[video=youtube;tHsZxJlxHYw]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHsZxJlxHYw[/video] This video says it all really. Well, almost all of it. I try to remain objective. I do it by being skeptical of everyone. Has any elected official ever really done what they promised to get elected? Not really. For me it is not a matter of whether Trump can or will be able to fix things. It is more a matter of supporting what I believe is the best direction for the country. Can Trump do what he says he will do? With any candidate that is unknown. No one ever knows if any of these candidates can or will do what they campaign on. It basically comes down to a choice between globalism and nationalism. Do we have a country or do we not have a country?
Very good video. Thanks for posting. Trump says what most of us know deep inside, that changes in our government in recent years is not the direction we want our country to take. Even when we try to remove ourselves from politics and enjoy a football game, we have to watch some idiot making a stupid statement during the national anthem. A football game isn't the appropriate venue for political speech. Imagine the impact it has on the next generation. That's fine for freedom of speech, but little do they know, democrats hate free speech. All you have to do to verify that is read some of the posts here in PF. BOTTOM LINE: All of this shows us is that the people don't like the direction our country is going. It's time for a serious change. Steve
Hah ! That is the case with every election. This is about Americans learning that free speech has a PURPOSE THAT IS ABRIDGED. So badly abridged that only insiders of the secret government or billionaires can have a voice heard well enough to become a candidate. So badly abridged that a thread with the title "WHAT DOES IT TAKE", stating it takes a person who is criminal to be president. I would convert that to "What does it take to make an American aware that the PURPOSE of free speech exists and is abridged". Americans must have methods to assure that they are informed of vital informations AND be able to dialogue about it. Neither exists. Are Americans so dumbed down about the purposes of free speech that a thread with this title, Free Speech: Is It Fine to Say Something Offensive? is viable? Either they are or covert infiltration of the forum is so overwhelming they look that way.
Well, we KNOW that Trump will not do what he says he will do because most of his promises require that he be elected Emperor - not President. As for your tired "country" rhetoric - that's just pathetic whining and fear-mongering.
Well, I do not know where you get that. Perhaps you do not like Trump’s personality. That is understandable as I am not that crazy about it either. It is the policies I support. Liking a candidates personality is not as important as their stance on the issues.
I believe Americans are too lazy to discuss or even think about important issues. These days it is all about being selfish not the good of the country. It is much easier to follow the sheep so more time can be spent on selfish endeavors.
For the Left, the US is merely the platform from which they work toward their global pipedream of a "noble oligarchy" ruling over "grateful serfs". Unfortunately they are such incompetents idiots, instead they will start WWIII with their endless meddling and then claim they can't be held accountable for it because that was not their intent. We had enough of them, they can go buy an estate somewhere and meddle endlessly there.
He can build the wall and control immigration thats law already, he can cut taxes, he can negotiate good trade deals, he bomb the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of ISIS which Obama is supposedly already doing (half hearted or really drop arms on them to help over throw governments) and he fight against the international globalists in keep the nation sovereign. Everything else he can work towards including term limits which would be a fantastic achievement.
You can make the exact same argument viv a vis the Clintons and most of the crap the left constantly whines about.
That only shows how badly the PURPOSE of free speech is abridged. People are so desperate to share perspectives with significant masses they intrude into what is thought of as amusing recreation. What if before the nations anthem is played, the public was educated with these options of law. As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you understand, agree and accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent that the framers of the founding documents intended for us to alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights? As a Citizen of a state of the united states for America, do you understand, agree, accept then DECLARE it is constitutional intent that the ultimate purpose of free speech be to enable the unity adequate to effectively alter or abolish government destructive to the ideal of our unalienable rights?
Yes. Up to this point, the election has been about showing the extent of the corruption. The Wikileaks releases have been solid. The tilting of the process by the mainstream media has been shown quite clearly. The need of the establishment to do whatever it deems necessary to remain in control appears unquestionable. The only thing which remains to see is if enough people have consumed the Clinton koolaid to put Hillary over the top. If that happens, I fear the nation will be sorry; with the high court hanging in the balance, the impact of Hillary's election will be felt for at least the next 40 years. Will we the people let this happen? Will we really elect an individual whose need for power and control are so clearly documented? I don't know, but I do know that if we decide to go that route, it will not be good for our country...
By chopping up my post, you missed the whole point of my post. You ddn't even do it properly so I fixed it. Kaepernick, just like MOST PEOPLE are unhappy with our country and the direction it is taking. I had to listen to why Kaepernick was unhappy to even understand why he was making a public stand. If he was smart he would blame the LAST administration for not doing their job. At least Trump offers change and has actually said, "what do you have to lose?" Do you understand now? Steve
I did not watch the video, but I tell you what, todays speech should address your concerns. That was an awesome speech and revealed the real Trump and his intentions. I have to admit I was wavering until that speech. I wanted to lean toward Trump, but I was bogged down by the media's portrayals and attention to bogus scandals. This speech is what I was waiting for. I recommend everyone who is wavering like I was get the transcript or find the youtube to see what Trump is going to do for our country. I think Drudge has a link at the top of his page for it. Save our country and vote Trump!!
Exactly, and we certainly don't want any more Obama/Hillary foreign policy that has destroyed several countries, has us involved in 5 wars, flirting with WWIII and is entirely incoherent. Clinton Foundation Employed a Now-Imprisoned Senior Muslim Brotherhood Official Gehad El-Haddad supported the worst abuses of the Morsi regime. Clinton Foundation logo, 19 stars arranged in a crescent. Gehad El-Haddad, the now-imprisoned former spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's so-called "Freedom and Justice Party," was the "Baghdad Bob" of the Arab Spring. Educated in the UK and the son of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader, Gehad served as the special advisor on foreign policy to deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi. Gehad incited violence, justified the torture of protesters, recycled fake news stories, and staged fake scenes of confrontation during the 2013 Rabaa protests. He was arrested in September 2013 after the fall of Morsi and the bloody confrontations during the breakup of the Muslim Brotherhood's protest camps in Rabaa Square and around Cairo. During his ascendancy in 2011 and 2012, at which time he served on the Muslim Brotherhood's "Nahda" (Renaissance) Project to revive the caliphate and reinstitute Islamic law and also served as Morsi's campaign spokesman, he was working for the Clinton Foundation. He was still on the Clinton's payroll when he became spokesman for Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate for president of Egypt, and throughout the entirety of his campaign. When Morsi declared himself above the law and the courts in a November 22, 2012 declaration, Gehad was quick to justify the power grab to reporters and analysts: When police immediately began to protest Morsi's power grab, Gehad threatened a purge of the police for not falling into line. Morsi's power grab launched a series of protests in December 2012. The Muslim Brotherhood unleashed its shock troop cadres on protesters, including setting up torture chambers for anti-Morsi protesters -- all with Gehad's vocal approval. And as the Ministry of Interior and the police continued to resist Morsi's violence against protesters, Gehad continued to threaten retaliation. Reporters covering the Muslim Brotherhood's protests complained that Gehad did nothing as they were beaten by Muslim Brotherhood cadres at the protests. As the protests began to escalate, so did Gehad's false propaganda. In one instance he claimed that police were firing at protesters from helicopters, only to have one of the reporters on the scene directly question his claims. n another instance, Gehad was caught staging fake confrontations with police at one of the protests as accomplices took video and pictures of the staged scene, much to his embarrassment when video emerged of the scripted hoax. So the Clinton Foundation's paid agent, Gehad El-Haddad's rose to power within the Muslim Brotherhood, became a full-throated apologist for the Muslim Brotherhood's power grabs, violence against protesters, threatening non-compliant branches of the Egyptian government, and pushed false propaganda as Egyptians rose up to stop the madness. https://pjmedia.com/homeland-securi...-muslim-brotherhood-official/?singlepage=true Scum!
This election is about the future as opposed to the past. Shrillary wants to continue the same ole same ole that has dug us into a deep hole. Trump wants to look to the future and take back this country from career politicians and special interest groups. Shrillary wants a new world order and open borders while Trump wants to serve the American people, not the UN. It's about a Supreme Court that will uphold the constitution and not try to make law. What could be clearer?
Yep, that is it. I do not understand why Hillary voters will vote against their own interests. Women especially.
I don't do football. I "parsed" your post on a phone. Typically tags can be easy to screw up on a phone, but you didn't fix it. Let me try again.
Out of courtesy I don't wish to derail your thread, therefore I've posted my not-entirely-apropos-to-your-thread reply as a separate thread. Here's the link, http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=480894&p=1066751869#post1066751869
You were talking about politics which are supposed to be lawful, and they are not. That is a concern of everyone even football players and if they they use their social position to inform the public that's GREAT. However, personal choices for candidates is not appropriate for that.
Supposedly it's a demonstration of the feats between Democrats and Republicans so the people could choose who's the best, but sad to say one candidate is showing signs that "he" could not really run that fast.