The Angry Foreigner & A Rant on Slut Shaming

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Warm Potato, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. Warm Potato

    Warm Potato Active Member

    May 5, 2018
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    If you love porn, don't pretend that makes everyone else a bad person for not loving it. Its funny how your every statement in the video circles around calling everyone else puritan morons, yet you're gonna tell us that everyone else is vitriolic. And because he didn't talk about it, remember that these pornstars make thousands of dollars and the smart ones are able to retire without ever working a day in their life. There's a great documentary Angry Foreigner probably hasn't watched called "Hot Girls Wanted", look it up.

    The reason I chose to mainly focus on debunking his video is because I mainly saw him ******** on conservative minded individuals. Not making arguments for his point at all.

    Angry Foreigner on Slut-Shaming & Sex Workers:

    The reasons pornstars don't deserve respect is because
    A) Its a self destructive life choice that should be discouraged.
    B) They are paid to film videos that enourage relationship violence
    C) There's a blurred line between porn stars and "sex workers" and many advocates for them like Angry Foreigner choose to continue blurring that line to eventually push for legalized prostitution. But rather than come out and say they want that, they beat around the bush.

    Also, not everyone who disagrees with you is a christian, Angry Foreigner.
    And your studies and articles only prove my point.
    Assuming they can be trusted with all their flaws.

    And to clarify, blaming America alone for the creation of ISIS is intellectually dishonest and cowardly. If you'd like the United States to shrink its military, we'll just pull out of NATO and the UN, considering those groups are the most responsible for the armed conflicts you seem to despise. So, stop relying on American aid if you hate us so much.

    WarmPotato rebuts Angry Foreigner talking about slut shaming and sex workers. Enjoy the rant.


    NOTE - While the study also says pornstars have higher levels of "social support" and "spirituality", we have no way of knowing how these authors measured such a thing or even the margin of difference between the two groups. Perhaps the difference is significant, perhaps it is barely noticable. We also must factor age into the question.

    A 20 year old in college away from home will naturally have less social support than a 20 year old pornstar who has the money and time to literally **** for a living and always be close to the people she depends on.

    Not that any of this matters, because the study is a crock of **** anyway! 177 women is not a large enough sample to generalize across countries like Angry Foreigner is trying to do. Its all just one big clusterfuck, but safe to say, the study is not reliable.


    Regarding the likely critique that its up to parents to make sure their kids aren't exposed to pornographic content - that logic has been used for decades as a justification for further sexualizing television. Like have you seen those recent super bowl commercials??? The sexual innuendo was flying left and right! Hell, it wasn't even innuendo, it was practically shoved in your face at that point! Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer safe places for kids to grow without having sex shoved down their throats. Where do we draw the line? When will Angry Foreigner stop blaming parents, and start blaming the content producers instead! What are you expecting? For parents to lock their children in dungeons and never see the light of day??? At a certain point, the adults need to behave themselves to set a better example and create a better environment for the children. Blaming the parents is a classic example of perverts trying to put responsibility elsewhere. Screw that ****. Keep your pervert bull crap to yourself.

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