Trump doubles down on sanctions - threatening Europe with divorce

Discussion in 'United States' started by Giftedone, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Europe has been very vocal about its dissatisfaction with the sanctions - speaking out in the strongest possible way - not in private but on the international stage - using phrases such as "you are messing with our sovereignty".

    Trying to beat our allies into submission with a big stick has consequences. Italy just signed on to China's "belt and road" initiative and Germany is going ahead with Nord Stream 2 - despite big protestations by the US.

    The US has also been getting a big "F-U " from other nations - India has gone ahead with the S-400 system and so has Turkey - again despite big US protestations. India also has inked big trade deals with Russia/China.

    While we squabble over sanctions - China Russia and others are doing deals. Instead of being first in line - our companies are either just part of the pack or worse - at the back of the line.

    This is not what "winning" looks like.

    Threatening the "Nuclear option" - barring a nations banks from the US international system of payments -is a serious threat. This is going to force compliance from some nations for the time being but they will not be happy about it and this is expediting the creation of an alternative to our "Sole" world reserve currency status.

    Europe has been trading with Iran using a kind of barter system called "Instex" which avoid's the international system of payments in US dollars.

    Russia has renewed calls to BRIC nations - which represent 23% of global GDP to use increase use of national currencies in Trade (representing some 23% of global GDP)
    China recently introduced the "petro Yuan".

    Make no mistake - the date a viable competitor to the USD sole status arrives - will be the day the history books mark as the defacto end of the US economic empire. Full Stop - something that is not debated in serious circles.

    Threatening the Nuclear option" has consequences

    U.S. tells Europe: Choose between us and Iran

    Ultimatums in relationships seldom lead to anything good. Generally people do not separate right away - things are complicated when lives are entwined. What they do is start planning for the exit while still in the relationship - and then poof - they are gone.

    Europe was already extremely and vehemently upset. This latest put down will not go over well .. and there will be consequences.

    U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy

    So now we are going to sanction the nations that violate the Oil sanctions. Are we then going to further sanction the nations that violate the sanctions of the nations that violated the Iranian oil sanctions ? This would be crazy - in short order there would be few nations left in the world who is not under US sanctions and we will have excluded ourselves from the party.

    When some dude starts threatening a woman with "Ultimatums" - "Love me or there will be consequences" ... that relationship is either doomed or extremely disfunctional.

    This not what winning looks like - this is what a loser looks like.
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    "Europe has been trading with Iran using a kind of barter system called "Instex" which avoid's the international system of payments in US dollars."

    They have proposed it and Iran has rejected it. Just another way to get around sanctions so the EU can continue trading with the biggest supporter of Islamic terrorism. Of course they will balk at doing the right thing.
  3. 61falcon

    61falcon Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Bbbuuuttt Dirty Donalds best butt buddy Vladimir Putin is a staunch ally of Iran???
    Bowerbird likes this.
  4. Thedimon

    Thedimon Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    You mean to say Russia asked China. If Bric is 23% of global than China is like 21% of that 23%.
    Yeah, Russia means nothing when it comes to economic power.

    Might be true if USD was a commodity, but it’s not.

    As far as I remember India was always Russia’s customer when it comes to weapons.
    Turkey paid for its choice.

    Europeans are beginning to lose touch with reality.
  5. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    China is not 90% of BRIC GDP - You are out of your depth.
    Russia does not mean "nothing" - every nation means something and Russia in particular as they are a strong military competitor.

    What does the USD not being a commodity (which is not true to begin with in the sense that it has value that fluctuates) have to do with the USD being the sole world reserve currency. You are way out of your depth.

    This is true -and they have been working together on missile technology for decades - which is why it was political gamesmanship and ridiculous nonsense for the Trump admin to protest so much = trying to mess with India's sovereignty in a way they knew was way out of bounds.

    Turkey was rewarded for its choice - they got out of their obligation to buy the F-35 flying turkey- a true lemon.

    Why ? because they are fed up with the Trump administration threatening them and trying to mess with their sovereignty. It is the Trump administration that is losing touch with reality - and making huge blunders on the geopolitical chessboard because they are assessing their position from a flawed perspective - acting like it is still 30 years ago when we were the only game in town.
    markjs, HumbledPi, AZ. and 2 others like this.
  6. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I had a look to see if I could find anything on this over here. I think the issue is more to do with Iran threatening to end its side of the deal if the EU does not manage to go by its promise to keep Iran's economy going - keep trade going between Europe and Iran.

    Iran seems to think the EU did not try but to the best of my knowledge they did do everything they could including creating a method of monetary exchange which the US would not be able to detect. Problem was companies were too scared of the US and being destroyed by them. I have heard American's saying it is time Europe showed it had some legs and just go against the US but the problem is I think they actually did try to do this, they just were unable to force companies to do it.

    It looks like Iran will start to go against the JCPA. I was also hearing people say they thought Iran would have no choice but to do this and they thought one of the reasons for the US reneging on its honour was to force Iran to do so, so that it could go to war with Iran. It is quite amazing how the US presents Iran as the baddie while the whole world knows this time it is the US.

    Everyone has to eat and come the day the US will need to pay for what it is doing to the people of Iran.

    In the meantime it looks like no European countries including the UK are going to indulge in any war against the people of Iran. The US is on it's own and unless it changes course very soon possibly for a long time.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
    HumbledPi likes this.
  7. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I also noticed it was Bin Salmon who Trump was standing next to during photos at the G20 so I guess he and Saudi Arabia is the new top alley for the US. ;)
  8. Thedimon

    Thedimon Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Doesn’t matter. Russia is calling on China to use alternative currencies. You hiding it behind Brics literally means that Russia is asking China to do something. Don’t sugarcoat it, russia-lover. When it comes to world economy Russia is on the same footing with Italy - a midget at best.

    You are economically illiterate. You keep claiming that if other countries don’t use USD then the US economy will collapse, which implies that the USD is like a commodity that one can just flood the market with.
    Currencies don’t work that way.
    Sit down, you got an F on the subject.

    So, you admit that your claim “India is giving the US a big F-U by buying S-400” is absolute bull turd?
    How is them buying S-400 from Russians deviate from their normal practice? It doesn’t, you just like to keep running your mouth like a kid that needs to be slapped.

    Then why does Erdogan and turkey complain so much? One would think Erdogan, with his cocky personality, would be bragging about getting out of a crappy deal every day now.
    Me thinks you can’t assess the situation properly.
    Sorry, your distorted worldview doesn’t correspond to reality. If you are taking drugs then stop, if you don’t - then start.

    No, because they are forgetting where the real threat is.

    Stick around, I never get tired spanking you!

    therooster likes this.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Name calling and demonization - typical when you have no valid comment. Europe is also moving towards finding an alternative to the US system of international payments.

    Again with name calling - projecting your issues on to others and making up falsehoods. I never claimed any of the above. It is you who needs lessons in economics.

    Indeed India did exactly that - and the US protested loudly. You should read once in awhile - then you will not always sounds so silly and have something other than name calling.

    What distorted word view are you talking about - You spout some gibberish and then name call - that's all.

    And what threat is that ? -.. no wait - let me guess "The Russians are coming the Russians are coming" k

    You like the spankings ? you must - perhaps a few too many when you were young and it impeded development :)
    HumbledPi and AZ. like this.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    El Saud is a far bigger supporter of terrorism than Iran - and we love El Saud
    HumbledPi and scarlet witch like this.
  11. James Evans

    James Evans Banned

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Foreign relations are embarrassing. Trump is an idiot and the world is very aware.
    HumbledPi, AZ. and alexa like this.
  12. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    The US has lost all of its credibility in the world. That is reality. Most people in the US do not seem to have got this yet.
    HumbledPi and markjs like this.
  13. James Evans

    James Evans Banned

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Oh I get it. I also understand that as soon as Trump is out of office(I predict he will win in 2020 unless a recession hits, which is 50/50) the rest of the world will realize a sane adult is at the help. Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. I am familiar with people like this and you really have to understand the ailment before you understand Trump.
    HumbledPi likes this.
  14. Sobo

    Sobo Banned

    Apr 1, 2017
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    I dont think the next president in the USA can repair the damage tht Trump did. German- american relations are ruined and i dont see how this can be repaired. And afaik that counts for almost all european countries.
  15. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I think that as far as Trump is concerned while Europe may still be having some problems in dealing with him, the rest of the world appears to have summed up his character quite well. I think it goes far deeper. What I think Trump has done is to a large extent brought how the US operates out in the open. I don't think that knowledge will disappear by replacing him. The only small hope I think there is in the States is the emergence of your social democrats though as those who gain power, who become President have historically been those who have had the most money put into them, I am not sure how this will work.

    Even with that another 4-6 years, too long at the current time I would say where people are saying we have about 12 years to save the planet but it probably is the only hope for the US.
  16. James Evans

    James Evans Banned

    Jun 4, 2018
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    You don't understand. We don't all stand with Trump. He lost the popular vote. I get that Germany is pissed at us. We have bases in their country. As soon as this madness is over it will be OK and the world knows that.
    HumbledPi and Len_A like this.
  17. James Evans

    James Evans Banned

    Jun 4, 2018
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    He is letting the whole world take a peek "behind the curtain". That sucks but everybody that high up is dirty and owes favors. Nobody is surprised.
    Len_A likes this.
  18. Sobo

    Sobo Banned

    Apr 1, 2017
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    You dont understand. Its not about your people. The relationship between Germany and USA is broken. Once trump is gone i have no doubt that Germany and USA will have normal relations but what was before is over. In a way its good for Germany, because we emancipate from USA. Stand our ground and dont step back.

    Right now things are decided here that shape teh future. France and Germany for example decided to cut american companies out of contracts ind efense completly.
    James Evans likes this.
  19. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    It has changed the focus of the world away from the United States. While other leaders are in their own way little better it has removed from the US any connection with it having any higher moral ground. Although the US still maintains its position as the most violent/strongest people in the world, it used to be looked up to by people. They used to believe that it did have something to offer on the moral level. That has all gone.

    We are at any rate in a critical juncture of the world. If the US as it is now survives I think it is unlikely the world will. I think as well as illustrating the hypocrisy of the US as a nation - a country which talks of democracy, human rights etc while destroying them in other countries, because of the US's behavior since 9/11 has lost it is hegemony in the world. I do not think this will ever be replaced. In situations like Iran, Israel and Venezuela the hypocrisy of the US is blindingly obvious for everyone to see.

    Now a social democratic America can work with the rest of the world to sort out the impending natural disaster and very likely extinction of humans or the US will just carry on as a half crazed people destroying the world. All the West is turning its back on the Politicians who still support the defunct system of neo liberalism. We stand economically/psychologically in the same space as we were prior to WW2. We will either move towards social democracy or fascism. But this time it will be much much worse. If is is fascism as those people believe climate disaster is made up one way or another it will be the end of us.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
    James Evans likes this.
  20. Mac-7

    Mac-7 Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    The breakup has been coming since 1990 when the soviet menace disappeared

    The euros do not need America anymore so theiir friendship is for sale to the highest bidder
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  21. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    You bickering with one/10,000 Right wing paid Neoconservative think tank Employees. This is how they continue the march of the Xionist. Using Trumptard white guys to do their dirty work as paid shills. Argue worthless points and keep Americans in turmoil. Many believe what they say, boring white guy with 2 kids, lives on an acre in middle on nowhere, eats at Bobs big boy 3 times a week, KFC, goes to church 3x a week because his buddies who are just like him do the same.
    Make 80k a year to make the wealthy banks enormously wealthy and would give up their wives/childrens life before their own...
    Fat fuks that are worthless basically.

    Sad to watch the country fall apart giving money to Israel and its people while we crush our own... Of course they name call here, all the have, there is no good argument from a guy that bashed Obama for golfing 300 times in 8 year but supports a guy that has done it even more in 3 years. The very guy that complained about it, Trump. Sickening Hypocrisy. The fact that they pay so many to argue worthless points online is the major problem, that is the law that needs passed, if you have an OPINION it should be tied to you, not to some anonymous name. That is how they win the battle, fllod the internet with lies and back them with other poster.
    Look at Trump today, pretending like silicon valley and chip makers are too 'Scientific, and complex" for people to understand. He sounds like one of the very white guys from NASCAR that supports him, trying to explain to others, what he doesnt understand, but make it sound like it is all beneath him. Truely amazing that people are so so dumb.
    markjs and Giftedone like this.
  22. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Correct ! Great post... And the Jewish running this country have now gone too far. Who didn't know that would happen ? They did the same thing in Europe until it was stopped. It will happen here too because somethings you cant remove from a persons personality. This is why FDR put in place large taxes on the rich in the 1930s and they grew until all the RICH greedy filth was controlled. By greedy filthy rich I am not pointing out that it is all Jewish people, Greed is greed no matter what religion you are.

    *0% of the country, the world is not that smart. Thus, they need to be able to survive, eat, home themselves, etc. We must as people look out for all people, not just the smart people and allow them to dominate society, banking, regulations, and so much more. That is where we are now and this time, the recession goes to Depression. You can only hide it so long by propping up the market with freshly printed Money. America is in deep trouble and 90% have no clue.
    Germany, India, CHina, Russia will all do well, so will Canada if they ever start buying GOLD again.
  23. aenigma

    aenigma Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2015
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    the only one who actually believe that are americans and israeli
    asfar as i know none of the actual terrorist attacks in europe or US have been Iranians
    they are ussually turkish, north africans or arabians

    the day you break with country's like that people might take you serious on Iran and you know nobody does when not even europe wants to follow you in this
    personally the obsession with iran starts to feels more like a israeli playing the americans like a little puppet wich is embarrassing
    ronv and James Evans like this.
  24. James Evans

    James Evans Banned

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Really? Da Jews? You went there? LOL
  25. ArchStanton

    ArchStanton Banned

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Good. The whole OP is not about Europe, it's about the ****-stain within Europe commonly referred to as Germany with it's WW2 partner-in-crime Italy. Nobody gives a **** about Germany and Italy. The world can do without countries who fund radical muslims and their terrorist activities.

    If Iran was chanting "death to Germany" and "death to Italy" then the little bitches in Europe would be changing their tunes and running to America to hide behind our balls.....the same ones you ride to fund your defense via Nato.
    therooster and Josephwalker like this.

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