White Devils...

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Yant0s, Jul 25, 2019.

  1. Yant0s

    Yant0s Active Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    I see so much anti white stuff on the internet it feels like everyone is against me. It's like society has pre judged me and deemed that I'm bad and that I have to be better, apologies and change fromwgst I am.

    It's a constant message I'm getting, man is bad, white is bad, Man+White = The Devil.

    I can't watch anything on the T.V. or browse the internet without my race being depicted in a negative light.

    Thing is I'm a good person, not rasict, homophobic, I don't beat my girlfriend, and I don't go out raping on the weekend with my buddies.

    So yeah I think to myself, why don't these people just **** off and begin to resent them for this bombardment.

    Then somthing happens, I go back into the real world and everything is sane and normal again. Racism is not really an issues in my world, it's just uncommon as catching a rapist mid act.

    Is it where I live untouched with this bollocks? And are your real lives full of it?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019

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