How it Was Done: 9/11 and the Science of Building Demolition

Discussion in '9/11' started by Munkle, Sep 12, 2013.

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  1. Munkle

    Munkle Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    9/11 False Flag: 9/11: How it Was Done, the Science of Demolition

    As public awareness grows about the truth about 9/11, it serves to point out that many features of the towers' destruction fit perfectly with standard patterns of demolition. Evidence which at first seems puzzling is in fact consistent with known demolition techniques.

    WTC 7 differed from Towers One and Two in that WTC7 was a traditional "bottom-up" implosion. The Twin Towers, on the other hand, exhibited the more unfamiliar pattern of a "banana peel" demolition, which starts at the middle or the top of a building and progresses downward. The below demolition in China shows the pattern of streamers of arcing debris that we see coming from the Twin Towers, as the cutting of supports begins high above ground level and works its way down.

    Banana Peel Demolition in China next to Twin Towers
    [video=youtube;jO15CXhsTM4][/video] ​

    Banana peel demolitions are used for taller, narrower buildings, where there is danger of the building tipping over should the bottom be cut and the rest of the sequence not execute perfectly.

    But first, just how does a demolition work? Students of the truth about 9/11 will not be surprised to learn that it essentially is the art and science of causing to happen what cannot happen without careful planning and engineering: all key structural supports in a building must be cut at essentially the same time, so that all pieces are falling at free-fall acceleration through thin air. In the below images we see the principle support columns in the "core," an extensively cross-braced steel assembly which served as the backbone of the towers, and held 70% of the weight.

    Twin Tower core backbone under construction


    Illustration of main support columns

    One standard technique is the use of "cutter' and "kicker" charges, in which the first set of charges, the cutters, cut the steel beam supports at precisely timed intervals, and the kicker charge "kicks" the cut piece outward. In all the film evidence of the Towers' destruction, straight, cleanly cut pieces of steel beam can be seen spinning outward from the Towers at explosive speeds, across an area at least three times as long as the Towers are wide.

    Cut Steel Being Hurled Laterally at Speeds up to 80 MPH
    [video=youtube;cBTGMhRT_p0][/video] ​

    Width of Debris Field

    Physicist David Chandler Narrates North Tower Demolition
    [video=youtube;nUDoGuLpirc][/video] ​

    Using this technique, the pattern of debris one would expect to see lying on the ground after the destruction would be cleanly-cut, straight steel pieces, rather than twisted, heat deformed pretzels of steel as implied by the official "steel got soft and buckled" story. Exactly as predicted, an aerial photo of the debris field shows a thick carpet of arrow-straight, cleanly-cut lengths of steel beam, flung hither and yon.

    Aerial View, Steel Debris, from

    Aerial Veiw, Steel Debris, from

    Use of Thermite

    In its famous attack on skeptics of the official 9/11 story, Popular Mechanics held that the melting agent thermite had never been used in a demolition before. Ironically it had, on the Chicago Sky Ride in 1935. It was reported in Popular Mechanics.

    Thermite works by melting through steel like a hot knife through butter, illustrated in the video below.

    Thermite vs. Car
    [video=youtube;rdCsbZf1_Ng][/video] ​

    Reaching temperatures of 5,000F, thermite can be expected to produce large pools of molten steel and iron. This is exactly what was found, to the puzzlement of rescue workers, in the basements of the Twin Towers.

    Relatively slow burning thermite would have been used to weaken strong points in the structures, such as mechanical floors, prior to demolition. So it is of interest that in WTC 2, molten steel seen dripping at around floors 80 and 81 corresponded somewhat, but not exactly, to the mechanical floors at floors 75-77, below.

    WTC2 South Tower on 9/11 Molten Metal North-East Corner
    [video=youtube;OmuzyWC60eE][/video] ​

    In the following video demonstrating the use of thermite, the characteristic dripping of molten steel can be seen which exactly replicates, in color and consistency, that seen coming from the towers on a larger scale.

    Thermite vs. Steel Plate
    [video=youtube;v0qnHlVTaVs][/video] ​

    Another interesting use of thermite can be seen the moment just before each demolition when the perimeter columns around the impact areas seem to bow outward, giving the impression of overload. Thermite melting the core columns so that all load is transferred to the perimeter columns would give precisely this effect.

    Molten iron and steel was not observed dripping from the building until about ten minutes before destruction. This would be when firefighters were reporting that the fires were under control and almost out.

    One thing which stands out about the presence of molten steel in the basements is that it stayed molten for so long, reported for weeks and even months afterwards. This would require a powerful exothermic reaction, hot enough not just to melt steel, but to raise its temperature considerably above melting point in order for heat to be stored, in the same way that water brought to near boiling cools down into the solid state of ice far more slowly than water at room temperature. With the melting point of steel at 2800F, and the thermite reaction reaching temperatures of 5,000F, the reaction would produce enough heat-energy to keep steel molten - i.e. in liquid state - for long periods of time.

    Thus the evidence again fits what we would expect to find in a demolition that was a combination of thermite, and cutter and kicker charges.

    An example of the use of linear-shape charges, i.e. cutter charges, is below, along with a manufacturer's catalog image.

    continued below
  2. Munkle

    Munkle Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Use of Shape Charges in Demolitions
    [video=youtube;kFH6kQf6KBE][/video] ​

    Linear Shape Charges

    A video simulation of the Towers' inner structure posted at Youtube includes an illustration of a cutter-kicker sequence.



    Demolitions Expert Tom Sullivan

    A demolitions expert formerly with Controlled Demolitions Inc. (CDI,) which was contracted to help with the clean-up phase at Ground Zero, said in an interview:

    "Fire cannot bring down steel-framed high rises &#8212; period."​

    Tom Sullivan grew up with the son of Jack Loizeaux, president and founder of CDI,and a pioneer in the controlled demolitions industry. In an interview with Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Sullivan stated:

    "that he knew from the first day that the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 was a classic controlled implosion. Asked how he thought it might have been done he posited, &#8220;looking at the building it wouldn&#8217;t be a problem &#8212; once you gain access to the elevator shafts&#8230;then a team of expert loaders would have hidden access to the core columns and beams. The rest can be accomplished with just the right kind of explosives for the job. Thermite can be used as well.&#8221;​

    Sullivan said:

    "I mean, come on, it was complete destruction. I've seen buildings fall like that for years -- that was the end game for me." ​

    The means of igniting and controlling the demolition suggested by Sullivan, interestingly, coincides with the one proposed in an early hypothetical blasting scenario by Jim Hoffman, an artificial intelligence engineer. In the section "Control Architecture" of the scenario Hoffman posits:

    Ignition of the incendiaries and detonation of the explosives is controlled through a wireless network using RF repeaters on every floor of the Towers having pyrotechnics.

    Each of the Stage-2 pyrotechnics units -- the kicker charges and explosive sheets -- has an integrated wireless detonator card that includes a 2-channel RF receiver, an accelerometer, logic, dual wafer batteries, and a micro-detonator...

    The detonator cards are programmed to respond only to RF signals on the network's broadcast frequencies that have specific codes. The cards are manufactured in batches of cards with identical codes, where each batch has a unique code and is destined for a specific floor of one of the Towers.

    Of a detonator card's two channels, one provides the arm signal, and the other provides a detonation signal. Once the arm signal has been received, the detonator will be triggered by either of two events: rapid acceleration detected by the accelerometer, or receipt of the detonation signal.​

    Below is an image of this kind of system currently on the market for CD companies, published at (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.)

    Wireless Detonation System



    Once 24/7 access to the towers' interiors and the rest of the WTC complex has been established, the planned destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 becomes a task for which all technology is well-developed and available. Access is established through Marvin Bush, the youngest Bush brother, who was on the board of Securacom, the company which held the security contract for the world Trade Center complex. According to Barry McDaniel, CEO of Securacom, the company held the contract for security &#8220;up to the day the buildings fell down.&#8221;

    The nexus which seems to connect many of key players in the 9/11 plot is the neoconservative think-tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC.) PNAC, whose members included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Elliot Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Zalmay Khalilzad, Scooter Libby, and Richard Armitage, had been openly advocating for an invasion of Iraq since the Clinton administration.

    Dov Zakheim, another member of PNAC, had been awarded the contract for the first WTC bombing investigation in 1993. The investigation was done by a fully-owned subsidiary of Zakheim's company SPC, Tridata. The contract assured that not only access to the towers was secured, but also floor plans, blueprints, and all other intimate technical knowledge of the buildings.

    Zakeim, who was appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon by Bush upon taking office, was also in charge of the Pentagon's finances at the time $2.3 trillion was announced missing from the Pentagon, on September 10 the day before 9/11. Needless to say, after 9/11 "the day the world changed," the story was dropped from the media.

    In another coincidence involving Zakheim, his company SPC (of which he was CEO and main shareholder) also invented remote 'anti-hijack" technology, by which an airliner's controls could be seized from the ground to foil hijackers. This technology has obvious ramifications for misuse in the wrong hands.

    In a city like New York, the world's most dynamic metropolis, the "city that never sleeps," extra work crews, maintenance crews, technicians, and delivery trucks working round-the-clock would not be noticed. Nevertheless, some people did notice certain unusual events, such as a series of "power downs" and a generally unusual amount of activity in the months before 9/11. In the below video a worker describes a "power down" condition days before 9/11, which would have disabled security cameras and alarms.

    Worker Describes "Power Down" Days Before 9/11
    [video=youtube;-I2FO8bLR2Y][/video] ​

    One favorite contention of defenders of the official story is that the aircraft impacts would have set-off or destroyed explosive charges. But the loss of a number of charges would be of no consequence in a redundantly "wired" impact zone, since only specific encoded signals could actually arm and trigger the entire detonation sequence.

    As Col. Bob Bowman once said: "If they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding everything?" The immediate, illegal destruction of 99.5% of the steel evidence, shipped to and melted in China, ensures that the vast majority of the steel can never be examined and tested to either confirm or disprove the presence of the above demolition techniques. This alone, said Bowman, is evidence of guilt.

    Some kinds of thermite can be applied in a "sol-gel" solution, which can be rolled on like paint, or fireproofing. Think how inconvenient, then, to have steel beams examined and found to have layers of residual thermite paint. It is no wonder that putting the steel onto ships bound for China, immediately, was of the utmost importance, even if it represented felony destruction of evidence.

    In the end the testimony of firefighters and other responders, like Firefighter John Schroeder below, stands as the most powerful indicator of what happened that day. Schroeder, who says he does not believe the official story, and who was on the 24th floor of the North Tower, reports explosions rocking the building from the inside, as it seemed to "disintegrate" from the core and the stairwells. This is precisely the part of the structure which would be most critical to weaken before a final demolition sequence.

    Firefighter John Schroeder
    [video=youtube;DBb00PQR1zo][/video] ​

    There is no shortage of testimony corroborating Schroeder's description of explosions throughout the morning, which might correspond to the preliminary weakening of the buildings' strong points. Not one of these reports of explosions was included in the official 9/11 Commission report.

    One such explosion is captured on video below.

    [video=youtube;y2vxj2yxfAM][/video] ​

    The audio evidence includes footage of what is clearly an accelerating demolition sequence, below.

    Explosive Sequence, South Tower
    [video=youtube;uxB7R-z6E1I][/video] ​

    Other anomalies and coincidences in the evidence of 9/11 continue to arise, and together with the above demolition hypothesis continue to provide clues as to just how it was done.

    This essay is dedicated to Colonel Dr. Robert Bowman, (1934-2013,) without whom the movement for 9/11 truth would not be where it is today.
  3. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    So let me get this straight:

    People in the government, from whoever headed the thing to the people who executed the plan all got together to hatch a scheme to do something that would kill a lot of US citizens.

    An unknown amount of people went into the towers and building seven with plans from demolitions experts, or were perhaps all demolitions experts themselves, and wired up explosives to all of these poles without anyone noticing.

    Somehow giant commercial planes were flown into these towers, be it remote or whatever you decide it was, because apparently something more simple just wouldn't cut it. BTW we're talking about a (*)(*)(*)(*) ton of engineers to get the remote aircraft to work and people who are willing to kill themselves and others for a false flag attack.

    After the planes hit these buildings the charges were in no way disrupted.

    Thermite was used for some reason even though cutting charges were already in place.

    The BBC was given a news report that lead them to accidentally state that a building had collapsed before it collapsed, presumably because the BBC is unable to actually report live news. This, by the way, involves groups of people well outside of US control.

    Of all of these people no one talked.

    Yeah pretty sure the whole government story of a bunch of pissed off Muslims coordinated an attack makes a lot more sense than all that bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
  4. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Sounds more reasonable than some guys with box cutters defeated our entire military and intelligences for a couple of hours.
  5. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Please move this junk to conspiracy theories
  6. Bluespade

    Bluespade Banned

    Jun 7, 2010
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    No not really, but then most kooks don't belive that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.

    but ya, shadowy figures somehow sneaking into the WTC and planting explosives without the thousands of people who worked in the two building noticing.
  7. LogicallyYours

    LogicallyYours New Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Thousand of pounds of thermite, no less. Absurd. Not to mention, no thermite/thermate was ever found. Niels Harrit dpaper has been soundly debunked as bad science and bad process. The dogs used for recovery were also trained explosive detection dogs...and they found nothing.

    There is no false flag, only stupid people who can't grasp the obvious.
  8. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Hahahahaha uh, yeah. I guess that pretty much sums it up. If anyone is still under the impression that "da twoof" is gaining popularity, then they are massively delusional. Everything else after that sentence is junk that's been long debunked. I, honestly, think he marched out every meme from 2001 and beyond. In fact, most of that non-sense debunks other part of that non-sense. Good stuff.
  9. djlunacee

    djlunacee New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    2006 called it wants its nonsense back.
  10. Munkle

    Munkle Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Only stupid people can't grasp that skyscrapers cannot fall as if they were made of thin air no matter how "soft" they purportedly got, or that steel beams can't fly. Like how you conveniently ignored that the vast majority of the steel was found in straight pieces cleanly cut at the ends, two football fields away. How do you explain that? (ignore that you can see it happening in the video record.)

    Oh wait, here it comes: it had to bounce off each other as it disintegrated therefore had to shoot out laterally like cannon balls. Idiot.
  11. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    yeah only an idiot would believe that story.:roflol::weed:
  12. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Nice work,you took the OCTA'S to school and gave them a first class education in these two posts.

    - - - Updated - - -

    no surprise that was the reply.The OCTA'S everytime they are cornered with these pesky facts they cant refute,thats always their rebuttals of denial.:roflol:
  13. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    This is all a red herring. The fact that no thermite or explosive residue was found in any of the World Trade Center dust proves there was no explosive material, including thermite, in the dust. So this whole point is moot. To answer it, quickly and vaguely. The buildings didn't fall as if they were made out of air. Once the collapse started it was loud as hell. Also, steel beams didn't fly, they were ejected. Lastly, thermite doesn't explode, and it cannot be manufactured to eject steel beams with power. That's a fact, it can't be disputed. There is no evidence saying otherwise.

    I did, and your implications are stupid. Your own incredulity notwithstanding. The pieces weren't cleanly cut at the ends, it's possible that some of them were, after all the beams were end to end. If the bolts holding them together sheared fast enough, it's definitely possible. Once again though, just because you can't figure it out, doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's also explained in the NIST report, if you'd bother to read it. Lastly, again, this is a red herring and a strawman. Thermite can't do what you are saying happened, and there was no explosive residue, det cord, or triggers found in the rubble.

    Bounce off of each other? I mean, maybe, it is possible. I look at it as more of a hand smashing a popsicle stick house. Do it one time, build one, at least two stories. That's all you need, and then with a wide, outstretched hand, smash it as hard as you can. You'll see pieces fly quite a ways, with no explosives at all. I am NOT saying that is an accurate depiction of the WTC's (it's two stories...and popsicle sticks), but it goes to show that you don't need explosives to move things.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Congratz Munkle, you've got 9/11waij on your side. Unlimited *standing ovations* and emoticons. Good work, can you start calling us OCTA's too? It's awesome.
  14. LogicallyYours

    LogicallyYours New Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Hey much Thermite was used?
  15. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    That's nonsense. NIST's excuse for not finding any traces of explosives, is that they weren't even looking for them, because, they claim, they had no reason to. How can you find what you're not looking for?

    Somebody found cash hidden in my backyard. I never looked for it myself, therefore, it couldn't possibly be true that anybody found cash in my backyard, even though Inever bothered to look for myself. They are absurd.

    Stupid people are ones who believe cave dwellers with box cutters can incapacitate the entire military for any length of time, at any given time, without assistance.
  16. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Because they didn't need too, the buildings weren't brought down in a demolition. To imply such is completely ridiculous. You've been told this several times. You are not a professional, or even close, and you have no education in relevant fields to assess the situation. You are a layman, an armchair soldier, trying to spread woo abouts the internet. The fact that you have no formal education in any field that would provide you with a position of authority in regards to 9/11 doesn't stop you from saying that people who DO have that knowledge are lying or covering up the truth., wait.

    That is one of the most horrible "examples" to try and explain why the NIST didn't look for explosives that I've ever heard.

    A better example would be, a doctor comes out to the scene where a body is located, and sees the body. There are massive claw marks, a torn jugular, teeth marks up and down the arms. At no point would that doctor say, because he's a professional, "Can I get someone to check for missile shrapnel?" Cause that would be stupid, there's no point in doing that. He is well versed in the medical field, and is positive a missile didn't create the damage to the body. THAT BEING SAID! IF he found missile shrapnel during the cleaning of the body, and autopsy, he would then look into it. The NIST never said they wouldn't have looked for demolition under any circumstances. They said they knew explosives didn't bring down the WTC buildings, and that at no point did they find anything that would lead them in that direction. That was confirmed by more than 2 scientific studies, and backed by evidence.

    (*)(*)(*)(*) I'm sick of that mother (*)(*)(*)(*)ing meme. Get it together, they weren't (*)(*)(*)(*)ing cave dwellers. How the (*)(*)(*)(*) can't you accept that? THEY LIVED IN A *******N APARTMENT IN GERMANY WHEN THE FIRST CELL STARTED OPERATING. How in the (*)(*)(*)(*) are you unable to understand that? What is it inside of your head that makes that im, (*)(*)(*)(*)ing, possible for you to understand? Is it willful ignorance? Is Jesus or God telling you differently? Are you just completely incapable of comprehending it? Are you "special"?

    You have been doing nothing but pissing and moaning that you can't have a "reasonable" (*)(*)(*)(*)ing conversation on these boards. Instead of whining at other people, look in the *******n mirror. It's because of YOU. It's because of THIS (*)(*)(*)(*) right here. You marching out this dumbass, retarded debunked bull(*)(*)(*)(*) time in and time out. You then get answers EXACTLY LIKE THIS, which you ignore because it threatens your moronic theory.

    You've been called out for being a no-planer and you run. You've been called out on being ignorant to the "cave dweller" and you run.

    Face it, you have nothing, your cause is dead, and you're a troll. Better yet, a shill. Only a shill, someone who is getting paid, would continue to march back here with his head up his ass to get destroyed time after time.
  17. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Furthremore, only way they "incapacitated" the military is that, by the very definition, they disrupted them from operating properly. They outsmarted them, they caught America with it's pants down. It was an extremely simple plan that would cause maximum damage. That was how it got pulled off. There was nothing the military could do because they had no options.

    It wasn't a Bourne movie, they didn't take down all of the RADAR, they didn't disable the planes, they didn't shut down the defensive system all together. Jet fighters were launched, the terrorists shut the transponders off. They were all educated in regards to planes and their functionality. Another meme you'll trot out without any evidence. "Oh the turrurists didnt no how 2 fly teh planes bozz lolz". The hell they didn't, OUR flight schools trained them. They had the knowledge, the ability, and the know how. In fact, several trained pilots have said that once the plane was in the air, almost ANYONE can fly it into a building. It's not flying that's hard, it's taking off and landing that is complicated.

    They didn't just have box cutters either, genius. They had vests that looked exactly like bombs, and they told the passengers exactly what they wanted to hear. They were going back to the airport, they had their demands, and all everyone had to do was shut up and sit still, after that they'll see their family.

    I know you'll just throw this (*)(*)(*)(*) out there again whenever you feel like it, but at least I can relink to this post and remind you how stupid it is.
  18. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Bearded cave dwellers, failed pilots flying magical flights, changing timelines of NORAD (aka..lies), false radar blips purposefully placed on FAA radar, planes being buried underground with engines miles away, vaporizing planes and titanium engines, near free fall speeds only duplicated in laboratory environments, explosions prior to collapses, and on and on. It's all in the "official" BS story.
  19. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    There is no hard evidence that the WTC towers were demolitioned.
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    no wires.

    no explosives.

    no evidence of when and how the buildings were wired for a demolition.


    no evidence.

    9-11 Truth is one big fat FAIL.
  21. Karma Mechanic

    Karma Mechanic Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
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    The people who were the hijackers didn't live in caves.

    Or in reality were licensed pilots

    none happened there was no magic involved.

    or mistakes or simply misunderstandings.

    please provide evidence of this....

    of course that didn't happen but keep up the lies.

    never happened.

    did you see anything fall at "near free fall speeds" on 9-11 because NOTHING DID


    Tell you what, post real evidence of any of your accusations and we can look at it but until then you are simply being idiotic or you are lying.
  22. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    many of the hijackers were college educated and came from wealthy families.

    they didn't live in caves with long beards.

    another Truther LIE has been debunked.
  23. cjnewson88

    cjnewson88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Same old garbage..
  24. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    What I described does not. You must think that every terrorist attack that has happened since goes through some impenetrable security net and that all actions are watched by the state. I'm telling you they are not. Don't get me wrong we are certainly being watched and recorded, but not to the degree that the government will catch everyone who wants to do bad things.
  25. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    Oh well, thank you, kind Sir, for allowing "we" to look at it.

    Been there...done that. Catch up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah, you'd think the "official" story tellers would come up with some shred on actual truth on the matter (besides maybe, the date).

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