppressed technologies. The analysis of this summary reveals several key themes and points:

    1. Concepts of Free and Zero-Point Energy: The video starts with a discussion on the potential of zero-point energy and its applications in solving the current energy crisis. This sets the stage for exploring alternative energy sources beyond conventional fossil fuels.

    2. Historical Context and Inventors: The summary mentions significant historical figures like Tesla, Moray, Schauberger, and others who contributed to the development of alternative energy technologies. The challenges they faced, including financial struggles and societal opposition, highlight the difficulties in pioneering unconventional scientific ideas.

    3. Scientific Advances and Theoretical Physics: The video delves into the scientific theories behind zero-point energy, the existence of electromagnetic fields in vacuums, and the potential of free energy. This includes discussions on advanced concepts like cold fusion, electrogravitics, and the Hutchison effect.

    4. Controversies and Challenges: The summary frequently touches on the controversies surrounding these technologies, including skepticism from the scientific community, legal and political obstacles, and the difficulties in commercialization. This theme underscores the struggle to bring these technologies to mainstream recognition.

    5. Modern Developments and Innovations: Innovations like the radiant energy device, implosion generator, inertial propulsion, and various forms of generators and motors are discussed. These represent the ongoing efforts to harness free energy in practical applications.

    6. Societal and Environmental Implications: The video explores the potential societal impact of free energy technology, such as reducing pollution, transforming geopolitics, and aiding space exploration. It also raises concerns about the responsible use of such powerful technologies.

    7. Philosophical and Consciousness Aspects: The summary touches on the idea that modern thermodynamics and new physics might embrace concepts like consciousness and ancient ideas like the ether. This suggests a blend of science with more philosophical or spiritual perspectives.

    8. Potential and Future Prospects: The concluding sections discuss the future implications of free energy technology on society, the economy, and the environment. It suggests a paradigm shift in how energy is perceived and utilized.
    Overall, the summary presents a broad and diverse range of topics related to free energy and suppressed technologies, intertwining historical context, scientific exploration, challenges, and future prospects. It reflects a deep dive into a subject that is both controversial and potentially transformative, offering insights into the struggles and possibilities of pioneering unconventional scientific ideas.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
    DennisTate likes this.
  5. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Someone just discovered AI
  6. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and can only be transferred. You have to eat calories to turn a crank to operate a mill you have to burn petrochemicals to run an engine to turn the tires on your vehicle.

    Anything that could produce energy for free would violate our understanding of physics.

    The second law gets into why you can't have a machine or device that creates exactly as much energy as it uses. Perpetual motion so to speak cannot happen because some of the energy will always be lost as heat.

    There's no conspiracy if somebody has something that could produce exactly as much energy as it consumed the race would be to get it out and on the market fast.

    Build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door.
  7. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Of course,. you really think I'm going to listen to a hour and a half of video, and do an analysis myself?

    Get real. Let AI do what it's good at. Computers are supposed to make life easier. REMEMBER?
    DennisTate likes this.
  8. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Is not history replete with examples of where someone puts up a speed limit, some out of the box MFer, who didn't really know that he wasn't supposed to, figures away to do it?
    DennisTate likes this.
  9. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    All I said is that it's a violation of Thermodynamics. Sure that could be wrong leprechauns and unicorns could exist too.

    I'd trust the person who says the government is hiding free every from us about the same as the person that says the government is hiding leprechauns from us.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
  10. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Strawman meter just redlined, sorry
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Do you know what a strawman is? If so, what did I misrepresent?
  12. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    What purpose does a video you didn't watch or analyze yourself serve?
  13. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Welp, let's start with the first claim.

    I don't know who Dennis Moray is. I found a Guardian article that says a man named Dr. Thomas Henry Moray invented a "Cosray Receiver". Was that AI's mistake, or the video's mistake? Reading many of the articles I find on Moray, they talk about capturing particles of energy pervading all space, and cosmic rays and lots of other mumbo jumbo.

    Reading his patent I find he's capturing a radio frequency with an RLC circuit, and running it through a vacuum tube (think prehistoric diode) to charge some capacitors. The only unique thing is the use of a radioactive material to ionize the tube rather than a grid heater. He wasn't harnessing zero point energy. He was just capturing a radio station signal and charging some caps with it. 50 KW would take a heck of a long time to charge even if he was parked right next to the transmitter.

    The EM field drops in strength by the square of the distance from the location of Q. This is natural because the energy leaving the source spreads out in a wave in all directions. The further it gets, the more area the wave has to expand through. Power is expressed in Watts. The K stands for 10^3. Power is work over time. We measure that in joules per second. So a Watt is really an amount of Joules per second. Voltage is Joules per Coulomb. Coulomb is a unit of charge (Q). Amperes are a measurement of charge through a a point per second. An amp is a Coulomb per second. So if we multiply Joules per Coulomb (volts) by Coulomb per second (amps) the Coulombs cancel out and we get Joules per second. (Watts.) Now you know the math, you'll agree he's claiming the ability to pull 50,000 joules out of the air every second.

    Radio transmitters use very high voltages at very small currents. A 10kv transmitter would need to use a current of 5 amps to get to 50kW at the antenna. That would be massive overkill by the way. Radio stations don't use nearly that much. That being said, the power radiates out following the inverse square law. So let's say there's 50KW 1 meter away from the antenna. At 1 KM away, the power is just .05 watts. And that's a good thing. You don't want high energy microwaves blasting through your body. That's why you can drive by a large radio antenna without getting cooked. We can't transmit massive amounts of energy through the air because we have to walk through it. Radio signals are actually very low energy. But anyway, let's be way generous and say there's a whole watt of energy in the radio signal he collects (there's nowhere near that) If his device was perfectly efficient he'd have to charge his caps for about 14 hours to run a 50kw device for 1 second. No inductor is perfectly efficient. There are core losses, copper losses, & hysteresis to contend with here in the real world. Energy is lost to heat in his vacuum tube. Energy is lost to dielectric breakdown in his caps. It's silliness.

    Moray's device was a radio receiver which was being worked on like 40 years before his time. Induction had been known about long before that...
  14. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Further with the math. The radio station would have to transmit for that entire 14 hours. So if we use the 50kw example that would be 700kwH or 2.5 billion joules of energy spent to power his 50000 joule device.
  15. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    T. Townsend Brown is up next. Rather than antigravity what Brown observed is corona discharge.

    You can see the effect in videos like this:

    Not that great a thrust to energy ratio
  16. Monash

    Monash Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2019
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    The current science says that while yes you can reverse entropy at the quantum level in some instances and get net positive energy gain but:

    1) the effect is minute and not scalable in the sense that the machines needed to capture or produce the effect in a laboratory are many, many times larger and use vastly more power to create and observe the effect than is the output they are measuring.
    2) quantum effects don't scale to the macro level. As per point one above for example think having to build a nuclear reactor sized complex to run a light bulb level of not scalable.
    3) at the level of quantum physics such events are randomized. For every up there's a down somewhere else.

    Same thing with antimatter. Currently the energy required to produce it is many,many times greater than the amount of energy stored as antimatter. This might in some far distant time become scalable and used as a potential source of power/propulsion in space i.e. anti-matter initiated fusion drives but its not the sort of thing you want powering a city (there's an obvious BOOM factor at play).
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
  17. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Is free energy possible?

    Sure, if you have access to free money.
    Pieces of Malarkey likes this.
  18. Nonnie

    Nonnie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 25, 2017
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    The closet humans will get is nuclear fusion.
  19. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    My view would be similar to the answer to the simpler questions, such as 'is free water available?' , or 'is free air available?', and the answer is, if you are near a lake or stream, the answer is yes, and on the second, if you are on the right planet, the answer is yes.

    So, my answer would be, 'if you are in the right universe among the multiverse, the answer should therefore be yes. But, unlike water and air, a much more sophisticated tool, apparatus, or machine, would be required to extract that energy from the ether.

    But, with water, the cost is that you have to expend energy to get it, you must reach down with your hands or a cup to retrieve it. that's a small cost, but a cost, nevertheless. With air, you have to move your lungs to breath it, that's a small cost, but a cost, nevertheless. Though there is a cost, technically speaking, we generally do not look at it that way, and posit that these things are free, if you are near the source of them With energy, assuming there is energy permeating every square meter of the universe, it will require a more sophisticated machine to retrieve it, a machine that has yet to be invented, "AKAIK". The question is, is the latter even possible? Well, my view is if the former are true, then why not energy?

    We have to prove that there is energy permeating every meter of the ether of the universe. Probably has something to do with dark energy. Cosmology claims, as I understand it, dark energy is everywhere because of the expanding universe, something is propelling it, so, viola, 'dark energy', which simply means, energy we cannot currently see because we haven't invented the device yet to see it, but we posit we will, eventually.

    Now, of course, the following statement is going to be highly speculative, debatable, crazy to some, but my view is that if aliens have figured out how to traverse the universe, and they are not carrying planet sized fuel tanks in their space vehicles, they have probably figured it out. so, if you believe in Aliens visiting the earth, as I, not-so-humbly do, I posit, therefore, it MUST be possible.

    Your mileage may vary.

    But, I'm no scientist, so I'll let others duke it out.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
  20. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I think some of the issue here is the difference between a market understanding of "free" vs a physics understanding of free.

    In a market free typically means: the supply vastly exceeds the demand.

    In physics free energy is energy available to do work.

    These two concepts are very different. There can be a vast supply of energy that is not available to do work...


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