Wind of change in politics in Germany, turn to the left!

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by Mandelus, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    In Germany, the political landscape has changed drastically in recent years and the change continues.

    Sure ... for many of the forum, Chancellor Merkel is a leftist, even if the total nonsense is ... because she belongs to the conservative party. But OK, which by some standards of some here in the forum is already left, makes various righties with us very dark Nazi brown.

    Anyway, historically, Germany has long been a party democracy of 3 parties ... the conservative CDU / CSU party, the Social Democrats of the SPD and the Liberal Democrats of the FDP. The Chancellors in Germany alternated between CDU / CSU and the SPD ... alone because over 50% of the votes, sometimes in respective coalition with the FDP.
    At the beginning of the 1980's a new party was added, the "Greens". This party has its roots in the old hippies of the 1968's, the anti-nuclear movement, the peace movement and the environmental movement. So you can say even after US berating that this party is politically quite lefty.
    Later, after the reunification, the converted, former Communist Party of the GDR joined, which regularly gets enough votes and since some years we still have the very righty AfD party.

    This changed constellation from the former 3 to now 6 significant parties (we have of course much more, but the play very rarely a role) has already brought the policy very confused, because of course the two big (CDU / CSU and SPD) suffer with loss of votes most. For this reason, we have now for many years a so-called grand coalition of the two Great Government, with Merkel as Chancellor.

    The last elections to the EU Parliament were already a disaster for the two big ones, but the latest poll among all election researchers is like an earthquake!

    Strongest party with 27% of votes are now the "greens"!
    Only then does with 24% of votes come on rank 2 the CDU / CSU of Merkel come to me ... who incidentally will not take place as candidate at the next elections in 2021!

    The biggest losers are the Social Democrats of the SPD, who only get 14% of the votes .... a party that has given the Chancellor 3 times and was over 40% in good times, as well as the CDU / CSU with over 40% earlier!

    If this trend continues, the politics of and with Germany will be very funny ... say ... if one of the "greens" becomes federal cankers and the "greens" put the government alone or with whom in Koaltion!
    I just imagine Trump discussing things with one of the current top greens candidates, such as climate change or how much Germany needs to invest in the Armed Forces. Or about genetically modified food ... Especially at 2 of the greens it will be very funny and Trump will find his master, because against this 2 Trump is e.g. on Twitter only a miserable amateur ... also in terms of negative manners and decency!

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