Oswald did it, Conspiracy theorists in denial and cannot accept it

Discussion in 'JFK' started by Mike12, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    please educate yourself and move on:

  2. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    both the Warren commision and House select commitee on assassinations were convined Oswald did it and these two investigations took into account EVERYTHING you just laid out and MUCH MUCH more... These investigations looked at all eye witness accounts, all facts, all the evidence and had all sorts of experts examine things. In the case of the House select commitee on assassinations, they were critical of the Warren commission yet concluded Oswald was lone shooter. If you are a conspiray nut, you will believe what you want but a neutral and unbiased investigation that looks hard at the facts, will always conclude it was Oswald.
  3. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    He is quite correct and your information is in fact fiction.

    Security was never told to stand down. The windows were consistently allowed to remain open in city after city which JFK visited before his death. The Secret Service simply cannot control every window in every metropolitan area. There were no agents next to the limo because Kennedy himself directed that they ride in the chase car.

    Yes the driver slowed down but that merely LOOKS suspicious and proves nothing. He made a fatal error but only an error. Yes the secret service ignore the law and flew the body back to DC where Jackie Kenney CHOSE Bethesda hospital for the autopsy. ( she had several sites to choose from . This only proves the Secret Service was not about to take any arguments from anyone after the catastrophe they had lived through.

    Stating the Bullet went in and out the back of the head is precisely what the autopsy showed. In from the back and out the side.

    The limo was compromised as evidence once it drove to the hospital but the Warren commission did take it into custody as evidence to include the windshield which they kept.

    Every president makes enemies within and outside the government this means nothing.

    Yes OSwald had motive and opportunity and means.

    The CIA is thousands of people many of whom loved President Kennedy. There is no evideence that the CIA killed him. Millions had motive virtually all GOP voters had motive but no evience proves that they killed him.

    VIetnam policy was NOT reversed after his death in fact LBJ followed the same policy Kennedy had set in motion.

    Oswald as the shooter is the only theory supported by ANY evidence.
  4. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Yes the building had an elevator.

    All of which is irrelevant. Many people have proven time after time after time that he easily could have shot kennedy, hid the rifle, and WALKED down to the decond floor where he bought the coke.

    I've done it myself. Anyone can verify this at the TSBD museum. The two women were on the stairs much earlier not immediately after the shooting.
  5. nastimarvasti

    nastimarvasti Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    Read this to see what a joke the lineup was. In fact, like I said in an earlier post, there were witnesses who said there were two men in the attack on Tippit and one was short and round (possibly Ruby).


    Oswald's mortician said someone had broken in because he found that Oswald's hands were dirty after he had already cleaned him.

  6. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    you know it's hard to keep up with all the twisted facts, fiction and made up garbage conspiracy theorists have come up with over the past 50 years. This country needs less of these story tellers, anti-government pessimistic and paranoid people. They have really taken things too far when they accuse the government of 09/11, i can't even take myself to this crazy dellusional world.. it's too weird.
  7. nastimarvasti

    nastimarvasti Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    You act like the WC, HSCOA, and mainstream media aren't biased in any way. I'm sure the people in Congress understood what would happen if the truth really came out. There would be a revolution in this country.
  8. nastimarvasti

    nastimarvasti Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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  9. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    This film does not show a security stand down it shows ONE agent being pulled off of the limo BECAUSE he was at the wrong post.

    This specific agent was ordered to remain at the airfield which was a normal assignment.

    This does not equal a security stand down.
  10. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Why do you think the House select commitee of assassinations didn't take this account? because there was no credibility to them, at all. There were about 12 witnesses and the ones closest to the shooting, identified Oswald in a police lineup. Now i'll admit that there seemed to be inconsistencies in what some eye witnesses said but most admit they didn't get a very clear view of the assassin and isn't the fact that they were inconsistent also proof that it wasn't a conspiracy? I mean, wouldn't they have all seen the same thing either way? Why did some claim to have seen Oswald, some two men and some a shorter, heavier man? It seems to me that they were all scared, confused, it all happened fast and in some cases tried to hide from the gunman. In the end, 3-4 identified Oswald in the lineup, take this for what's it's worth. Again, you guys get off with every little inconsistency, use it as proof when in fact these eye witnesses prove no conspiracy, at all. During many murders, sometimes eye witnesses see different things, especially the ones without a clear view and when afraid of a shooter...it happens all the time yet you guys make it seems like this was unique and of course part of a conspiracy. Let me add that another eye witness, Howard Brennan, claimed he saw someone that resembled Oswald take the shots and he gave the description minutes after the shooting.

    LOL, you could do without this silly stuff...

    PURE SPECULATION, please stop, i can't take so much BS all the time

    maybe he he was just good with languages, man i know people who have come back speaking spanish as if it were their native tongue after a couple of months in spain!

    what evidence?did you get this from a conspiracy book? mark lane perhaps?

    sure, eye witnesses who you don't accept were harrassed but you want us to believe in even less credible witnesses.

    here we go again, for every youtube video or test you point to, i can find a video or test that contradicts you. Case in point? Some experts believe they were very makeable, some don't. Many who visited the school depository and looked out that window have exclaimed 'this is an easy shot'. I can't speak to why this sniper said what he said, who knows but the fact remains that some have been able to take these shots with success. Maybe Carlos was a skeptic and a conspiracy theorist believer but i have a feeling that if he had attempted those shots on that fateful day, Kennedy would've had 3 bullets in his head, not just one. Oswald DID miss once and the back shot was probably aimed at kennedy's head... The fact is that there is no conclusive evidence that these shots were impossible or even that hard to pull off.. conspiracy theorists exagerate everything and cannot be trusted. As far as unbiased experts, some think it wasn't that hard, some think it was; you can't use this sniper's words as any evidence. If he couldn't pull this off yet some guys in the CBS test could, then i don't know what to say.

    true but again, you use this as proof when it's far from it. One of thise cops who made this claim later admitted that he was mistaken initially, othere did the same except one guy who didn't change his story. Sorry, but this sounds like cops being unsure and just making a mistake initially. Of course, you will use this as evidence. Once again, it's not..far from it.

    Oswald had enough time to pull it all off and a witness put him on the 6th floor, minutes before the assassination. He acted rather suspicioulsy all long, not too mentione he was seen taking a large package into the building the morning of the shooting, claiming it was 'curtain rods' that were never found.

    here's something for you:
    "The committee [House Select Committee on Assassinations] found that while most of the depository employees were outside of the building at the time of the assassination and returned inside afterwards, Oswald did the reverse; he was inside before the assassination, and afterward he went outside. That Oswald left the building within minutes of the assassination was significant. Every other depository employee either had an alibi for the time of the assassination or returned to the building immediately thereafter. Oswald alone neither remained nor had an alibi."

    right, he was in it too, everyone was
  11. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    It's fatiguing when people blurt out these nonsense claims and they have to be debunked OVER again.

    Yes a DISTANT witness ( two blocks away ) thought two men shot Tibbet but that is the only such witness. The remaining witnesses ( who had much closer vantage points) consistently Identified Oswald as the man who shot Tibbets. Furthermore Tibbet was proven to have been shot by Oswalds gun.

    Oswald was not part of any CIA false defector program period that one is pure fiction which no one can provide evidence to support. He did not speak russian well he was self taught and had rudimentary skills at best. Many were able to defect and return with wives as he did even during the cold war. It was not as uncommon as you believe. Nor is there any evidence as you claim of others using his ID as he was there.

    Marina was harrassed by many especially conspiracy theorists but yes her views are biased and not reliable.

    Carlos Hathcock stated an opinion and in fact did not ATTEMPT to copy Oswalds shootings until after he was badly wounded and not able to shoot well.

    Oswald was rated a sharpshooter not a marksman and either way he was a marine which by definition DOES make him a good shot.

    The shooting itself was very easy and many many experts and laymen have easily matched his performance.

    The rifle was MISIDENTIFIED as a mauser which is not surprising since the Mauser and Carcano are superficially very similar in appearance. The officers which found it quickly realized their error and corrected it.

    Oswald was not seen BEFORE the shooting in the lunch room as you claim he was last seen ON THE SIXTH floor before the shooting.

    He did not need to sweat or breathe heavy when discovered downstairs. He had ample time to shoot 3 times, hide the rifle and calmly WALK down the starids to the second floor where he was confronted by the police. Anyone can confirm this by visiting the TSBD museum and timing yourself as you walk the same path. I've done it myself twice.

    Oswald had no alibi which is why he made no mention of an alibi to the Dallas PD when they gave him all weekend to do so.

    Finally: Hoover would not have convicted OSwald in any way nor could he have done so. Oswald would have been tried in Texas not Federal court. Hoover had no jurisdiction. And before you try it the Dallas PD did not take orders from Hoover.
  12. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    You tube videos are not evidence.

    There was no stand down the agents were in their normal assigned posts.

    They were in the chase car which was normal for such motorcades. Kennedy himself insisted on this he liked to have an unimpeded view of the crowds as he rode through cities. This is also why he ordered the bubble top removed.
  13. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    it is fatiguing, isn't it? 50 years of storytelling, fiction. The problem is that so many frauds have written books about conspiracies without any evidence to support their ideas that fiction has overtaken reality over these 50 years that have gone by. These conspiracy advocates never stop for a second to think that all these Jesee Ventura's, Mark Lane's, Roger Stone's are making money off of them? Do they really believe that these guys write books just to try and uncover truths? in an unrelenting quest to educate the public? how naive, conspiracy theorists turn these books into best sellers. I'd like to see these authors donate all of the proceeds to charity so that the conflict of interest is removed; otherwise, i see them as vulchers looking to make $$..
  14. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Argumentum ad YouTube?


    I thought only conspiracy theorists used YouTube to make a point? Or could you not find the words to express yourself properly? Wait, no one wants to see you butcher the English language again.
  15. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    as i expected, you didn't like what you saw.
  16. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    You're lying, yet, again. No wonder though, since you have an avatar of a President known for lying about an affair in the White House.
  17. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I don't watch YouTube videos, especially when they're being presented as "evidence".

    Now, how about using your big boy words and make your argument for yourself. That is, unless you can't.
  18. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    oh, so you are discrediting both the Warren commision and House select commitee of assassinations, even when the latter was critical of the former and tried to prove a conspiracy? interesting

    I bet i know who you would like on a newly created JFK investigation team - Jesse Ventura, Mark Lane, Roger Stone, Oliver Stone, Nigel Turner? I bet you would provide your seal of approval on this team of storytellers who have made so much $$ off people like you. :)
  19. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Nice attempt at deflection. Just shows you're too cowardly to admit to being a habitual liar: Warren Commission did not look at all of the evidence. Remember? Or are you omitting the fact that Earl Warren refused to look at the pictures of the dead President? I mean, I've already told you this already, which you ignored and just continued peddling lies as if you wouldn't get called out on them.
  20. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    wrong kid, i didn't claim the youtube link was 'evidence' or 'proof', i merely wrote 'educate yourself'. I believe youtube videos can in fact serve as education for some misiniformed individuals but i'm not the type to use it as evidence. The only ones in here attaching words like 'proof' and 'evidence' to youtube links are conspiracy theorists. Did you expect anything different? then you get your panties in a bunch when one of us posts one.
  21. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    So if it isn't evidence or proof what in the hell would I be educating myself on? If it isn't evidence or proof of your claims, then why in the hell did you ever consider posting it in the first place? Can you ever make sense from one post to another or is that too much brain power to be asked out of you?

    And yet again you lie. That is, unless you're calling soupnazi a conspiracy theorist.
  22. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Oh, refusing to argue about anything now? just resorting to calling me a liar because i claimed that the Warren commission and house select commitee of assasinations looked at all of the evidence? okay, let me backtrack.. they looked at 99% of the evidence, happy? After all, if you want to be technical about it, it's not necessary to go over 100% of the evidence, including evey little insignificant thing like what color underwear Oswald was wearing. As far chief Justice Warren not looking at the autopsy, so what? so you think the autopsy photos revealed anything that the rest of the Warren Commission or the members of the House select committee of assassinations couldn't uncover? Chief Justice Warren would've seen something no-one else saw?

    this is the type of horsecrap you keep coming up with. There is a reason you nuts haven't been able to prove anything in 50 years.
  23. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Nice work! The professional debunkers are out in full force now. The professional conspiracy theorists ... the magic bullet people the ... Oswald killed Kennedy alone nutjob people are like desperate housewives converging on the enemy to defend their fairytale lie. It is comical to watch.
  24. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Yes, no big deal that the Warren Commission didn't look at all of the evidence… even though that was their Presidentially mandated job.

    And why are you calling me a nut? What incomprehensible theory have I put forth? All I've done is call people out on their bull(*)(*)(*)(*), like you and yours, for example.
  25. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    well, i thought the youtube link was a pretty cool re-creation of the shooting; it's not evidence but looks a lot more credible that the garbage you guys have posted.
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