Donald Trump Admirer To Spend 90 Days In Jail Over Plot To Bomb Muslims

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Sane Centrist, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    But at least the coffee and donuts approach would leave us feeling really good about ourselves. *smiles and rolls eyes*

    I know what you're thinking, and I don't agree. We have always had people in our society who are sort of living on the fringe, holding extreme views and given to violence. Charles Whitman, Charlie Manson, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kasczyski, Dylan Roof, and this latest guy. I do not believe political candidates can turn normal people into killer zombies. All of these people are unhinged, SC. The inspiration for this latest guy is provided by the jihadists themselves.

    (Fixed my other reply to you. Didn't edit the mistake in time.)
  2. bill hill

    bill hill Member

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Hell, I want to see Europe wake up and stop opening the flood gates into each of their countries to muslim refugees who want no part into assimilation. All they want to do is run from trying to defend their homeland, and come and take handouts that the dumbasrse Europeans (mainly Germany) are currently doing. For the life of me, this is ruining their Europen culture, crime is flying through the roof and their women are being raped, not to mention the terror attacks as of late. How in the world can this be good for Europe? WTF are they thinking? So yeah, I wish they would all grow some balls and kick the muslims out of their homeland and send all their ass's back the the sh$thole they came from....unless of course they WANT to look like the 3rd world countries from which most backward living scourge come from..Wake up Eurpoe and defend your cultures and nations, or the muslims will ruin your homeland, just as they ruin their own!!!!
  3. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't think that you'll be surprised that I disagree with you here.

    I do not believe these terrorists are insane. I think trying to classify motives we don't fully understand as insanity is a cop out. We didn't classify IRA, Red Army Faction, Shining Path, or other such terrorist groups as insane because we thought we understood the motivations, even if their methods were horrific. But to the western mind Islamic terror just does not compute. So that leads Westerners to try to fit Islamic terror into nice safe boxes that we can understand. We say it's poverty, or oppression, the economic answers we love because we basically view human beings as homo economicus. Or we say that sure it's religious, but then quickly add that ALL religions have crazies, but again, that's putting it back into insanity because the current Western mind cannot actually believe that someone takes religion seriously.

    So we never take them at their word.

    And I view the occupation atrocities that you recounted as fundamentally different from terrorism. The occupation behavior of ISIS troops is probably not that different from the historical norm. Again, to the Western mind it's horrific, but the rest of the world is not the West, and it's pointless to judge people that are savages to my mind to what I think of as civilized standards.

    See why I don't want to import them into my country?
  4. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    If we only had more "COEXIST" bumper stickers, all would be well.
  5. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Islam is just the recruitment tool. The people in charge of these acts have real world motives for what they're doing. Islam just makes it easy to rope in people willing to die because they're foolish enough to think there's a God who will reward them. If Islam really was at the heart of all this, we'd see exponentially more violence than we do considering there are over a billion Muslims spread across the world. But instead we really just see isolated pockets of crazies and some warlords who use Islam as a propaganda tool to give themselves legitimacy.
  6. Bobbybobby99

    Bobbybobby99 New Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    After the Paris bombings, it was actually discovered that a large number of the people in ISIS were actually on a type of drug which causes supreme calm, discourages moral instincts, and pretty much temporarily turns you into a sociopath. They aren't actually insane, except for the leadership; I suspect that most of the rank in file was drawn in with honey, kept in with vinegar, and drugged in with drugs.

    With regards to torture; has it occured to anyone that, as a society, we need moral lines? What happens if we can't say to our children "Torture is horrible", without adding an addendum "Well, unless it's done by the government."Isn't that half of what we hate places like North Korea for? We hear about how they "Tortured dissidents.", and then they hear that we "Tortured terrorists.", and both of us end up thinking we're morally better than the other. We're justified, we're defending our beloved country, they're just evil mutants. Our enemies are not evil mutants. It isn't about being 'nice'. It's about being right.
  7. contrails

    contrails Active Member

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I'm all for stopping terrorists before they can harm others, but isn't it important to maintain our principles while we do? If we stoop to their level in an effort to defeat them, no matter how effective or satisfying it may be, haven't they already won?
    ARDY likes this.
  8. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Your post is actually a pretty good example of exactly what I was talking about.
  9. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    You're ... ugh! .... right. I was being a bit facetious with Sane Centrist.

    But I could see giving them a rapid trial and life imprisonment if they fully cooperate and death if they don't.
  10. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Happy Easter Seth.............

    I hope you, and your family have a wonderful day today......

    My respect for you is immeasurable, and I know what type of service you've given to this country as well as your son. I have the highest regard for your opinions, and as usual I respect your positions.

    I have to admit that on this issue I would have to only "partially" agree with you and "partially" disagree with you.

    To your point, crazy is crazy, and nobody's words at a campaign rally is going to necessarily change or influence that.

    But words do have "consequences" my friend, and I would be saying these same things regardless of whose mouth they came from.

    For example, President Obama takes a lot of heat for always appearing to be apologetic about things, or wishy washy, or just not concrete enough in his decisions, or measuring his words too much.

    I read both of his autobiographies, and by doing so I got an insight into the mans psyche. Also I've heard just about every speech & interview he's ever given, and he's repeated something a few times now that really resonates with me, and I couldn't agree with him more.

    He's said:

    "as president of the united states every word you say is being recorded, and those words are very powerful - filled with a grave weight & responsibility behind them, so as president, I have to always make sure that I am speaking clearly, that I am engaging all, and that I am being respectful to all"

    No truer words could ever be said Seth.

    You spent your life as a police officer, and I am sure that on a lot of occasions there were many people "hanging on your every word", whether you were talking down a jumper, trying to diffuse a bad situation, trying to negotiate with an idiot that was holding a gun, or in the middle of a tense situation where lives were at risk.

    I believe that Donald Trump has this same responsibility (even as just a candidate, or probably even more so in these preliminary stages) and I believe he is "failing" his supporters, and the general public at large via his style of messaging.

    Donald is not being inclusive in any of his rhetoric, rather he is actually swimming in the pride of being divisive. Most of his supports are extremely angry people that feel disenfranchised as it is, and a great deal of them (lets be honest) don't care all that much for most "brown" folks to begin with, whether those "brown" folks are Mexicans, Muslims or Blacks.

    So what Donald does is bring gasoline to an already incendiary situation that's already fragile, and he throws gas on top of that incendiary situation by riling them up via railing on & on about how none of us can trust...................."the others"

    That's not what this country needs Seth, and I'm sorry but like I've said before it's not the country that you & your generation built for the rest of us.

    In short, yes, this man was more than likely already a little unstable, but Donald's "words" didn't help, and he even recognized Donald "very specifically" by calling him out in these threats that got him arrested.

    Words have power, and they carry great weight & responsibility Seth, and quite honestly I'm damn tired of TV personalities, entertainers, musicians, politicians, radio personalities, and talking heads getting a free pass on all the toxic things they say that fuel & drive others twisted thoughts

    There "is" a direct correlation whether or not people want to accept it, and constantly denying that doesn't help.

    Was there not a direct correlation between Hitler's madness, and what transpired afterwards?

    True story as an example before I go my friend:

    We had an individual that used to work with us that has since moved down to Texas for other opportunities that's probably hates President Obama more than any other human on the planet. (seriously)

    This man would watch Fox News around the clock, and come into work everyday with the most outlandish, insane bull-chit you've ever heard in your life.

    So much so that even the hard-core conservatives in our group would tell him to shut the hell up.....:roflol:

    The straw that broke the camels back was when he came into work one day furious & red in the face, and when we all asked him what he was so angry about......he proceeded to tell us that he had heard (On Fox News) how under President Obama, Blacks got a lower tax rate than Whites, and that he was furious over could hear a pin drop from Texas after the words left his idiotic mouth.

    The entire office ripped him a new one so hard that the poor guy had to leave for the day, and I swear that's a true story.

    Words.............have................consequences my friend.

    God Bless Seth.....................
  11. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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  12. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Good points, friend. I have told you before that Trump makes me cringe at times. Let me just say two things:

    I do think he's a smart guy, and I think he would be persuaded to turn down the rhetoric and choose his words more carefully as president.

    The other thing is that, in spite of Trump's warts, Hillary Clinton is a no-go for me. I think she is a brazen, unrepentant serial liar, a candidate who has sold herself to a corrupt political system, a person whose purported love of the people is utterly false, and I think she is an irresponsible war hawk and interventionist. She can talk a good game; she's a great actress. But what she has actually done validates my assessment. I do not support Bernie Sanders' domestic agenda, but if I were a Democrat, I would vote for him in a heartbeat over Hillary because I simply believe he is a better person, and I don't think he's constantly lying to us. I think he has a good heart, is what I'm saying. Hillary, on the other hand, possesses the heart of darkness, in my opinion. Trump, I think, is also fundamentally honest about things. I know he has been fact-checked many times, and he's been factually wrong on this and that, but I don't think he knowingly lies.

    So ...

    Sure, I wish Trump would choose his words more carefully, and yes, words do matter. But I'm willing, at this point, to give him a chance - considering the alternative.

    Btw, I used to know a guy like the one you described. Long story short, he alienated all of his friends with the same kind of manure. I haven't heard from him in years, and I don't want to either.

    Happy Easter to you!
  13. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Just like the Jews should know that they will be percieved negatively as well for how the homeland of the Jew is ethnic cleansing, because it's according to the old testament that God justifies even genocide if that means the Jews can thieve the land of Israel?
  14. Bobbybobby99

    Bobbybobby99 New Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    At very least, can you say that the death of anyone, anywhere, is sad? That death is general, is a melancholy, terrible thing? That killing does not justly beget killing, that endings do not beget endings? I'm okay with capital punishment in extreme cases, as I've said, but isn't celebrating the deaths of our enemies going too far? Can't everyone agree, at least in spirit, that every life that is ended before it's time is a harsh and cruel thing, a blight upon the world?
  15. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Well one part of the is still rather consistent.
    A white terrorists gets 90 days.

    Wouldn't be happening to a terrorist with a different shade.
  16. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    To your point, it takes two to Tango, and believe me I'm fully aware of how a lot of people aren't sure that they're seeing enough "push-back" from Muslims or Muslims religious leaders in this regard.

    I won't burden you with the usual barrage of video's, and links to the "hundreds" of Muslim religious leaders, and just average everyday American Muslim citizens that are doing exactly that everyday. (but it is all out there for anybody to see)

    That information is just too easy to get, find, and see as it's all over the web & YouTube, plus most people go silent after I post it as if It doesn't exist or they just don't want to acknowledge it, so I've given up.

    But those last four words I just wrote is slowly becoming the exact same sentiment of millions of American Muslims, and Muslims around the world.

    These people "have been" pushing back on terrorist's, and denouncing them publicly for years but the MSM from almost every country does a horrible job of reporting it, and I can tell from having many conversations with these people their getting a bit worn out.

    When anybody doesn't see the fruits of their labor what do think that does to their psyche, how many times can you tell a person your name is "John" for example only for the person your talking to - to constantly keep telling you that it's really "George" before you just throw your hands up & walk away?

    The "One Million Muslim March" that was planned as a sign of protest against terrorism was interrupted by a million or so bikers that protested against them and said despicable disgusting things & held up disgusting signs while they were trying to march. (it's all over YouTube don't take my word for it)

    The bikers didn't have any permits for their ride while the Muslims did, and guess who got harassed when the police showed up................? (I'll give you one guess)

    Muslims in this country do place nice, and keeping to ones self is "not" an admission of guilt nor does it signal complacency or indifference to bad things that maybe happening elsewhere.

    The same could be said for Muslims in other European countries, and in Canada. What most people don't get or understand about these people is that they are insanely private instinctively, always have been, and it's part of their culture to more-or less keep to themselves but just because you don't see hundreds of them plastered all over the news around the clock denouncing every terrorist act known to man doesn't automatically mean that they secretly support these heinous crimes. (they in fact do not)

    Don't take my word for it, go on Google or YouTube, and type in "Muslims speaking out against terrorism", you'll be amazed at what you find & see. (if your willing to be open minded enough to do that)

    Lastly I'll leave you with this commentary on the subject, read it at your leisure:

    Happy Easter...............
  17. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    That's exactly the school of thought Islamic terrorist are operating on. Because of their respective governments failure to ward off Western intrusion in Islamic lands, they decided to take matters into their own hands.
  18. Goomba

    Goomba Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Nobody forced the West to destroy the central Islamic command that held the Muslims nations together. Now you have to deal with various Islamic paramilitary factions that have taken matters into their own hands.

    You can blame Islam all you want, but in the end it's all just a failure on yourselves to blame yourselves.
  19. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Bill, there is so much to correct from that post that if I had all day I couldn't possibly do it.

    There has to be no less than ten different threads in here with up to 20 pages worth of posts in each one that would repudiate almost everything you wrote.

    I won't bother with a "correct & defend" post here because like I said it would just take too much time, and quite frankly I'm sick of going through all the trouble I do to create these information packed post's - only for people to vanish & never reply back after all that work.

    I know why they don't - because I've "crushed" their argument, and they have nothing to say but it would be nice to get some kind of acknowledgment from time to time.

    Your "wrong" Bill, most of the Syrians all over Europe, and I'm talking well over 98% of them are not the trouble makers or the problems as much as the Pakistani's, Afghani's, and Iraqi's that have snuck in with fake Syrian passports. (this is both widely known & accepted by all parties, so please try to keep up here)

    The horrific, incredible, fantastic stories of hundreds of thousands of women & children being rapped weekly by roving gangs of out of control Muslims are all lies. (full stop)

    The horrific, incredible, fantastic stories of roving gangs of Muslims packing all the trains harassing everybody have been immensely blown out of proportion, and for your information Germany has already all but thrown out all of these bad actors that were not true Syrians. (your late, do try to keep up)

    Have women been rapped, yes, have crimes been committed, yes, has there been trouble on some of the trains with punks harassing people, yes - but no where near the extent to which your favorite right-wing web sites have been telling you.

    The big bad Muslim boogeyman isn't coming to get you Bill, so relax.

    Enjoy your holiday instead, and stop believing all the hype, and all the lies..........

    Happy Easter........
  20. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Read the link, and I liked the Open Letter that they wrote. It's steps like that, that will(or should) be able to endear us to Muslims and for them to be more accepted in our world(and hopefully for them to accept ours) in perfect cohabiting harmony. And I do find it sad that the police didn't protect the One Million March. They needed to do so. If I were POTUS at the time, I would've ordered either the National Guard or Secret Service to protect them, in a show of solidarity with the Muslim World and the strongest possible denouncement of terrorism ever. That was a great chance for US messaging, wasted.

    The danger exists in casting a wide net. Not all Germans were Nazis, but all Nazis were German. It was key to acquire German Allies, which helped us break the German code and led to our victory in WWII. In much the same way, I do recognize that Muslim-Americans are our greatest ally and asset against radical jihad.

    I just wish the tide of the war would change in our direction. 15 years after 9/11, the enemy has gotten stronger and not weaker. The enemy continues to plot attacks, hurt innocents, undermine democracy and endanger the progress we've made.
  21. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    The man's sentence is ridiculously short. It should be the same as what would be given to a Muslim extremist found intending to do same on the US in general and if you do not have any of these we have had several in the UK - they get several years in jail no matter how much they regret it.

    Here is one example
  22. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Ok.................try these on for size.....

    There were several stories that I left out because obviously I can't spend all day & night typing them out, but I'll share just two more with you.

    There's a video that was taken by someone in Syria that found it's way to my Syrian friend's Facebook page that she shared with me.

    It's an ISIS soldier in the center of a town square telling everybody (in Arabic of course) that there will be new restrictions & laws put in place, mainly because a lot of women in Syria don't cover as millions of Muslim women don't cover because it is there choice and not compulsory the way many would have you believe.

    Back to the story............this lunatic goes on to tell these people that if any women is found not covered completely with the full Niqab they way they do in Saudi Arabia - her father or husband or both with have all of his limbs tied to four different cars, and all four vehicles will then commence to rip his body apart by pulling away. (think horse, drawn & quartered on steroids)

    The other story is of a 20 year old who was forced into fighting with these maniacs. His mother worked at a post office in Raqqah, and she begged him to travel with her to leave the country so they would be safe from these maniacs, of course being young & stupid he told a friend of his - his mother's plans, and the friend told the ISIS commander of their squad.

    The commander gathered the towns people (in order to witness what was about to go down, and to put the fear of God in them) and had the young man go into the post office to get his mother, then he told him to shoot her in the head in front of everyone or he would be shot. Instead of being shot along with his mother, he cowardly shot (his own mother) in the head to avoid being killed himself. (your telling me that this is normal wartime behavior)

    And since that story happened a month or so ago, another incident identical to that has happened where another young ISIS soldier was forced to kill his own mother.

    I'm fully aware of what the German soldiers did to Jews (and for me) a lot of that (I would) classify as insanity as well. (not normal wartime behavior)

    Mike............please don't try to tell me that these people have any sanity or clarity of thought or anything inside of them remotely resembling anything "human". I assure you there is "nothing" there, and they are hollow vessels filled with a sickness of the mind that you can't possibly comprehend.

    As far as you not wanting them here........old & young women, children, and beaten down men who have lost everything that have no fight left in them what-so-ever from going through all of these horrors are no more a threat to you than a fly, and these are the people that we "were" talking about letting in - not suicidal maniacs with a thirst for blood.

    But rest assure your safe, we grew a huge yellow streak up our spine, and said no to these old & young women, children, and beaten down men who have lost everything that have no fight left in them what-so-ever from going through all of these horrors .

    Happy enjoy your dinner tonight while these folks here scrounge for scraps, and more babies are being born in tents.........

    Refugee Camp 1.jpg
  23. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Not so much "coexist" bumper stickers, as much as "coexist" attitudes.....

    Remember what the bible says: "Faith Without Works is Dead"

    Happy Easter...............
  24. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    You Again..........................

    OH MY GOD YES........OH MY GOD YES...........ON MY GOD YES...........


    A true voice of reason.

    I need a towel now......:roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol:
  25. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    What you are describing is not so much insanity as the behaviour of the psychopath - that is someone unable to feel empathy and that was also what was said about the Nazis involved in the extermination of the Jews. Obviously some people grow up to be psychopaths but unbearable pain can also cause it and to be frank the brutality of ISIS itself for anyone who stayed long enough would likely be enough.

    With regard to killing your mother - well if she is going to die anyway a lot of people would think it was better to save themselves. If my grand daughter had a choice of killing me or not and being killed with me I would very definitely want her to kill me but I hope I would have taught her enough that she would not have made the mistake in the first instance.

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