It's my Fault, not anybody else's....

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by delade, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    It's my own fault.. Not yours. Not theirs. Not my friends'. Not my family's. It's nobody's fault but mine. It's all mine...

    Wasting monies, wasting time, wasting expenditures, wasting hopes, wasting goodness... It's all my own fault.. No body else's. It's all mine...

    It's my fault. It's my fault for being in the lower economic levels. It's my fault for being in the upper economic levels. It's my fault for buying the wrong things. It's my fault for listening to wrong music. It's my fault and no body else's. It's all mine, mine, mine.

    It's my fault for placing my trust in another person. It's my fault for assuming. It's my fault for believing. It's my fault for expecting.

    It's my fault that I am in bankruptcy. It's my fault that I am miserable. It's my fault that no one seems to 'see' things my way. It's my fault that I am high minded. It's my fault for being out of school. It's my fault for being lazy. It's my fault for living in mire. It's my fault for not being healthy. It's my fault that my family is miserable. It's my fault that everything I do is faulty. Noone else can be blamed for my faults.

    It's my fault that I am ill. It's my fault that I am sick. It's my fault that I am nauseated. It's my fault that I am weak. It's my fault that I have a concussion. It's my fault that I got ran over. It's my fault. Mine, mine, mine. No body else's.

    But it's not my fault that the stars come out every night. And it's not my fault that the sun rises every morning. And it's not my fault that winds and rains come. And it's not my fault that green bushes and trees grow. But it is my fault when I slip because of the rain. And it is my fault when bump my head and it is my fault when I break my bones and my hopes. It's my fault and no body else's.

    It's my fault when my phone minutes run out. It's my fault when the computer does not power up. It's my fault when the light bulbs go out. It's my fault that the sink gets clogged and it's my fault when the shower gets backed up and it's my fault when the washing machine doesn't want to work. It's my fault.... It's my fault when I don't understand. It's my fault when I don't achieve. It's my fault when I over extend myself. It's my fault when I don't extend myself at all.

    It's my fault when my apartment gets too hot or too cold. It's my fault when my socks gets holes in them. It's my fault when my under garments wreak. It's my fault when my mouth tastes like it's missing teeth. It's my fault.. No body else's. Mine, mine, mine.

    But it's not my fault that I need to purchase things. It's not my fault when I need to wait in line. It's not my fault when I need to follow instructions.

    It's my fault when the first argument of the day occurs before 6 a.m. It's my fault when the last argument is finished when I pass out into sleep. It's my fault.. Mine, mine, mine.

    It's even my fault for sharing this with you..
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  2. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    It's my fault when the clothes I purchase do not fit well. It's my fault when the order is not the right size. After all, I should have tried them on before purchasing them. It's my fault when a size 30 is now a size 28 or 32. After all, I should have tried them on before purchasing it.

    It's my fault when I type the wrong words. It's my fault. Mine, mine, mine. Not yours. Not theirs. Not anybody's.

    It's my fault if the laundry detergent turns the water into black if it is added with bleach. It's my fault if my computer gets a virus. It's my fault if I am not up to par with keeping mosquitoes from biting. It's my fault if lizards and spiders live in the apartment. It's my fault when I say too much or say too little. If I say anything at all or nothing at all. It's my own fault.

    It's my fault when my cooking ware is not as stated on the package. It's my fault when the blisters and sores appear. It's my fault for not getting a hair cut. It's my fault if I over drink. It's my fault if I over smoke. It's my fault if I over eat. It's my fault if I am overly clean. It's my fault if I am overly not. It's my fault if I walk a certain way. It's my fault if I walk another. It's my fault if I type a certain way. It's my fault of the way of how I keep a certain way. (I am so unwilling to change or budge; stubborn). It's my fault for not enjoying the tv shows and movies that everybody else does. It's my fault for being out of style. It's my fault for being too stylish.

    It's my fault if relatives and neighbors and the Jury finds me irritable. After all the majority consensus rules, right? It's my fault. But hey, if it's not YOUR fault, then you really don't need to worry.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  3. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Male now, are you going to do something about it?


    Do you want someone to disagree with you so you can feel better. Obviously you are depressed but understand you control that. If you cannot or will not....guess what.

    It's YOUR fault.
    DennisTate likes this.
  4. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    yes... true... I have to do something.. Probably will end up being faulty... :icon_shithitsthefan:juggle:

    But the way I see it is that when it's nothing more than :

    Things can ONLY go UPWARD...


    An important 'lesson' or 'self sanity' rule I learned through all of these things is that when time is needed to return to 'soundness' or to regain 'soundness', regardless of how it is done, (preferably without the need to hurt another life), it is wiser to return to it and to regain it than to continue on the road of insanity and un-Soundness.

    Beating the 'air' sometimes works...
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  5. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    If you go into something thinking you will fail, you probably will. Unless you adjust your attitude on life you will deserve what you get. For just one day, KNOW you are a bad ass and you WILL notice a difference as you succeed.
  6. Fenton Lum

    Fenton Lum Banned

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Workers produced much more, but typical workers’ pay lagged far behindDisconnect between productivity and typical worker’s compensation, 1948–2013
    Year Hourly compensation Productivity
    Note: Data are for compensation (wages and benefits) of production/nonsupervisory workers in the private sector and net productivity of the total economy. "Net productivity" is the growth of output of goods and services less depreciation per hour worked.

    Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis data



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