Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P.

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by DennisTate, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    M. W. P. = Modern World Problems

    When I first saw the following image about a week ago I was somewhat shocked......
    but I also began to think how perhaps the proposed Republic of Western Canada can fit into
    a number of really serious problems confronting the USA first and foremost, but certainly Canada and the whole world will be greatly affected by what sure looks to me like an impending financial crisis that could turn out to be far worse than what happened in 2008 if it is not handled with wisdom and intelligence?


    ©by Dennis Patrick Tate 2018

    I want to keep the following proposal for a series of reality plus semi-reality science fiction films somewhat within Canada's "conservative movement" so my idea is to sell non-exclusive use of this general idea to several political parties, (and all of the membership in those parties), for one dollar..... and then attempt to write up various concepts on how perhaps that right leaning political party could use this general idea to address problems Canadians are facing in 2019 by focusing on the possibility of altering an event from our history through what some Theoretical Physicists term Multiverse Theory. I believe that Canadian political leaders should learn from the example of Mr. Maxime Bernier who in one thirteen hour marathon raised one hundred and fifty three thousand dollars for local food banks within his riding.

    I feel that one of the best ways for the Alberta Independence Party to accomplish the delay and delay and delay and delay of their goal of separation from Canada / Sovereignty Association with Canada is to make people aware of an injustice that took place in Newfoundland - Labrador back in 1974:

    Should P. M. Justin Trudeau apologize for what his dad back in 1974 and....

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My home is in Central - Nova, Nova Scotia, and Mr. Peter MacKay was our Member of Parliament for many years and I was both amazed and even kind of astonished how often he visited Canadian troops even in combat zones while he was Canada's Minister of Defence.

    So of course..... I decided to put those three colossal numbers in front of Mr. Peter MacKay, Mr. Maxime Bernier, Retired P. M. Mr. Stephen Harper and Mr. Andrew Scheer.

    I want to lure Mr. Peter MacKay back into Canadian politics....

    My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.

  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I posted this to the page of M. P. Candice Bergen:

    This is a comment plus a reply to the cartoon:


    My impression is that P. M. Justin Trudeau and his top advisors have terribly underestimated the sentiment in Alberta for full fledged Separation from Canada. He could end up undoing all of his dad's efforts to keep Canada together just to play political games?

    Yes.... the federal NDP do seem terribly vulnerable for 2019 and.....
    yes..... P. M. Justin Trudeau's shift to the extreme left could work to attract many
    votes to his Liberal Party........
    but is it worth it to risk dividing Canada over?
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In a way.... I came up with the phrase "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems" based on what I felt would be the probable long term results of the adoption of the Carl Cantrell alternative theory on stabilization of the climate:

    My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

    Massive scale investment in turning deserts green does not merely assist in stabilization of the climate....

    it also.... creates jobs.......

    it address the possible threat of rising ocean levels because every cubic meter of sea water that is desalinated and added to the water table of a desert.... is great news for the owners of all real estate vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels.....

    it is an issue that can be sold to "conservatives" because it fits with Isaiah chapter 35.....

    it is an idea that can be sold to Muslims because it fits with Isaiah chapter 35 AND an ancient Islamic prediction that is similar:
    it does NOT involve surrendering so many of our freedoms to the massive BUREAUCRACY needed to organize a Carbon Tax or Cap and Trade System.

    it gives refugees who fled from the Middle East a reason to return to their homelands as significant portions of Middle Eastern nations are turned green.

    it will produce food for the world's rapidly growing population.

    The Sahara Forest Project...and saving New Orleans and Florida from rising oceans!
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Members of the People's Party of Canada led by Mr. Maxime Bernier should
    be able to unite with members of Alberta's Independence Party over
    the issue of attempting to save the lives of people in South Africa
    though a series of reality plus semi- reality science fiction films set partly in South Africa, partly in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Colombia.... and other parts of Canada that want to attempt to assist with all this.

    I can donate a write up on this that could at least get this started but would it ever be nice to find a writer from Newfoundland who would use the names of their actual parents, grandparents or other relatives who they feel would be willing to use their fishing boats to attempt a rescue of the 907 Jewish refugees on the M. S. St. Louis back in 1939.

    "Dennis Tate 4 PPC candidate in Central -Nova."

    More information on this option can be seen:

    My challenge to Miracle Channel..... and Lethbridge, Alberta.

    Surely there are members of Canada's Conservative party who would be interested in something like this.......... yes...... I am hoping that M. P. Michelle Rempel and M. P. Candice Bergen may be the first to say or write something on this considering that doing so might just grab the attention of Mr. Maxime Bernier himself. M. P. Candice Bergen and M. P. Michelle Rempel may well be able to negotiate what amounts to a non-agression pact between the CPC with the PPC for this crucial 2019 election.

    There are areas where vote splitting may not be a serious issue...... but it sure is here in Central - Nova!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now here is a problem that all active members of Canada's political right can agree is serious!

    "Sadly over 2,500 Canadian Armed Forces veterans are living on the streets of Canada. Homelessness is a major issue facing our Canadian veterans.
    No one that has stood on guard for Canada should go hungry." (Kenny Winsor)


    How about..... a film production company and/ or cooperative and / or kibbutz.....
    with a number one goal of turning Canada's homeless veterans into actors playing the role of themselves...... and they go all out to attempt to save the two million South Africans who many experts feel are in real danger of being victims of one of the world's next most likely genocides.

    (Scroll up to post #5 for more information on this or click this link):
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just got back a reply to a discussion that I began that astonished me!

    Joe Hankins
    This is a reply to this discussion:

    What am I attempting to do?

    Basically.... I believe that one Nova Scotian .... who will ally himself or herself with TRUTH.....
    could set in motion a series of events that would perhaps be able to assist the province of Alberta to recover every penny that they invested in Nova Scotia and even in Quebec!




    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  8. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Joe has elaborated on this quite shocking idea:


    All of this reminds me of what happened to Newfoundland - Labrador related to the massive Churchill Falls hydro-electric project.

    Should P. M. Justin Trudeau apologize for what his dad back in 1974 and....
    Now I have kind of a funny story to tell all of you.....
    I was attempting to promote the Carl Cantrell alternative theory on stabilization of the climate
    and joined the Liberal Party in 2009 because pretty much the only person in agreement with me
    with the Conservative Movement..... was Mr. Peter MacKay because when I met him at the Indian Harbour
    Lake Community Centre back in 2008 he mentioned that he had just gotten back from visiting Canadian troops
    stationed in the Arctic....... and they had been playing soccer, (or was it rugby???), and they had been doing it in shorts.......

    .... but at that time the average Conservative would not even talk to me online about an alternative theory on
    stabilization of the climate.... they would only talk about how the whole thing was a myth.....
    so I joined the Liberals hoping that they would be open to an idea not exactly in line with
    the plan put forward by Mr. Al Gore?!

    Post #3 here has my 2008 primary campaign writing for the office of Municipal Councillor:

    Best explanation for Weimar Republic Inflation I ever read....

    Now.... to introduce all of you to the guy who got me all obsessed over the number 4.3 TRILLION....
    which led to me finding out about the 117 - 127 TRILLION......
    which led to me finding out about the 35 TRILLION!

    My theory at this time is that AboveAlpha was essentially quoting Mr. Jim Rickards when he gave this number of 4.3 TRILLION:


  9. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    ©by Dennis Patrick Tate 2018

    I first wrote to AboveAlpha on January 3, 2015.... Hey that is exactly four years ago today!

    He replied the same day!

    I believe that AboveAlpha began a discussion with me that could be worth serious bucks and I want follow the example of
    Mr. Maxime Bernier.......
    and donate the possible / probable proceeds to various charities.... or non-profit film production cooperatives.......
    dedicated to addressing problems that Canadians are facing in 2019!

    This is a personal message that I sent AA through the "Inbox" link that is at the right hand corner of your screen here if you will join this forum:

    (The following link will not work for you because it is to my personal message inbox link):

    Re: Above Alpha… have you ever considered becoming an actor / film producer?

    AA replied to me the same day... January 3, 2015....... I have been four years waiting and planning for the right time to release this information...... I knew that AboveAlpha had really thought this through before sending me this..........

    but I have a theory on why he sent this that made me suspect that this is somewhat significant information:

    Note... at this time I began to worry that AA might NOT be working for America... but instead could be three to five geniuses working for Saudi Arabia or North Korea so I tested him..... and he passed with flying colors!

    If... AboveAlpha had NOT wanted me to forward some of this information off to Mr. MacKay's office.... then that would mean that he might NOT be working for our ally the USA?????

    Here is the discussion that I began on February 25, 2015 where I attempted to convince AboveAlpha to run for President.... but because he had termed himself an "Agnostic" it seemed logical to me that he would need to campaign as a Democrat. (Obviously in spite of his flaws... he would have been 10,000% more electable than Hillary..........)!

    Should AboveAlpha allow us to set him up for the office of POTUS as early as 2016?

    Based on AA's posts would you advise him to consider becoming POTUS?
    1. *
      Yes.... he is obviously well informed on many important issues.
      12 vote(s)

    2. No.... he is too honest! He would not make it in Washington!
      3 vote(s)

    3. Yes..... but he had better join my favourite party!
      1 vote(s)

    4. He has already told us too much... his 14,000 posts will haunt him!
      10 vote(s)
    Multiple votes are allowed

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  10. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Sean Fraser, I have decided to leave Canada's Liberal Party.

    Now... to find out if the Honorable M. L. A. Lenore Zann, the Honorable M. P. Candice Bergen and the Honorable M. P. Michelle Rempel will be willing to work with Mr. Chris Helmsworth on a project designed to attempt to keep the province of Alberta within Canadian Confederation and........... ?

    M.L.A. Lenore Zann... proposal for NDP and Conservative cooperation on....

    Here is a message that I posted to the Facebook page wall of M. P. Candice Bergen yesterday:
    "Greetings from Central Nova. I am a member of the PPC but I plan on mounting a campaign to challenge Max for the leadership and one of my opening gambits is to promote a plan to run no PPC candidate against you.... and M. P. Michelle Rempel. Many PPC members would see this as a promising possible answer to the question of Vote Splitting."
    Hon. Candice Bergen, MP

    "Personally I would love to see this basic idea expanded to include eighty percent or more of CPC incumbent M. P's but I am almost certain that many PPC electoral district associations would not agree to this......... but the idea is promising. We must prioritize defeating P. M. Justin Trudeau and his gambit to go EXTREME LEFT in an election where the NDP is vulnerable....... could be an effective political strategy. He should NOT be mis-underestimated."
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  11. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Now that you've posted a possible map of American continent, I have an excuse to post my own prediction of the USA borders of the future.

    The Louisiana Purchase, of this early map, is where the Native Americans will some day rule.

    And the Oregon Territory will be filled with angry, white refugees. I didn't see anything having to do with the original colony east coast nor the south west in California.
    DennisTate likes this.
  12. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I know some truly gifted people who get visions or dreams that tend to come to pass with a surprising rate of accuracy.......

    Just as the Prophet Daniel admitted that even he could not tell exactly what the dreams or visions that he had meant..... so also.... prophets rarely understand their own visions or dreams........ but the dream of America being divided...... (whatever that means)... is a fairly common one that I take seriously....... If the Republic of Western Canada was created...... pretty much along the lines shown in the image in post #1.... the states that voted for President Trump would be tempted to gl along with that new Republic....... to at least some degree......

    Prophecy that America will be split, after it betrays Israel
    If you have not yet watched this video, please do so and then I will provide some insights.

    Daniel 8:15

    As I, Daniel, was trying to understand the meaning of this vision, someone who looked like a man stood in front of me.

    Daniel 8:27

    Then I, Daniel, was overcome and lay sick for several days. Afterward I got up and performed my duties for the king, but I was greatly troubled by the vision and could not understand it.

    My challenge to Miracle Channel..... and Lethbridge, Alberta.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
  13. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Dennis, in the 1990s I used to watch prophetic TV shows that predicted how the USA would be split up and accosted by natural disasters in the future.

    They never came true.
    DennisTate likes this.
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    My answer to that would be that perhaps AboveAlpha's theories on Multiverse Theory.......
    could actually be true.......
    and some of those scary very negative predictions may have taken place in other time lines.......
    that did actually happen........
    but our time line is different .... .and in our time line those disasters have been delayed and delayed and delayed......

    Most readers would probably think that I am being sarcastic in this discussion.......
    but I was actually being rather serious:

    In alternate time line Mr. Gore wins the 2000 election but negates Global Dimming....

    Something began today that I hadn't quite expected:

    I am now all set up to promote a semi-reality science fiction film series..... .starring retired Prime Minster Stephen Harper as himself in the years 2012 - 2015..... .and......
    temporarily retired M. P. Peter MacKay as himself..... in the years 2012 - 2015 but we really need to find somebody cool to star as Mr. Mitt Romney....... because Mitt is kind of busy lately.............

    I wonder:

    Vince Vaughn…. as Mitt Romney…. and he wins the election in 2012?!

    Since this video was done in 2014.... we can assume in our semi- reality science fiction film that both Mr. Peter MacKay and Mr. Stephen Harper tackle this issue within weeks of this being posted:


    Aha yes..... I should add the link to AboveAlpha's writings on:

    The Philosophical implications of Multiverse Theory?

    "Republic of Western Canada" alternative currency notes......
    and / or a database.... would in a sense serve as a PROP with the proposed series of films.... and the success of the Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment should be looked at to see how this could potentially work?

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  15. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    It is very interesting about what you mention about the Oregon Territory....... because
    that territory is just south of the proposed territory for the "Republic of Western Canada" and they sure do have valid reason to be angry and disappointed with the Ottawa Swamp.

    To what degree are supposedly Green organizations being used to....
    ....get at the thirty five TRILLION dollars worth of oil and natural gas reserves in the Arctic?

    Or to set the stage for the devaluation of the USA petro - dollar which is in some danger due to the 4.3 trillion USA petro - dollars in the hands of China, George Soros, Iran, Europe and Russia?

    Hamish Hopkins






    The response to the poll so far is promising:

    To what degree are efforts to stop pipelines really about attacking the USA economically?

    1. 0 - ten percent
      1 vote(s)

    2. 11 - twenty percent
      0 vote(s)
    3. *
      21 - thirty percent
      1 vote(s)

    4. 31 to forty percent
      0 vote(s)

    5. 41 to fifty percent
      1 vote(s)

    6. I am sure that the number is neither zero nor one hundred percent.
      5 vote(s)
    Change Your Vote
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dennis Tate
    January 7, 2019

    Honorable Minister Mr. Maxime Bernier:
    Honorable Minister Mr. Andrew Scheer:

    Since leaving Canada's Conservative Party and joining the People's Party of Canada I have found out more about what is actually going on in western Canada than I think I read in the previous decade. (My humble apologies for being so ignorant on such an important topic but in my defence...... I am a janitor........ and I do work forty hours per week for ten and a half months of the year at a blue collar job).

    My appraisal is that the situation is very, very, very serious and the province of Alberta could well separate from Canada even before the 2019 federal election. As you well know... their provincial election is May 31, 2019 and the Albertans that I am in contact with are fed up with the way things are being done in Ottawa.

    (If you scroll up and look at the images in post #15 you will see some good reasons why Albertans do not trust the political and mainstream media machine in control in Ottawa).

    In post #10 here I posted a significant portion of my reason to join with a Mr. Roger Langille in our attempt to organize a P.P.C. leadership convention even before the 2019 election.

    Here is a message that I posted to the Facebook page wall of M. P. Candice Bergen back on January 2. It is a reply to the cartoon about Santa getting stuck in a Yellow Vests convoy of trucks and other supporters.

    Here is the link to the post by Mr. Roger Langille that sets in motion a possible P.P.C. leadership race"
    I quickly replied and shared Roger's message:
    Now I admit that I could be wrong about Alberta actually separating from Canada between May 31, 2019 and the federal election in October and I must admit that one of the exceptional replies to the shares on that message does make me feel better about all this:

    But....... I am still concerned and I really do believe that it is necessary for you Mr. Maxime Bernier and you, Mr. Andrew Scheer to at least attempt to dominate the media by discussing all this with each other. You could perhaps set this up in such a way that that you make it look that your meetings are entirely the fault of the Honorable M. P. Ms. Candice Bergen and Honorable M. P. Ms. Michelle Rempel........ because let's face it......... Mad Max Maxime Bernier deep down........ kind of likes the idea of arranging no PPC candidate up against either M. P. Bergen or M. P. Rempel!!!!!!!!! Yes... you will face some opposition regarding that idea.... .but you Sir are obviously used to lots and lots of opposition........ I know that you can handle it!!!!

    We conservatives need to learn how to use the media...... somewhat like Liberals do.... but our job is easier because the message that we need to get out there just happens to be true!

    Oh..... do you think that the P.P.C. candidates living in the area of the proposed "Republic of Western Canada" might be able to do something with non-exclusive rights for one dollar, to use the concept of An Alternative USA - Mexico Wall......... just in case Texas and / or California decide to make a treaty with..... the proposed Republic of Western Canada?

    Thank you for considering all of this........
    and in the immortal words of near death experiencer Mr. Dannion Brinkley to me a few years ago..... when I suggested my assisting him to campaign for high public office: "Have fun!"

    Kind regards, Happy New Year and all the best for 2019........ (and G-d help us and give us wisdom because we sure need it)!

    Dennis Tate

    What do you think of my Alternative Wall Theory?

    Dannion Brinkley for V. P. in 2016 and President of the USA in 2024.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    To what degree are supposedly Green organizations being used to....
    ....get at the thirty five TRILLION dollars worth of oil and natural gas reserves in the Arctic?

    Or to set the stage for the devaluation of the USA petro - dollar which is in some danger due to the 4.3 trillion USA petro - dollars in the hands of China, George Soros, Iran, Europe and Russia?

    Russia and China vie to beat the US in the trillion-dollar race to control the Arctic

    "Good points ....... I just found out today that lot of the First Nations people of Alberta look at the tar sands industry...... as a clean up operation that makes both the rivers and the soil better in many part of the province. Post # 34 will explain:" (me, Dennis Tate)

    I am in Facebook Jail until January 14 so I thought that I would answer these quite excellent questions right here......

    I have been obsessively studying near death experience accounts since 1990 and they got me disfellowshipped from the Worldwide Church of God and the Philadelphia Church of God all in not much more than one month back in 1991......

    The NDE of former Atheist Howard Storm is one of my favourites:

    My wife is an amazingly gifted Pentecostal / Charismatic girl who has proven to me that I personally am in no position to laugh at the dream of Mr. Shane Warren who was shown a Hurricane of USA one dollar bills.

    Should P. M. Justin Trudeau apologize for what his dad back in 1974 and....
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
  18. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    There is a possible connection between the error made by then Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau in 1974 with
    the economic pressure that women feel that causes so many Canadian women to choose to have an

    The original measure by P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau was more likely part of a larger plan to break unions......
    and keep Canadian workers running like Gerbils on an endless treadmill of debt ...... but our spiralling national debt is also obviously relevant to the abortion issue.

    Should P. M. Justin Trudeau apologize for what his dad back in 1974 and....

    Here is one of the major reasons why Canadian women feel pressured into having an abortion. They feel that our economic situation leaves them with really no choice other than to take the risk of living in relative poverty along with their child. This situation has been forced on them and we need to be more well informed about this.

    After P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau's colossal error here is how the national debt of
    Canada spiralled out of control:


    My guess is that he was pressured into doing this so that the same thing could be
    arranged in the USA:


    Many wealthy people believe that the only way to keep the lower class working
    hard is to keep them head over heels in debt and kind of hungry.
    The Public-Debt Problem

    Here is how I explained what happened between 1940 and now in my 2006 campaign as an independent in Pictou- Centre.

    My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.

    (slight edit on 1970 - 1974)
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  19. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Why Alberta separatism is the dumbest political movement in Canada today
    There's no coastline, for a start, meaning that the Independent Republic of Alberta would still be utterly dependent on Canada for its imports and exports

    OK.... so how do we get around this little problem?

    My suggestion hearkens back to post # 2 and these three colossal numbers that indicate that the USA economy is facing a potential hit that could be far worse than 2008 if it is handled badly.

    My suggestion is Alberta asking to borrow those 4.3 trillion USA petrodollars that China, Iran, George Soros, Europe and Russia have set themselves up to dump on the markets soon......

    Offer to pay two percent interest on that loan and by negotiating a treaty with Australia, Israel and America...... If.... for example a ten percent devaluation of the USA petrodollar is prevented....... It would be like Alberta is paying twelve percent interest on that loan.

    If a twenty percent devaluation of the USA dollar is prevented.... it is like Alberta is paying the USA twenty two percent interest on that loan.

    We cannot allow the USA petrodollar to fall below the value of the Canadian dollar......
    because if we do the whole world economy could go into a state of Pessimism vs Optimism.

    I understand "people have to know what they are" to mean that we must come to the understanding that our over soul....... that exists for millennia or more before our birth........ has essential INFINITE VALUE to our Creator who has in a sense Evolved.... and learned over infinite time in the past...... and places infinite value on us having invested so much in us.

    Could God the Father be the most emotional being in the universe/ multiverse?

    Which type of project will you tend to get more involve in?

    A job that you invested fifty hours of your time in over one month or a labour of love where you exerted a great deal of effort for 50,000 hours over forty years?
    37.5% of the responders to this poll got it right.... that is excellent!

    Where did Intelligence begin, in matter or fundamental energy?

    The first Intelligence began in.....?

      • Carbon based life less than 5 billion years ago, on earth.
        7 vote(s)

      • Carbon based life in outer space.
        3 vote(s)
      • *
        Fundamental or nearly fundamental energy.
        6 vote(s)

      • This is a new question that I am only now facing.
        0 vote(s)

    A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance....
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I think I may have found two perfect actors to fit into our proposed reality, plus documentary, plus news, plus semi-reality science fiction film series..........

    Because the technology needed to save the Isthmus of Chignecto from ending up under water during high tides........
    has already been developed in Israel.........

    I can see our Mr. Ty Bryan and his Rabbi Pinchas Taylor hopefully fitting into what I have in mind perfectly...........
    Basically.... it could be an expansion of an artistic "Heartland" to more and more and more and more rural areas outside cities all over Canada and the USA.......

    For all of their many, many flaws... the CBC did get this one thing right:

    Like Ty Bryan I so well understand how a segment of the population tend to hate people like me
    or him.... in spite of our beliefs that they assume that we couldn't possibly have simply due to some of our other beliefs?!

    I do find it intriguing that one of my all time favourite near death experiencers just happens to have been led to live quite close to my party's ultimate rival?!

    Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature?

    [​IMG] A Thomas samples.html
  21. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Now this is kind of scary!!!!!

    EXCLUSIVE: Trudeau illegally hides dealings with George Soros

    Soros sure seems to want to bring on a "Hurricane of USA one dollar bills" as seen by Shane Warren after the seventeen minute mark in this interview!

    "4.3 trillion USA petrodollars in the hands of China, Iran, George Soros, Europe and to a degree plutocrats in Russia who could potentially be persuaded to make an all out attack on the value of the USA dollar.

    Thirty five trillion.... the valuation placed on oil and natural gas reserves in the warming Arctic that interest both Russia as well as China.

    One hundred and seventeen trillion..... The number of DERIVATIVES created by less than brilliant.... and less than entirely altruistic people who have a great deal of control over Wall Street."

    To what degree are supposedly Green organizations being used to....

  22. Doug_yvr

    Doug_yvr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Everyone back away slowly...don't make eye contact...
    DennisTate likes this.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    So..... do you think that the THIRTY FIVE TRILLION dollars worth of oil and natural gas reserves in the melting Arctic are NOT an incentive for China and Russia to cooperate in a plan to devalue the USA petrodollar and make it impossible for the USA to be able to afford to pretty much police the planet?

    Russia and China vie to beat the US in the trillion-dollar race to control the Arctic

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Here is something of a warning from AboveAlpha that certainly applies to this proposed new Republic of Western Canada......

    The Ithaca Hour, Calgary Dollars, local currencies could boost economy!

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  25. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If we see a need in our local area......
    or in our nation......
    or in our neighbouring nation .... and if we can figure out a way to address that need...... through the proposed "Republic of Western Canada" then your proposal could begin to become more and more real over the coming weeks, months and years.

    The figure that I used in post #2 for DERIVATIVES of 117 trillion was given in 2014. Forbes magazine did an update and the number is now 127 trillion.

    You Think The Deficit Is Bad? Federal Unfunded Liabilities Exceed $127 Trillion

    "4.3 trillion USA petrodollars in the hands of China, Iran, George Soros, Europe and to a degree plutocrats in Russia who could potentially be persuaded to make an all out attack on the value of the USA dollar.

    Thirty five trillion.... the valuation placed on oil and natural gas reserves in the warming Arctic that interest both Russia as well as China.

    One hundred and seventeen trillion..... The number of DERIVATIVES created by less than brilliant.... and less than entirely altruistic people who have a great deal of control over Wall Street."

    Could some aspects of a problem affecting the USA be addressed more easily from up here in Canada than can be done from within Washington?????

    Alberta could sure use treaties with the USA for pipelines for their oil and you might be able to use your proposed "Republic of Western Canada" to create a form of money that could be used to assist President Donald Trump with some serious problems he is facing?

    Could paper money be gone by 2025 or 2032?

    We had some pretty strange things happen up here in Canada since 1974.
    My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.

    My theory on why Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau would make such a huge error
    back at that time was likely pressure from the USA so that they would be set up to
    cause the USA national debt spiral out of control so that the average American could
    be more effectively controlled.


    If Canada had continued with a relatively quite brilliant central banking policy
    after 1974...... this could not have happened in the USA. Smart people would have noticed
    how much better things were being done a few hundred miles north!


    This is just about the best analysis available on all this:

    Catherine Austin Fitts – Federal Government Running Secret Open Bailout
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019

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