Why Classic Ideologies Now Have More in Common with Communism than with Globalism

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by Il Ðoge, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Il Ðoge

    Il Ðoge Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
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    We have reached a very ironic point in history. This may be hard to accept, but as I will explain, classic ideologies (including but not limited to classic liberalism) now have more in common with communism than they do with globalism.

    To understand this, consider what communism claims to be against and why. For all its failings, communism is explicitly against what could be called "social parasites". This includes the "banksters", the drug addicts and the sexual deviants, groups that can overlap with each other more often than some would admit. Modern globalists are not against any of these things and I will explain why that is.

    For all its faults, realized to different extremes in different settings, communism shares a fundamental belief with other ideologies: the belief that a people, nation or culture exists and by existing, it can be parasited upon. It is because this thing exists that social parasites are capable of existing. The modern globalist does not accept the legitimacy of a people's distinct existence and what this means is that there is no legitimately existing group that can be harmed as a group. Let's say that someone is a fundamenalist rapist, and/or a drug dealer who lives in part by scamming the welfare system? A globalist is not overtly concerned by things like this because in their mind there is no people, culture or nation to be transgressed against, which in turn means that social parasitism is not possible because in their minds there is no society.

    To provide a common example, a criminal illegal alien can be punished for crimes under globalism but he cannot be punished with deportation because this would acknowledge and legitimize the existence of the separate state.

    In some ways this is all kind of obvious, but I find the circumstances regarding communism and the precise nature of their rejection of the very existence of their own state to be an interesting element.

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