The Rural Challenge for Democrats

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Zorro, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The Rural Challenge for Democrats

    20% of Americans live in rural areas.

    'The Democratic Party’s decade-plus-long collapse in rural and micropolitan America stands as one of the great obstacles to strengthening the nation’s democracy. '

    This reveals this guy to be bit of an idiot. Dems collapse in rural areas is because of their lack of respect for the fundamental rights of rural Americas. Crooked Hillary told them that she would personally see to it that coal miners would lose their jobs, but that they could learn to write code. Obama called them bible thumpers, racists and gun nuts. That and their attempts to disarm Americans has peeled away this 20% of America that was an anchor of the FDR coalition for nearly a century.

    'Gerrymandering by Republican-controlled state legislatures compounds this dynamic by either clustering liberal-leaning voters in a few districts or splitting them across boundaries that favor conservatives.'

    This also reveals this guy as yet another lying left wing talking point parrot. For the last 3 congressional elections in a row, Democrats have won seats in excess of their vote percentage, because they out gerrymandered the Republicans.

    'too many of today’s Democrats regard rural America with a mixture of resignation, denial, and disdain. Beset with a rural reputation frequently described as “toxic,” the party’s inept approach is reflected in maps of partisan control.'

    Well these rat bastard privileged snotty elitists view rural folk with disdain, which of course rural folks notice, and then these same self-entitled snots go on and on about how to get them to vote for them? Forget about it, you disrespect them, and they know you disrespect them, you might as well be Dylan Mulvaney trying to sell them beer. It's not gonna happen.

    Then this clown goes on for a bit bemoaning the demise of the Democrat Party from a national Party to bicoastal regional party. Well, what the hell did they expect when they deliberately drove rural voters from their ranks because they couldn't stand the sight of them? And finally it's dawning on them that they can't win a national election with just the Coastal strips?

    'unsurprisingly, they control none in the South.'

    Yeah there's a shocker. Every Southerner knows that as soon as you hear their accent that your estimation of their IQ just dropped 10 points.

    'the march of MAGA-style neofascism.'

    So now you are calling them fascists, yet it's on Leftwing campuses where Jews are in hiding from rampaging mobs and professors are disciplined for protest the mass murder and mass rape of Jews in Israel. Just watch these folks and marvel at their blindness.

    The Golden Triangle of MAGA as 3 legs that quickly brought unrival prosperity to the American Worker:
    1. Fair Trade not Free Trade
    2. Build the Wall
    3. End The Endless Wars
    What do the snotty elitists who can barely tolerate our smell commit to?
    1. Filling children with sexual filth in school
    2. Dividing them by sex, skin color and religion and pitting them at each other's throats.
    3. Conversion therapy for gay and lesbian children by destroying their genitals with surgeries and dangerous drugs, and removing them from their parents control if the parents are insufficiently compliant with their madness.
    This has finally caught the attention of these clowns. Blacks make less than 13% of the US, but they vote in high numbers and for Democrats as high as +95% Dems. For Dems to carry a national election, they need a massive overwhelming black turn out. They motivate Blacks through campaigns of hate and anger, which is why we are always enduring Leftwing driving racial campaigns of hate, anger, rage and racial division.

    As the rural vote has steadily gone from the solid Democrat vote of the FDR coalition, to now with all these disgust and disdain from Democrats and Leftist elites toward rural folks, they are becoming a near monolithic, high turn out GOP vote, off setting the advantage Dems have enjoyed with the Black vote. With the Black Vote and the Rural vote counter-balancing each other, races are no being won or lost in the suburbs, which is why the schools have become such an issue.

    Please discuss
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2023
    RodB, Joe knows, Talon and 4 others like this.
  2. Shutcie

    Shutcie Newly Registered Donor

    Dec 21, 2021
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    Hillary's "basket of deplorables" speech set the tone for politics in America.
    One could say she said the quiet part out loud.
    The American coasts have become the kingdom of the liberal while the heart of America has become the kingdom of ........ America.
    The older standards and ethics that made America are alive and strong in the heartland while the coasts are struggling to understand what counts, and what doesn't.
    Perhaps the coasts would do well to spend a week in, say, Oklahoma or Iowa, at maybe a fair.
    But if you take someone from, say, Iowa, and put them in San Francisco for a week someone would get shot.
    RodB and roorooroo like this.
  3. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    You are right , DEMS don’t give a s$$$ what Rural America does these days

    Here is the REAL America

    After the Midterms, One Party Controls All the Wealthiest Congressional Districts (
    50 Wealthiest Congressional Districts in the US

    Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy. What does this mean for the nation’s political-economic divide? (

    Another Clinton-Trump divide: High-output America vs low-output America (

    Election 2020: Democratic counties represent 70% of U.S. GDP (

    America has two economies—and they’re diverging fast (

    Underlying these changes have been eye-popping shifts in economic performance. Democratic-voting districts have seen their GDP per seat grow by a third since 2008, from $35.7 billion to $48.5 billion a seat, whereas Republican districts saw their output slightly decline from $33.2 billion to $32.6 billion.

    cd8ed and Quantum Nerd like this.
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I'd say that Obama let the cat out of the bag in the '08 campaign with his 'bitter clingers, racists, bible thumpers and gun nuts" comments.
    They aren't struggling ot understand us. That hate us, they would just like to trick enough of us to vote for them, that they can defeat us.
    Do you think they are self-reflective enough to learn much from that experience?
  5. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    And yet the snot nose little bastards were in for a rude awakening when Donald Trump won.

    And it's specifically because of their snotty little attitudes that he did win.

    People are getting rather sick of them and business as usual.
    Talon and ButterBalls like this.
  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    BLM Leader Endorses Trump As Black Voter Support for Biden Goes Soft


    'A co-founder of the Rhode Island chapter of Black Lives Matter came out with his endorsement of Republican presidential Donald Trump on Tuesday. He said it is obvious that the Democrat Party is “not for us.”'

    Too many of the use you and take you for granted.

    'Mark Fisher has had enough of Democrats taking for granted the black vote in elections. He called out Democrat “hypocrisy” and “duplicity” during an interview with Fox News Channel. “We’re not stupid,” Fisher said. “We understand when someone’s for us and when someone is not, and it’s obvious that the Democratic Party is not for us.”'

    They want you right where they have you. Angry, filled with rage, and voting for more of the same.

    'He said that Trump advocates for policies that uplift the community. “Democrat policies strike at the heart of the Black family and the nuclear family.” His endorsement comes at a time when polling shows black voter support for Joe Biden going soft.'

    “We’ve been used and abused for so long by that party, they don’t value our vote,” Fisher said. “Their policies are basically racist policies. I believe it’s a racist party. Donald Trump is just the opposite. He’s he’s going to tell you how it is. He’s going to give it to you straight.”

    “Trump has done more for the Black community than I can any president I can think of in my lifetime,”

    Blacks so wages gains under Trump that have never been matched and certainly aren't going to be matched by Bribed Joe.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  7. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Not much to argue with there.
    Elections should be a filtering process to select the candidates whose competence and character will best serve the nation. Instead, we are seeing battles to alter perceptions, get voters to overlook the absence of critical skills and values like integrity, then buy their votes with promises that can never be kept. In other words, the people are being seen as rubes at the country fair- there to be taken advantage of by people in power.

    The real question is performance of the job. To measure this in a meaningful way all we have to do is look at the basic mission of government, and ask how well our politicians are serving that mission.

    When we fail to remember that and get focused on all the distractions and petty arguments that hide the corruption and mismanagement, we are getting conned.

    The mission of government can be defined in simple terms. Compare the mission to what is actually happening, and you get a performance score.

    First- To make every decision in the best interests of the people .
    Second- To act with honesty in everything they do in their job.
    Third- To be open and transparent about their actions.

    Score- would appear to be zero+zero+zero, total- Zero. For both parties, which tells you the problem is universal; it just presents differently between parties.

    I'm saying the real problem is not the issues on the surface, but the root causes at the bottom. It's like a disease of character corruption, where we see the symptoms and try to address them- but the disease keeps producing more and more. Congress doesn't plan for the future and construct a system that will run smoothly. Instead, it doesn't address needs until they become crises- and then, they simply patch it to get by for a short term. Like raising the debt limit, which is the consistent response to overspending and fiscal mismanagement. Like fixing Social Security.... Not permanently, just to put off the failure for a few years.

    This system of promises and patches and distractions has worked well. For example, the history of the democratic party is so consistently anti-black that one would think they would get no support at all from black citizens, yet they have a consistent track record of very strong democrat voting.

    Personally, I think that this relates to our perceptions of independence. Rural populations must be much more self-reliant than urban ones; they have confidence in being able to stand on their own feet. Urban populations are surrounded by services and local governments that regulate the community. Urban populations ask governments to solve their problems, rural ones more often ask the government to get the hell out of the way. So, promises of providing more government benefits to buy votes works a lot better on urban populations than on rural ones.

    A legitimate government focused on it's mission would be cultivating strength and independence in people, not dependence on their power. Dependant people will vote to continue what they must depend on, so promises have become the stock in trade of politics, even though they are rarely kept, and even more rarely done so honestly.
    ButterBalls and yabberefugee like this.
  8. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    As a rural American (maybe a slight bit of an accent as well) ...I am going to enjoy this discussion. One thing you should also mention, urban dwellers are starting to see the light with the illegal migration fiasco coming to their left wing,sanctuary cities!
    Zorro and Pieces of Malarkey like this.
  9. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    It is also a challenge for Republicans. Take Texas for instance, the voucher program, ESA's that Abbott wants to implement. As they say, politics make strange bedfellows. In the Texas House of Representatives, rural Texas Republicans and urban Democrats from the four major metro areas, are against said vouchers. Most rural people don't give a rats ass about what Washington DC think or do as long as their lives are not serverely interrupted. Their ire is the inflation, and they generally blame Biden for that. They also want trade, but at the same time, don't want anyone who looks different from them moving into the area like as if they are Archie Bunker. Public schools in rural areas are the lifeblood of the small towns you are wanting to concentrate on. They don't really care about the Israeli-Hamas war, but are concerned with large government intrusion, including intrusion into the bedroom, aka the cultural wars you are referencing here.

    Convervsion therapy does not work. It's a sham. Sorry, but there are other ways with qualified medical professionals in which a person "may be confused" on their sexuality.

    In small towns, yes almost everyone goes to church. In the south, you can still see stores and restaurants closed on Sunday, all day, except for chain restaurants that may be in the city, including fast food. But that is generally the rule, not the exception. But they also know and respect other people's profession of faith, but are unfamiliar with Sikh, Islam, Hindi, and other religions. But they will accept people as long as they don't try to force their religion onto them and vice versa.

    When it comes to the Southern Border, most in the rural areas really don't understand the complexities of the issue and rely on TV and social media for their information. That is their limitation. But if you try to use fear and scare tactics, it may work, but at the same time, it will cause a rise in hate crimes in the communities, such as what happened in Maine and Vermont.

    Finally, the main reason why the rural vote when from Democrat to Republican has to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. To the rural area, who were always conservative, but voted democrat, viewed that as government intrusion mostly, with some who viewed the groups getting the same access as a all-white, or mostly white small town, the same rights as whites. That is the main reason why the change.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  10. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    It is simple. The democrats have policies that appeal mostly to city dwellers. Out here in the country we value things like freedom and common sense. That we are only 20% of the population puts us at a serious disadvantage politically but we make it up in life style. This morning I drank my coffee watching a small herd of deer feeding in my hay field. Yesterday we had a flock of turkeys make a rest stop on our back yard. There are no drug deals in the parking lot. There aren't even any parking lots. Local schools teach academic subjects instead of political ideology. People here have a clear understanding of the difference between males and females. Our crime statistics are very close to zero. If someone needs help they just need to ask. I'll deal with political disadvantage but never by living in a city.
    Talon and ButterBalls like this.
  11. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well, except that the Rural and Small Town vote has overcome a great deal of their political disadvantage by becoming a high turnout solid GOP vote, offsetting the Black Vote, that is high turnout and solid Dem vote. It's this change in the Rural Small Town Vote that has left Dems on the verge of unable to carry a national election on the backs of the Black vote without massive levels of fraud.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  12. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    That is a pretty crude (and maybe racist) generalization. I live in a very small rural area in the mountains of Central Arizona. In the last 10 years, we have a very large influx of Kalifornia refugees. You know where you can stick your Archie Bunker reference! I do attend a Bible Study of about 15 people and all but about four are these "refugees". We have all agreed with the fact we don't mind their presence fact we encourage it (it's great for our economy!) Just don't come and try to "Kalifornia our Arizona!"

    Don't understand the complexities???? Bulls&*(!!!! We live about 3-1/2 hours from the border. As a contractor that has done work even very close to the border, I have been aware of, and studied the situation for fifty years. Have even worked on crews of Mexican-Americans who are not very fond of Biden's "open border" policies. We prefer the remain in Mexico and deport deport deport policies that are soon to be continued. Even those in your large leftist "sanctuary cities" are beginning to understand. They are the ones that haven't understood the "complexities" of illegal immigration until now!

    I'm not even goin to address your race baiting comment here. It speaks for itself. You do what you do!
    ButterBalls likes this.
  13. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    That's fake news and a desperate pathetic reflex insult of someone trying to make losing a virtue.
    And yet we corrupt doctors engaging in high profit genital destruction of confused young people that are probably just simply gay or lesbian.
    Oh sure, it's just that they are stupid and/or ignorant. Why if they were smart like you, they would understand that it's just great that fentanyl, crime, terrorists and sex trafficked illegal labor is flooding over our border.
    Again - this is losing represented as superior virtue. 'They don't vote for us because they are racists.' But you know what? It's on the Left Wing Universities where you find Jews in danger, harassed, threatened and attacked, for no reason other than the 'crime' of being Jewish on a leftwing University. Further your claim is fake news. Clinton carried a goodly portion of the South more than 30 years after the Civil Rights Act that passed on GOP votes.


    Wouldn't it be a nice change if you actually looked something up rather than simply calling Rural and Small Town folks ignorant racists? But, I do appreciate you confirming the point I was making. The Rural and Small Town vote has moved from Dem to GOP because Dems hold them in unreserved disdain and disgust, and drove them from the coalition with constant insults. But you know what the GOP isn't infected with? Pro-Hamas Nazis who celebrate the mass rape, murder, mutilation and slaughter of Jews for the 'crime' of simply being Jewish, in Israel.

    I think that the break between Dems and Small Town/Rural Voters is a complete one.

    Best part? We may no longer have to watch the complete farce of guys like John Kerry going duck hunting during the presidential race to show that they are just simple country boys at heart.


    It's always lies, abuse and attacks, until election time, then it's hey, how about you racist ignorant racists vote Democrat, for old-times sake?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
    ButterBalls and yabberefugee like this.
  14. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Not racist, but the term "outsider" is what I was referencing here. And yes, most small towns are generally white. My idea of a small town is something along the lines of 5000 or less, not near a metro area, and so forth. Try Cut n Shoot Texas, which is a very small town, and if you are an outsider trying to move there, you are initially met with suspicion at the very least. Some small towns in the Rio Grande are mostly Hispanic though, and a white person from up north will be viewed in the same manner as a black person in an all white town in Georgia for instance. That was the point.

    Most don't because most small towns are not in any border, along FM or state highways, and so forth. Try Texas Highway 6, which does go through Waco, but you will also go through places like Hico and other small towns before you get to IH 20 to go west towards Abilene and El Paso. These types of small towns do not have any influence or experience of what the border actually is, and those towns/cities on the border do, like Loredo or McAllen. But even that is a controversial issue with a border wall that is not viewed very positively nor do they have actual experience on the subject of what is actually being done or not done. All they see is cops everywhere from every alphabet soup law enforcement agency they know and some don't even know. And then add vigilanteism to the mix, and a majority in those small towns don't want that. But immigration or illegal immigration is more complicated than you give, especially those who live along the border. Border cities have a symbiotic relationship with the Mexican border cities with good and bad in each. But to use fear-mongering tactics will not work. Even you, despite living two a half hours from the border, don't understand the complexities. That is not opinion, that is an incontrovertible fact.

    You don't know history, and yes, it was that case. The FDR coalition was broken when the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voter Rights Act were passed. And yes, we are talking deep south here where they believe government interference was the key to allowing certain people the same rights as they. That is why they went from Democrat to Republican. and yes, race had something to do with it and was part of it for over 60 years from the 1880s to the 1960s when we had Jim Crow laws.
  15. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Not fake news. They want trade. There is really no such thing as fair trade, There is trade with will have certain emphasis on the types of products to trade with while not imposing significant tariffs to be imposed on our exports. It is a bilateral agreement, much like income tax treaties and other similar treaties. But they want trade and the better way to get trade the better. Even small businesses in small towns want international trade. Your gimmicks are not going to work with rural americans in general. Rural Americans may be socially conservative, but at the same time, they are not wanting to impose their social conservatism either onto others for fear it may happen to them in reverse.

    YOu do understand conversion therapy is to "Bible Thump" a person from being gay to not being gay. Gender Dysphoria is something different. And yes, circumcision is allowed as genital destruction, but not female circumcision, or sex realignment surgery. However, for those who have gender dysphoria, they must first seek psychological help for that medical issue. If need be, then and only then should sex realignment surgery, which has been performed since the 1950s in Sweden and elsewhere, can be commence as long as the patient/physician relationship is intact and not interfered by the government. The main thing that small towns believe is a small federal government. That's it. they do not want a large federal presence in the bedroom or in business, state or Federal, and that is why you are seeing Texas rural Republicans be against the ESA accounts that Abbott wants to create in Texas. To them, that is too much government interference and directly affects the small towns where the public school is really the only option for most primary and secondary education.

    Never said they were stupid or ignorant. Those are your words and based on your OP, that is exactly what you think. You are not known for knowing the nuances of any issue whatsoever on this forum. You just regurgitate political talking points, with no original thought from you. By definition, you are nothing more than a pseudo whatever, not even a pseudo intellectual, IMO. However, most people would not know if they saw an illegal immigrant or nor not. There is no NEON SIGN on top of people's heads that says "Here I am, I am an illegal." Nor does not speaking English mean a person is illegal. For instance, many Puerto Ricans don't speak English AND they are US Citizens, since the days of the arly 20th Century. However, the point is that most small towns, especially in rural areas of the midwest, NE, West, and South are nowhere near a border, Canada or otherwise. In the Rio Grande Area of Texas and the Southern Areas of Arizona, yes, they are near the border, but it is also mixed results. In the Texas Rio Grande Valley alone, there are two representatives. The redistricted Texas 34th District where a Democrat holds office, and a Republican in the 15th Congressional District.

    State maps do not indicate anything other than the overall results of the state. Each state, including Texas, has both urban and rural areas. Furthermore, the congressional redistricting also contributes to the problem such as the redistricting of the 34th and 15th Congressional districts, among others. Not as direct as what Florida, Alabama, and NC want to do, but it still has the same effect. Second, I was talking history. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act broke the coalition between conservative democrats in the South and urban Democrats in the Midwest to NE. That is the main reason for the shift. That fact is incontrovertible.
  16. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Try Strawberry Arizona.
    Yes I do know history. Didn't learn it from school. Got it from books. Why did blacks go from supporting the GOP, the party that won them freedom to the party of the KKK and Confederate Army? There's a little homework for you. Can you say LBJ? Prior to the 1960's, intact African -American families (that's what they preferred to be called then) was on par with white families in spite of prior racism. Can you explain what happened?
    Just a question....why do you always bring skin color to the table?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
    ButterBalls likes this.
  17. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    We have no election fraud here at all. Voters show an ID and have their name checked on the rolls before getting a ballot. Then after completion the paper ballot is read by a computing scanner and deposited in a box as backup. No ballots are mailed except to absentee voters who request them. We don't vote early. Those who can't make it on election day to the polling places can request absentee ballots. We accept mailed ballots only from absentees who requested a ballot and do not count those arriving after election day. Our election results are in the news very early on election day and no voter around here questions the results. There simply isn't a way to defraud our elections.
  18. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Great post....the Kerry picture reminds me of when he went into an Ohio Wal-Mart with camera crew in tow. He said before the cameras "I need to get me a hunt'n license!
    Barrack couldn't get that shotgun down on his shoulder. Must've been the first and last time he ever shot it!
    I ain't no ways tired, I come too far!- Hillary Clinton. I love these elite leftists they are a riot!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
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  19. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    The Democrats don't need rural America. They steal all the elections they need in the cities.

    In addition, the climate change cult is going to go after farm machinery and other tools that can't be made into EV vehicles. They are already fighting this battle in Europe. The bureaucrats in the EU think they know everything and have the answers to all problems, real and what they can create in their tiny brains. They are also after meat producers because they have decided that they are killing the planet with meat production.

    It's amazing what you can think up when you sit in a university, totally divorced from reality. All the university "intellectuals" see is one side. Carbon is bad and must be cut to 19th century levels.
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  20. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Lincoln's GOP was very progressive from Lincoln to about Eisenhower. After Eisenhower, the GOP began to change slowly, more so in the late 1970s and 80s when the GOP went from being progressive in social issues to being conservative in all issues. Remember, the GOP was the one who brought the 13th amendment, the 19th amendment, and so forth. It was TR who allowed by EO to give Native Americans AND Puerto Ricans US Citizenship and eventually followed up by Congressional Legislation. TR was a very progressive president, also the first Green President in today's terms with an expansion of the US National Parks, environment, labor laws, government civil service reform which is what we mostly have today, and so forth. If any of that were to happen today, not a single GOP national leader, US Representative or Senator would be in favor of that saying "it should be up to the states" argument. This is something the Dixiecrats believed and why the Civil Rights Act legislation was stuck in Congress from Eisenhower to Johnson, where it was eventually passed. Eisenhower did sign a mini Civil Rights legislation into law, but it was mostly ineffective with no government power to enforce it. But it was a start. So Nixon developed the Southern Strategy in 1968, made pretty good inroads, got more white conservatives to vote for him while Blacks were starting to vote more Democrat because of the Civil Rights legislation and the DP fully embracing equality. Remember, in the old days, the DP was the Conservative Party, and the GOP was the "radical left" from Lincoln up to Nixon, if you want to use today's terms.

    Racism has been and continues to be a part of this country's psyche. We see this with the hate speech towards groups all the damn time. We see people attacking other people for no apparent reason just because they spoke a different language or looked different. Some people try to rationalize with "cultural wars" or similar arguments, but at its basis is some perverted view of race or what it means to be "white." Remember, Jews are white, but they were not considered worthy by the 1924 Immigration Quota Act. That very same act prevented Jews from leaving Germany and Europe to immigrate here. That is incontrovertible. Catholics were not considered Christians for a long time until Ayn Rand came into popularity and was accepted by conservatives. But there is still debate of what it means to be Catholic in the US, not so much outside the US. Are you catholic if you don't follow the religious dogmas of the Catholic Church about abortion? We also see racism with immigration from the 1924 Immigration Act specifically. White in those days means White Anglo-Saxon, aka Western Europe of England, France, and Germany. It did not mean the Scandanavian countries, Greeks, Balkans, or even Eastern Europe such as Poland. And it did not mean from Asia or South America. But that changed with the 1965 Immigration Act which allowed them to come either for work, family reunification, or humanitarian efforts. And that is how the landscape is changing and why you are now seeing a fear by white conservatives who think they are being "overrun" by those who don't look like them even though they are here for family, work, or humanitarian reasons.

    So, you did not study well enough and are going more with internet myths than anything else. But what else is new.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  21. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    No one has stolen anything. Rural America doesn't want dipshits like MEGA Conservatives either. They are small-government conservatives. That's it. They do not care about the cultural wars that MEGA conservatives try to propagate and use fear tactics. They do not want outsiders to tell them what to do. Why do you think rural Republicans are teaming up with Urban Democrats to oppose Governor Abbott's voucher system?

    There are a plethora of diets out there from high protein/low carb to vegetarian. Indians can be vegetarians, especially Hindi and Sikh Indians. It is part of their religion and culture. We have people who advertise and sell their ideas that their idea is the best. That is the American way whether it is vegetarian, meat loving, etc. there is one guy who says you should eat raw liver, just raw liver, as your protein, along with bone marrow and hearts. His moniker is Liver King, look him up. But the whole point is the DP is not going after meat producers. Some groups are such as PETA for instance because they think it is cruel. But it is not some political party. You might have politicians wanting their ideas into laws, but that can also include religoius ideas, such as Abortion. And somehow you are find with that? I call that hypocrisy.

    Finally, plenty of kids from small towns go to those universities and become "intellectuals." you seem to have a beef with those who do go to college. I wonder it is because of jealosy or something more deeper in your resentment.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  22. JohnHamilton

    JohnHamilton Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    No, I have a beef with bigoted college professors who are causing the mess we have now. Do you think antisemitism is cool? A significant number of college professors do.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  23. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    No. It's fake news. You were also quite insulting toward them, which was my point. You look down on them as ignorant racists, when actually it's ignorant racists on University Campuses that have Jewish students in hiding on Ivy League campuses for nothing more than the 'crime' of being Jewish on an Ivy League campus. And why do you not feel complete shame over that?
    Yes there is, and clearly you'll be no help on this, you don't even understand the concept.
    Fair trade isn't a 'gimmick'. But then you think Chinese Communism is the wave of the future when it's nothing more than backwards totalitarianism.
    The genital destruction of perfectly healthy gay or lesbian children through surgeries and dangerous drugs is today's 'conversion therapy' and it's not converting anything, it's just destroying perfectly normal young human bodies and making them lifelong dependents of a corrupt medical industry.
    Gender Dysphoria is not improved by destroying healthy body systems that are undiseased and functioning properly. And you aren't converting a gender by slicing off a young girls breasts and loading her up with dangerous drugs, even if you sew something on her that is supposed to be a wang. You haven't created a male, you've destroyed a female.
    Yes you did. You pretended that they hold a different view than you because they 'lacked complexity." They know what you mean.

    Another way that self-righteous Leftists hold themselves up as superior is by claiming to see the 'nuances' that the ignorant benighted miss.
    Thank for making my point yet again. But go ahead and get all the hate and poison out, insult me some more.
    There you go, show everyone who you are.

    Tell us more about how rural and small town folks are so ignorant that they don't even know what a illegal is and wouldn't know one if they fell over them.
    No it isn't. Clinton/Gore competed well in the South and James Carville warned them that the Assault Weapons Ban would cost them the South, and it has.

    But, you would rather pretend that you lost the South and the Rural Small Town vote because you are just so darn virtuous when actually they finally tired of all insults from a Democrat Party that views them as ignorant and racist. They were finally mentally healthy enough to walk away from the abusive relationship that had developed in the Democrat Party as those that hold Rural and Small Town America in complete disdain took over the Democrat Party.

    So, your attitude and remarks confirm my opening post. And the break between Rural and Small Town America and the Democrat Party, looks to me to be as complete as the break between Rural and Small Town America and post Dylan Mulvaney Budweiser.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
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  24. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    It was the very trip! I watched guys on construction sites repeat that in a mocking manner to gales of laughter, for years.
    Yes. Corn Pone Hillary when she is campaigning in Southern Black Churches.

    Black folk could be the next group to wise up to the abusive relationship they are in with the Democrat Party, just like Rural and Small Town America has.

    Soon they could be whittled down to just the Rich Snotty White Gentry Saviors and the Ivy League Pro-Hamas Nazis.

    But I see that Schumer and some others are starting to speak up against the Ivy League Nazis, so maybe there is some hope yet, for the Democrat Party.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
    yabberefugee likes this.
  25. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    There is another thing that cracks me up.

    So all these rich privileged snotty leftist Gentry Saviors, they all promote all this industry regulation: e-verify, meal breaks, strict compliance with wage and hour, paid leave, maternity leave, Hippa, family leave act, and I support all these things too, and only do business with reputable companies that comply with the law, and I'm obviously Conservative Libertarian in outlook. Now the Rich Leftwing Gentry Snotty Leftwing Savior folks, that voted for all the folks that drafted and passed all this stuff, who do you think they use for; maids, gardeners, nannies, and even skilled trades for building additions and remodels?

    I asked a friend of mine why he was using illegal rather than reputable contractors that didn't cut all these regulatory corners, and his reply was "have you seen the difference in their prices?!?"

    It brings to mind Bribed Joe adding 93,000 IRS auditors while he collects $Millions in bribes and claims that it's all 'loans' so he doesn't even have to pay the taxes on the illicit income.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023

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