
Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by doombug, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Personally I think marriage should be about the family, if you have children then certainly the family's interests must be placed above your own. If you don't have kids then you can start over with another relationship if that's what you want, but children are never considered when it comes to divorce and I think that's selfish. Unless there are violence and abuse involved I believe the interest of the family as a whole should take precedence over the individual. The parents are after all custodians over the children.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
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  2. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Not sure why you guys keep bringing up divorce and marriage in the same sentence all the time as if divorce was a natural cause - or the goal - of marriage. MRA:s are thus still wrong in their silly, pathos argument.

    How is marriage more favourable for women? It is a contract and like any contract, it favours both parties equally much. If there is someone who is favoured in marriage, it would be the children and that is actually a really good thing.

    Children learn to love by seeing their parents love each other. Most people who oppose marriage today are children of divorce themselves and/or have many divorces in their family. Worth noting is that it is mostly the working-/lower-middle class that is divorcing too.

    You do not necessarily have to get married, but at least commit to a life-long, monogamous relationship if you plan having children.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  3. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    I've seen from my life experience cases where the couple both worked, decided to both work even if children come along and the wife sometimes without consulting her husband decided to not go back to work yet wanted the same lifestyle so the husband had to work more hours or take another job to support the wife and child at the two income household level. And when the wife was asked in two cases to consider moving to a smaller house and give up some of their comforts the wife said no. If he does that she will divorce the husband. Now its not always the case my parents had a good marriage until my mom passed on and my dad did everything for my sick mother as did I. But if the woman divorces she often gets control of the children, can get alimony even if they could go back to work full time for a period sometimes long, can withhold seeing the children and never risk going to jail or getting fined while a man abandons them or refuses to pay they get nailed by the courts sometimes jailed. Its just too much of a risk in my view in the majority of cases to risk getting married. If I was wildly successful I would think a woman chose me for my money over caring about me. Being very poor overall I just decided I bring nothing to a relationship and later marriage even if I found a woman willing to be with me. People think life is easy for men, even white men, but its not.

    That said there are other reasons men are dropping out of such interactions the poor economy, personal debts, gig economy jobs, lack of need to marry in the current environment they can still have sex with a woman and not marry her its no longer a big taboo and the government tends to take care of needy families now so marriage can be financially bad as well. Most of us just don't want the hassle of having a woman in our lives. It might change if things change in society.
    Jarlaxle likes this.
  4. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Being a homemaker is a job too, if the couple agrees that the mother stays home with the child and cares for the household, whereas the husband brings in the money, then that is a fair division of labour imo. But, obviously, the agreement has to be mutual. The key-factor is talking to each other. If you have kids, then you stay together. Simple as that.

    Divorce often hurts women really bad as far as finances go.

    The laws are crap and, like in most other aspects, government ought to stay out of family and marriage. But of course, they will encourage people not to get married and not to take care of their children on their own, but leave them to the Socialist indoctrination centres to handle them. They only care about tax.

    Even if laws may favour women, divorce in itself, is not favourable for anyone of the parties. My parents divorced, my maternal grandparents divorced and my maternal aunt divorced too. I will say no one has really benefited from this in the long run.

    Marriage is a beautiful thing and family is precious - they have be taken back!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
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  5. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    In a divorce, women can do no wrong, men can do no right. I work with two men who will work until they die, because their ex-wives got everything. (One of whom got gonorrhea in the bargain.)
    HereWeGoAgain likes this.
  6. Miketo

    Miketo Newly Registered

    Jul 27, 2017
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    I don't live in the basement but thanks?
    This is not true per se. MGTOW only informs men the issues with women in relationship. Men are free to do whatever they want although some MGTOW use the term bluepill, mangina, and white knight.
    The spokeperson? Angry man is just a dude that has mental health issues. He doesn't even represent MGTOW. ANGRYMAN has attacks other MGTOW and women.
    You have no idea what you're talking about. Men in NYC can not man spread otherwise they will get a fine. Feminists doesn't have to put with that.
    I'm far from being lonely and been going own my way 31 years.

    Here is some of the MGTOW founders. MGTOW was created due to men's rights banning men to critize and question women. So eventually they started blogs and some forums were created. At that time only one forum was still running. Obviously later on more MGTOW came about.
    Then you have barbar who popularize MGTOW, although Paul Elam also promoted somewhat.

    Comparing feminism with MGTOW just shows how little you know about MGTOW.
    Feminism wants more stuff and power. MGTOW says you can have whatever you want we as men aren't going to deal with women for long term relationships. MGTOW will only spend bare minium amount of money with women with the goal of sex only. MONK MGTOW who doesn't want to date or have sex with women are looked as a threat and we are constantly attacked. With the rise of STD, false rape and even risk of getting arrested for false domestic abuse. So the only sane way is not to deal with women whenever possible.
    Feminism doesn't understand female nature and a lot MGTOW doesn't either. I do understand female nature to a point and still learning. MGTOW tries to be honest as possible with the data and information. Most MGTOW don't agree with a lot of views. There are MGTOW channels on youtube I dispise so I no longer watch or associate with those people. One thing MGTOW doesn't do as a whole is take accountability for their action.
  7. Miketo

    Miketo Newly Registered

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Funny I went my own way before 3rd wave feminism, I also know others have being going their own way before 3 wave feminism although they aren't that many that I know.
  8. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    There is nothing even remotely manly about whining, self-victimisation and calling others names. And the "Going Their Own Way" part is just pathetic and sad - going your own way by refusing female contact? Lols. That's kind of gay. ;)

    ...or at least it is running away rather than going your way.

    I have watched two or three vids and they all struck me as genuine misogynists or guys with low self-esteem. No offense, but downgrading women and encouraging men not to date is kind of loser-ish.

    Dude, I live in Sweden. I know it all better than anyone. :laughing:

    "Men's rights", oh please.

    No. You are exactly the same. You blame Feminism for your issues whereas Feminism blames men for theirs. You claim to just fight for "men's rights" and they claim to just fight for "women's rights". Playing the victim-card and blame-game is highly counter-productive imo.

    Now that is just sleazy and selfish. Yet another thing you share with Feminists; hating the family. :no:

    Anyone is free to do what they want with their own body. I see nothing wrong with celibacy if there is a deeper and more meaningful reason behind it than just genuine misogyny.

    I am not a big fan of movements that base their existence on physical attributes. Feminism, MGTOW, White Nationalism and MRA are all equally trash to me.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  9. Miketo

    Miketo Newly Registered

    Jul 27, 2017
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    N\t a single logical argument instead it's personal attacks. I don't blame anyone. You're making assumptions not facts. When you can come up logical arugments I will take you seriously. The reason why you need to make personal attacks is simply you don't know any better. I don't like eating red meat that doesn't mean I hate red meat nor is it whining. I never been a victim due to women. I never been married, never had to pay child support, never had a long term relationship and from the stories I have read it's a good thing.
    Einstein was going his own way too when his wife refused to do what he was asked. One of his female cousin did move in and help him though. The so called gay man has helped with modern technology.
    Also how would you know I"m gay? Are you stalking me in real life or something? MGTOW doesn't ask or demand rights we just walk away. It's funny how MGTOW doesn't want anything from society or women but we get hated on. No amount of personal attacks, name calling and other silly things is going to change my mind. When most women are working against you not with you, it's not hating the family.
    Plenty of idiots on dating sites like okcupid can't even a date let alone sex. Us MGTOW gets more attention from women when you just don't care.
    Why do you think the black men are dating and marrying white women? You see feminism attacked the black community first. They are the test community for anything they want to try and when it works in the black community they use it on everyone else.

    Here is a video that explains it. A little education for you.
  10. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Well, it is kind of obvious that gay men would be attracted to a phenomenon like MGTOW. I mean, no straight man in his fullest mind would reject a beautiful woman a date. It does not take too high of an IQ to conclude you are gay. ;)

    Yup. You are pretty much pointless and you just confessed it. :D



    I might watch it later, not right now. It is too long and about a subjectbI give f-k all about.
  11. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Okay may I ask if a woman doesn't let the man see his child why don't they face losing their driving license, going to jail like a man can if he doesn't pay his child support. NO. The woman can do tons of crap and get away with it how is that fair? And if a woman has a man whose not the babies father and they divorce the man can get stuck with child support whether he wants to do that or not.

    In marriage if a man smacks the woman around he is going to jail and the woman gets tons of support if its the reverse the man is a wimp and should man up but can't smack the woman back no matter how much of a risk he is in. She can change the deal say she wants. To not work full time and the husband is working hard and says to her fine but we need to downsize to a smaller home in a lower cost neighborhood and she says no - where is the man's option if it means he works harder and longer for the wife to stay at home or work less.

    Marriage is no longer a good business deal for the man unless he has an iron clad pre-nup and makes sure he is protected, and so should the woman do the same, marriage is a business deal for both and it needs to be treated as a business arrangement.
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  12. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I am not a supporter of government in any way at all and all these issues can - in one way or another - be traced to government. Individual couples should be allowed to make up their own terms and all this is just fear-mongering anyways.

    So, again, I ask you, exactly how is Feminism the enemy of MGTOW if you both - seemongly - believe in "toxic masculinity" and "oppressive gender roles"? :D

    A man should still never hit a woman because it is just how it is.

    This is irrelevant. If you get with a woman, you both work to make it last. MRA:s always make it sound as if divorce is the natural outcome of- and goal with marriage. :no:

    Marriage is a superb deal for man, woman and society - it fosters happy relationships, wealth, good circumstances for children and a, overall, happier world. You could, indeed, see it as business deal, but that kind of perspective makes it sound as if it is nothing and ignores the children.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  13. Miketo

    Miketo Newly Registered

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Women are more like men these days. A straight man isn't going to want to deal with a woman that acts like a man. So your personal attack on me is useless. Also due to the new feminism law it will be easier for men to be convicted of rape. It may seem like a good thing but more and more women are claiming false rape. The risk isn't worth it. Usually when someone accuse someone being gay it's usually mean deep down themselves have interest in other men otherwise why would you care what gay men do? Shaming men isn't going to work and in real life I would just laugh at you.
  14. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Claiming women have "become like men" is a huge exagerration. There is indeed a lot of gender crap going on, but that pseudoscientific barf cannot defeat nature; wonen are still women and no straight man would ever give up on them. And bringing up rape in this context is totally out of context and random - do you really think women walk around and report rape out of the blue?

    And, no. I am not a closeted ****** and am completely comfortable and secure in my heterosexuality. I just find it highly fascinating and kind of hilarious that my suspicitions and analysis proved to be right. Not at all meant as an insult. :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  15. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    You are 24 years old and have never been married. I am could be your father and was married for over 25 years - close to 30. And you presume to lecture me about marriage. Take a leap.
  16. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Have you ever lived in an unhappy home? That's not good for kids. In fact I have heard of a number of situations, one in my own family, where the kids were glad the parents divorced. They got tired of the fighting. They weren't happy homes or positive environments.

    Kids know when the parents don't love each other.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
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  17. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    There is a percentage of young women who reject their mother's feminism. I have dated a good number of them as sugar babies. While they are empowered as women, they like the idea of taking care of a man and being taken care of. They are secure enough that they don't feel the need to compete with men. That is why the sugar baby market has been exploding in recent years. In many ways they are more traditional relationships. The men are treated well and so are the women. Everyone is happy, I get a beautiful girlfriend who is 30 years younger than me. And my sugar baby gets not only an improved standard of living, but a man who treats her far better than most young men would.

    In fact, my current sb as well as my first cite that as the number one reason they prefer older men. We treat them better. Porn and abusive feminism have all but ruined many young men. They treat women like crap and expect them to want porn sex. It's all about the hookup culture.

    Their mother's feminism killed romance and now the daughters want it back.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
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  18. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Yes that's true there are situations where the children are better off with parents separated... however if the parents did place the children's interests above their own they won't be yelling, screaming and making everyone miserable around them because they are. They'd make sure the children are not exposed to their fighting and not made to feel insecure while dealing with their personal issues in private.
    Derideo_Te and Bowerbird like this.
  19. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I agree. But that doesn't fix the fundamental problem. If the parents no longer love each other, no amount of grit or determination will change that. Two people forcing themselves to live together won't be happy. Unhappy parents often end up taking out their anger on the kids. And kids won't be happy if both parents are miserable.

    I hung in there in a loveless marriage for ten years after the love was surely gone. It wasn't worth it. And now it is probably my biggest regret. It is water under the bridge but if I had to pick... that one cost me a lot.

    Beyond what I know about her, knowing what I have learned about life, I never would have married her. But again, ancient history.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  20. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Every marriage is different, and certainly some people should never have married, but I do think when you have children in the marriage you need to try harder for their sake. Mom and dad are their whole world... I've had kids over at my house who wanted to be there all the time simply because they're from broken homes.. the atmosphere in the house is different, the parents are often unavailable to the child/children because they're too busy with their new love interest.

    Besides you've been through a divorce, from people around me divorcing I've seen what a nightmare it is... it's hell even when you are the one who wants the divorce. And for a child it takes years to recover for others a lifetime.

    Staying in an unhappy marriage could be the best thing you do, new study suggests

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  21. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I think we need to be careful about terminology. Everyone is going to be unhappy in a marriage at times. That is normal. But do you still love each other? That makes all the difference in the world. You will never be fulfilled in a loveless marriage. It is like living with a death sentence hanging over your head.

    Yes, divorce is hell for everyone. There is no reason why it needs to be but the lawyers take care of that.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
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  22. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I suppose some people are able to live separate lives and tough it out until the kids are grown.

    Escorts will tell you about plenty of men like this. There was one who had a regular who was terribly torn. He would call for a date. As soon as they finished having sex, he would start crying. Then he would swear he would never be back again and leave. In a couple of weeks she would get another email asking for a date.

    He was in a sexless marriage and trying to hang in there to save the family.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  23. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    There is another aspect of this. I came to believe that my ex didn't see our marriage as I did. I married for love, at least I thought I did. But she seemed to see it more as a business arrangement. Love? At this point, I don't even know if she was capable of it.

    Over time I began to see this pattern with other marriages. That is why the one woman who went on for pages about her perfect man, without ever once mentioning love, struck me so profoundly. She wasn't marrying for love. She was trying to hire a husband. This is what I felt my ex did to me. She married the man who fit her model.

    Could it be that women and men have completely different concepts of marriage, and that in part is why it fails so miserably so often?
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  24. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I was once surprised when a few men my age were comparing our favorite love songs. We men were moved by these songs, which had special memories associated with them. But time and time again, women took pot shots and laughed about how cheesy the songs were. It was as if they had no concept of the depth of feelings men have.

    Romance is often treated the same way. In my view, feminism essentially killed romance.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  25. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Oh, grow up! The women were obviously just messing around with you. :)

    How many women you know are radical, university-feminists?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017

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