Let me preface this by saying that I am a police officer and I fully support the OWS protests. I'm a liberal democrat, I make only about $24,000 a year (which is below the poverty line here), and I agree with the sentiments of OWS. However, all the hatred toward law enforcement is starting to (*)(*)(*)(*) me off. It is every American's right to peacefully protest. What OWS has started doing is not peaceful or orderly. -Disorderly conduct is against the law. -Threatening a police officer is against the law. -Spitting on a police officer (or placing any other bodily fluid) is a felony in most states. -Blocking the street is against the law. -Littering and accumulation of trash and debris is against most city ordinances. If the OWS protesters want to be taken seriously, they have to at least make an attempt to obey the law. Police officers, for the most part, are lower-middle class citizens who would sympathize with the protesters so much more if they didn't make such an attempt to demonize them. We have a job to do. It is our job to keep the peace. None of us want to have to arrest any protester, but if you choose to break the law, you leave us little choice.
With a view like this, confrontation is inevitable. You know, the same police officer you fear, loath, and resist would put their life on the line for you should the situation require it. Police literally face death everyday for the sake of societal stability. They deserve respect and support. Sure you'll find some corrupt or unfit officers, but they're the exception.
Correction, police are extremely low-paid state muscle. Even though you think that, any police officer would dutifully protect you, your family, and your property without a second thought. We have thick skin and can weather the insults, but the violence-baiting and demonizing toward us for doing our job gets a bit... old.
At least you admit what your job is... state muscle. I can respect your honesty. I don't require your services.
I'll remember that when someone breaks into your house, shoots your family, and robs you blind. Nah, we'll still be there.
And the leftiests that broke in will be long gone. Actually, those on the left hate everyone except the 1% who seem to be "with" them. They hate women, blacks, hispanics, Americans, everyone who isn't part of their little group of misfits. It's rather sad.
Broad generalizations. Yay. I will tell you that a good 3 out of 4 people I arrest have conservative values. Just saying. And the left hates women so much that we stand for equality. We hate blacks so much we stand for civil rights. We hate hispanics so much we oppose ridiculous "arrested until proven American" illegal immigration laws. We hate Americans so much that we stand for the 99% who are being oppressed by the 1%. Yeah, you've got your facts straight.
Oh, all cops are to be feared and loathed, unless they claim to be leftists, and you whine about broad generalizations. Seventy-five percent of the people you allegedly arrest have conservative values. Bull(*)(*)(*)(*). Tell me about equality for Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Tell me about equ8ality in the current administration. You hate all blacks who are not leftists. You call that affirmative action pimp in the White House black and call Herman Cain a self-hating black. \ I am so sorry you're opprossed by the one percent but most of us aren't. I'm afriad I think you're some sort of sock puppet and your comments are nothing but lies. You have not posted a single fact. Your job was to give those who hate the police, like you, a forum. Pitiful.
No, they have to gain respect. And a dog force that are the police in servitude of the government and not the people, doesn't deserve any respect. Stability? Stability of the rich that oppress the poors. That is the function of the police.
And to fine and harass people to fill government coffers. Yes, police can be helpful, but more often they aren't since there are too many thugs in uniform. Some men think they are God when they put on a uniform and gun, and their fellow officers will lie for them and back them up. I cannot respect that, and I'm the daughter of a career LEO.
Bingo. Stalin and Beria and their purges are heroes and fond memories for the leftists. It is good of the leftist scum to post their hatred to make the orginal statement obvious.
All the years the left has been protesting and they still haven't gotten a clue on how to do it. They just know how to be loud, not right.
I basically agree. What the protests always need is mellow people to join in and help make the protests mellow.
The Far Left & Left think the Military & Law Enforcement will do their Dirty Work when it all comes down.