US election - What Now For Benny's War?

Discussion in 'Global Issues' started by Jack Napier, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So. Thank gawd it is over. No more do we have to be subjected to members gloating a Willard win, night after night, way before the game had begun. I guess most will have a low profile for a week or so, those that do emerge, minus their Mitt avatar (who wants a loser in their avatar, lol), will only do so to whine that the reason the result did not go their way was due to ... (insert lame reason, blaming blacks will do).


    But what of Bad Bod Benny Netenyahu, he of the cartoon bomb, and magic marker?

    Let's be honest, the two of them (I sense), hate one another. I think it is because Benny is probably just another racist Jew, and even subconciously, doesn't like Obama, for that reason.

    And Benny wants his war, with Iran.

    There is a problem for Benny, though. For all his posturing, Israel will NOT go it alone, against Iran.

    Forget it. It will not happen. They can say it, imply it, suggest it, but Israel will not go it alone.

    Several reasons. Cost. Why use their budget, when they can leach off that of the US again?

    But mainly, it is this. Like all bullies, Israel are loud, only when hiding behind the back of another, or fighting someone that they clearly have so large an advantage over, that victory is inevitable.

    Put it this way, without the US to hide behind, and with having to account for its nukes and sign the NPT, do you honestly think that for the last few decades, Israel would have been as gobby, belligerent, threatening, and brazen?

    Of course they would not, and even less so had they not been allowed to build up a secret cache of nukes.

    Don't buy the myth of the IDF, as soldiers and fighters.

    It is merely that - myth.

    Their ability is overplayed, as the media wish to keep overstating their ability, beyond that which is true.

    At the same time, you are all fools if you underestimate the fact that Iran have a significant army, arms, weapons, and a population that is about 12 times that of Israel.

    All of those things add up to the fact that Israel will not go it alone, in a straight up conventional fight, Iran would kerb stomp Israel into the ground, I would not even be that confident of the British army, in a conventional fight, defeating Iran, to be honest.

    This ain't some backwater stone age nation, if they were, why would Israel worry about them enriching uranium and building a bomb?

    The consensus was, prior to the US results, that if Willard won, that Israel would get it's war, ASAP, with full support from the US traitors.

    But Willard was a loser, and can now go back to having spray tans done, so what now?

    Are Israel less likely to get support now that President Obama has been chosen by the US people, yet again?

    I am undecided, because, as I keep saying, Obama and Willard, they are really just like actors anyway, with no true power.

    So, that being the case, we may find Benny gets his war anyway, and that Obama will drag the US in, just as Willard would have done.

    And if not?

    If by some fluke, in his second term, Obama decides to go a bit renegade, and tell Benny to get stuffed?

    What then?

    Imagine that. Imagine waking up one morning, and hearing a US President saying 'Look, we have been more than accomodating to you lot, but we are SICK of the fact you are never happy. Not, quit trying to push us into getting into this, we have no need to and a country here to run. Oh. Btw. We are not going to give you two thirds of our aid budget or money anymore. We need that for Americans'.

    Would be fantastic, and only an American that is probably a 'dual national', could disagree with that, right?

    Imagine if he went really radical, and decided that it was time for a US President to maybe demand that Israel delcare what nukes it has, have the inspected, and eventually, disarm, after all, if you do not want Iran to have them, fair is fair...

    Tore up the NDAA act.

    And the Patriot Act.

    Declared the use of torture as illegal and never to be used.

    Finally shut the concentration camp near Cuba.

    Set up a special committe, with a view to shutting the Fed Reserve, or at least totally revamping it.

    Abandoned the idea of drones.

    Took a pledge that the US would not cease to get involved in global affairs via war, and concentrate on it's own borders. Starting with all those insane Mexican gangs, that are armed like a small country, and zip across the border.

    Well, I do not think(alas), that any US President is FREE to go that far, of course not.

    Maybe one day, eh?

    However, for all of that, there remains the chance that the Obama lot began to feel that for all the propaganda, maybe the US public are getting a bit tired of doing everything for Israel, and most of all, sending their men to die and to kill.

    Maybe there is a sense that these same people are also growing weary of the 'dual citizen but not dual loyalty' Americans, that are arm chair war fans?

    All things shift. All things change. Enemies become allies. Allies become enemies. Nations appear. Others vanish.

    Nothing is a constant.

    You can only milk something for so long, and sooner or later, the consensus is going to turn.

    And Israel have been milking every single American, one way or another, for too long now.

    So, there is a chance that the US position may grow to see that they simply have to normalise relations with the rest of the ME, and the outside world, they cannot just limp along with the monkey of Israel on it's back.

    It is called self preservation.

    The US could move forward better normalising relations with everyone else, than it can alienating everyone else, just to accomodate Israel.

    No arguement there.

    I suppose that Israel may realise this possible shift, and feel that they now have to decant Benny, and replace him with something more, shall we say, 'marketable'..?

    If they sense too that world view is going against them, self preservation, they punt the likes of Benny and Lieberman, and find someone tat at least gives a better 'image'.

    Then they may sort of quietly forget about Iran for a bit, declaring themselves to have won something of course.

    Or, it is possible that Israel may stick on this course, and try something to trick the US into it.

    But that would involve a false flag, and there is no way that Israel would ever do that to get their own way....:lol:

    The other possible, is that Iran themselves may impeach their President.

    That too is possible.

    Which may sort of give everyone the impression they have 'won'.

    Interesting times..

    Abu Sina and (deleted member) like this.
  2. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    The reason Obama and Netanyahu dislike each other is that when Netanyahu first visited Obama at the White House, he basically lectured him and tried to give him orders. I don't know what motivated Benjamin's behavior, but it became obvious that Obama was very annoyed by Netanyahu's behavior and if he had been from another country I think the meeting would have been cut short as Netanyahu was thrown out on his ear.
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Was this it?

    If I were American, I would be well peed off with Netenyahu here, for what he says, what he does not say, and his general manner...

  4. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Yep... but I have heard that Bibi is like that with everyone..
  5. AnnaK

    AnnaK New Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I think you're exactly right. And when Obama didn't take kindly to that, Netanyahu apparently thought he had enough American's support to publicly go against Obama and actually campaign against him in Florida which IMO is unbelievably inappropriate and insulting to the U.S. as a whole - not to mention his "red line" speech at the UN intended to garner world support against Obama. He was probably very surprised that Americans as a whole didn't flock to the polling places to support him.

    It seems to me that Americans as a whole support Israel as a country but not all of us support Netanyahu and his constant belittling of our president and trying to force us into a war that will force the expenditure of American blood and treasure that Netanyahu believes he is entitled to.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Maybe he thinks he can be that way, and demand that, since Israel have done so, from you, for decades now?

    Like the husband that batters his wife, he expects the tea to be on the table at 6pm, as that is what he has always had...
  7. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Israel's right wing makes our own look liberal by comparison. As mentioned above, Yahoo is kind of a dick to everyone.

    It will definitely be a better situation when his party eventually gets ousted from leadership.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Would it not be merely replaced with another seed of Hagara and Irgun, as usual?
  9. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Even Olmert was moderate compared to Netanyahu.
  10. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    What a perfect metaphor..
  11. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I think Obama doesn't particularly like Bibi because he speaks out of the side of his mouth. He claims he wants peace, but his actions belie that statement.

    I bet he figured he could tell obama that the WB settlement issue was really just a zoning dispute like he told Palin.

    Either way, Obama won't blindly support him, and in the end every Israeli knows that US support is necessary. Hopefully he'll get thrown out on his arse in the election, but it isn't looking good for kadima (the middle of the roaders).
  12. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    When is their election, how is it looking for the whalloper in the polls, and who is his opponent(s)..?
  13. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Are you in Israel, Jonsa?

    Are their many like you?

    I find you to be terribly bright, well informed and moral.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I'm in Canada.

    If there are a lot like me, we may be in trouble. ;-)

    I try to be informed on the subjects that interest me, and work hard to know what I dont' know.

  15. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Next election is jan22.

    no whalloper. Its proprotional representation.

    Bibi and lieberman are trying to merge (not yet approved by likud) to stave off possible left/centerist coaltion with Kadima and Yesh Atid.

    current polling suggest the right wing coalition is still in the lead. Let's hope for a rousing campaign where Bibi's economic policies bite him in the butt.
  16. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Publicly he won't be seen as unconditionally supporting him. Perceived pragmatism and public relations are the best of friends. But public relations and political reality are two different things. America's position on Israel has been unchanged for over 60 years and it hasn't been any different under Obama.

    The notion that a diplomatic and mediating Obama is attempting to rein in an out of control state with unilateral powers that override that of its imperial master, is an illusion.

    Privately Obama may hate Bibi and I believe he does (remember the disparaging comment Obama made towards Bibi a few years back), but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    Obama talks the talk, but until he actually begins to walk the walk, all the talk of Obama as being less friendly towards Israel than his adversaries on the Republican side, essentially amounts to no more than rhetorical bluster.
  17. free4all

    free4all New Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    I believe Iran must move quickly to build a nuclear weapon if they are going to neutralise the threat of American intervention in the future when republicans win back power. If nothing more I believe there is no threat of total war under Obama so that buys some time but not much time.
  18. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I think its imperative that Iran start to develop nuclear weapons ASAP. The West and its aggressive imperialist puppet, Israel, only attack relatively defenceless countries. I'd like to think that with Obama in power time will be a positive factor, and as an eternal optimist I hope you are right. But I'm not so sure. Obama is a master PR spinmeister that makes a warmonger like Blair look like an amateur by comparison. I think the US public have been duped big time by Obama.
  19. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I think it's the only way now to defend ourselves from the warmongers sadly
  20. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Let's see if Obama veto's the Palestinian recognition in the UN which is soon.
    Then we know what way he is moving
  21. free4all

    free4all New Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Iraq and the policy of pre-emptive strikes changed everything sadly. That policy has very far reaching consequences even beyond the mid east. I firmly believe no nation should ever be attacked unless they take aggressive action against another nation state. If Saddam had to go it needed to be in 1990 when there was a legitimate reason for doing so. The fact America actually backed Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war makes me even more reluctant to back the warmongers and this is coming from a person who is economically and socially conservative and who would support Republicans on most other issues.
  22. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Obama's track record is not good Abu, and is thus in keeping with the history of US foreign policy viz-a-vi Israel/Palestine. Remember last year the Obama administration vetoed the PA's bid for statehood recognition at the UN Security Council.

    Obama is a Zionist Jew stooge.
  23. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Sadly, I think that the US policy of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', which is what is implied by your post, has been totally counterproductive for the US. In this regard, US policy-makers didn't read Shelley's Frankenstein to the end, because if they had, they would have understood that the Monster eventually turns against its creator.

    So it has been the case in the ME. The US has backed dictator after dictator, corrupt king after corrupt king, and blowback, most dramatically witnessed on 9-11, was the result. The US and the West in general, have added to, rather than depleted, the swamp from which anti-Western hatred has emerged.

    The policy of pre-emptive war has got to be the most insane policy discourse known to man. But these top policy advisors are not stupid people, so one has to ask oneself for what purpose do they undertake such a policy?

    Clearly, the intention is to ratchet up hatred and conflict as the Wests justification for more attacks and so perpetuating a cycle of eternal war and conflict predicated on the strategy of so-called counter-attack as an alleged defence against further attacks.

    Since the mainly muslims who resist the wars of the powerful will never submit to the whims of their Western oppressors, the logical end point is total devastation from which emerges a peace of sorts.

    In other words, an eventual lasting peace emerges from a wilderness predicated on destruction. This isn't a "peace" that is worth having of course, but it is nevertheless where we are heading. This apocalyptic vision fits into the both the Talmudic Jewish and Christian fundamentalist mindset. So from their perspective, it makes sense after all.
  24. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    He joined up with Liberman, they run together,

    The lists of many parties are not even closed yet, we hear about new "stars" joining and leaving every day,

    Kadima lost a great deal of its members, they moved back to Likud and Avoda (Labor) , Kadima will be crushed this round.

    Labor (Avoda) will get more seats than last time but for now the left is still very divided and will lose power over this, there was a suggestion they should join lists and run together to oppose "Biberman" but that didnt work (ego issues).

    Now some Likud supporters that dont like "Biberman" look for another party, some will vote for Mafdal (a religios national party - your darkest fears probebly, id say most resimble MB - only not for Halacha state) and some will go farther left, perhaps to Yair Lapid party (as soon as he decides if he has a party at all),

    All in all it looks promising to "Biberman", may god have mercy on our souls.
  25. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Jonsa is my Hero :love:

    He has the strength to go in places I grow tired just by looking at them.

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