Oswald did it, Conspiracy theorists in denial and cannot accept it

Discussion in 'JFK' started by Mike12, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    nice work? oh you must be giving soupnazi a pat on the back..
  2. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    "You guys"? When did I post a YouTube video?

    That's right, I didn't. Yet another lie out of you Mike.

    Let's keep going. I want to see if I can get at least ten more out of you before I go to bed.
  3. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    they looked at all the evidence, yes... oh wait, Chief justice warren didn't use his bionic eyes to look at the autopsy photos! yep, this pretty much makes the Warren Commision findings garbage. Let me ask you, what about the House Select committe on assassination's investigation? tell me about how corrupt and flawed this was as-well..

    you have done a poor job calling us on any BS, only in your head does such a notion reside.

    Why do i call you guys nuts? cause you have come up with like 40+ groups, 80+ assassins and implicated 100+ people over 50 years. The books written have been written by frauds, who have made $$ off all of you naive conspiracy story followers. All these books have been written by poeple that i'm convinced didn't even believe in what they have written, they just had a profit in mind.

    You see, the Warren Commission and the House select committe of assassinations didn't profit from publising their findings, they were conducted as non-profit independant investigations. Yet, we are to believe profit making filmmakers and book writers when their #1 goal has undoubtedly been to make $$ by selling stories about conspiracies? I mean, tell me you are at least reasonable and logical enough to see this point? prove yourself to be a logical person..
  4. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    yeah, it's definitely past your bdetime cause you have become really silly now..

    by 'you guys', i'm grouping you with the rest of your clan.
  5. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It is fun to watch you debunkers go down in flames. You liars have lost all credibility due to the truth machine... the Internet. Keep the lies coming boys because the truthers are destroying you. The truth will set you free.
  6. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    brotha Jon, when the truth is upon you and you realize you have been fooled all along, it can be a rude awakening
  7. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Yeah, Mike. And when 2017 comes you are going to feel the wrath of your ignorance.
  8. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Yes in fact tey did look at all of the evidence it is conspiracy theorists who cherry pick only the evidence which sort of supports their theory.
  9. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Strange you say this when you nor anyone else has presented any such TRUTH. The internet proves nothing slow one.

    Every claim you have made so far has been destroyed by facts.

    The twoofers are the ones being destroyed and it is unbecoming of you to act so immature about being so wrong
  10. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Twoofers eh? Well you Liars are toast. The truth is what sets people free. Liars are losers in the age of the Internet.
  11. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    You may be a " Truther " but like all such people you are not stating truth or spreading it.

    Much like the 911 truthers you are brainwashed and spreading debunked and ruined nonsense.

    Once again where it your evidence you are spreading the truth about ? so far you have nothing.
  12. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Based off the non-existent YouTube videos and crazy theories I've posted. Shows your mindset.
  13. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    First of all, I'm not even thirty yet. Secondly, as I've asked repeatedly now, what theory have I put forward? Who have I implicated? What groups have I suggested was responsible?

    That's four lies right there. Six to go.
  14. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    How can you blame anyone for lying when you can't even comprehend simple phrases? btw, you haven't really posted any substance for a while, have you noticed that?
  15. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    So it's your contention that Earl Warren looked at the pictures of the dead President?
  16. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    And you may be a Liar. I don't believe your lies. I do have the truth on my side. Liars are losers in the 21st century.
  17. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    i must say i enjoy sitting back and seeing Soupnazi dismember brotha Jon :)
  18. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I stated facts not lies but please go ahead and check them. Better yet prove me wrong.

    The facts I have stated prove you wrong and you spiral into ad hominen
  19. Brother Jonathan

    Brother Jonathan Banned

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You are easy to prove wrong because you promote the lie rather than the truth. That is not an ad hominem attack. That is a fact. The lie is much more difficult to defend than the truth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Because the lie is so cool.
  20. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Once again I promote what the evidence proves and you fail to prove me wrong.

    Ad hominen attacks is all you have now and they are not truth or facts they are evasion.

    So go ahead prove me wrong. So far you have failed
  21. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    More deflection.

    But seriously, give me an answer to the questions I posed to you in response to your baseless accusations in post # 388.
  22. nastimarvasti

    nastimarvasti Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    Yes, it is fatiguing having to prove you guys wrong over and over again. The vast majority of the people on this planet believe there was more to it than just Oswald and yet WE'RE the crazy ones.

    Actually there were several people who didn't see Oswald shoot Tippit. I already wrote about this and even gave the names of the people. There were several who saw something different and several who claimed to have been pressured during the lineup. Read the link I posted for Mike. Also, Tippit wasn't proven to have been shot by Oswald's gun since Oswald had a revolver and the shell found at the scene was from an automatic.

    Yes he did speak Russian well. Marina said he spoke so well she thought he was Russian when they met. Yes, I realize we already said to take her words with a grain of salt but I don't see a reason for her to lie about that. Are you going to tell me he bought Rosetta Stone?

    Oswald, after three weeks of intense training, barely qualified for sharpshooter in 1956. In 1959, he scored one mark above the minimum for marksman and there is no evidence to suggest he improved his shot between '59 and '63.

    One of the officers who found the gun was a gun buff and owned his own sporting goods store. Officer Weitzman. According to them, the gun they found even had a stamp right on the barrel which read, "7.65 Mauser". And that would make sense too since a Mauser is a much better rifle than a Carcano.

    Yes he was seen in the lunch room. The parade was 10 minutes late and he was seen eating 5 minutes before he was supposed to shoot. How could he have known he had an extra 10 minutes?

    Saying what you saw in the TSBD museum isn't gonna convince any of us. You might as well say you saw it in the mainstream media.

    Oswald had an alibi but didn't say anything to the police because they wouldn't give him representation. AND, if you believe he was working for the CIA, it is possible he was told to keep quiet until they sorted things out for him. It's very possible that he was tricked. He was a patsy after all.

    Funny you're talking about jurisdictions but when it comes to the president's body being kidnapped and flown out of Texas, not a peep.
  23. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    The opinion of the vast majority of people is irrelevant. Consensus and majority opinion is not truth nor does it constitute evidence. The vast majority of people once knew the earth was flat. It was not.

    You are wrong about several people. The witnesses with one exception agreed that the shooter of Tibbet matched Oswald's description the exception was very far away. The shell found eas not from an automatic this is a simple faslehood the shells recovered and bullets recovered matched Oswald's revolver to the exclusion of any other revolver your link provides not evidence to the contrary it only repeats debunked lies.

    He spoke passable Russian not good Russian. The claim that Marina thought he was a native Russian due to his fluency is an often repeated lie but still a lie. Her consistent testimony was that when they met she assumed he was an IMMIGRANT to Russia from another Soviet republic because is Russian was passable but not fluent and he had a heavy accent. Many conspiracy theorists have tried to spin this over the years but she constradicts them.

    Yes Oswald scored as a Sharpshooter after the INTENSE training of the Marine corp and before he was discharged in 59 he scored one point BELOW the minimum for sharpshooter . NOT one point above the minimum for Marksman as you claim.
    You put the word " barely " in your post as though this makes him a bad shot. This is a fact : any Marine is a good shot. Even the worst of shooters in the Marine corps is a fine rifle shot compared to the general citizen most of whom never fire a rifle. Oswald easily had the skill to accomplish what he did.

    Um no the officers who found the gun owned no such sporting goods store nor did they claim that the barrel wqas stamped with Mauser. In fact they imsidentified it as a mauser and then read the Carcano markingsand corrected their mistake furthermore THE gun they found was never out of the chain of custody making it a moot point. It was Oswalds gun and the only one used in the shooting.

    He was not seen in the lunchroom immediately before the shooting by ANY witness. He was seen there quite sometime before the shooting.

    Multiple witnesses prove he was on the sixth floor immediately before the shooting and that is that. He was not seen eating five minutes before this and the motorcade was running on schedule.

    I did not say what I SAW in the museum I stated I walked it and timed it as have thousands of others. It is simply an absolute fact he had ample time to do what he did.

    Actually the police permitted him to seek and hire legal representation and he made several calls to prominent lawyers. He was also offered a public defendant but turned it down. He was not a patsy he only claimed to be one and in fact no evidence whatsoever supports the BELIEF that he was working for the CIA.

    I have in fact mentioned the removal of Kennedy's body many times now. Try to read all the threads before making such a foolish error.

    The body of Kennedy was not kidnapped. Only the living can be kidnapped.

    Yes the body was removed in violation of state law. More than one Secret Service agent mentioned that this made them apprehensive since it was illegal but in fact so what?

    They were all running on superheated emotion and simply did not care about the technicalities of removing the body. This proves only that they broke the law in the heat of the moment. It does not prove any evidence of a conspiracy to cover up his assasination.
  24. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You keep throwing out scads of unsubstantiated 'facts' without any support,WHO said all these things? where on the barrel was '7.65 mauser' stamped?....why would they use an argentinian mauser,when the easier to obtainable 7.92 mauser was readily available,and had been for over 80 years?....Where are the pictures of the 'shell from an automatic' found at the tippett scene?.
    KGB notes on Oswald recently releaded not his 'stumbling attempts at russian'

    And Oswald scored 212 in a possible 250 on the marine rifle range,,,hardly a poor shot...
  25. Terrapinstation

    Terrapinstation Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    An officer heard the call that Tippet had been shot at 1:06pm. Oswald was verified being at a bus stop at 1:04pm, about a mile away from the shooting. If those times are true, it's physically impossible for him to be the shooter. Then the time of the shooting was changed to 1:16pm. That would have given Oswald 12 minutes to get from the bus stop to the crime seen. That's possible to do, but unless he was jogging, walking a mile in 12 minutes would still be pushing it.

    Also, why did Tippet even stop him? The description of the suspect said a white male, 5'10", 160#. So basically a white male, of average height and average weight. Essentially any white male. Oswald was what, 5'6", 130#? Yes, he somewhat fit the description, but so did 90% of every other white guy in Dallas.
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