What Is Your Political Philosophy?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by tecoyah, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. jc456

    jc456 New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Yeah, it seemed rather obvious it was hooey!
  2. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    You can drop out of society or at least try to and still comment on it from afar. Think of me as the wise old hermit on top of the mountain that people trek to for guidance and advice.:smile:
  3. jc456

    jc456 New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    It's just your wording. drop out means leave so that's what I focused on. Contact with others on a message board is society. Your statement infers you don't wish to interact. But it's your world there on top of the mountain.
  4. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Well to be honest there are many times that I wonder why I do this politcs forum thing and every now and then I try to quit. Then there is some news event that I want to comment on and here I am again.Beats yelling at the TV I guess but maybe I should just get rid of that thing, there's a thought.
  5. jc456

    jc456 New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    LOL, that would truly be out of society. To me, sounds boring.
  6. Seeking

    Seeking New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Two term limits! This means just what it says, only two terms in any seat, or combination of seats. No retirement, and no treasure chest of money! I've met a few ex-congressmen / senators that were fired still receiving privileges. This mentality of arrogance, miss-representing their constituents, abusing their power needs to end! It begins with we the people, and we the people need to start holding them accounted. Colorado voted two out last year, why can't we start doing the same at the federal level? We the people!
  7. JesradTheAngel

    JesradTheAngel Newly Registered

    Mar 13, 2014
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    I believe in Anarcho-Syndicalism, which is a form of socialist economic organization in which direct democracy takes place within economic entities and they are allowed to freely associate with each other to supply the people within each entity with the necessary materials to maintain their existence and to increase their productivity. I see government as necessary in that, in a world dominated by the vestiges of an imperialist agenda and the desires of the super-rich, you need an organization to protect your society from interference and the influences of greed. Generally though, I believe that the workers should have the right to determine the results of their productivity; to produce a society of free-thinking producers who are able to create and think for their own sake and the sake of their communities instead of just for financial gain would be the ideal for me.
  8. joachimr

    joachimr New Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I am a left leaning independent who believes in democratic election of representatives to Parliament. I believe we make a mistake adhering to the old "Senate Rule" system.

    I believe in order, civil and governmental. I have an aversion to anarchy or anything resembling anarchy because it stands for disorder.
  9. Small_government_caligula

    Small_government_caligula Banned

    May 14, 2011
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    My political philosophy is that it is always just and right to fight against concentrated power, with violence if necessary. And since power is inherently violent, that means that violence is almost always necessary. Fighting fire with fire is the only thing that ever works.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The problem is that the "workers" are generally unqualified to do this just as voters are generally unqualified when it comes to being "informed" on the problems and issues faced by government. Of course we can see this happening in the United States because we elect unqualified people to represent us all of the time.
  11. Jayce

    Jayce Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    I am Nationalist conservative. I think that equates to the far right neo- liberal conservatives in the U.S
  12. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    As a pragmatist, I aspire to what actually works best in national governance rather than what comports with some abstract ideological dogma or envisions some airy-fairy utopian confection.

    Those societies that achieve the highest quality of life are all democracies where capitalism is regulated and a social welfare component is an integral aspect of their humanitarian ethos. (Studying their approaches to providing efficient, economic, inclusive health care is particularly revelatory.)

    Besides recognizing the paradigm of the most successful political systems on earth, I note that they are all nations with a Christian heritage that embrace the gospel message of Pope Francis as he exhorts them to more conscientiously practice that common ethical foundation.

    Whilst there is no shortage of folks who muse, "If I ruled the world ..." and spout assorted nostrums (including the fictional fancies of atheistic Ayn) I endorse what is demonstrably practical. Pipe dreams have their province and dreamers their domain, but what is real is unimpeachable testament.

    As for those who might proffer a model they prefer, I cordially entreat, Show me.

    I'll submit a few of mine: Australia, Iceland, Austria, Canada, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Belgium, United States, New Zealand, Germany, and France.

    Perfect? Of course not. As I indicated, one needs to be practical.

    I anticipate a provocative list of alternative ideals from anyone who demurs. By preference, alphabetical order, randomly - however you wish.

    Just reel them off.
  13. longknife

    longknife New Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I know some here think I'm a died-in-the-wool GOP troller doing everything possible to further its agenda.

    That, in truth, is quite far from the truth. I consider myself an Independent - not a member of that party, but one who tries to look at everything with an open mind.

    Actually, I think that both the Democrat AND Republican establishments are more set to preserve their own seats of power than in truly representing the people who elected them.

    While I find some good things in the Libertarian Party and often agree with a great deal that Ron Paul espouses, I think he goes too far on many.

    I just wish something would come along to create a Middle of the Road Party. I'd join in an instant. :salute:
  14. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Not to have one.

    I think politics, political philosophies, politicking, political ideology, political dogma, political warrants & waivers, political rules, political characters, political principles & ideas, including the entire political process, is one of the biggest thorns in the side of genuine American progress.

    I think what we need is a brand new paradigm. One where we hire and send Congressional Managers to Washington, not Congressional Representatives. You don't have to wait years to fire the manager you just hired, if you don't like the work they've been doing and you have the consensus of the Board (We The People) then you can fire them Johny Walker on the spot.

    We keep the United States Constitution and in fact, we actually strengthen it. Where it enumerates the Rights of the People and tells us that those rights "shall not be infringed," we strengthen that to include an absolute permanence clause which prohibits any State from assuming powers that it does not have over The People.

    We dump the notion of Political Parties. There would be no more parties. The only party you would attend would be those thrown either for your birthday, or the birthday of some you knew (if you got invited). Political Parties have becomes bastions of idle minded group think with no positive direction and a myopic view of the world outside of its own boundaries. Political Parties have stagnated the American Machinery and hosed up its internal operations to the point permanent stasis and rock solid paralysis. We've become slaves to politics and political operatives.

    There would be no more House of Representative, nor would there be anything called the Senate. Those ancient do nothing bodies would be replaced (according to Thomas Jefferson) with the Domestic House of Congress and the International House of Congress. As the names imply, those we hire and send to the DHC, would handle all things domestic (domestic policy), while those we hire and send to the IHC, would handle all things International (foreign policy). We would keep out of a sense of decent posterity both the name and the function of the Office of the President of the United States. The President would remain the nations Commander In Chief as well as its Chief Executive Officer.

    We would run the nation like a well oiled machine. Only this time, it would be a national system that simply manages the nations business, instead of making its own business to manage. I have a lot of other ideas along this line for truly streamlining government and making it truly work for the American People.

    I can solve our problems if given the chance. No. I am definite not running for anything, as in the new system there would be nothing to run to, or from. I'm simply saying that if We The People did what Jefferson told us to do and promised that we had the not only the right, but the duty to do, then we could solve all our nations problems (debt, deficit, poverty, illiteracy, fiscal and monetary, etc.) not overnight, but within very short order.

    I am Primus Epic, and I approve this message - for the good of the people and for the betterment of the nation as a whole. We can do this, we just need the courage, vision and leadership to make it happen.

    Long live the United States Constitution and the ideals embedded within the Declaration of Independence. To them, we owe much and to our history, we owe everything.
  15. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    *sigh* Am I the only one who is tired of people who claim to not have any philosophy, and the go on the explain their supposedly non-existant philosophy?
  16. Skinny.

    Skinny. Banned

    Jul 3, 2008
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    They just float above our silly intellectual squabbling, don't they?
  17. CaptainPierce

    CaptainPierce New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    People should be able to do what the hell they like provided that it doesn't have a negative impact on anybody else.

    A free market economy with a government that seeks to redistribute oppurtunity instead of wealth.
  18. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Still waiting. No one has an alternative list of actual nations whose governance they would advocate should be emulated? No real examples they can offer?

    I showed you mine. Don't you have one?
  19. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    For any who reject pragmatism and are loathe to embrace what has been actually shown to work best in favour of whatever airy-fairy gossamer confections dally in their noggins, I give you the practical sensibility of Mr Winston Spencer Churchill:

    I pass with relief from the tossing sea of Cause and Theory to the firm ground of Result and Fact.

    One can either cavort about in the playground of the imagination and cuddle such fictional fancies, or candidly confront the exigencies of reality, but it is imperative that one be able to distinguish.

  20. WW2 fan

    WW2 fan Newly Registered

    Mar 25, 2014
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    I personally prefer a democratic socialist form of government
  21. TedintheShed

    TedintheShed Banned

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I would say I am a minarchist, which is the most pragmatic solution I have found for government. It maximizes individual freedom while providing the protections of freedoms that can not be supplied without the existence of government. it minimizes government intrusion upon rights of the individual.
  22. carebearb

    carebearb New Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I am just wondering if no one here knows that people on welfare have to "work" for it now. They have to spend 40 hours a week at Work First in Michigan or looking for a job or they do not get benefits. The daycare providers get paid more to watch their kids than they get. If a stranger watches your kid it is work, if you stay at home, you are lazy. A family of 3 gets a little more than 400 dollars a month. It is a vicious cycle and you pay back, some how, everything you ever got. If you start to get child support they take that even though you are not on assistance anymore. It is a heck of a life and needs to be changed. If you get paid minimum wage at the job you get and your car breaks down or something bad happens, your benefits are gone and you have to start over. Anyone who thinks there are a lot of people "living it up" on assistance you are wrong. People that think that it is not despair that keeps people in this situation are wrong. It is hard to pull yourself up when everything is a struggle and when you start to go up they take something away and you can't even live. They should all get jobs right? What jobs? Do you want them taking yours? They do NOT exist. The unemployment level is people that actually receive unemployment. How many people are on welfare. Millions. There has to be a better, longer term solution. We all put ourselves into this position and until we stand up take responsibility and right the wrongs or stop calling people whose lives are bad enough "lazy", nothing will ever change.
  23. alex121

    alex121 New Member

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Heres My UCPS-Ultimate Custom Political System. Here goes nothing, plz excuse weirdly worded sentences.
    P.S. I know some info is conflicting, and this is just something I did in my free time so dont judge too harshly, im only 13 yrs old.

    (Authoritarian Left?)
    Theory: In order to change a large thing, you must put in considerably more force to rid yourself of it so as to continue on: Example: in order to change a political system that has been in effect for 50 years, you must use a same amount of effort (that you might not enjoy but will benefit in the end) in 1 year that would normally be split into 2. (complete overhaul in as fast time as possible)
    One Leader chosen to be leader, must hold strong against greed and power hunger, and must be catholic
    SOCIAL: Republican Social Views Anti Abortion Anti Homosexuality Right of a person honored, but very strict implications used
    Also: Limited strength of Police
    Military strictly defence force: no offensive use of military so as to avoid Imperialism
    Government controls production of armament to military-2nd Amendment used, but private companies can only sell to civilians
    Main Point: In a democracy, people end up having so much freedom that they end up not knowing what they want anymore, and walk like sheep to the march of the corporations drum
    People should only have enough freedom to be happy and not so much that they become enveloped in a consumerist society and spin theory
    ECONOMIC: Socialist economic views strong legislation of Corporations (Something like the FDIC) Corporations main goal is to create things for common good of consumer: NOT for profit (although they will obviously be making profit)
    Taxes on rich will be higher exponentially for the amount of money you make so as to achieve no class difference between middle class and rich (although there will always be poor persons): e.g. everyone who makes 250,000 dollars or more will only bring in 250,000 dollars after taxes, no matter how much you make
    No lobbying of any sort will be allowed and super packs or donations to political members from anyone other than non for profit associations will be prohibited so as to avoid corruption
    the more money you make and the more power you have, the more you will be surveyed and spied so as to avoid corruption or white collar crime. remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and the more damage they can do
    Investments and stock markets will need to be free of speculators so as to retain stability
    Car companies will be restricted to the height and size of vehicles for safety purposes, and will not be allowed to make vehicles that achieve less than 35 mpg
    Owners of electric vehicles will be given incentives to purchase such as tax deductions and benefits
    Solar, Wind, Hydro, Dynamo, Thermal (from earth), and Nuclear: only energy sources allowed
    Houses can provide own energy if wanted. If solar panels, windmills,wave power etc. can not be afforded one will be appointed to you
    EDUCATION: reform NCLB act so that teachers are not held accountable for students mistakes, and get rid of corporations who politicize and turn education into a profit machine.
    please add ANYTHING you see missing in comments.
  24. CaptainPierce

    CaptainPierce New Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    And so they should.
  25. jc456

    jc456 New Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    So curious, what kind of work do these recipients do to gain those benefits?
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