All over TV today they cant seem to stop talking about the face that Prince is dead. So what he was another fool that killed himself with drugs. IMO the people that should be mourned are the soldiers that are killed in the middle east.
With drugs? The guy was a macrobiotic vegan who never took drugs. He was devoutly religious and followed the tenants. He was also a genius and visionary at his craft and he was a humanitarian who spent an amazing amount of money helping others. Its fine that you weren't a fan but you don't have to be a total tool either.
Uh, this seems a little harsh and unnecessary. I've never been a Prince fan, but he was a legend in his industry. And I could be wrong, but he never seemed like the type to get mixed up in drugs. You never know, but it just doesn't seem consistent with his persona. He was quirky and different. Despite being a celebrity, he chose to remain in his home state of Minnesota where he was a Jehovah's Witness and even knocked on people's doors. Now somebody else also died today that is speculated to have overdosed which seems much more plausible. Former WWE superstar Chyna. She's been a drug-addled train wreck for years since leaving wrestling. It was sad to watch her life kind of spiral downward. Sad day for entertainment all around. R.I.P. to both of them. Okay, I was right then. I didn't have any information to back up my speculations, but I always thought he seemed like he might be a vegetarian or vegan.
I've never heard of Prince doing drugs. He was pretty straight arrow about what he ingested. He died of complications of the flu.
So, do you think TV and/or other media should be restricted in this regard? Or will we, with our capitalism, have to deal with the fact that they will write what sells first and foremost?
Macrobiotic vegan??? Well now we know what killed him. Oh and check your facts. You can OD on prescription meds as well. My take on the guy? The Musical version of Woody Allen, occassionally interesting but never really intriguing, more often boring and pretentious. A man operating on the basis of a peculiarly myopic vision of reality, who was supposed to be the next big thing, but never quite got there because of the inherent limits of that vision.
It is not not logical to mourn a rich fool that killed himself with drugs. It is probably an improvement in society. It weeds out the fools and improves the gene pool. When will the fools in Hollyweird finally admit the anyone that does drugs will probably end up dead, and quit giving the use of drugs a wink wink? Does anyone know how many so called singers, people from Hollyweird, and sports figures have killed themselves with drugs? If we had some real teeth in drug laws, like the death penalty for drug dealers, we wouldnt have a drug problem.
He was a Jehovah's Witness, so he rejected certain medical treatments that probably would have prolonged his life. So yeah, he probably wasn't into drugs, but he also was a bit insane. TMZ isn't the most reputable source, but yeah, other sources have started reporting this. So, my bad. I guess he was into drugs (probably the prescription kind).
Never made it? 7 grammies, Oscar awards, over 100 million albums sold and countless songs that he wrote for others that turned into #1 hits. You either have VERY high standards or your just truly ignorant to the success he had. Woody Allen is a (*)(*)(*)(*) ant compared to Prince
Prince the artist has this report. As a member of the Jehovah Witness church, his doctrine was that marriage is not for homosexuals.
I do not recall of TMZ getting one of these things wrong, but regardless, even as a devout Witness, he still may have been strung out on prescription pain meds. Look at Michael Jackson. He wasn't shooting heroin.
and with all this said... he was treated for a drug overdose days before his death... (queue dramatic music) DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN turns out thats why his plane had an emergency landing, for no mechanical emergency, and he was rushed to a local hospital when it landed... so either his drugs were pain medicine or maybe heroin for all we know, either way, there were drugs involved just days ago... see above I guess...
He was a very conservative Christian and a Jehovah's Witness. And, he was amazingly talented and made a lot of people happy. You busybodies are so enamored with telling everyone else what they should be doing. Maybe you should stop voting for the freedom-hating corporatist authoritarians who keep sending them there to be cannon fodder.