Senate Report on Beghanzi proves multiple Fox Lies/Myths

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Iriemon, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    The recent Senate Intelligence Report confirms what those of us who have examined the facts deduced long ago: That Fox News and the RW propaganda media spread numerous lies, myths, and deceptions about Benghazi in the days and weeks following the attack, that were repeated over and over again in the media and on boards like this one.

    Lie 1: The "Stand Down" order

    Chief of these lies and myths was the supposed "Stand down" order that Fox and the RW Media claimed over and over. I have previously demonstrated how the initial Fox story was a fabrication of certain facts. The Senate Intelligence Report conclusively establishes it:

    The Committee explored claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party. ... The Committee has reviewed the allegations that U.S. personnel, including in the IC (Intelligence Community) or DoD, prevented the mounting of any military relief effort during the attacks, but the Committee has not found any of these allegations to be substantiated.

    In other words, it was all a fabrication, a lie, created by RW propaganda and simply believed by tens of millions. Other RW propaganda lies we saw repeated here countless times that have now been proven lies by the Senate Report:

    Lie 2: The Obama administration knew that an attack on Benghazi was imminent and did nothing about it.

    There was no singular "tactical warning" in the intelligence reporting leading up to the events on September 11, 2012, predicting an attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi on the 9/11 anniversary, although State and the CIA both sent general warning notices to facilities worldwide noting the potential security concerns associated with the anniversary. Such a specific warning should not have been expected, however, given the limited intelligence collection of the Benghazi area at the time.

    To date, the Committee has not identified any intelligence or other information received prior to September 11, 2012, by the IC or State Department indicating specific terrorist planning to attack the U.S. facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

    Lie 3: The Obama administration post attack cover up.

    The Majority concludes that the interagency coordination process on the talking points followed normal, but rushed coordination procedures and that there were no efforts by the White House or any other Executive Branch entities to "cover-up" facts or make alterations for political purposes. Indeed, former CIA Director David Petraeus testified to the Committee on November 16, 2012, "They went through the normal process that talking points-unclassified public talking points-go through." In fact, the purpose of the National Security Council (NSC) is to coordinate the many national security agencies of the government, especially when information about a terrorist attack is flowing in and being analyzed quickly-and the NSC used this role appropriately in the case of the talking points coordination. Furthermore, such coordination processes were also standardized, often at the urging of Congress, following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks with the explicit goal of reducing information "stovepipes" between and among agencies. [Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

    Lie 4: The attacks had nothing to do with the Islam video

    It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attacks or whether extremist group leaders directed their members to participate. Some intelligence suggests the attacks were likely put together in short order, following that day's violent protests in Cairo against an inflammatory video, suggesting that these and other terrorist groups could conduct similar attacks with little advance warning.

    Lie 5: Obama did nothing and went to bed and left Americans to die in Benghazi when military units could have saved them

    According to Major General Darryl Roberson, Vice Director of Operations for the Joint Staff: There were no ships available to provide any support that were anywhere close to the facility at Benghazi. The assets that we had available were Strike Eagles loaded with live weapons that could have responded, but they were located in Djibouti, which is the equivalent of the distance between here [Washington D.C.] and Los Angeles. The other fighters that might have been available were located in Aviano, Italy. They were not loaded with weapons. They were not on an alert status. We would've had to build weapons, load weapons, get tankers to support it, and get it there. There was no way that we were going to be able to do that. Unfortunately, there was not a carrier in the Mediterranean that could have been able to support; the assets that we mobilized immediately were the only assets we had available to try to support.

    Credit goes to Media Matters in this article: which helped me locate parts of the Senate Intellegence Reports quoted above, particularly on items 2-5.


    So once again, when the light of truth is finally shined, we see the lies, distortions and deceptions of the RW media and Fox news repeated in the 'net and forums like this one over and over again. How many here have expressed the belief or claim about how the Obama administration ordered troops to "stand down," which is not confirmed as a flat out lie?

    The truth eventually comes out, but the damage is done, the ignorance and deception are spread, and the RW propaganda machine moves on to new lies and deceptions.

    Propaganda is powerful stuff.
    toddwv and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Oh, but see, Fox says we're not supposed to notice THOSE parts....just the parts Fox wants us to notice.

    Consider yourself properly chastized.
  3. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    I wonder how many people will prove you wrong by talking about obamacare
    I'm beginning to think that is conservative logic
    toddwv and (deleted member) like this.
  4. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    I'm expecting at least one of them to post that old Fox News internet video clip on Barney Frank. ;)
  5. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    The British closed their consulate in Benghazi in June determining it was just too dangerous.
  6. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    It's like a new version of Godwin's Law

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    I'm sorry, maybe this might be buried somewhere in there, but, relevance?
  7. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    Liberal Question: How do I redeem myself after my pro-O'Bama argument gets totally destroyed in other thread topics?

    Liberal Answer: Act like those thread topics never existed, then start another thread topic on the subject.
  8. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    I hope you realize an
    ambassador decides where he goes In a country Not the state department
  9. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    I hope you realize that the far left is lying to you even WORSE than Fox is lying to the Right. By a long, long ways.

    Sucker. :)

    'Course that doesn't mean you're a bad person...
  10. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    It's not clear to you at all.

    I didn't depend on Media Matters at all. As I was reading the Senate Intelligence report in one of the conservative threads, I read the part I quoted in the first lie on "stand down," saying there was no evidence of such an order by any party. In other words, the Senate Report confirmed the whole "stand down" uproar was nothing more than a fabrication by Fox and the RW media, as I had previously detected.

    Then I was curious if there was anything on the web about it, did a search and and came across the MM article.

    Since I knew that conservatives here would use that as an excuse, I didn't quote for MM, but instead checked the quotes in the Senate report.

    Every quote in my OP is from the Senate Intelligence Report on Benghazi. Not from MM.

    Anyone can verify it for themselves with the link I provided. People who wish to remain ignorant won't.
  11. paco

    paco New Member

    Apr 10, 2009
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    The Senate Intelligence Committee found that what happened at Benghazi was "preventable" and that the State Department (Hillary Clinton) did not provide enough security for the ambassador. So no, he was not able to decide where he went in that country. Al Qaeda killed the ambassador inside the embassy. What does that tell you?
  12. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    I saw that you didn't actually refute any of the information in the post. I love it when people fit so perfectly into the ad hominem fallacy. You couldn't have possibly made it any better.
  13. 110db

    110db New Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    Obama told Hitlery to let them die.
  14. little voice

    little voice New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    what have you read
    Have you read the report
    Have you read the book quoting the people were there
    Are you truly informed to the point that you can say the post is wrong
    Credibility is just a line of BS
    Why don't you tell him why it is wrong
    You can not Deny the truth So you attack the source
  15. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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  16. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Nice summary of Fox News, proved to be lies by the Senate Intelligence report.

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    It's worse than that. He's not even attacking the source.

    The source of the quotes in the OP is the Senate Intellegince committee report, which I provided the link to in the OP.
  17. SourD

    SourD New Member Past Donor

    Mar 27, 2012
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    How about you address the most important thing they found. That is was preventable and Hillary and the Administration are to blame.
  18. smallblue

    smallblue Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Those citations come directly from the bipartisan report. (the OP kindly posted the pdf link to the report so you we all can verify that).

    The first is from page 5 of the report
    The second is from page 22 of the report
    etc. . .
  19. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    We knew that a year ago.

    What we did not know, and the new Senate Intelligence Report proves, is that:

    There was no "Stand Down" order
    There was no imminent warning of the attack
    The Obama administration did not cover up anything.
    The attacks very well could have been sparked by the anti-Islam video
    Obama did not leave Americans to die in Benghazi when military units could have saved them

    All now shown to be lies, fabrications and deceptions by Fox and RW propaganda, and repeated how many countless times here.
  20. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    We knew that a year ago. The report does not say Clinton is to blame. That is another RW propaganda lie.

    However, what we did not know, and the new Senate Intelligence Report proves, is that:

    There was no "Stand Down" order
    There was no imminent warning of the attack
    The Obama administration did not cover up anything.
    The attacks very well could have been sparked by the anti-Islam video
    Obama did not leave Americans to die in Benghazi when military units could have saved them

    All now shown to be lies, fabrications and deceptions by Fox and RW propaganda, and repeated how many countless times here.
  21. JP5

    JP5 Former Moderator Past Donor

    Mar 17, 2004
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    As has already been posted, the Senate Report states that there were numerous WARNINGS starting in June 2012 of al Qaeda building in this VERY important one:

    (2) A CIA officer "briefed the EAC on the location of approximately ten
    Islamist militias and AQ training camps within Benghazi."

    Got it? NOT in just Libya; but right there in Benghazi!!! And all the while, Obama was going around the country campaigning, claiming he had "decimated" al Qaeda and they were "on the run." TEN AQ training camps inside Benghazi and Obama and Hillary did NOTHING??? This explains their subsequent lies to try to get the public to believe it was spontaneous and had something to do with a video. They KNEW they'd both been caught with their pants down.

    Neither one......not Hillary and not Obama.....are fit to be president of the U.S.
  22. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    What Clinton a security expert who made the day to day security detail decision for diplomatic post security around the world?

    Using your logic Bush was to blame for 9-11.
  23. SourD

    SourD New Member Past Donor

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Nope, Hillary knew and rejected the calls for more security. It was HER job.
  24. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    We knew that there had been activity and there was insufficient security detailed to Benghazi a year ago. The report does not say Clinton or Obama is to blame.

    However, what we did not know, and the new Senate Intelligence Report proves, is that:

    There was no "Stand Down" order
    There was no imminent warning of the attack
    The Obama administration did not cover up anything.
    The attacks very well could have been sparked by the anti-Islam video
    Obama did not leave Americans to die in Benghazi when military units could have saved them

    All now shown to be lies, fabrications and deceptions by Fox and RW propaganda, and repeated how many countless times here.

    And yet people still gullibly believe whatever they are fed.

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    I believe that is absolutely untrue. Quote the report where it says that.
  25. SourD

    SourD New Member Past Donor

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Like I said, you are a die hard. There are NUMEROUS links out there to reports from the CIA and DoD that say the video was not in play. You are hysterical and just trying to provide a smoke screen like you have been instructed to.

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    Who's job was it? Who does the report say was in fault?

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