Was the collapse of the Republican Party due to the recession that devastated the US in the waning days of the Bush regime? This ain't the Bush's father's GOP, and it is unlikely to recover.
The Democrats have been declaring the death of the Republican Party for many years. That's why Republicans control both the House and the Senate, because Republicans can't win.
Only 250,000 "Trump can't win" messages to go. Curious how it has shifted from Trump can't win the primary to Trump can't win the general election. It also is notable the many Democrats including on this forum don't give a damn about Americans or the USA - and assume Hillary Clinton doesn't either. If Trump would be so terrible for the country, they would be wanting him to not get the nomination because anything can happen in the election. By comparison, there aren't endless messages by conservatives and Republicans hoping Bennie Sanders the socialist wins so Republicans can kick his ass. From this, I have to conclude that a majority of Republicans foremost concern is the good of the country and of Americans, while some Democrats don't give a damn about Americans and only care about their submissive devotions to the political master-party.
Absolutely. In fact, if he makes it as far as Super Tuesday I intend to vote for him here in Texas. Limbaugh had the right idea in 2008 (Operation Chaos), he just chose the wrong party to try to unleash it on. Anyone BUT the GOP in 2016! - - - Updated - - - That could be because polls show Bernie beating all GOP candidates handily, including Herr Drumph.
So why is a Limey so concerned with US politics? Oh that's right, looking ahead for the next Lend/Lease to save you from Sharia Law!!
Some Democrats have, but that's irrelevant. The featured article is about Republicans bemoaning the plight of the current GOP, of course. The radicals who were giddy over their McConnell and Boehner winning control of Congress - just as they had been all aflutter over their Bush being installed in the White House - after experiencing the consequences, are now having as big a hissyfit as ever, reviling those who espouse traditional values as "RINOs!" Can they manage to topple their Party's bosses and actually nominate an abrasive show business celebrity with no political experience whatsoever? There are partisan antagonists of the GOP that are hoping that happens, but I expect dyed-in-the-wool Republicans will unite to prevent it, now merely keeping their powder dry until the blight on their Party will not have the time to leave in a huff and form his "ME" Party. Does that mean Angry White Guys will get angry? How will we be able to tell?
What complete gibberish. The GOP has been hear before when an outsider showed up and threatened the establishment RINO crowd. His name was Ronald Reagan and he ushered in decades of peace and prosperity
As a lifelong Republican I must say this "New GOP" has lost much of the Grand part and seems to just be an ol' Party. Between the focus on fighting the President and his party and the constant dismissal if not hostility directed toward those of us who once supported and voted Republican, I do worry about the future of the Party. If they go with Trump doubly so, I know I would not be voting....and most of my friends say the same.
Sanders isn't in the same polling position as Trump, the heat always goes on the front runner. Aside from that, all the talk serves Trump well enough, seems like a bad word from a liberal is worth ten glowing conservative reviews. Plenty of conversation about Clintons chance, or lack of a chance, in the coming election. We get a strew of threads every time a new story pops up about e-mails and Benghazi, and they still get plenty of traction from the cons here. And people on the right do post about Sanders, its just not all that interesting because he isn't a likelihood to win the nomination at this point. It doesn't generate the back and forth from liberals to get much notice. So until Trump takes a solid back seat in the republican polls I wouldn't be comparing him to Sanders. Also, do not throw me in with your "Trump can't win" crowd, I suspect he could do much better than current polls imply in a national election.
Either the GOP will return to normalcy or the radical element will prevail. My guess is the former, the latter being an unstable short-lived phenomenon with no coherent or practicable political philosophy. The resurgent Party will have shifted, less subservient to the corporate elite, more attractive to the nation's demographic diversity, but espousing fiscal responsibility and restrained regulatory oversight. They may even be less enthusiastic about State intrusiveness in the matter of politicians seizing greater control over wombs. Hindsight is virtually blind when hyper-partisan blinders are worn. The historical record shows that Reagan declared a general amnesty for illegal aliens, grew the size of the federal government, tripled the deficit, repeatedly raised taxes, illegally transfered arms to terrorists and acted befuddled when confronted with the proof, and fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping, and funding Islamist mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. The mythical Reagan is a far different kettle of fish, of course.
Amnesty was part of a deal dems congress made and broke to secure the border. Now we know secure the border FIRST and then talk amnesty He ended the Carter recession and won the cold war with the Soviets. He armed the Afghans and was instrumental in running the Soviets out of that country and breaking their spirit and economy.
Trump is a moron and the voters are falling into another trap of nominating a candidate that stands no chance in the general election. Rubio is my favorite
I thought it was odd to see the editor of the Washington Free Beacon saying this. The Free Beacon has been one of the most salacious promoters of the id of the angry white far right. It has openly pandered to the no nothing xenophobia and bigotry that is at the heart of Trump's campaign.
Funny that, because I'm thinking that's how a lot of good Germans thought in the early 1930s, i.e., concern only for the good of the Fatherland. To the exclusion of everything non-blonde, non-protestant, non-militaristic, and non-industrialistic, I might add. We all know, that is what is GOOD for this country, dont' we? We can make this country great again, by golly.
Over a thousand Republicans have beaten Democrats and taken their offices since Obama. No single person has ever sold more guns or elected more Republicans than Obama.
Your hyper-partisan perspective is noted. You need to pretend that Reagan's amnesty law was not introduced by the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate in May 1986, six months before the congressional elections, of course.
Rubio may well be the most viable in a general election - especially if he modifies his extremist position that a microscopic, mindless zygote is an instant person. Each woman's belief in that regard should be respected, rather than politicians dictating one to them.
I still think that Rubio has the potential of presenting a viable challenge for Clinton, but Trump is besmirching the brand name for all Republicans. His rivals for the nomination appear as wimpy when they refuse to take him on due to their strategic calculations.
I think the GOP will only return to normalcy after it has been handed another particularly humiliating defeat on the national stage, and maybe not even then. The emboldment of the lunatic fringe, and the rise of open jingoism and bigotry are all products of the GOP's efforts to motivate it's far right wing base, without which it can't sustain even its hold in Congress. This particular edition of the GOP clown car is the current manifestation of the Palinization of conservative politics. To be sure, the far right wing, Fox audience has been the core of "low information voters" who get their "news" from former disc jockeys and bloggers. The infotainment and pandering that are the stock in trade of right wing conservative talk radio and Fox are all geared to this lowest common denomiator. Some of them actually encourage their audience to be ignorant. And the commercialization of this political pandering and its infotainment aspect is what has turned Presidential debates into overgrown game shows in which the participants bicker like high school girls and compete to see who can score the biggest shock value. There was nothing dignified about Tuesday's Presidential debate. All of the candidates and the office were cheapened by the sheer tawdriness of it all. None of the current GOP front runners is even remotely qualified for the Presidency. They are carnival barkers, shouting slogans at morons. Which is where the GOP is now.
I find it hard to image a first term Senator is a viable challenger to any politician with any real experience.
It would not be unprecedented. In 2008, a first term US Senator defeated a veteran with 20 years experience in that capacity.