Trump says elections are rigged... Are They?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by spiritgide, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Rigged? Isn't that an outrageous claim? When people doubt this, they are thinking about the difficulty of doing it. Buying votes directly, getting people to make multiple votes using the names of dead people, getting officials to miscount or misreport numbers- and all of that seems very unlikely to happen in volumes sufficient to make a difference. So most of us tend to doubt that elections are really rigged. But are they?

    YES, elections are rigged. How?
    Far simpler than any of the complex methods of altering vote count. It's rigged even before the votes are cast.

    Imagine that I want a particular result from a choice the voters will make. How can I control that? In the process, I must present with a list of options- first a preliminary list, then a final choice. Millions of people must influenced- and rigging their choice may seem near impossible. Perhaps as impossible as a magician's trick getting you to pick the card he chooses, time after time.

    What if I am the magician behind politics- the entrenched power system. Not republican or democrat, but the system whereby money and power is used to retain money and power- a system that both parties are part and parcel of, with the difference between which party wins actually making very little change for the people overall. To win, I must keep the power/money/control system in place. How do I do that? Easy- I control the list of options you can pick from. No matter which choice you make, you keep that entrenched power in place- because you picked from a list that didn't offer you anything else.

    As the real controller- the magician behind the curtain- I make sure that any candidate that makes it to the final list is already on board with the entrenched system; making the list rigged before you vote. So while the voter's choice may change appearances and policies to some degree, government will still be driven by the same basic corruption that has controlled it for a very long time. No matter which candidate wins- the system wins, and the people lose. The people pick the promises they like best and think things will improve, while in fact they will deteriorate- debt will increase. The burgeoning burden of excess regulation will drive more jobs out of the nation. Cost of living will rise irrationally, the promises of things like Obamacare prove to be illusions- what is made to look like wins turn out to be losses, and always, the government will acquire more power by promising to fix the problems that it has created and defend you from the dangers that have resulted from it's own poor policy and misdirected purpose. The freedom of the people will diminish and in the contest between the American people and the political machine- we lose again. Even the best outcomes prove to be less than good outcomes.

    Part of this is because you cannot win a place on the ballot for major office because it is rigged to require two things- a lot of money, and a lot of support from politically connected and powerful people or organizations. If you aren't a willing to support what they support- you don't get any support.

    One of the best experts in this is a Harvard Law professor, Dr Lawrence Lessig. He explains how this rigging works, very clearly and simply. Click on the link below and watch a video of a TED presentation he made explaining it.

    Obama just made a statement that "The fate of the world is at stake" in a pitch for Hillary Clinton. Really? NO. What is at stake is the future of that entrenched power system- and that scares hell out of those who are part of it... including Obama and Hillary. Why? IF the winner is not already in the control of the existing power system, there is a distinct possibility that the system might actually be exposed and forced to reform- that it may even become illegal to ignore the oath of office or the fiduciary duty as virtually every member of congress does everyday. The rigging is not just for this election- it is what has allowed congressmen to get rich with insider trading that is a felony for regular citizens, what has allowed lobbyists to buy political influence daily- and what has allowed our leaders to place their duty to the nation and the people so far down the priority list that it is forgotten for all purposes except as a campaign pitch. It is what has made it impossible for there to actually be a meaningful choice in the elections for major offices.

    This is the way the system is rigged, and Clinton is a deeply entrenched and powerful part of it who will expand it. While Trump can be obnoxious and abrasive- he is not a part of that system, and he has pledged to challenge it's core faults. He is not a lawyer, not a career politician- both of which are almost universal aspects of those in the corrupt entrenched system. Most of all- he has not used the finance structure of the entrenched system to get to this point... And, he is the only candidate in your lifetime to do. The first candidate not already in the pocket of entrenched power on election day, the first not on the list of options that prevent you from really making a choice that can actually matter.

    This election is bringing out unprecedented numbers of voters for one reason- there is finally a chance that we may break the stranglehold of that entrenched power and reform government. IF we are ever to break the stranglehold of growing governmental power and abuse- we have a choice this time. If we fail, the power held over us will grow, and we may never have another.
  2. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    I don't think there are enough dirty poll workers to turn around a presidential election. At least not yet, most of the lefty ballot stuffers work in precincts where Hillary was going to win anyway.
  3. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    That's a great talk. I like Lessig, I have listened to him before. Note, though, that he is not talking about rigging elections, rather about the preselection of who can run through the funders.

    Now, to remember correctly, it was GOP-leaning supreme court judges who brought us Citizens United, with the hope that the big money would forever lock in GOP candidates, who promote the agenda of the rich, as the victors. It hasn't worked out that way, has it?

    Now, I have always been critical of Citizens United and big money in politics. Just to remind you again, the typical GOP leaning Trump supporter had no problems with big money in politics -- until Trump became a candidate.

    Yet, to think that Trump, another member of the top 0.1%, will fix the problem is being naive. Whether he is self funded or not, why would he do anything that doesn't benefit the very people he has been immersed with his whole life? Why? Any Trump supporters with an answer? because he loves America? Give me a break.
  4. Gaius_Marius

    Gaius_Marius Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 12, 2015
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    If anything this election has shown just how shallow and unprincipled most of the American right is. Not just when it comes to money in politics... But practically on every issue the buffoon has opened his mouth on.
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Don,t you Trump apppologists and Trump supporters ever stop and think about the fact that the Trump is a lying POS ? If you did you woukd gave noticed that Trump said when he claimed the polls were rigged but only when he was behind, then when he bounced back all of a sudden he quotes the polls again just as he did during the primaries. So now think about it he claims that the voting process is rigged. Of if he wins big he will drop that stupid claim like a piece of hot coal, but if he barely wins he will say that he could have won " more BIGLY". He us BIBLY, a Bigly liar.
  7. LibChik

    LibChik Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    trump the racist isn't concerned about rigged elections...he's concerned that he hasn't figured out a way to rig the election in his favor.

    trump the rapist has used every available trick in his life to avoid paying hard working people, to con people, to avoid paying his fair share and to cheat in every conceivable way.

    He's simply mad that he and his pack of racists can't figure out how to cheat.
  8. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Which precincts to he righty ballot stuffers work in?
  9. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Here- you are talking like one of those who think all who are successful must have cheated- and that is neither accurate nor wise. Most wealthy people (and I know a lot of them) would be pleased to see the average citizens life standard improve, the overall strength of the American individual improve.They also know that while you can tell a person how to be successful- you can't make a person learn when they won't listen, neither can you make them successful by giving them money and stealing their self respect by making them dependent. Most who blame the rich because others are poor believe the solution is to divide all the money equally- every Saturday night. The wealthy know that wealth is not accidental, and know there is no need to steal it. There is need to work smart, to develop great judgment, to have a long-term plan, to be highly self-disciplined, to be able to recognize opportunity and work diligently to maximize it- and know at every step it will be necessary to defend your accomplishments from all those who would take it from you because they believe they have "worked" just as hard as they think you have. That is the mentality that supports socialism in various degrees; it accounts for the Bernie Sanders kind of support- and the idea that we borrow from future generations to have a better life today....and thus avoid having to stand on our own two feet. That is a concept that says screw the grandchildren of tomorrow- let them inherit the bills of today. I can't vote for that. Thus, I have no choice but to vote against those who would perpetuate and endorse it.
  10. RichT2705

    RichT2705 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Any charges ever filed for rape against Donald Trump? You should be careful spreading that Libel around, you might lose your trailer.
  11. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    I'm talking about inner city precincts where Democrats routinely get 100% of the votes even when they're not cheating. Why would they cheat there I don't get it?
  12. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The election is rigged. Rigged for Trump because the Deep State knows that a deep and terrible recession is unavoidable and they want to shovel the blame off on Trump and his Insurgent Supporters. Volleyball Head at the Fed, after the election of Trump, will hike rates right into the teeth of recession. GDP will plummet as the Stock Market crashes nearly simultaneously with Trump taking the oath of office.

    Trump is fully aware of their dastardly plan, but, knowing that the nation is will be better served with hm at the helm than the hapless hopelessly corrupt waddling Grifter that can barely stand up, he allowing himself to be the Pigeon in this Rigged game, for the benefit of the Country. Winter is Coming, but America WILL be Great Again.
  13. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    I don't know, it seems that you have to make up your mind.

    In your first post, you make the point that the system is rigged. Rigged by whom? Of course the top 0.1%, who can afford to buy politicians to stack the system in their favor.

    Yet, in your next post you defend the "successful" (probably meaning the rich), as in they deserve all the money and power they have.

    So, which one of the two is it?

    And how is voting for Trump, who wants to give the top 0.1% an even bigger, not needed tax break, help stack the deck for the little guy? Newsflash, it is not, it just gives even more money to the ones who can buy political favors. Tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation: That's exactly the reason why the wealthy donate to politicians.

    - - - Updated - - -

    LOL! The excuses for the next recession under Trump policies coming in already!
  14. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Winter is Coming, but it will be followed by A Bright New Spring!
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I don't believe all those on either side or good and bad. I've been involved with Warren Buffets companies for years, been to his shareholder meetings personally many times. Wonderful man, highest standards of ethics and honesty. He has been asked to run for president years ago- but didn't want to play in the cesspool of politics. I've also met the opposite. But as far as the wealthy supporting this system of buying influence- most are not there by choice, they are there because that is how the game is played by the politicians.

    IF influence were not for sale- the wealthy wouldn't be able to buy it, so the problem starts with corrupt politicians. There is no written contract here- but because the influence is for sale, the companies know that if they don't buy it, their competitors will. Those selling it know that if they don't deliver some fat compensation, the money will dry up for the next election. Both are kind of trapped- it would be extremely difficult to be an honest politician in todays congress, and difficult in many business positions to keep the politicians from selling market advantage to your competitors.

    The SOLE reason that situation exists is that political influence is for sale by those whose sworn duty is to do the best thing for the American people. In private industry- similar conduct would get you fired on the spot, possibly criminally charged. This condition persists because we allow it to continue, by voting in the people who are willing to continue the game- and by them being sure there is no alternative candidate.

    Guess who has the power to fire (remove) a congressman for unethical behavior? Congress- and only congress. Guess how many they have removed with that power, say in the last 150 years? TWO. Before that, they did eject 17 during the civil war for being too sympathetic toward the south. Total ejected since Congress was created- 21. These guys really run a tight ship, don't they?

    That is the kind of thing that must be challenged and changed; and cannot be changed from within the inner circle of power. They created the monster- it's up to us to rein it in.
  16. erayp

    erayp New Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Look who's in Hillary's Camp:

    - Wall Street,
    - Big business,
    - Corporate media
    - And now TECH companies

    The elite do not just give money away, they are INVESTING in Hillary because they believe that Hillary will benefit the rich.

    Think about that
  17. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    But how do we do this with the current choices? Clinton is the poster woman for influence for sale. Trump has shown to be the pinnacle of unethical behavior. While his influence may not be for sale (that's a BIG if), he certainly won't change the system in a way that would hurt his financial empire. To me, that alone should be enough of a conflict to disqualify him. Gary Johnson is the only clear choice.
  18. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    I agree that the system must change to get big money out of politics.

    Yet, watch Trump nominate more SC justices who would uphold Citizens United and keep the system stacked in the favor of the top 0.1%.

    The video you posted in the opening post actually has solutions for the problem. Just changing the president is not a solution. Trump has proposed nothing suggesting that he is even remotely interested in the problem. Why would he? Because needing lots of money to run has benefited him immensely. Without his money, people wouldn't elect him to county representative.
  19. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    No, they know Trump is dangerous. Clinton is just going to tax them a little more, but she is not going to alienate a foreign country (in which many of these people do business) or start a trade war because the foreign leader criticized her.
  20. 22catch

    22catch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Wow this is unsubstantiated vitriolic vomit even for you. None of it true and I can only surmise it's flat out hysteria from what's going on at the moment with the FBI, wiki leaks , Huma, all of it. You know real non partisan investigations being done by the FBI? Well the leadership is compromised but the rank and file agents aren't going to give it up

    Best case scenario for you establishment lovers is that Hillary wins and gets impeached 3 months down the line, leaving us with Kaine I guess
  21. 22catch

    22catch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Who needs ballot stuffers when you have corrupt election officials in key counties in battleground states like FL? 10s of thousands of compromised ballots. Disgusting.

    "" The state GOP alleges that officials in Broward County, which includes Fort Lauderdale, have been opening tens of thousands of vote-by-mail ballots prior to them being cleared for counting.

    Chairman Blaise Ingoglia told Shapiro that "Florida law prescribes that when the supervisor of elections takes in all these ballots, they have to be approved by the canvassing board."

    Therefore, the officials have no legal authority to open the ballot envelopes. ""
  22. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    The US House has been "rigged" by gerrymandering to help GOP candidates.

    So, yeah, the GOP has been rigging House races.
  23. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Damn those rascally Republicans! No actually Gerrymandering was invented by Massachusettes Democrats in1812 lol.
  24. SiNNiK

    SiNNiK Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    If Trump has done far more for the Black Community than you yourself have (unless you also won an Ellis Island Award) and is still considered to be a racist by you, what... does that make you?

    Honest question.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trump tells no more lies than I myself do, however Hillary is another story.
  25. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Corporations need a steady hand and a consistent, dependable future in order to plan, invest, hire, etc.

    It's Trump who is offering tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals (cuts not even the WSJ agrees with), but it is Clinton who is offering a future that they can count on and plan for.

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