Men Unite to Stand Against Violence Towards Women

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by Gwendoline, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Two recent cases in Australia where murder was committed and made to appear by the murderers as though the women they murdered had committed suicide.

    In the first case, the woman was thrown off a high rise building and was plunged to her death by the partner that she had been 'frantically' trying to leave.

    A video here:

    In the second case, the woman's wrists were slashed and she had been forced by her murderer to write a suicide note. She had been trying to move away from this man, her estranged partner. Chillingly, they found a crumpled note near where she was murdered, that read, 'He did it'. And years later, when new tenants moved into the dead woman's apartment, they found three words written on the bathroom tiled floor near the shower where the woman had been murdered. The words read, 'He did it".

    I'd previously raised the case here:

    Chilling and extraordinarily saddening. And highlighting the potential grave danger to women when trying to leave abusive partners.
    Shangrila and (deleted member) like this.
  2. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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    It is true that some women are pretty tough, some men are not, and men have been beaten or killed by women.

    In general, tho, women are smaller, weaker, and indisposed to fight.

    Nearly any man even approximately my age could easily beat me, kill me if they wished to.
    One way and another we are constantly reminded that we are sex objects, to be exploited if the chance arrives. Women dont see men as prey items.
    Women are acutely aware of their vulnerability, and it colours everything about how we have to live, whether we actively realize it or not.

    For those who have experienced violence, looking into the eyes of a man taking pleasure from hurting her, it affects everything she does in her life.

    no reasonable equivalency can be drawn between violence woman on man, and man on woman.
  3. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Human beings are not equipped to deal with violence being directed at them, nor should they be. For me, personally, I don't think it is a matter of focussing on women being smaller, weaker and indisposed to fight. But more a matter that we should focus on the behaviour of those who are violent and direct their demons on to others / and wreck people's lives.

    A lot of people don't realise how debilitating trauma can be. For any woman that has been severely brutalised by a man, it takes a lot to heal, in my case, a lot of valuable therapy, and time... time to learn to trust again.

    We are not sex objects, taikoo. We are autonomous women and are self-contained and not to be defined by anyone but our own selves. :smile:

    It may be better to remind ourselves instead that there are those who are violent and act out that violence on others. The focus has to sit squarely with those whose conduct is criminal to others.

    Particularly after being traumatised by abuse. I do believe that women after being severely traumatised by abuse CAN and often will heal and empower themselves.

    This nearly made me cry. Yes, I have experienced this in the past. My father beaming and whistling after he'd whipped me so viciously, my spirt caved in. Therapy was valuable to me. A way to help undo then redo a fraught past.

    I agree.
  4. taikoo

    taikoo Banned

    Jul 25, 2012
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  5. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Hit like a Girl:
    Women Who Batter Their Partners
    Theresa Porter

    Domestic violence by women represents a blind spot for western society. Since 1977, multiple
    large scale international studies have demonstrated the women can and do beat, batter and murder
    their male and female intimate partners at a rate equal to or higher than that of man, yet this issue
    is not simply ignored but denied by society at large.
    Women’s use of domestic violence is
    misrepresented by the media and denied by feminists, both of whom find the topic threatening.
    Despite this gender symmetry in domestic violence, media representations display male
    perpetrators 10 times more often than they display female perpetrators and when it is displayed, it
    is usually shown as humorous. For the media and the society it caters to, domestically violent
    women represent a failure of social control; women are not behaving in the expected manner. For
    feminists, domestically violent women threaten the victim paradigm upon which much of Second
    Wave feminist was based
    . This paper will examine the prevalence of domestic violence by women
    against their intimate partners, explore the societal myths and gender dogma that both hides and
    perpetuates this form of violence by women.

    1. Introduction

    2. Denial and misrepresentation in research

    Yet if one were to ask most people, they would deny awareness of the extent of women’s
    domestic violence in western culture. This is in part due to the denial and misrepresentation of the
    issue by several groups, including Second Generation feminists,
    researchers and the media.
    The discourse on gender symmetry in intimate partner violence by Second Generation
    feminists often involves claims that women’s violence is less injurious than men’s violence, as if
    this is a relevant issue
    . No one should be subjected to abuse, regardless of their physical strength.
    This argument also ignores the women victims in violent lesbian relationships, where the
    difference in body strength can be supposed to be less pronounced. Finally, it is important to recall
    that women compensate for any discrepancy in size by using weapons more often than do men12

    3. Denial and misrepresentation in media and society

    4. Consequences

    [...] Ultimately, all violence is complex and multi-determined with individual, social and cultural
    factors47. Women’s intimate partner violence occurs in the context of a significant double standard
    about violence and gender, with women’s violence seen as funny or unimportant, or simply not
    seen at all. It is somehow always circumstantial and beyond women’s control. It is time to move
    beyond simplistic, dichotomous thinking and biased research and recognize all types of intimate
    violence in order to stop it
  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    was gonna say the same thing....
  7. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    FresAir, I've already addressed you and others on that question in earlier posts on this thread.

    That you and some others fail to comprehend the importance of those men who stand up to march against violence being perpetrated on women, well, I won't repeat the reasons again and again. It's a waste of time.

    The recent march to stop violence against women was organised by City Council and NSW Police. In attendance was the Mayor and the NSW Police Commissioner. They KNOW the relevance and importance of speaking out against violence being perpetrated on women.

    This is a Women's Rights Section. I have raised a Women's Rights issue.

    If you don't understand that, that's fine. I have raised a Women's Rights issue. Because this section is a Women's Rights section.
  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I see the relevance and importance of speaking out against all needless violence
  9. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    White Ribbon Campaign and Unethical Pro Social Advertising
    The White ribbon Campaign aims to involve men in "preventing" violence against women, and actively promotes (advertises) false data, false statisctics.

    As part of its campaign it perpetuates a false picture which ignores the reality of female perpetrated violence against men.

    This study addresses this issue.


    Micheal Woods

    Senior Lecturer

    University of Western Sydney

    The domestic violence industry in Australia is a multi-million dollar enterprise, ostensibly designed to ensure that women live free of violence. However, it seems that some sections of this industry such as the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) are engaging in the use of
    dishonesty to further the interests of organisational growth rather than contribute to addressing a social problem. While questions of probity are important where substantial amounts of government funds are involved, the dishonesty being practiced is also contrary to
    the interests of those women the industry claims to champion."
  10. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    It's quite telling and illustrative of a person's attitude to want to tear down and refute the valuable work being done to support and publicly stand against violence being perpetrated on women. Watching ryobi clutching and searching for any link to support his view... when the CONSENSUS and GROUNDSWELL OF PUBLIC OPINION is against him. Posting a link that supports your position... is just that: 'a link that supports your position'. And big whoop to that, because I would find a sea of links to support the view of this thread.

    When the police force and Police Commisssioner and the Mayor and so many men get involved and march to stand against violence being perpetrated on women, the posting of a few links seeking to tear down the good work being done to stop violence against women is really telling on those seeking to make a positive thing into something negative. And I believe it's being done in a bad spirit.
  11. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I've posted several peer reviewed scientific studies refuting your claims, please post a peer reviewed scientific study from an unbiased scientific journal supporting your claims.

    I'm not doing anything, "in a bad spirit," I believe political policies should be based on truth, rather than subjective opinions, or political correctness, or.....

    and it's been proven, "The White Ribbon Campaign" actively promotes (advertises) false data,[and] false statistics.

    I believe domestic violence is abhorrent regardless of the sex of the victim. Men don't deserve to be singled out as the perpetrators of domestic violence when it's been shown they're more often the victims, not the perpetrators-regardless of how politically correct it may be to do so.

    Singling men out as the perpetrators of domestic violence is not truthful and any movement against domestic violence should be against domestic violence when it's perpetrated by either gender, especially since it's been shown that women are usually the perpetrators, not the victims.
  12. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

    The vast majority of dangerous, abusive and violent behavior that occurs in the privacy of people's homes is committed by men against women. The most recent information on violence in Australia comes from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Personal Safety Survey (national survey of 16,400 adults in Australian aged 18 years and over) conducted in 2005. The first issue of this survey was conducted in 1996. The 2005 survey found:

    •Just under half a million Australian women reported that they had experienced physical or sexual violence or sexual assault in the past 12 months.

    •More than a million women had experienced physical or sexual assault by their male current or ex-partner since the age of 15 (some women may be counted twice if they experienced both physical and sexual assault).

    •37.8% of women who experienced physical assault in the 12 months before the survey said the perpetrator was a current or previous male partner and 34.4% said the perpetrator was a male family member or friend. Most incidences of physical assault against women in the 12 months prior to 2005 were committed in a home (64.1%).

    •33.3% of women had experienced physical violence since the age of 15.

    •19.1% of women had experienced sexual violence since the age of 15.

    •12.4% of women had been sexually abused before the age of 15, compared with 4.5% of men, between 1996 and 2005. There was an increase in the reporting of sexual assault to police from 14.9% to 18.9% between 1996 and 2005 and there was an increase in the reporting of physical violence to police from 18.5% to 36%.

    •64% of women who experienced physical assault and 81.1% of women who experienced sexual assault still did not report it to police. The proportion of women aged between 18 and 34 who reported experiencing physical violence has decreased but the proportion of women who reported experiencing physical violence after 45 increased over the same period. The percentage of women who reported that their children had witnessed partner-related violence either from a current or ex-partner was lower than in 1996.

    •The majority of violence against men is committed by other men. Of men who reported that they had experienced physical violence in the 12 months before the survey, 73.7% said that the perpetrator was a male.

    Source: Department of Families, Housing and Community Affairs Fact Sheet 2 Women's Safety.
  13. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Parliament of Australia:

    The ABS Personal Safety Survey 2005, which defined violence as any incident involving the occurrence, attempt or threat of either physical or sexual assault, found:

    •since the age of 15, two percent of women (160 000) and one per cent of men (68 100) had experienced violence from a current partner

    •since the age of 15, some 15 per cent of women (1 135 500) and five per cent of men (367 300) had experienced violence from a former partner

    •Seven per cent of men (485 400) and three per cent of women (242 000) were physically assaulted in the 12 months prior to the survey

    •of those women who were physically assaulted in the 12 months prior to the survey, 31 per cent (73 800) were physically assaulted by a current and/or previous partner compared with four per cent (21 200) of men

    •almost two thirds of men who were physically assaulted in the 12 months prior to the survey (66 per cent or 319 100) nominated a stranger as the perpetrator, compared with 22 per cent of women (52 900)

    •in the 12 months prior to the survey, 1.3 per cent of women (101 600) and 0.6 per cent of men (42 300) were sexually assaulted and

    •of those who were sexually assaulted in the 12 months prior to the survey, 21 per cent of women (21 500) reported that the perpetrator was a previous partner; eight per cent (7 800) reported that the perpetrator was a current partner. No males reported sexual assault by a current or previous partner.[17]

    Later ABS data on crime victimisation reflects similar patterns. Of respondents aged 15 years and over three per cent of males and two per cent of females reported being a victim of physical assault in the previous 12 months. The figures for sexual assault (of respondents aged 18 years and over) were 0.1 and 0.4 per cent respectively. Younger people were more likely to report being a victim of physical assault—6 per cent of those aged 15–24 years, dropping to one percent of those aged 65 years and over.

    Most males (89 per cent) and females (67 per cent) who were victims of physical assault reported that the offender was male. One in five females (20 per cent) reported that the offender was a current or previous partner, compared with two per cent of males.[18]
  14. jkotan

    jkotan New Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    Stating the obvious.
  15. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Yes, of course, women go round raping men every day, right?

    I am amazed at your level of ignorance.

    89% of the males who were victims of assault in the Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey were assaulted by males. Not women. Mod Edit ~ Rule 2
  16. TRFjr

    TRFjr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2013
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    and most violent crimes committed against whites are from blacks so why are there not marches against that
  17. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I think that was an extraordinary statistic given ryobi claims women are the main perpertrators of domestic violence

    I mean 89% of males being physically assaulted by other males is a staggering figure, I think.
  18. jkotan

    jkotan New Member

    Nov 25, 2013
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    Anyone claiming that females are the main perps of violence need to see a doctor and get their head tested.
  19. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    I am highlighting the issue of domestic violence. I am highlighting the fact that a large number of men marched to take a stand against violence being perpetrated on women.

    I think you're on the wrong thread, but thanks all the same.
  20. TRFjr

    TRFjr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2013
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    just pointing out the selected hypocritical outrage by the left
    It is fine for you to highlight violence against women so to try to win the women vote? but where is the out rage over the epidemic of black on white violence I will tell you why there is no outrage because you don't want to lose the black vote

    so until the left shows equal out rage for all violence any mention of violence by them is just political propaganda and rhetoric and doesn't need to be taken serious because they really don't care it is about gaining votes
  21. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    It is staggering that some do think that, and that view has been expressed by a couple of other posters.

    No amount of data would ever convince them. I think your doctor analogy is right.

    I haven't seen any statistics backing their claim. If they say it then it must be so. Must be how it works.
  22. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Why don't you pay better attention?

    I am Australian. I don't vote in America so Mod Edit ~ Rule 9 off.

    Besides, your rant is better suited to a thread where you're ON TOPIC.
  23. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    At best your source is a half truth for Australia when it comes to your claims. From your own source:
    Later ABS data on crime victimisation reflects similar patterns. Of respondents aged 15 years and over three per cent of males and two per cent of females reported being a victim of physical assault in the previous 12 months...

    ....and ad hominen attacks are the last bastion of a position that cannot with stand scrutiny

  24. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Should I repost the peer reviewed scientific studies I already posted, or will you ignore them again like you did the first time?

    ....and ad hominen attacks are the last bastion of a position that cannot withstand scrutiny

  25. ryobi

    ryobi Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Is that domestic violence? because that statistic doesn't say they were assaulted as a result of domestic violence.

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