"What is it with you revisionists and the Jews?"

Discussion in 'Zionist Agenda' started by Durandal, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    :D Just wanted to share an awesome open letter from Michael Shermer. I'd like to hope it might get some kooky minds actually thinking.


    March 20, 1995

    An Open Letter to Holocaust Revisionists

    In Response to W.D. Brockschmidt's "Open Letter to Michael Shermer" in
    the Newsletter of the Adelaide Institute, 27 January, 1995. This letter
    is for publication.

    Dear Mr. Brockschmidt and Holocaust Revisionists:

    1. A Rational Response. Although I have received hundreds of letters
    from revisionists, Mr. Brockschmidt is the first person to produce a
    point-by-point analysis of my essay. A few revisionists focused on one
    point or another, but most of them just attacked me personally,
    precisely what they claimed traditional historians were doing to them.
    Ironic, uh? (See the letters sections of the subsequent issues of
    Skeptic after Vol. 2, #4.) Revisionists claim to want an open debate
    about the Holocaust, but I suspect otherwise. We gave revisionists an
    open debate (the longest article ever published in Skeptic), and offered
    virtually unlimited letters-to-the-editor space, but no one has taken us
    up on the challenge. Before going to press I even went so far as to read
    to Mark Weber what I wrote about him and the IHR so that there could be
    no misunderstanding of their claims. Who has ever done that?

    What revisionists want, I suspect, is not an open debate, but agreement
    with their position. David Cole, one of the most knowledgeable and
    brightest of all the revisionists I interviewed, had an entire lecture
    at the last IHR conference in which he could have taken on my arguments
    point-by-point. Instead, what did he do? He spent a full hour attacking
    me personally, alleging that I was using the revisionists to sell
    magazines; that I was filtering money from Skeptic magazine to support
    my cycling activities; that I had no integrity; that I was dishonest;
    and all manner of slanderous statements. Cole even foolishly confessed
    to secretly recording a phone conversation we had (illegal in California
    and subject to a $10,000 fine and six months in jail), threatening to
    use it to "expose" me. Yet not one comment on my analysis. Mark Weber,
    whose knowledge of the Holocaust far surpasses my own and whose
    understanding of World War II is formidable, has been promising a proper
    rebutal for 8 months now but has not produced. I made the same offer to
    David Irving. (Like me, however, Weber has a magazine to get out and
    Irving another book, so I do not read too much into this fact.)

    2. David Irving. Irving's account of his surprise visit to a Deborah
    Lipstadt lecture was somewhat amusing since I too have experienced the
    sharp end of Lipstadt's rapier for my appearance on the Donahue show
    with David Cole and Bradley Smith. She claimed (almost hysterically)
    that one should not honor revisionists with a response. Three days later
    she was on 60 Minutes with none other than Ernst Zundel and Mark Weber!

    But I cannot support Irving's actions. He did not go to a Deborah
    Lipstadt lecture for an intellectual discussion; he went there to stir
    things up, something revisionists seem to be fond of doing (some would
    call this Jew baiting). These are sophomoric actions unbecoming to a
    historian of Irving's abilities. Having now ploughed my way through
    Hitler's War and Goring (c. 1,200 pages), Irving is obviously a first
    rate documentarian and narrative historian. But I think he is not a good
    theoretician and does a lot of selective quoting to support his bias.
    First it was Hitler who was unaware of the Holocaust. Then it was
    Goring. Who's next, Himmler? I suspect it will be whomever it is Irving
    is writing on, so his next tome on Goebbels should be interesting. If he
    can exonerate Goebbels, Irving can take pride of place as the world's
    greatest revisionist.

    As I illustrated in my brief analysis in Skeptic (and as Irving also
    demonstrated so thoroughly in Hitler's War and Goring in his exoneration
    of these two on the Holocaust), we have Goebbels dead to rights on the
    Holocaust. Thus, I am surprised he would hand out free copies of Goring
    to Lipstadt's students so they could see "which of us is lying." What?
    If there was no plan to exterminate the Jews, then what will these
    students make of page 238, when Irving writes:

    Emigration was only one possibility that Goring foresaw. "The second
    is as follows," he said in November 1938, selecting his words with
    uncharacteristic care. "If at any foreseeable time in the future the
    German Reich finds itself in a foreign political conflict, then it
    is self-evident that we in Germany will address ourselves first and
    foremost to effecting a grand settling of scores against the Jews."

    Since Irving told me that emigration is all the Nazis ever meant by
    "ausrotten" and the Final Solution, then just what did Goring mean by
    the second plan? And what will these students think when they get to
    page 343, when Irving writes:

    History now teaches that a significant proportion of those
    deported-particularly those too young or infirm to work-were being
    brutally disposed of on arrival. The surviving documents provide no
    proof that these killings were systematic; they yield no explicit
    orders from "above," and the massacres themselves were carried out
    by the local Nazis (by no means all of them German) upon whom the
    deported Jews had been dumped. That they were ad hoc extermination
    operations is suggested by such exasperated outbursts as that of
    Governor-General Hans Frank at a Cracow conference on December 16,
    1941: "I have started negotiations with the aim of sweeping them
    [further] to the east. In January there is to be a big conference in
    Berlin on this problem . . . under SS Obergruppenfuhrer Heydrich
    [the "Wannsee Conference" of January 20, 1942]. At any rate a big
    Jewish exodus will begin . . . . But what's to become of the Jews?
    Do you imagine they're going to be housed in neat estates in the
    Baltic provinces? In Berlin they tell us: What's bugging you-we've
    got no use for them either, liquidate them yourselves!"

    "Berlin," says Irving, "more likely meant the party-or Himmler,
    Heydrich, and the SS." The above passage is Irving's translation and
    interpretation, quoted verbatim from Goring, but I fail to see how this
    can be interpreted to support an "ad hoc" interpretation of
    nonsystematic killings with no order from above. This passage, in
    conjunction with many others (reproduced in Skeptic), sounds to me like
    the killings were very much systematic, the orders did come-directly or
    tacitly-from above, and that the only thing ad hoc about the process was
    the long term development of the Final Solution (I take the
    functionalist theory on this count, not the intentionalist). This is
    precisely what I mean by Irving's difficulties with theory. Finally,
    what can "liquidate" possibly mean other than exactly what Holocaust
    historians have always said that it means?

    It is too bad about David Irving. As they say in boxing, he coulda' been
    a contenda. Unfortunately, Irving has had to earn a living by lecturing
    and selling books (a difficult challenge for any author), and the more
    he revises the Holocaust the more books he sells and lecture invitations
    he receives from revisionist and right-wing groups. He has been slipping
    more and more into revisionism not, I believe, because the historical
    evidence has taken him there, but because he has found a home. The
    mainstream academy has rejected him so he has created a niche on the
    margins. Lipstadt is wrong to say that Irving is "not really a
    historian," or that he is "not a respectable historian" (if Irving is
    quoting her correctly here). One must be more specific. By definition
    Irving most certainly is a historian, more than many historians in the
    academy. In my opinion, however, he is not a good theoretical historian
    and this causes him to make many interpretive mistakes, some of which I
    noted in my article, to which he has yet to respond.

    3. Motives. In a section in the Adelaide publication entitled "From
    Doubt to Scepticism," someone (no by-line) claims that I am "a deeply
    religious person for whom the Holocaust has become an Ersatz-religion,
    as is so often the case with self-professed disbelievers." This is a
    very interesting psychological analysis but one that I do not think
    quite applies since I have no vested interest in the status quo
    Holocaust story as it is normally understood. I am not Jewish; I have no
    Jewish relatives that I know of; and I do not know of anyone connected
    to my family in any way who lost someone in the Holocaust. I'm not going
    to lose my job at Skeptic, since I am the owner of the magazine. And I
    am willing to change my beliefs about the Holocaust should the evidence
    support such a change. Indeed, before I began to study the Holocaust in
    order to test the claims of Holocaust revisionists, I believed in the
    human soap and lampshade stories, that 4 million died at Auschwitz, that
    Dachau was an extermination camp, that Hitler directly ordered the
    genocide in writing, that 6 million was a firm number, etc. I have
    already "revised" my beliefs about the Holocaust considerably and am
    willing to continue to do so should the evidence compel me.
  2. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    4. Associationist Fallacy. Regarding the violence of the Bolshevik
    Revolution, agreed, it led to one of the greatest Holocausts in history
    as Lenin and Stalin exterminated tens of millions of people. But it does
    not matter if 545 out of 545 members of Lenin's Petrograd government
    were Jewish, the Bolshevik Revolution was not about Judaism, it was
    about Communism; it was not about a religious takeover of the world, but
    a political takeover of the world. If you want to worry about a group
    trying to dominate the world with their religion, the Jews are the least
    of your worries, given their tiny numbers. The Muslims or Catholics
    should be atop your list, if that is your criteria. And if it's unevenly
    distributed money and power you are concerned about, you better look
    closely at such groups as the Church of Scientology or the Christian
    Fundamentalist Right.

    5. Consilience of Inductions. As for aerial photographs, gas chamber
    blueprints, Zyklon-B traces, crematoria figures, and total numbers
    killed, I never claimed that any one of these by themselves "proves" the
    Holocaust. In fact, the entire point of my essay was quite the opposite.
    My essay was entitled "Proving the Holocaust" for an important reason.
    The essay was really about historical "proof" and as such was a
    theoretical analysis. I am really more of a theoretician and philosopher
    of history than I am a narrative historian. For this analysis I borrowed
    from the 19th-century British philosopher of science, William Whewell,
    his idea of the "consilience of inductions," or the "convergence of
    evidence." The study of evolution is a historical science. No single
    fossil proves evolution. But there is a consilience or convergence of
    evidence from paleontology, geology, botany, zoology, physiology,
    anatomy, etc., all of which leads to a proof of evolution. The same is
    true of the science of human history. No single "fossil" of evidence
    proves a historical event, including the Holocaust. But there is a
    consilience of eyewitness testimony, letters, speechs, memos, orders,
    traces, blueprints, etc, that leads to a proof of the Holocaust. In my
    analysis I demonstrated how these "fossils" converged to the conclusion
    that the Holocaust happened.

    I have not received a single phone call or letter from anyone,
    revisionist or historian, that indicates an awareness of what I was
    doing in this essay. I take this to mean that I did not make it clear
    enough, which I am attempting to do in this letter. You are wasting your
    time nitpicking at these various single pieces of evidence. I will grant
    you that there are serious problems with some individual eyewitness
    accounts; that there is no written order from Hitler; that there is no
    blueprint that says "in this room we kill Jews;" that the crematoria
    could never have burned so many bodies; that the 6 million figure is
    symbolic and the real figure has been changing, etc. The reason that no
    single piece of evidence can either prove or disprove the Holocaust is
    that the Holocaust was not a single event. It was 10,000 events that
    took place in 10,000 places that is proved through 10,000 bits of
    evidence, no one of which stands alone. As Whewell stated in his The
    Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences (1840): "Accordingly the cases in
    which inductions from classes of facts altogether different have thus
    jumped together, belong only to the best established theories which the
    history of science contains" (p. 230). The Holocaust is a
    well-established theory because of this consilience.

    Through the theory of consilience I have not only demonstrated how the
    Holocaust can be proved, but how any historical event can be proved. In
    order to prove that the Holocaust did not happen, a revisionist (hint,
    hint, Messrs. Weber, Cole, or Irving) will have to show that the
    consilience of inductions method is either philosophically fallacious in
    general, or misinterpreted in the case of the Holocaust in particular.
    This will require revisionists to go beyond the limited scope of
    narrative history, to become theoretical. I will be curious to see if
    anyone is up to the challenge.

    Case in point: Mr. Brockschmidt was "very surprised" that I "did not
    mention the work of the 'Pope of Revisionism', Robert Faurisson." I met
    Robert Faurisson at the IHR conference in Irvine. He invited me to his
    room for a private discussion of my article. Since Faurisson's
    speciality is linguistic analysis I thought that perhaps his mind might
    take a philosophical turn. In his room Faurisson announced that he spent
    less than one minute reading my article because he only had to look at
    the pictures to see that I had not proven the Holocaust. Why? Because I
    did not have a picture of a homicidal gas chamber. Then he alternated a
    rhetorical demand that I show him "just one proof" of the Holocaust,
    with the unpleasant gesture of leaning forward in his chair and jabbing
    his finger toward my face, a tactic, I suspect, intended to provoke me,
    as he had just done days before to the Director of Research at the U.S.
    Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    Of course, in order to offer "just one proof," one first must be able to
    define what constitutes proof. So I turned his tactic against him by
    asking: "Can you tell me how you define proof, or what constitutes proof
    with regards to the Holocaust?" His response, over and over to my
    inquiry, was, in his inimitable French accent: "No, no, I ask you for
    proof." The more I asked him for his definition of proof, the more in my
    face he got, repeating over and over, "No, no, I ask you for proof." He
    didn't get it. A historical event is not proved through one artifact. I
    was thoroughly unimpressed with Pope Faurisson. The bottom line is this:
    if you really want "to go from political correctness to historical
    correctness," as Mr. Brockschmidt claims, begin with this question: what
    constitutes proof in history? The rest should follow.

    6. Jewish Obsession. I say the rest should follow. Facts should follow
    from theory unless one's bias is overwhelming. Which brings me to my
    final point. What is it with you revisionists and the Jews? You all
    proclaim that that you are not anti-Semitic and you scream bloody murder
    whenever anyone accuses you of such a motive. Yet your collective
    actions and words speak otherwise (okay, Mr. Cole, you are an exception
    here). Just read the letters self-proclaimed revisionists have been
    sending me in response to our analysis of Holocaust revisionism, the
    fairest ever written about the movement: assuming I must be Jewish
    because of my name; claiming we are part of a Jewish Cabal; saying
    Skeptic is part of a Zionist Plot; calling Skeptic the "Jewish
    Propaganda Quarterly;" cartoon characterizations of Jews; photos of
    Schindler's List in a toilet; and these are just what revisionists have
    sent me. Your own magazines, newsletters, flyers, and literature are
    filled with diatribes against the Jews, featuring articles in every
    revisionist publication about "the Jews," what "the Jews" are doing, how
    "the Jews" are controlling the media, etc. You howl about the ADL and
    JDL being obsessed with everything Jewish. What do you expect? They are
    Jewish organizations. Or you cry about how defensive they are. Well, if
    you had an organization like the IHR criticizing your every move and
    publishing it, wouldn't you get a little defensive? And, I will point
    out, since you are obsessed with the ADL and JDL and other Jewish
    organizations, what does that make you? That's right, obsessed with
    everything Jewish. You are no different from the ADL and JDL. Is this
    how you want to be perceived?

    Why don't you lay off the Jews? Give them a break. They have been
    persecuted for thousands of years. Why don't you try doing something
    different from what everyone else has been doing for millennia? Why not
    admire the Jews for their accomplishments? No group in history can claim
    greater persecution, yet has any group been so successful in pulling
    themselves up by their bootstraps? "Oh," you say, "the Jews stick
    together. They are a tribe." Well, if you were a minority persecuted for
    thousands of years, would you not perhaps respond by "sticking
    together?" What's wrong with that? It's no skin off your back. Let them
    have their museums and their businesses. So what? Instead of trying to
    tear down what they build, why don't you try building something
    yourself? If you cannot admire hard work, then why not try a little of
    it yourself on something constructive? In other words, get a life.
  3. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Addendum to "Open Letter to Holocaust Revisionists" & Letter to the
    Editor, Journal of Historical Review

    For Publication

    The Journal of Historical Review is to be congratulated for having the
    courage to publish David Irving's essay on "Revelations From Goebbels'
    Diary" (Vol. 15, #1), even though it provides incontrovertible evidence
    to contradict the revisionists' conclusion that the Nazis did not
    intentionally liquidate Jews. I quote from Irving's translation from
    Goebbels diary, March 27, 1942 (pp. 16-17):

    Beginning with Lublin the Jews are now being deported eastward from
    the General Government. The procedure is pretty barbaric and one
    that beggars description, and there's not much left of the Jews.
    Broadly speaking one can probably say that 60 percent of them will
    have to be liquidated, while only 40 percent can be put to work.

    Okay, let's do a simple calculation. According to Irving (p. 16), there
    were 11 million Jews left in Europe at this time. 11 million Jews x 60%
    liquidation = 6.6 million liquidated Jews. Um, where have I seen a
    figure like this before?

    This article provides additional data to my conclusion in my "Open
    Letter to Holocaust Revisionists," that David Irving is an outstanding
    documentarian and narrative historian, but leaves much to be desired as
    a theoretical or interpretive historian. The article was interesting,
    informative, and well-written, but Irving's interpretation of the above
    passage is startling to say the least (p. 17):

    All he's actually saying here is that the Jews are having a pretty
    rigorous time. They're being deported, it's happening in a
    systematic way, and not many of them are going to survive it.

    Say what?? A "rigorous time?" "Deported?" This has to be the most
    conservative interpretation of the word "liquidate" I have ever read.
    And what does Mr. Irving say about this Goebbels' entry two days later?:
    So what if Jews are being machine-gunned into pits? They had it coming
    to them. They declared war on us, and this is no time for sympathy and

    Irving admits "that's the way he may well have looked at it," since the
    British had just bombed Lubeck. Right. Goebbels looked at what? I
    thought revisionists claimed that Jews only died of starvation and
    disease? "Machine-gunned into pits" sounds rather intentional to me,
    unless you think it was some sort of accident. I can hear the
    revisionist interpretation now: "The pit was already there for a mass
    latrine; Jews happened to be lined up in front of it relieving
    themselves; a Nazi machine-gun set up to protect these Jews from Russian
    snipers accidentally went off and into the pit they went."

    Sorry to sound so sarcastic, but this is about the quality of many
    revisionist interpretations. Again, it is too bad about David Irving.
    The question this begs is: what else has he misinterpreted? Why does
    Irving feel the need to so obviously misinterpret such passages? To
    attract revisionists? To stir up controversy? I just cannot imagine he
    really thinks this is what Goebbels meant. Please elaborate Mr. Irving
    (or any other revisionists). I really am curious.

    Final point: David Irving has apparently put up $1,000.00 to anyone who
    can provide him proof of homicidal gas chambers. I believe I can do so
    but I know how these things usually go: Once the proof is provided the
    person says that does not count as proof. So . . . could Mr. Irving or
    any other revisionist please tell me what constitutes proof of homicidal
    gas chambers, short of a gas chamber with a large sign hanging on the
    wall that says: "Here we gas Jews to death."

    Michael Shermer,
    Skeptic magazine. :psychoitc:
  4. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Funny how much conspiracy nonsense there is on the latest World News forum and not a peep on this forum! Says a lot huh Durandal? Why don't you invite those English fellas over here? xxx L.
  5. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    They want to posthumously rehabilitate Schickelgruber so that they can take a do-ver on WWII, this time with their hero winning. They just can't grasp that they lost.
  6. l4zarus

    l4zarus Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    This is the most disturbing aspect of the Holocaust Denial industry...it's been refuted and rebutted online since at least 1995 and these clowns are still around. David Irving is particularly doochy. Look at his connections to the "Libertarian" Party which looks more and more like a nazi style front everyday:



    Irving on Hitler:

    'Hitler was a great man and the Gestapo were fabulous police'

    I have no sympathy for Holocaust Deniers, excuse me , "revisionists".
  7. krew09

    krew09 Member

    May 12, 2010
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    Schermer starts off with blatant lies,it is the revisionists that always,always are ready for debate,but the pushers always refuse,the one single time Schermer debates Weber,it was pathetic.

    Look,if you want to be brainwashed that is fine,in the mean time...

    bet I can produce more than you have brain cells....
    6,000,000 starving
    6,000,000 being exterminated
    6,000,000 suffering and bleeding
    6,000,000 being holocausted
    6,000,000 the solution to the Jews
    6,000,000 being crucified

    The thing people like you dont get ,that your media,all of it is controlled You cant see the magic trick for what it is,a trick,you have no evidence of mass murders,no evidence of gas chambers....
    All it takes to fool you,is some bodies lying around at couple of camps....you see there was a typhus epidemic....what happens when your suplly line sare bombed,no medicine,no food,no fuel to burn the bodies,and guess what Einstein,you cant bury bodies in the ground when it is frozen.....
  8. krew09

    krew09 Member

    May 12, 2010
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    It is important to not forget,never forget...I think a couple sad stories will help..

    Little Mitch was just 7 when he was sent to a concentration camps. over the next 6 years, mitch would be shot, beaten starved and tortured.

    Mitch was even in Treblinka, and he escaped from Nazi Experimental Hospital for Children.

    During his first escape attempt, 7 year old Mitch drove a wooden stake though the eye of a Nazi. He was recaptured, and went to several more death camps.

    Mitch witnessed a poor mother drop her baby through the floor boards of a train. Mitch also saw dogs devour a starving Jew who tried to steal from their dog bowls.

  9. krew09

    krew09 Member

    May 12, 2010
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    Another sad tale,how do you even doubt these people.???Are you a hater or something??

    Little Misha was on 7 years old when her parents where taken from her in Belgium. Misha armed herself with a knife, and walked 3,000 miles across war torn Europe in search of her parents.

    While in the forest, Misha was adopted by a pack of friendly wolves. Misha would babysit the pups while the parents hunted. The wolves brought Misha food, and kept her warm at night.

    7 year old Misha got into a knife fight with an adult Nazi, and stabbed him to death in self defense.

    To survive, Misha ate mud.


    Rachel Levy,was headed for the death chamber,but the Nazi's ,unorganized as they were had the soup kitchen line crossing paths with the gas chamber line,.....Rachel simply "hid" behind the soup carriers,...well done!

  10. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Guess what, typhus happens when you shove people into forced labor camps, under-feed and over-work them and shove them into too-tight quarters. If Shickelgruber and his (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) buddies wanted the Jews gone, why didn't he just march them all off to Russia? Can any of you fail artists answer that?
  11. Uri

    Uri Active Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    "Defonseca was born in 1937 in Etterbeek, a suburb of Brussels, Belgium, to Robert De Wael and Josephine Donvil. Her family was not Jewish, as her professed autobiography states. Her parents were resistance fighters arrested by the Germans. Her father subsequently was forced to collaborate with the Gestapo and was released to live in Germany, dying from natural causes later in the war.[4]"
    " Finally the leading historian of the Shoah in Belgium, the late Dr. Maxime Steinberg, pointed out the historic anomalies and errors in the story"

    When a story is wrong, it is pointed out.
    By Historians - Not by you or your Ilk.
  12. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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