This is what happens when you DEI prestigious positions like Psychiatrists. Let's be thankful she isn't a heart surgeon or aircraft pilot! So if you are going through a situation where you have family members, close friends who you know have voted in ways that are against you, like what you said, against your livelihood, it is completely fine to not be around those people and tell them why. To say I have a problem with the way that you voted because it went against my very livelihood and I’m not going to be around you this holiday So lame, people have opposing views and vote different EVERY election. More sorry people letting Trump break them over nothing. I'm headed to a family BBQ and I know there is only 1 lib in the whole group and SHE is still going and nobody is gonna make her feel uncomfortable. (Nothing special about that, I'm sure its that way in most families that aren't majority liberal). Its also very telling on how the left ALWAYS opts for destroying the family unit any chance they get. Thoughts?
Apparently my brother took this to heart. When trump was declared winner he called me to let me know that I am now dead to him. What, I ask, is wrong with these people?
There are real Psychiatrists and there ones that write blogs. Probably right out of college and never had patients.
I read in reliable news that some college professors allowed students to skip class if they were upset by a Trump win. The poor little darlings. Haven't heard about shunning family members but I would ask the democrats how that brings us together. Something they promised if they won.
You shouldn't have people in your life who are toxic if it is possible to distance yourself from them. If people find politics, toxic, so be it. It cuts both ways though. I have never invited some neighbors over for anything precisely because the husband just rants about politics, especially any sort of local project or anything that changes anything. I just don't have the bandwidth for him even though the wife is a quite lovely person who is fun to talk to. He complains about electric rates then complains about absolutely anything the city does that might help contain those; he complains about anything they do to improve parks even though he rides his bike through the parks many times a year. The list goes on and on and on.
It's not fake news to anyone who pays attention to social media and the world around them. I personally had a real life friend that relocated to the Carolinas that was a friend of mine for almost a decade, who got offended that I posted a couple of not overly offensive political content on my Facebook page, he came to my page and got offended and told me goodbye forever. You know if Kamala would have won US conservatives would have been very disappointed but we would have got up the next day and took our ass back to work and got on with our life..... Not lose friends and family because of our emotions. Anyone who decides to sever ties with friends and family because of their political opinion..... How do I try to put this nicely ? Oh yeah there's really only one way to say it.... They are way too emotionally invested in the subject of politics and they are not acting logically so that to me meets the very definition of a mental illness. Allowing something they are not very much involved with in a significant manner, to have significant effects in their personal life. Straight up, if you can't handle someone else having a different political opinion.... You have serious issues. What an embarrassing time to have to be associated with the left.
4 Years later "The Left" had to get into the act... Since all of the Ludicrous, Mindless, Laughably Conspiratorial "It was Stolen" talk in 2020 made it an embarrassing time to have to be associated with the RIGHT! What comes around goes around...
Then again, least we didn't fall for or get scammed in to voting for a brainless puppet and then TOLD who to vote for by their corrupt leaders once they thru the sitting president out like a sack of old garbage..
You are absolutely right. While I'm a little on the serious side most of my friends are happy, quick with a quip, and make me happy when around them. I have found that chronic complainers are usually people who are trying to project themselves as superior, intelligent, and smarter than everyone else. But in fact, they are the type who hate to make a decision and are very insecure.