Jews And Feminists

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by ibshambat, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I absolutely despise postmodern theories, because I do not really believe in "intersectional oppression" and what-have-you. However, according to contemporary Feminist narrative, I am, in fact, an "oppressed minority" and if you do not know that, you have a very poor undetstanding of the ideology you affiliate with and the theories that you teach at your workshops.

    Clearly you have no knowledge about Feminist hustory.

    I did not say you should fight for anything. I simply pointed out a very obvious way in which way women are "privileged" over men.

    You mean our forefathers, right? Or are you of another species?

    How does one act like what one is? :laughing: And pretty please, would you stop calling me an extremist already?

    Why should two "compareble jobs" have the same salary? Can you give an example of two "compareble jobs"? That is just a ridiculous term that it makes me laugh everytime you write it. If you have never read a book on economics, please do not talk about issues concerning economics; it just makes you look unbelievebly dumb.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat theeee ffff? I have no idea what this brainless rant has to do with anything that I have ever said.

    What makes you sure about that? Where did I say anything that indicates that? You are being dishonest and it is disgusting.

    I do not judge people based on their skin tone. Diversity for me, is not about pigmentation and gender, but about competence and competence has zero connection to physical attributes. You are an extremely dishonest debater with your out-of-the-air accusations. You should stop doing that if you want people to take you seriously and treat you with respect. Perhaps you should go to a workshop yourself instead of busying yourself hosting them because, from what I can tell, you are extremely prejudiced which makes it very ironic that you host an "anti-prejudice"-workshop.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  2. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Why is being short an issue? Women are short..oh wait, men have to be tall so they’re looked up to . I am tall and no one thinks I am masculine
  3. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Yes, I have no knowledge of feminism...even though I teach it. I guess I’m just not as smart as you, the poor oppressed male. Just look around and all you see are women in power making so much more money than men for the same work (sarcasm alert)
    Two comparable jobs....the men who clean are custodian, the women are not called that, janitors. A woman is a secretary and the male is an administrative assistant , doing the same work. Another example which has changed was in dept stores the shoe dept got commissions and guess who they all were? Men! Same with appliances .
    I really wish you didn’t have to resort to calling me dumb and other childish insults.i won’t do the same, though you are tempting me.
    When call me brainless for making A point it really makes you look foolish. I guess the points just go over your head. When I talk about white male affirmative action I talk about the days when males had opportunities that were denied to women and people of color. And example was I had higher grades than the boy next to me and he could apply to Princeton and I couldn’t. That meant he didn’t have to compete with more than 50% of the population. Now think , Wasn’t that giving him an advantage? Now when a black person graduates from Harvard people will say he didn’t deserve it but they never said that about the white male who didn’t have to compete. I hope you got the point
    What makes me so sure that Obama deserved his degree? The fact that you have to ask me shows your attitude. He graduated with top honors and was president of the law review which means he was extraordinary. .. do you think they just gave him the top grades because he was black. Obviously you know nothing about affirmative-action
    I’m going to stop now because the insults are reducing you to an out-of-control child. Sounds like you are very Insecure and a very mean person. ..and I can’t take your tirades seriously anymore.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  4. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I certainly do know more about Feminism than you do and I certainly am not oppressed. No one is oppressed!

    The successful people I see are not only men. A fat paycheck is not all that constitutes "success" in my eyes because I judge people on more spiritual grounds than I do on materialistic ones.

    A job title may vary from company to company, so what? Being a secretary at company x and a secretary at company y is not the same job. They might not even be "compareble". "Compareble work" is a ridiculous and rather empty term than means literally nothing.

    You have repetedly called me an "extremist" and a "misogynist", if that is not name-calling, I don't know what is. Additionally, I never called you dumb, but only did I point out that people who have never read a book about economics and still try to talk about it often come out as being dumb.

    It is important to remember that those rules were set by the State and not by "White Men". The rules were incredibly stupid and did not benefit anyone at all as society lost their talents and companies lost productive people. I am against all forms of affirmative action and have never said I support it in any shape or form, have I?

    No, I don't get it. Who is it that says a person who works his butt off for a degree at an Ivy League school did not deserve it?

    What the flippen horsefoot are you talking about?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Where the horsefooting flip did I say Obama did not deserve his degree? You should really stop distorting my posts, my patience is getting low.

    Look who's talking!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  5. ibshambat

    ibshambat Banned

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Being short is an issue if you are a kid. Kids pick on short kids. In adulthood that is less the case.
    My former wife was taller than me, and she was very feminine.
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  6. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Exactly....a man is put down for being short....women aren’t
  7. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Female know more about feminism than I do.! Sure you do..You don’t even understand the simple fact of socialization and gender. I don’t think you know a thing about it other than being afraid of it
    You would understand comparable work for comparable pay and not say it’s ridiculous when study after study has shown men paid more for the same and comparable work. Ledbetter bill ring a bell?
    Affirmative action didn’t seem to get much criticism when men were he recipients of it ...for generations .they weren’t resented and accused of being less qualified
    You may judge people on their “spiritual grounds...but it doesn’t pay the bills.It’s the same mentality That says teachers shouldn’t care about money they should just love the students
    For generations women and black people have been discriminated against and all affirmative action is doing is the same thing they do with race s. The person who is on the inside lane is further back and the person who has to run the outside lane has a head start.
    You take a school like Harvard that excluded women and minorities mostly in their incredible networking system. It went to help white man get ahead.... how do you suggest leveling the playing field?
  8. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    In my groups I ask how many women have other women who are their best friends and can confide in them? Every hand goes up. When I asked me the same question very few of them raise their hands. You like to see women as not liking other women yet women are each other’s best friends. I guess I could say you should protect your son to avoid negative attention from men who do not like them when they are successful
  9. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Feminists do not understand gender and socialisation and that is one of their major problems, paradoxical as it may seem.

    Actually, study after study show quite the opposite - Women are not paid less for the same job. Comparable job is a very ridiculous term that, I guess, Feminists have made up now that even they have realised there is a reasonable explanation for the so called "gender pay gap". However, it just sounds so hilarious it is almost idiotic... "Compareble work" lol.

    I am against all kinds of affirmative action because it only serves to destroy society and foster even more racism and sexism.

    I have no idea what you are trying to say here, but whatever.

    The playing field is not even to begin with, so there is no levelling to be done. Every and each applicant should be judged solely on their merit and not on their race and gender.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  10. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Women can be very vicious with their best friends. I have witnessed this with my own eyes as I have found myself in majority-female settings many times. A group of girl friends are out, having fun and then one of them leaves the table to visit the restroom and all of a sudden all of her friends start talking badly about her behind her back. When I was studying, I was often the only male in the group doing group assignments and the females spent way too much time on talking badly about the other women (who were complete strangers) sitting in the room.

    Women are great at "backstabbing" and I know for a fact that many women prefer male collegues over female ones for the simple fact that male collegues do not talk badly about their collegues behind their backs and actually strive to get work done.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  11. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    That’s is hysterical that I don’t t understand dfeminism. We need
    And to say that women are not paid less for the same job shows your lack of k knowkedge . That’s why the Ledbetter Bill was put into Law.:My husband was a bond trader on Wall Street and became aware of how women were paid less when they were just as competent and they were very very few of them
    You also don’t seem to understand affirmative action
    Men in business will stab each other’s backs to get ahead...and men will back stab other men.,,.literally
  12. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    The playing field excluded women and minorities and they didn’t have the opportunity to be judged on the merit. I am glad it is being corrected
  13. Carl Von Clausewitz

    Carl Von Clausewitz Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    It's always interesting when people say there isn't any Jewish conspiracy of feminism and then you'll have prominent Jews publicly admitting that they're taking prominent leadership roles in leading the movement.

  14. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Carl Von Clausewitz likes this.
  15. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Quit chasing Boogeymen.
  16. Carl Von Clausewitz

    Carl Von Clausewitz Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    Nope, it's what I do and I'm quite good at it.
  17. ibshambat

    ibshambat Banned

    Jul 2, 2015
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    You and some others might find this interesting:

    Female Establishments: Coercion toward Loserhood

    I've known many women, working in female-run establishments, who kept getting attacked by their female bosses and co-workers for being either hard-working, intelligent or attractive. This kind of behavior can only be a disaster for the women and their attempts at advancement in society.

    In male-run establishments, the people look up to the winner. Hard work, knowing what one is doing, and qualities such as confidence and self-assurance, are respected and admired. This results in a coercion upon men to develop winning habits and attitude. Whereas the attack on similar virtues among women in female-run establishments creates a coercion upon women to become losers.

    Who is going to win: The people who prevail upon one another to be winners or the people who prevail upon one another to be losers and attack whatever winning qualities some among them may possess? This is a way in which women screw themselves over bigtime. If one group encourages winning behaviors and the other group attacks winning behaviors, which group is going to win?

    The white man was not born the ruler of the planet. He had to work at it, and not only to work hard but also to work smart. Attacking positive qualities such as hard work and intelligence prevents smart work from being accomplished. And the more the women are under pressure to hide or suppress their good qualities, the more they are removed from being winners.

    So it's about time that the women who are a part of such establishments get their heads out of their behinds. You attack strengthening qualities, you create a coercion toward degeneration. You attack winning qualities, you create a coercion toward loserhood. You attack the better minds in your gender, you create a coercion on your gender to be dumb. Neither of these are the keys to achieving equality with men.

    I say this because I care. I want women to do well; but that does not mean that I will accept things done by women that are clearly wrongful. Hard work, intelligence and beauty are all positive qualities and should be rewarded rather than attacked.

    And only when women are willing to do that that they can have any kind of a chance at equality.
    Ritter likes this.
  18. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Wow...this is one of the most sexist pieces of crap I’ve read in a long time. You can say you want women to do well, but I don’t believe for a second because you are the obstacle with your ridiculous stereotypes
  19. ibshambat

    ibshambat Banned

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Renee, I have written this based on observations of women I know, not based on stereotypes. I have no intention of being an obstacle or anything of the sort. I want to see women adopt winning, not losing, adaptations; and that means not attacking their coworkers for being pretty, intelligent or hard-working.
  20. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    This is just what I am talking about....I call this unacknowledged prejudice. Your stereotype of women as attacking coworkers for silly things like being pretty intelligent or hard-working. That is pure bigotry and I don’t believe you know enough.women to make such a judgement. In all my years I have never heard anyone attack a woman’s performance because she is pretty. I have never heard of woman attack another woman for being intelligent or hard-working. That is just a prejudicial stereotype
    .men will cut throats to get ahead
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018

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