With World War 3 on the horizon one must wonder where we see our future selves and what role we might play in the future conflict. There will be many who would be eager to fight and/or are part of the initial deployment of troops. Those of active military status. However, a World War is a major undertaking, and soon, we might re-instate the draft. And that brings up whether you'll be drafted or rejected for active service due to disability or old age. And finally, there will be those who are draft dodgers and will leave the country, or those who will do volunteer work at home instead of leave to fight offshore. And, of course, there will be moral objectors citing religious reasons not to fight. Which one are you?
Local militia in my neighborhood. I love how the left thinks we can never be invaded even though we already are on a daily basis
Defense. Prolly voluntary. I'll likely be too old for conscription by the time any active troops set foot on US soil.
I know, destroy the US economy and then nobody will want to come here. That might already be Biden's plan.
Interesting. I'm trying to envision a scenario where active troops set foot on US soil -- at least on the lower 48, rather than, say Guam or Samoa. I guess the last time it happened was Pancho Villa and the raid on Columbus, New Mexico. Who is the invader? If not Mexico or Canada, how do they get here?
Who said anything about fighting WW3 on US soil? Of course, you'll be deployed anywhere that it's required.
It gets a lot more interesting if you watch the mainstream media / broadcast media / corporate media / lies lies and more lies Firstly everyone loves the USA and wants to be like the USA, secondly everyone hates the US and wants to destroy us. And that's all you need to know.
I know of a 68 year old who was recalled in the GWOT. He was a psychiatrist that specialized in PTSD.
There's a few scenarios. I find the most likely invasion to be by infiltration. There was a book written a while ago based on actual military wargaming where Chinese troops came over as cargo (instead of the TVs and blenders that we ordered) in hundreds or thousands of shipping containers modified for long term human occupancy, in sufficient numbers to temporarily knock out our capability to detect an actual invasion force that would soon follow. Today, a similar thing could be accomplished merely by walking across the desert from Mexico and wearing flannel instead of camo. Also it has been proposed that a civil war could be used as precedent to emplace UN 'peacekeepers' that turn out to be an invasion force. But the most likely scenario will be economic warfare. Our fragile supply chain is far more of a threat to us than any invasion force. We have approximately 3 days of food on hand in any given city on any given day, not to mention the chaos that disruption of water and electricty and internet would cause. An EMP or a digital finance hack would leave the bulk of our population literally eating eachother in no time at all. With all our military and police tied up merely trying to preserve order in a hundred panicked, starving metropolises, who knows what could happen. Well, I guess we know that FEMA won't save us (they only store enough food for a regional disaster, such as a hurricane, and even that only on paper)... but beyond that, its anyone's guess.
I guess it would depend on the context of the war. If it is derived from any of the current conflicts, I'd tell Uncle Sam to blow me, as they are all conflicts that were easily preventable with a little bit of common sense and humanity. If there is a TRUE threat to the homeland, then yes, I'd pick up my rifle again, put my rucksack back on and fight to the death. But, I doubt very much that any conflict coming up in the near future is anything but elites throwing young men into an unnecessary conflict for a profit. I've already played that stupid game.
Sure they are opposite statements but using one or the other we can cover every eventuality. Neocons use the everyone wants to be like the US to do regime change, like to replace the elected government of Ukraine with one we chose. And behind it all is having a bigger military budget than the next ten countries combined because we only have it just to defend ourselves. And then we go to countries all over the globe and kill people because it is better to kill them there than have to do it here. And with those three excuses we can justify ANYTHING.
At 68, I'm way too old for conscription, much less deployment. But if there was ever an invading army in our country, I would arm up and die fighting them. Better that than surrender.
I am quite old, so I don't think I will be participating, except to pay the high taxes to pay for Joe Biden's next military action. I have not shot a gun since I was in summer camp in the late 1950s.
What we need to do to protect ourselves is to send our military over to some country somewhere, anywhere and kill half a million people. Then the weapons makers get rich and can go off in their yachts wherever they like and have fun. That works great from their perspective, and they pay Congress, so who cares about anyone else? The public can't even close the Southern border.
I believe that a gifted Christian visionary gave me a prediction that I think I will be hammering away on the keyboard about until I finally have to be buried!
I'll be infiltrating the treasonous right. Being an older white guy gets me a good start. Then I can just say the most disgusting thing that pops into mind at any given moment, and the righties will instantly accept me as one of their own. It's worked so far.
Me during World War III? Getting older, paying taxes and, I hope, not getting blow up by an Iranian nuclear weapon. If they did get the bomb, they will vaporize Israel first and then move on to Western Europe. After that, Washington, DC if they last that long.