Is The Republican Party What's Wrong With America?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ProgressivePower, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. ProgressivePower

    ProgressivePower Active Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    This new breed of Republican is just flat out disgusting. What ever happened to the Good Ole Days when the Republicans actually cared about the people like the middle class (that's not to say that some do today) and real issues? Conservatism is a great political ideology/philosophy that came about in this country and I say this as a Progressive. But today's Conservatives aren't really Conservative in my opinion. All they want to do is conserve tax breaks for the very wealthy, and want to spend more and more money on the military, keep corporate loopholes the same and they are just so hawkish aren't they? They love war, but they still haven't learned their lesson from Iraq. A lot of them are completely bought off from billionaires like the Koch brothers and special interests, who constantly fund far right wing politicians like nothing. Did you see that last debate, none of them besides kind of Rand Paul talked about the real issues that this country faces. Like income inequality, corporate loopholes, student debt, a real health care plan, global warming/climate change, the corrupt campaign finance system, the list goes on and on. Oh and don't forget they lie and lie and lie, that debate was filled with constant, just nonstop lies, the fact checkers must have been having a fun field day I tell you. It saddens and sickens me to think how much has changed with the Republican party.
  2. ProgressivePower

    ProgressivePower Active Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    They have gone so far right.

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