Wasn't Giuliani winning in the national polling st this point? Then he couldn't win any early states and disappeared? Trump has basically already lost IA - well see if NH coalesces around another candidate. There's a good - probably 70% chance - that it will. If it does, Trump's campaign is dead. If he wins NH, then the nomination is between him and whoever won the other of the two (at this point, looks like Cruz). Then it'll be fairly even. So Trump has about a 30% chance of having about a 50% chance, meaning he has about a 15% chance of winning. I wouldn't bet on him yet. Cruz has the best shot right now, as indicated by early state polling *and the betting money*. You can actually bet on primaries, and the betting markets indicate Cruz is the real favorite. And it sounds like he probably has support of that Adelson guy you love to talk about - didn't you at one point say Adelson would choose the winner? I m I'm ght be mistaken, but I'm just curious if you've changed your mind. - - - Updated - - - Do you think that Sanders could be doing the same thing for the Democrats? Potentially making it a wash?
My position on abortion and the unborn has been written on other threads. Bottom line no candidate lines up 100% with my views, I pick the one that's closest and Rubio is it from what I know of him and have heard from him. His knowledge on international affairs has me hooked
In 2007, indeed. If Trump collapses, it may suggest to the GOP that abrasive, serial-polygamist New Yorkers have a short campaign shelf life, but Rudy was just another insider. Trump is the logical culmination of the increasing influence of the show business wing of the party and the widespread disenchantment with its establishment politicians. Cruz has been the most timid about incurring Trump's wrath in the expectation of disgruntled Trumpies having to go somewhere, but I think the situation is far too unstable to make predictions. No, never thought Carrot Top would back a winner. I thoroughly enjoyed his stuffing $98 million into Republican candidate coffers in the '08 elections, and squandering $20 million+ on Newtie alone last time, but, of the GOP candidates prostrating themselves at his feet, Huckabee seemed to be the most willing to kowtow to Bebe Netanyau's prescribed foreign policy for the US, a non-negotiable CT priority. (I liked it when Chrisite blew his chances by referring to Israel's occupied territories as "occupied territories.") It's hardly the symmetrical mirror image some like to contrive. Bernie is an experienced, conventional politician who emphasizes a coherent philosophy that has long been an integral strain of the Democratic Party philosophy. Since he never attacks his election opponents, he isn't about to revile a potential nominee with any variations on the following puerile invectives: "Look at that face," Trump said to Rolling Stone in a piece published Wednesday. "Would anyone vote for that?" Listening to her for ten minutes, "you develop a massive headache! She has zero chance!" "He has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife." Nor would Saunders ever indulge in Trumpesque disparagements such as the television celebrity has fired at Walker and Paul, call a colleague "an idiot!" as Trump did Graham, or claim that Rick Perry "wears glasses to seem smart!" Trump's shtick may be common in the entertainment realm, but unique in politics. In his mature demeanor, in his steady temperament, and in the place his ego assumes as he tries to influence his Party (No one is worried that Bernie is about to become pissy and form his very own "Me!" party), Bernie Sanders is no Donald Trump. .
I'm not espousing a position - although I do not regard a microscopic, mindless entity as a person, requiring politicians seizing control of every woman's womb - but rather, noting that Rubio's extremist position in the matter is far too radical for the moderate American electorate.
Trump's Muslim Friends Really Like His Proposed Ban on Muslims Entering the U.S. I have many, many friends who are Muslim, Trump told Kimmel. They are great people. Many of them called me and said You know, Donald, youre right, we have a problem, Trump said. Others aren't so thrilled: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...ends-really-my-proposed-ban-muslim-immigrants
That's one issue out of many and one that no matter who comes into office wont make a difference on the issue, because it is still too divisive. However on the flip side the take that abortion should be legal at any stage is a radical position as well. both sides are supported by 20%. And no matter what your stand on abortion is, 50% or so will be for, or against the overall stand on legalization.
No one who espouses an extremist positions - either that the State must seize control from the instant of conception, or that the State has no role until birth - is about to be elected president.
Personally I feel strongly that Rubio should not win no matter what. Yes I would be open to giving the presidency back to Obama if it means Rubio will lose. We already have citizens united, with that at least we know who is buying our politicians. There should be NO space whatsoever for a candidate who uses dark money NGO funding. Anybody who can't understand the impact of this in our system really should look up how Rubio's ads are being made. If Rubio wins you can throw out citizens united. Everyone can get unlimited donations and not even have to disclose who is donating to them. You can't even stop foreign parties from directly donating to a candidate. I for one cannot believe any democrat or republican support this candidate. Yes I will say it. I will take HITLER over rubio.
As I noted and you attempted to dodge, no candidate who either supports the State seizing control from the instant of conception or claims that the State has no role until birth is about to be elected. If you would rather allow a woman to die when a late term abortion of a non-viable fetus could save her life, that is a matter for your conscience.
Whether the wily Putin recognizes that he could easily control and manipulate the political tyro by massaging his ego, he seems to actually be joining the neo-nazis and white supremacists throwing compliments his way. Quite a diverse following has The Great Flatu!
Well even Rubio supports that exception, as do I. And no didn't dodge anything, just stating Clinton is just as extreme as Rubio, on the other end of the scale
Do you really think there is any difference between thier presidencies? One just openly acknowledges she has been bought by banks while the other hides it. Why the democrats dont like thier perfectly viable choice in sanders i will never know.
The problem the GOP has is that it's foundational principles turned into a religion once Ronald Reagan talked them into accepting wealth and success as the new God of America. When he sold the conservative ideology to the masses in 1980 while merging with Jerry Falwell, he created a schism between the highly educated elites and the working class while banking off the guilt about Vietnam to get otherwise regular Democrats to believe that America was OK now, it just needed a new Grandpappy. Once we got rid of the fairness doctrine, right wing media exploded and taught their audience to hate, day in, day out, hate liberals, elites, atheists, feminists, environmentalists, the poor, homeless, etc. Years of this crap created the electorate we have today, a mindless mob of dunces dancing around a jester hoping he will throw them a Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
Its still early, but a couple of weeks ago there was a poll where 30% of Republicans said they would never vote for Trump. Then on the other side you have a bunch of Trump supporters contending if he doesn't get the nomination they will stay home. I am keeping an eye on this. No nominee whomever it is will be able to win next November with only 70% of his party's base voting. We will have to wait and see how this plays out, but there is a chasm opening up in the GOP. That much we know for sure.
The Democrats let Sanders run to shake off the annointness of Hillary gaining the nomination. Just look at the endorsement game. 144 of 188 Democratic House members has endorsed Clinton. 2 have endorsed Sanders. 38 of 44 Current Democratic Senators have endorsed Clinton, only one senator, Sanders himself has endorsed Sanders. 12 of the current 17 Democratic Governors have endorsed Clinton, none Sanders. Clinton has the pledge of 440 Democratic Super Delegates out of 737. Sanders has 4.
No, Clinton does not maintain that the State has no role in a pregnancy until the moment of birth, whereas, on the other end, Rubio believes that a microscopic, mindless zygote within the womb is a person from the instant of its conception. Most Americans recognize that a person develops during gestation rather than holding the extremist positions that it happens at the very beginning of the process or not until the very end. You may wish to consider initiating a separate thread rather than derailing this one. Rubio's position is only pertinent to the extent it affects his electability. .
It's a Catch 22 for the GOP, their house divided against itself. All that may unite them temporarily is a relentless smear campaign against the Democratic nominee.
That has nothing to do with the dem congress not honoring their part of the deal which was to secure the border. We have been burned by you guys before on this and that is why we now insist you first secure the borders and then we debate what to do about illegals already here. Fool me once.................
What evidence do you have that Reagan was hoodwinked as you claim? Please provide your source. Do you or do you not agree with Reagan? ""I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally." Ronald Reagan Whoever your imagined pyromaniacal "you guys" might be that are applying the heat (The American People, the vast majority of whom oppose mass deportations, perchance?), the truth is that illegal immigration numbers were higher under Bush than Obama, and more folks are leaving than arriving as of late.
In my opinion Hillary Clinton deserves what she gets. She is not an honest politician like Sanders or a trustworthy one. Her and Trump deserve one another. But I would say you are correct.