Maybe these ideas

Discussion in 'Civil Rights' started by Laurence123, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Sushisnake

    Sushisnake Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    You may personally believe that, Laurence, but unfortunately the law does not share your opinion. A person begins their life after birth, after exiting the womb, not before. You also believe an education in abstinence will work, but history makes it pretty plain your faith is misplaced.

    We had a hell of a lot more unwanted teenage pregnancies before we had oral contraception, we just didn't notice because it went hand in hand with shotgun weddings. Lots and lots of miserable people trapped in miserable marriages way too young. We didn't notice the fall out too much though, because domestic violence was a private matter between a man and his wife, too.

    Now we have the pill, but it doesn't work for all women all of the time. It doesn't work for some women any of the time. Other contraceptive methods fail constantly or are out of reach financially for many women.

    I suppose the simple question is how many unwanted children are morally acceptable to you?

    You will no doubt tell me there is no such thing as an unwanted child and they will all find loving adoptive parents, but the demand for IVF treatments makes it obvious adoption's passe now. Infertile couples want to raise children of their own blood simply because they can, we have the technology. And there are never enough foster parents, never ever.

    So again, how many children should be born unwanted and/or impoverished into this world to suit your moral code?

    Should we open orphanage institutions again like we had in the past? I'm sure you're familiar with the ones we had in the past as there's been a lot of press about the abuse children suffered in them. Should we return to that? A lot of the children in them were loved by their parents, of course, but their parents couldn't afford to feed them and had to put them in an orphanage. Yes. Abstinence has a sterling track record..
  2. Laurence123

    Laurence123 Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    First i would like to say that some people think that the law should be changed to reflect an earlier identification of life, like me. Contraceptives are a great way to prevent unwanted pregnancies if available and applicable, i agree with the use of contraceptives. One of the main things i can't get out of my mind is how a woman has to go through the bloody procedure of abortion and the guilty/violated feelings she may have after that. I feel that to have the child in the easiest manner possible can allow for the possibility of a loving relationship between parents and child (however formulated). Just give it a chance i say before tearing out a life from the womb. IVF should be considered only after the consideration of adoption which is due in regularity by practice i say.

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