Mueller probing Russia contacts at Republican convention

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Lee Atwater, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  2. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    If you still believe your "Russian collusion" nonsense at this point, I could wrap the truth in a brick and it would just bounce off your head.
  3. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Yea.... with all the investigations that came up empty... they still keep try to distract us with the same garbage... and no Mueller did not show Russian/Trump collusion to affect our election.

    FBI investigation - In July of 2016

    The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - On January 13, 2017

    The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - On January 25, 2017

    The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism - On February 2, 2017

    The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - On February 16, 2017

    The Senate Judiciary Committee - On May 17, 2017

    Special Counsel - On May 17, 2017

    Acquitted on two articles of impeachment - Feb 5, 2020

    The Senate Intelligence Committee - August 18, 2020
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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  4. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We've talked about this in real time, but Alexander Downer(aka: the so-called source) went public on the record to say that what he said to the FBI was/is not quite what was accurately characterized. And the reality of that effect is the truth in that no one was charged with a conspiracy(hell, for comparison the Biden DOJ was able to find conspiracy for the 'Oath Keepers'). That's how little was actually there, they couldn't even find that and in fact through Baker's memos, we know that early on they were aware that there was nothing.

    The only reason why you wouldn't be able to charge the FBI with perjury is that they were at least smart enough not to source the Downer meeting for example with FISA or any other court(that's where the CIA mole comes in, to use his story and the dossier as a way to sneak it through) only that proved equally as false.

    The FBI lied to us from the very beginning of Crossfire Hurricane. The proof of the effectiveness of the lie is that you still believe in those lies even though the ones with the power to act on them, never did. Not even as it transferred over to the Biden Administration.
  5. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    The FBI/DOJ is as corrupt as they come…. the scary part is this is not their first rodeo.. it is un-telling how many other innocent people have been setup like this.. in other cases…

    Let's step back further to spygate...... If there were foreign countries interfering in our 2016 election... it would be the 5 eyes ally's... they implemented a spying entrapment of George Papadopoulas... why would they pull it off overseas... because the US had laws against spying on American citizens, which is a laugh after all they have done just like that thus far. They not only tried it once with George, they tried it twice..

    The first was with Joseph Mifsud in London, (which his closest public ties are to Western governments, politicians, and institutions, including the CIA, FBI and British intelligence services.) One of Mifsud’s jobs has been to train diplomats, police officers, and intelligence officers at schools in London (Link Campus) and Rome, where he lived and worked over the last dozen years.. ...the subject of George’s interrogation by Mueller’s team was the allegation that he had been told by a “not a Russian ‘“Russian,” Joseph Mifsud, during a meeting on April 26, 2016, that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. ... Alexander Downer, (Downer was the Australian High Commissioner to the UK and Australian intelligence is part of the “Five Eyes” coordinated intel network.) during a drunken encounter in a London bar claimed George told him about the emails…. Downer subsequently reported it to Australian officials, and it later got to the FBI. The FBI claims that Downer’s report—that Papadopoulos told him about Russian hacking of Clinton campaign documents—is what led to the opening of the FBI investigation Crossfire Hurricane. But in the interview with Fox. Papadopoulos’ description of his meeting with Downer has the profile of a sting conducted by British intelligence and the CIA, to be fed into the FBI as pretext for the unprecedented FBI counterintelligence investigation of a Presidential election campaign.

    The second was with businessman Charles Tawil… $10,000 given to him as part of a CIA or FBI setup to entrap him… DOJ/FBI entrapment operation being conducted in 2017 by the special counsel; this is not prior to the 2016 election. Upon arrival at Dulles airport on July 27th, 2017, Robert Mueller had FBI agents waiting. Papadopoulos was stopped and his bags were searched; however, he did not have the cash because he smartly left it in Greece with his lawyer. Papadopoulos was detained overnight by FBI agents, and questioned.


    Last edited: May 21, 2022
  6. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Sussmann trial day 4

    What are the odds that another Clinton ally - Alexander Downer - took his “info” to the FBI? Downer’s tip was referenced in the opening of the Alfa Bank-Trump investigation, seen below. (Note that the FBI misrepresents both the Downer tip and Mifsud’s purported statement to George Papadopolous.)
  7. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    UNDER OATH, Crowdstrike could not determine it was a Russian hack, no one knows who it was.
  8. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Or if it was an inside job and not hacked at all.
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  9. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Yea that was floating around.... the speed of transfer was 22.7 megabytes per second — "a speed that far exceeds an internet capability for a remote hack,"" Investigators found that 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded locally on July 5, 2016. The information was downloaded with a memory key or some other portable storage device. The download operation took 87 seconds —""
    garyd likes this.
  10. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Actually, Trump was right about this as well. Lying Crooked Hillary's campaign not only tried to hack Trump Tower Computers but WH computers as well.

    Did Lying Crooked Hillary's campaign pitch Alfa Bank lie to the CIA, too?


    "Just how badly has the trial of Michael Sussmann tarnished" Lying Crooked "Hillary Clinton and her campaign? The shocking way in which Hillary herself signed off on a strategy of rinsing the phony Alfa Bank allegation against Donald Trump through the media and the FBI. But the story got worse later in the day, when a former CIA operative testified that Sussmann tried to sell it to the spooks as well:"

    "Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann denied he was “representing a client” when he gave the CIA faulty data linking Donald Trump to Russia — and was “frustrated” that officials weren’t taking the information seriously, two former agency employees testified Friday."

    He was lying - he was representing Lying Crooked Hillary.

    "One ex-spy — identified in court only as “Kevin P.” — recalled that he and a colleague met with Sussmann at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., in February 2017, shortly after Trump took office. Sussmann gave the men two thumb drives that he said came from unidentified “contacts” and showed a secret, cyber back channel between a Trump Organization server and Russia’s Alfa Bank, Kevin P. said"

    This information was all lies and the zip drive information was forgeries laid on top of data hacked from Trump Towers and from the WH.

    "Sussmann also echoed the testimony of FBI general counsel James Baker in recalling that Sussmann denied working on behalf of any client at the time:" Sussman was lying. He was representing Lying Crooked Hillary.

    "Another former CIA employee testified that Sussmann tried to get him to act on the same material, claiming that he had gotten it from a “Republican” source. " Sussman was lying about this too. The information was stuff they themselves had forged.

    "Jake Sullivan currently serves as Joe Biden’s national security adviser — a rather interesting role, considering his part in this campaign’s attempt to hoodwink the CIA and the FBI for a political dirty trick. If the national media reported on this case as much as they did with the original Alfa Bank allegation, Sullivan’s position would be untenable."

    But the lying fake news media works as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
    popscott likes this.
  11. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Once again, your post is factually inaccurate. It's part of the effort to muddy the waters on what is known. To create the illusion we don't know if it was Russia. Therefore calling in to question the very heart of the case for Russia's considerable actions taken to get Trump elected. Actions we know were taken beyond any doubt.

    ‘An Appropriate Substitute'
    For investigators, access to the physical server falls into the “nice to have” category. It isn’t critical. The FBI was provided malware samples from which it could verify Crowdstrike’s findings. In January testimony before Congress, former FBI Director James Comey addressed the issue. “We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which — again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute,” Comey said.

    Beyond Crowdstrike
    It is true, that the FBI depended on Crowdstrike’s analysis for some of the technical details. But, the attribution of the hack to Russia does not rest solely on CrowdStrike’s findings.

    Several other cybersecurity firms, including Fidelis, FireEye, SecureWorks, and ThreatConnect have independently validated CrowdStike’s conclusions or surfaced additional evidence linking Russia to the DNC hacks.

    The FBI also independently detected Russian attacks on the DNC as far back as September of 2015. That’s when the FBI notified a DNC IT staffer that hackers suspected to be associated with Russian intelligence services had infiltrated their computer systems. Later, the FBI alerted the DNC that a computer on their network was “phoning home” to Russia. (Some have raised the question of how the FBI could have known this. It is likely that the attacks were detected at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and then relayed to the FBI.)

    In addition, the intelligence community’s conclusions were informed by classified sources including SIGINT intercepts and NSA capabilities. While that evidence is not publicly available, it is likely that it includes intercepted communications between Russian officials discussing the hack and forensics that directly traced the source of the hacks back to Russia. According to Snowden and others, the NSA reportedly has capabilities. that allow it to trace internet traffic through Tor server hops the hackers used to obscure their identity.
  12. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Incorrect. What would be expected is for Flynn to have introduced himself. Perhaps say innocuous things like "I look forward to working with you." Not, I repeat not, speak about sanctions or UN votes.

    Prosecutors say Flynn lied to the FBI when asked if he had asked the Russian ambassador to help constrain Russia’s response to President Barack Obama’s retaliation against Russia for its interference in the 2016 election, where he expelled suspected intelligence agents and shuttered two Russian diplomatic compounds in the US.
    The second conversation prosecutors say Flynn lied about involved a United Nations Security Council Resolution condemning Israeli settlements. According to prosecutors, a senior member of Trump’s transition team instructed Flynn to contact foreign officials, including Russia, to pressure them to vote against the resolution.

    Those requests were in contradiction to the policies of the Obama admin and why some contend they were violations of the Logan Act.
  13. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I've been around you fact deniers long enough to know unequivocal evidence is routinely dismissed by way of memes, talking points, and the ingrained adoption of the duplicitous right wing media narrative. But I can't resist offering the facts one more time.

    The U.S. Treasury Department said Thursday that Konstantin Kilimnik, an associate and ex-employee of Paul Manafort, “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy,” during the 2016 election, an apparently definitive statement that neither Special Counsel Robert Mueller nor the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation made in their final reports.

    Some wondered if the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., would be charged in the Mueller investigation after his admitted 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer to solicit dirt on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Well, that’s not the case. He and and other participants–then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and senior advisor Jared Kushner— aren’t being charged with violating campaign finance law because there wasn’t “admissible evidence” to show that they knew that what they were doing was illegal, according to the newly released and redacted Mueller Report.

    “To prove that a defendant acted ‘knowledgeably and willfully,’ the government would have to show that the defendant had general knowledge his conduct was unlawful,” said the report.

    Mueller’s team hypothesized that Trump Jr. could claim that he didn’t believe that his actions broke the law. They suggested the same is true of Kushner. Investigators pointed out that Manafort is experienced in political campaigns, but added that they didn’t have the evidence to show that he actually knew the law.

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails. The Report then addresses whether Trump Campaign associates knowingly entered an agreement with the Russian government to assist those conspiracies.

    As many experts have noted, what’s missing from the Mueller Report is the Special Counsel’s counterintelligence findings. We don’t know what the Special Counsel’s Office or the FBI have assessed, for example, with respect to whether Trump associates engaged in reciprocal efforts with Russian agents without entering a criminal agreement to do so, whether Americans have been witting or unwitting Russian assets, and what leverage or influence Moscow may have over particular individuals.

    It is a bit of a mug’s game at this point to fight over whether what either Mueller or the Intelligence Committee found constitutes collusion and, if so, in what sense. The question turns almost entirely on what one means by the term “collusion”—a word without any precise meaning in the context of campaign engagement with foreign actors interfering with an election.

    So rather than engaging over whether the Intelligence Committee found collusion, we decided to read the document with a focus on identifying precisely what the committee found about the engagement over a long period of time between Trump and his campaign and Russian government or intelligence actors and their cut-outs.

    Whether one describes this activity as collusion or not, there’s a lot of it: The report describes hundreds of actions by Trump, his campaign, and his associates in the run-up to the 2016 election that involve some degree of participation by Trump or his associates in Russian activity. In this post—which we are generating serially as we read through the document—we attempt to summarize, precisely and comprehensively, what the eight Republicans on the committee, along with their seven Democratic colleagues, report that the president, members of his campaign and his associates actually did.

    Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map

    The Mueller report describes numerous instances in which President Trump may have obstructed justice. A few days ago, I threw together a quick spreadsheet on Twitter to assess how Special Counsel Robert Mueller seemed to assess the evidence. Unexpectedly, that spreadsheet got a fair amount of attention—so I thought I would delve back into the evidence to provide a revised visualization with a little more nuance, which will hopefully be helpful to people attempting to parse a legally and factually dense document.

    The key question is how Robert Mueller and his team assessed the three elements “common to most of the relevant statutes” relating to obstruction of justice: an obstructive act, a nexus between the act and an official proceeding, and corrupt intent. As Mueller describes, the special counsel’s office “gathered evidence … relevant to the elements of those crimes and analyzed them within an elements framework—while refraining from reaching ultimate conclusions about whether crimes were committed,” because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)’s guidelines against the indictment of a sitting president.
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  14. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Incorrect, incoming NSA directors are EXPECTED to discuss what will be the policies of the incoming administration and current statuses. We don't want surprises or a foreign government in the dark about what will be those policies in the next couple of weeks. It is part of the transition. That includes advising them not to over react over something that just occurred. Let's recall it was the Russian ambassdor which brought them up and Flynn did not go into some detailed discussion he merely state they should not over react and ended it there. Should he have told them over react? Should he have said do as you please we don't care? He was not charged with a Logan Act violation because he was acting as he should. And as we found out later the FBI agents did not believe he was lying or being evasive with them.
  15. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    The HEAD of Crowdstrike testified they could not determine if it was Russia.


    Hidden Over 2 Years: Dem Cyber-Firm's Sworn Testimony It Had No Proof of Russian Hack of DNC

    CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.

    CrowdStrike President Shawn Henry's admission under oath, in a recently declassified December 2017 interview before the House Intelligence Committee, raises new questions about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller, intelligence officials and Democrats misled the public. The allegation that Russia stole Democratic Party emails from Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others and then passed them to WikiLeaks helped trigger the FBI's probe into now debunked claims of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal the 2016 election. The CrowdStrike admissions were released just two months after the Justice Department retreated from its its other central claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election when it dropped charges against Russian troll farms it said had been trying to get Trump elected.
  16. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    We have to stop this conflict of interest we see going on time and time again... yet again.. nothing is ever done about it...

    Deep swamp: Judge in Sussmann case married to attorney of FBI agent involved in Russia collusion case
    U.S. District Judge Christopher “Casey” Cooper, appointed to the federal bench by Barack Obama, has ties to disgraced former FBI agent Lisa Page. Cooper is married to attorney Amy Jeffress, who is representing Page, a key figure in the FBI’s Russia collusion scheme

    FEC records reveal that Judge Cooper and his wife have given several thousand dollars to the Hillary Clinton campaign & the DNC, yet Cooper is supposed to be objectively hearing a criminal case vs a Hillary campaign lawyer whose firm also represented the DNC

    Federal election records reveal the DC district judge -- Casey Cooper -- hearing the trial of Democrat superlawyer Sussmann has given at least $29,650 to Democrats (& only Democrats) --inclg $5,000 to the DNC, whom Sussmann's firm represented while digging dirt on Trump
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
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  17. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    How Did Dirty Bob Mueller's $40 Million Trump-Russia Investigation 'Miss' Lying Crooked Hillary's Hoax?


    "A rhetorical question..."

    "One of the public revelations created by the trial of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann is that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, and Hillary Clinton’s contracted opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, manufactured the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. How did Robert Muller not find this?"

    "The Clinton hoax is the key takeaway within the testimony of Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, during the Sussman trial. Every intellectually honest person who watched events unfold already knew that. However, the DC politicians, institutions of the DOJ and FBI, and the entire corporate media world have been pretending not to know the truth for almost six years. Now they are in a pretending pickle."

    "Mr. Mook was legally forced to put the truth into the official record, ironically because the Clinton lawyers needed him to in order to save themselves. A stunned Jonathan Turley writes about the revelation HERE. Meanwhile the journalists who received Pulitzer Prizes, for pushing the manufactured Clinton lies that Mook now admits, must avoid any mention of the testimony in order to maintain their ‘pretending not to know things‘ position."


    Donald Trump's greatest accomplishment, besides reforming the Judiciary, is that exposed all these con artists as the liars they are.

    mngam likes this.
  19. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    It is a violation of protocol, if not law, for incoming NS advisers to ask a foreign government to take an action in contradiction to the official policy of the sitting government. Flynn knew that. It's why he lied to the FBI.
  20. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Several other cybersecurity firms, including Fidelis, FireEye, SecureWorks, and ThreatConnect have independently validated CrowdStike’s conclusions or surfaced additional evidence linking Russia to the DNC hacks.

    The FBI also independently detected Russian attacks on the DNC as far back as September of 2015. That’s when the FBI notified a DNC IT staffer that hackers suspected to be associated with Russian intelligence services had infiltrated their computer systems. Later, the FBI alerted the DNC that a computer on their network was “phoning home” to Russia
  21. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Russia always tries to hack and attack and have done so for decades. NO ONE has concluded it was Russia and the FBI relied on Crowdstrike rather than they insisting the campaign turn over the servers to them. And the President of Crowdstrike under oath before Congress stated they found no conclusive evidence it was Russia. It could have been internal, it could been Eskimo's, it could have monks in Tibet, it could have been some 15 year old in his basement. It is all conjecture and supposition. And NO ties to Trump about it.
  22. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    So.... the emails or their content that were hacked have never been denied...
  23. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    No one except.....Fidelis, FireEye, SecureWorks, and ThreatConnect have independently validated CrowdStike’s conclusions or surfaced additional evidence linking Russia to the DNC hacks.

    The FBI also independently detected Russian attacks on the DNC as far back as September of 2015.
  24. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    We also know Russia orchestrated the hacks because it gave the hacked material to Wikileaks to be disseminated to the media in order to hurt Hillary's campaign.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia used Republican political operative Paul Manafort and the WikiLeaks website to try to help now-U.S. President Donald Trump win the 2016 election, a Republican-led Senate committee said in its final review of the matter on Tuesday.

    WikiLeaks played a key role in Russia’s effort to assist Republican Trump’s campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton and likely knew it was helping Russian intelligence, said the 966-page report, which is likely to be the most definitive public account of the 2016 election controversy.

    The report found President Vladimir Putin personally directed the Russian efforts to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Clinton.
  25. popscott

    popscott Well-Known Member Donor

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Manafort had nothing to do with it…

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