Marijuana opponents need our help

Discussion in 'Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco' started by Healer747, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Healer747

    Healer747 New Member

    Sep 22, 2016
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    So recently I've been on this "Save the world with kindness" thing and have also been watching some rich Mormon dude spend massive amounts of money fueling his campaign to redact the progress we've made up here for medical marijuana.

    I called him out of the blue one day and tried to be as nice as I possibly could with him and pleading with him to stop hurting people. I actually managed to get him to talk candidly for a half hour or so. I think it's a really important step because all we do are these character attack tennis matches while the real politics slip through and I think instead of having these purchased performances, we should have a public discourse.

    It's an entertaining read of the topic if anything, make sure you catch his reply in the comments.

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