LNP Brings Nuclear Bombers into Australia

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by DaS Energy, May 15, 2015.

  1. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Australia will get them whether they buy them or lease them.

    12 F-35's and a single B-1MC is equal to several hundred Eurofighters.

  2. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    You should become a cherry picker, always taking things out of context, no wonder you get along with Toneee that well....
  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Because I have been apart of violent actions and battles and have been shot several times....I of all people ABSOLUTELY HATE VIOLENCE AND WAR!!!

    It is the ultimate HUMAN STUPIDITY....WAR.

    But if you knew even 1/100th of what I know you would understand why we cannot let our guard down even for a moment.

    There are very real groups doing everything they can to attack the United States and our Allies.

    And here is the worse part.....they have been and are following a Fatwa......Holy Edict.

    Remember this one?

    In February 1998 Osama bin Laden expanded his target list, issuing a new fatwa against all Americans, including civilians.

    They were to be killed wherever they might be found anywhere in the world, he decreed. This new fatwa announced the creation of the "The World Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders" and was co-signed by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, head of Egypt's al-Jihad terrorist group.

    Six months later, explosions destroyed the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people and injuring 4,000 more.

    Other Fatwa's have been issued from various Iman's or other Holy Leaders with numbers ranging from 10 Million to 300 Million American's that will be allowed if possible to be KILLED.

    With Iran having the capability of producing one or two circa 1945 Gun Barrel Design Nuclear Fission Bombs as they have the Weapons Grade Uranium to make one or two as the rest is 70 YEAR OLD TECHNOLOGY THAN ANYONE CAN LOOK UP ON THE INTERNET....the Weapons Grade Fuel is what is hard to get.....who is to say that although the vast amount of Iranian's....over 95%....want very good and close and stable relations with the United States....that other 4.5% WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN TO GET A NUKE TO A TERRORIST GROUP AND HAVE IT USED ON US!!

    Easy to say....DIFFICULT TO DO.....as they have no delivery system....but imagine one of these things with a 5 to 10 Kiloton Explosive Yield placed on a Truck and covered in Lead AND DRIVEN TO TARGET!!???

    The U.S. could most likely still detect it as we have an incredibly sensitive Radiation Detection System that is WORLDWIDE!!!

    But still....DON'T BE NAIVE!!!

    There are people out there that would just LOVE to see a Nuke or Dirty Bomb or Bioloical Weapon or Chemical Weapon be used and go off and kill as many American's as they can manage.

    In the mean time we have to deal with the new IDIOT ON THE BLOCK....PUTIN!

    And we have to enforce IRAN'S NPT VIOLATIONS.

    And China is trying to build MILITARY FORCE PROJECTION METHODS....but they are so far behind the U.S. they can't really threaten the U.S. but they can make trouble with the Pacific Rim Nations!

    Without the U.S. Military and especially the U.S. Navy.....the world would very quickly tumble into Chaos.

  4. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Hip hip hooray good old USA, if attacked by two small nuclear armed islands at once, good old USA goes poof in a cloud of atomic dust. Lucky the USA held an internal war game to prove such be correct.
  5. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    All U.S. Nuclear Carrier Battle Groups have at least 2 Ticonderoga Class Aegis Cruisers which are equipped with the worlds most proven and accurate ABM/ASAT.....the SM-3.

    Now until all U.S. Nuclear Carriers and Cruisers are fitted with the FEL...Free Electron Laser....which the Ford Class Stealth Carriers....CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford....CVN-79 J.F.K.....and CVN-80 Enterprise will be the FIRST to have FEL's or Free Electron Lasers along with Mag-Lev Aircraft Catapults and as the FEL will be supplied power by two A1B Nuclear Reactors....along with a Worldwide Over the Horizon Targeting Satellite System......which will allow the Carriers and the Cruisers will be equipped with FEL's as well to vaporize any Missile or Aircraft.....the SM-3 and a few other U.S. ABM/ASAT's will be the vanguard for Missile Defense.

    The SM-3 was tested back in 2008 when a failing Satellite with a full tank of Deadly Hydrazine Gas was targeted by a Ticonderoga Class Aegis Cruisers SM-3.....but the SM-3 is so acurate that not the whole Satellite was targeted.....JUST THE HYDRAZINE TANK THAT WAS PART OF THE SATELLITE WAS TARGETED.....IT WAS FOLLOWED BY TELESCOPE AND THE SM-3 ABM/ASAT struck the Hydrazine Tank Directly and it blew up.

    You can watch the Video.....LINK....http://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/u-s-navy-missile-defense-operation-burnt-frost/

    Now this failing satellite was traveling between 14,500 mph and 16,000 mph AT ORBITAL DISTANCE....and this was back in 2008.....we have much better and many more ABM/ASATS available now.....and this SM-3 DIRECTLY HIT AND EXPLODED JUST THE HYDRAZINE BOOSTER TANK!!!

    They can easily defend against ICBM Launches coming from the Pacific.

    But once the FEL System is in place...it will change the face of warefare.

    Discover Magazine reports a 1 cm FEL Beam powered by two A1B Nuclear Reactors CAN VAPORIZE A 1 CM HOLE THROUGH 1000 FEET OF SOLID STEEL.

    This means the FEL can easily vaporie a hole in any detected enemy submarine at any depth.

  6. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    How so? It was a question and I did quote your words. Unless your subjective bias is so deep you cannot understand how what you said could appear to the 'other' side your rallying against.... your welcome to answer my question if you actually have a different meaning. Don't get prickly just because not everyone agrees with you, there is more to the world then yourself.
  7. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Hip hip hooray good old USA, if attacked by two small nuclear armed islands at once, good old USA goes poof in a cloud of atomic dust. Lucky the USA held an internal war game to prove such be correct.
  8. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Let me ask you this.....would you prefer to have the Military of any other Nation protecting you besides the U.S. Military?

  9. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Australia protects your good ole USA, play hopscotch outside Alice Springs and watch the funny looking rabbits pop out holes!
  10. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Australia is our Ally.

    But if you think that if the U.S. wasn't around that China would not be attempting to take Australia you are fooling yourself.

  11. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Australia is our Ally. So say the good ole USA, but it wasn't 1st world War nor 2nd World war, North Korea and Vietnam, so when did Australia become such great cobbers with your good ole USA?
  12. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Would you prefer we were not your ally?

  13. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    There was a time,
    when some great leaders from both Russia and the US agreed to reduce those weapons mentioned. Today your country sells (if information are correct) more weapons to others than to any other point in time. What a great chap, Mr.Obama. Wars on all fronts, everywhere.

    I don't believe in the glorification of our armies and your superiority any more, I doubt yours and our doings, and since the Iraq War I lost my faith in the better of us, US and Australia. I think we serve other powers, without knowing (large and mighty industries perhaps). Going to Iraq based on lies?

    Putin is an idiot, so are the current actions of China. ISIS wouldn't be possible with Saddam in place. Remember, the guy you took out because of what? Please explain...
    Aren't they kind of responding to the foul play you Americans are up to? And yes, I believe they are playing as foul.

    But can we make it better with more wars? Hell no.....

    Bin Laden? Worse or better than George W.Bush? I honestly don't know.

    You were shot many times? How many civilians could be still be alive, in Iraq?

    You dropped 2 atomic bombs, one wasn't enough! Why should the world trust your nation, as you were the only country using those weapons. To shorten WW2? Bullocks....

    If you were right, which I doubt, can you tell us why so many young Aussies (other Westerners as well) travel to the Middle East to fight for ISIS? Aren't there too many lies, too little honesty and rotting values? If you guys (the US) admits the mistake with Iraq, come clean with a complete and transparent truth (the same applies for our PM at the time, John Howard), maybe our young people would start to believe in some values again.

    Once we learn to stand up for our deficits, we can progress. But maybe you are right, and know so much more than I do, in that case my apologies.
  14. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I think this says it all
  15. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    Wow, messed up post. Do you believe any of that? I mean on the surface its just 'wrong' on many fronts. You can't believe it obviously, no-one's that far gone.... but I'll bite anyway on a couple of delusional points you make.

    1. The IS formed in Syria which was a result of Algeria, Libya and Egyptian uprisings. If you want to go and link those uprisings for democracy as caused by the West's intervention in Iraq then that should be a positive thing.... but the IS formed due to the lack of intervention by the West in Syria. The nuclues of the IS might have existed prior in Iraq, but that was the whole point of Iraq... to centralize the radical islamic threat away from the West. It's pretty short sighted to lament the downside of the upside in the absence of the deeper downside which was projected by taking no action LOL.

    2. The people going to the MidEast to join the IS are radicalized Muslims. If you've ever read the Quran and history around it you'd know its a militant call to arms and manifesto of slavery and clan trading culture. It appeals to disenfranchised young males because it promises things which idiots want, like slave wives, boy club culture... I mean they're pinnacle of faith is to walk around a black stone like mindless drones. It's probably the religion of the devil to be honest but the moderate's promote a peaceful interpretation and that is acceptable to an open democratic society. It appeals to others more broadly because they are usually misinformed or delusional due to distorted cultural immersion. It's why so many of them freak out when they get there and want to return, a trend seen in many nations many times since this started. As you'd know, most people are stupid selfish idiots and therefore are easily lied too (just look at politics).

    3. Atomic weapons in WW2 did end the war. The alternative would have seen more death and destruction, so I guess you find it less amoral to use atomic devices then to kill and destroy at a larger scale - thats just messed up in the head. You'd prefer to have more death and destruction just to avoid the use of atomic devices!? The first one showed the capability and willingness to use it, the second showed the timeliness required to stop it ie; it actually was the fastest way to get them to surrender at which point the destruction and killing stopped. You need to look closer at history if you think that is the action's of an untrustworthy nation, as there is plenty of examples of countries who would have gone on and 'taken' Japan.... Japan included.

    4. The US doesn't sell a lot of weapons, it sells expensive weapons. You need to look at China, Russia to see who proliferates weapons into the widest number of nations. It's why Africa and the Mid East is full of AK's and RPG's.
  16. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I was completely against the Invasion of Iraq....but as I was a CONSULTANT right when 9/11 happened I can tell you of the 5 plans considered 4 plans read like the Screenplay for Dr. Stranglove.

    After 9/11 the American People went into a state of TEMPORARY INSANITY!!

    Believe it or not the least destructive of the 5 plans was chosen.

    I knew that Saddam's Brutality was the only thing preventing a Sunni/Shia Civil War...and that's why Bush Sr. stopped the advancement into Iraq in Desert Storm.

    But like it or not....the U.S. helps keep Australia safe.

    China is not to be trusted in any way.

  17. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    To be fair America had more than 9/11 - it had the Washington sniper and the Anthrax attacks and of course Junior keeping up the paranoia to bolster flagging popularity

    However post 9/11 America started wars on two fronts spent billions buggered two nations and left an abiding mess in both countries

    Post Bali bombings - Australia lent Indonesia expertise technology and money - caught the bastards with minimal cost and left the justice to the Indonesian people also leaving them control and a sense of pride

    Then we built them a hospital

    Result - better relations between the two countries, But then we cannot afford to (*)(*)(*)(*) off Indonesia - they are a wee bit more populated than us
  18. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    If only the Taliban had handed over OBL like the US requested....
  19. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Well, we hope so but quite frankly since we have had to help YOU in more conflicts than you have helped US - then I would say we are not relying on you to live up to the ANZUS - especially since America was not exactly high profile during either the Malaysian Emergency or East Timor
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Last tme I checked the U.S. was the main force that defeated the Japanese.

    Aussie Land was on the Japanese Hit List.

  21. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Australians were the first to defeat the Japanese and kept doing so right back to the Japanese Home Islands!
  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    What year are you talking about? LOL!!

    In WWII....the U.S. was by FAR the single largest Military Force fighting the Japanese.

    Australia helped....but there is no comparision.

  23. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    That makes Australia like the rest of the "west," then. America is the head of the NWO, the world government, and I mean that in the least kooky way possible. It's happening before our eyes.
  24. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    And America has never let us forget it - but are you discounting the Australian contribution because without us you would have lost the Coral Sea.

    It was ALLIED forces that defeated the Japanese in the Coral Sea without which Midway would have been lost


    Although American intelligence had a lot of input it was the soldiers stationed in and around Papua New Guinea including my own Grandfather, who were keeping track of Japanese movements and reporting intelligence

    We held Kokoda without assistance

    And this is what burns - yes you were there (finally BTW where was America in the first part of that war?) and when you did get under way you landed us with Bloody MacArthur!! Yes you were there but we have paid in Vietnam and Korea and Iraq and Afghanistan

    - - - Updated - - -

    And America has never let us forget it - but are you discounting the Australian contribution because without us you would have lost the Coral Sea.

    It was ALLIED forces that defeated the Japanese in the Coral Sea without which Midway would have been lost


    Although American intelligence had a lot of input it was the soldiers stationed in and around Papua New Guinea including my own Grandfather, who were keeping track of Japanese movements and reporting intelligence

    We held Kokoda without assistance

    And this is what burns - yes you were there (finally BTW where was America in the first part of that war?) and when you did get under way you landed us with Bloody MacArthur!! Yes you were there but we have paid in Vietnam and Korea and Iraq and Afghanistan
  25. m2catter

    m2catter Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Hey Bb,
    I haven't seen you getting wound up. Our government would be more than happy if we could get the status as the 51'st US state, but for the Yanks we are who we are, a bloody British colony called Australia! Which of course played an insignificant role in WW1 and WW2, in Vietnam, in Korea, in Afghanistan, in Iraq in in in in in .....
    As far as I am concerned, our future is in Asia, which might need another consideration for our future politics. But hey, that's just me.

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