The Worst President in History

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Robert, Dec 1, 2019.


Have you read this book

Poll closed Dec 8, 2019.
  1. I have and will write up an opinion

  2. I have not but will still opine

  1. FlamingLib

    FlamingLib Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    It was more than speculation. Remember the commission on election integrity?

    You believe millions of people illegally voted? Why do you believe that?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  2. Nemesis

    Nemesis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2012
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    I consider his words and actions those of an incompetent dullard and blowhard.
  3. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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  4. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    What one president can inflict on the country with 'executive orders' the next president can remove immediately.

    As far as Obamacare is concerned, it was an enormous crap-pile of lies and deceit... I'm still waiting to see when/if anybody ever gets their $2,500-per-year savings that this jive-ass con-man promised his 'socialism-lite' approach to medical care would guarantee. Believe me -- a LOT of us on the Right would dearly love for medical care in this country to go back to exactly what it was before Obamacare....

    And the "recovery"...?! Like Idiot "W" Bush, Idiot Obama stood obediently out of the way and let the puppet masters at the Federal Reserve and their functionaries in government run the entire economy. Obama, like Bush before him, really did NOTHING.

    The total takeover of what used to be a more-or-less free market economy started in August 2007 under Idiot Bush. The 'rescues' of the too-big-to-fail crowd, the enrichment of Wall Street criminals and fraud artists, the 'quantitative easings', the 'Operation Twist' -- all of that crap was done by the Federal Reserve combine, and certainly not by Messiah Obama, who was nothing but a racially-correct poster-boy used by the 'insiders' to keep the 'cattle' quiet while these central bankers staged their economic coup.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  5. BuckyBadger

    BuckyBadger Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2018
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    After what we saw in the IG report, it's getting even more clear at this point that Obama was extremely corrupt. His abuses far exceed what we have seen from any other Administration.

    He is, the Worst President Ever.
  6. FlamingLib

    FlamingLib Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    True enough. But while that President is in power, those orders are in effect. Ditto with national emergencies. I guarantee you a Democrat will eventually declare a climate-change national emergency. Probably a gun-emergency as well. I would. What politician on Earth would pass up that kind of opportunity?

    I think that Trump's national emergency for his border wall money will probably be the most consequential act of his presidency. You all supported it, which gave the green light to the next president to declare a national emergency to steer money towards what they think is a crisis. Talk about expanding the power of the presidency. Man, are you going to rue that someday.

    If you really wanted health care to go back the way it was, it would be back the way it was. You had unified control of government for two years. You had the "Art of the Deal" president. What was stopping you? Public opinion. When people hear "Obamacare" they don't necessarily like it. But when you tell them getting rid of Obamacare means your pre-existing conditions are going to be held against you, your kids will be dropped when they're 18, you have a $100,000 lifetime cap, millions will lose their medicaid...people don't want to give all that up.

    Healthcare was what Democrats ran on in 2018, and we cleaned your clock in the Midterms. It wasn't even close. Nobody trusts Republicans on Healthcare. Why would they? How many times did you guys repeal Obamacare? 17? And where's your replacement plan? Crickets. You've had almost ten years to come up with something. Obviously, you guys have no idea what you're doing.

    I agree with this. Obama's one great act on the economy was to let the fed do it's thing and run the presses. Those trillions of quantatative easing kept us out of a depression, most likely. Remember all the Republicans warning about massive hyper-inflation? Right. Probably the best thing Obama did was promise to veto any Republicans austerity nonsense and run huge deficits. The Republicans turned out to be massive hypocrites on deficit spending. Like they always are.

    Obama let them do it. He didn't get in the way. He didn't replace Bernanke. He didn't listen to Republican austerity nonsense.

    The results speak for themselves. We didn't have another recession. We've had an amazing bull market run since 2008. Obama handed off a healthy economy with low deficits to Trump. And yes, Trump gets credit for not f-ing it all up. He would be at 60% approval, easy, if he wasn't an incompetent corrupt narcissist.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  7. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    You make a valid point in saying that a lot of people obviously want "free stuff" -- in healthcare, and in as many other things as they can get. Who wouldn't? But still, the way Obama and his regime rolled it out, it was a bald-faced lie, or, it was the most poorly thought-out, half-assed pile of disorganized, inconsistent crap we've seen since Johnson rolled out Medicare back in the 1960's. But, sure, people who get "free stuff" from the government can always be counted on to want ever MORE.

    There are some people who do DESERVE completely free healthcare AND free welfare, too! Is that a contradiction? No... but I'm talking about people who were born with disabling birth defects. I'm talking about people who have suffered terrible, disabling injuries that have rendered them unable to work. I'm talking about people who have horrible diseases that prevent them from functioning at the level required for working on a day-in, day-out basis. Those are the people that we should support with "free stuff" but that's not (NOT) how it works in this country, because everybody gets to VOTE! What Democrats discovered way back in the 1930's was that if you dole out enough "free stuff" on an indiscriminate basis, you get ELECTED, over and over and over! It worked for Frankie Roosevelt, and it's worked for many Democrats running for other offices in the decades that followed. Free stuff RULES...!

    The other important factor is whether or not those "pre-existing conditions" occurred because of things that people suffered innocently, through no fault of their own, or, whether the person deliberately engaged in destructive, negligent, stupid behaviors that brought the "conditions" about in the first place! Examples: somebody gets diagnosed with lymphoma cancer 'out of the clear blue sky'? That's ONE thing. But, somebody else gets 'panels' of tattoos and is diagnosed a few years later with lymphoma cancer? That's something else completely! By now, anybody who's been paying attention KNOWS that components in tattoo ink migrate into the body's lymph nodes and can definitely cause lymphoma cancer! Thus -- people should have to take responsibility for their own actions.

    Some moron smokes, drinks too much, has filthy sex practices, gets 'tats', becomes a drug addict, etc. and then cries about "pre-existing conditions"...? Bullshit! They should get NOTHING in the way of "free stuff" from taxpayers!

    So, you see, it's not about absolute "black" and "white" -- it's about very important "shades of gray"....
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019
    FlamingLib and Dayton3 like this.
  8. FlamingLib

    FlamingLib Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    We probably agree on more than we think we do. There are no easy answers to any of this.
    Pollycy likes this.

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