How exactly will Trump make America great again?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by progressive, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. ARDY

    ARDY Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2015
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    By most measures, people from today would not be thrilled with the "good old days"
    Essentially no electronics, much lower quality cars, air travel was not affordable to most people, a much more limited selection of food in supermarkets and restaurants....people mostly did not eat in restaurants.

    after wwii the usa was unarguably the most sucessful country around
    So, compared the privations of most other counreies.... We were spectacular

    What has happened is not so much that our condition has gotten worse
    But as other countries have developed, we are no longer far far ahead of other countries
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    First step is just not being Hillary.
  3. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Trump has built his whole life around fleecing chumps for his own personal profit. trumps followers are the definition of cult followers. You got the whole thing backwards champ. Lol....
  4. A Defiant Goose

    A Defiant Goose New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    What a crock. I'm a Johnson supporter and not because neither of the other two are terrible candidates (they are). I support their ticket because first and foremost I believe the right to keep and bear arms is an essential right to a free country and if you can't fight your government if they were to oppress you then you truly aren't a free man. Beyond that, I think the government needs to keep its hands out of things it has no business being in like what bathrooms people should be going to or violating your fourth amendment rights, or women's reproductive rights, or mandatory healthcare. I'm so tired of hearing "throw away your vote, go ahead" and "you essentially are voting for ____." No, I'm voting for what I believe in. I don't believe that Americans should be forced to choose between a (*)(*)(*)(*) salad and a (*)(*)(*)(*) sandwich (this isn't to say all democrats and republicans are (*)(*)(*)(*), it's just more the case this time around). The Libertarian party won't be recognized until enough people make their voices heard in the polls, and that is what I and many other voters will do this time around. Maybe when I'm old and on my death bed we can see a legitimate interest in the Libertarian party and ideals and many people will finally give them a chance in office, but it won't happen overnight and it won't happen if I consider my vote useless.
  5. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Ah yes, the mythical 50's where white Christian males ruled supreme over their prefabricated castles in suburbia as shown on Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best. Of course those shows hid the communist witch hunts, the plight of African-Americans in the south, the rampant consumerism, women being forced into subservient roles, and the fact that the Korean war was a failure, which all led to the social unrest of the 60's.

    I did notice though, that both decades you chose had Republican Presidents during the majority of those years.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    FDR was white so you got that part right.

    It was FDR and the Democrats who opposed federal anti-lynching laws. The cultural-marxist revisionist don't reach that do they ?

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I have to go vote today. When I leave my house I have to lock the front door. Didn't have to do that back during the 50's.
  8. A Defiant Goose

    A Defiant Goose New Member

    May 20, 2016
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    America being great is subjective based on whom you ask. It's always been a great home to me. Not to everyone else. I think we all forget we're less than a century removed from racial and female inequality and that our country is still a baby, or at most a toddler. We're still trying to get over some of those barriers, and mind you the rest of the world isn't peaches and cream either. But we can achieve greatness and we have the rest of our country's time to do it...and in my humble opinion it doesn't start with a man who wants to prevent people of a religious group from entering the country. You either let everyone in (with proper measures of course) or you let none in. Picking and choosing who has a harder time trying to live the American dream is in and of itself un-American and, not to be corny, lets the terrorists win.
  9. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    People in the big cities had to lock their doors, even in the 50's. Population makes the difference. There are places in the US where you still don't have to lock your doors, but they are small towns with populations similar to the 50's.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Senator Obama helped create the Bush recession that President Obama inherited.


    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Maybe the progressives were right when they advocated in Congress that America's population should be capped when it reached 170 million.

    I was around during the 1950's when America was approaching 170 million and tthe government was running adds on the radio and in newspapers telling America stop having so many babies.

    Immigration wasn't a problem back then, it was between 100 K to 200 K per year and only those who would help keeping America great were allowed to migrate to America.

    What's that Marxist slogan ?

    "Nobody wins unless everybody wins."

    The endgame being, everyone loses.

    In the real world not Bernie's world there will be winners and losers.

    Would you rather see 90% winners and 10% losers or 100% losers ? It looks like we are going for the later.
  12. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    It is called life. Life is full of choices and everything has a consequence and not all consequences can be predicted. As population grows, so does the chance that you will be robbed, it is basic math. So you lock your doors and hire more police, we don't have to resort to population caps.
  13. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Are you kidding? How blind or partisan are you? What do you call the past 7 years? The past 7 years of "progressive" rule has been a continuation of the so-called Great Recession. Why do you think the biggest issue driving all the anti-establishment attitude is the economy?

    And the Carter Recession was worse than the so-called Great Recession. The difference is the Carter Recession was followed by the Reagan Recovery, while the "Great Recession" has been followed by the obama disaster - its the obama non-recovery that makes the recession the "Great Recession".

    And what caused the "Great Recession"? The Fed primarily, under Greenspan (who was loved by progs), and 20 years of federal tinkering with the economy and favouritism and cronyism. Both R & D are to blame.

    But don't let the facts hit you in the butt.
  14. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    You're absolutely right. By the '60s, lynchings (which could be caught on camera) had given way to deer rifles and dynamite. Technology had improved tremendously.
  15. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Well, given our military is still the most powerful in the world, we do not need to address that. So, what is driving this election, with sanders on the left and trump on the right? Oh, its the hollowing out of America, the loss of the American dream for the younger, the inability of a people to prosper by their work, which is reflected in the disparity in income that we have not seen since the last gilded age. It is the loss of hope, the lack of security that I had, and my parents had, that came from their work, which paid enough to be middle class, and not have to worry financially.

    So, what created the America today, the one that is not allowing people to prosper as they once did, by their work? Well, that isn't rocket science, at least for those my age, who lived the first half of my life under a different economic model, a model that was concerned with rewarding people a living wage, for their work.

    So when capitalism meets the advancement in technology, that displaces people, with machines, this by itself will create problems with enough employment that pay living wages. But we cannot stop that. But is there anything that has helped to create the current economic model, that can be stopped, in order that we can employ as many americans as possible with living wage jobs? And the answer is yes. And trump is on to it, and its the reversal of offshoring our manufacturing base in order to max out the profits of a few elites. The idea that globalization somehow was inevitable, is a ruse. A ruse perpetrated by neoliberalism which has permeated MSM, the political system, and even academia. It was a perfect storm, driven by a ruse. That we hollowed out this nation was a CHOICE, not some natural law that is outside of choice. We do not have to compete with slave wages overseas, and we spent most of our history refusing to do that, and it began with Washington. For what it takes for any nation, to allow its people to prosper by their work, will never change. And what it takes is a refusal to place the maximization of profits above the common good of the American people. And that is all it takes. So, our rulers, made a choice to enrich the elites at the cost to American society, and they can damn well reverse, and make another choice. And that choice is to structure our economy so that it provides the resources for the greatest number of people. Globalization, the new scheme to send the income and wealth to the top, is just another scheme in a long line of schemes to create great disparity. And trump has said these free trade deals are bad deals for the American people. Perot told us as much long ago, with his giant sucking sound analogy. That was back when gov't in collusion with the banksters and big corporations were making that choice, that Perot said would destroy the working people in this nation, which is damn near all of us. And so, trump if he can pull it off, would make America great again for the working people, by reversing what has devastated us. I know, a common sense idea, that people without common sense cannot grasp.

    So, what else? Well, what happens with both parties refuse to enforce immigration laws, and 10s of millions of workers, dirt poor workers, are allowed to flood in, and displace working americans from meat processing and construction? It creates unemployment and it drives down wages in those fields. Even as millions of living wages jobs were being shipped to cents on the dollar labor, exploiting the poor elsewhere, that our laws would not allow to happen here. Trump wants to build a wall, but if he thought about it more, he could save the money there, and simply get the law changed in regards to American business who dangle those carrots which created illegal immigration. Start enforcing a new harsher law against business and send them to prison. That would stop the illegal immigration problem in short order. Again, common sense, and not rocket science. And, wages in construction would go up, and our own construction workers could go back to work in great numbers.

    What else? What about these perpetual wars for perpetual peace which we do not pay for with taxes, but give tax breaks and borrow, driving up the debt? What if we stopped creating the instability in places like the middle east, which would stop the vast exodus of muslims into Europe and soon America? What if we stopped allowing our military to be used in the interest of the banking cabal and MNCs? Imagine the money saved and no more borrowing to finance perpetual war for perpetual peace?

    So, making America great again is simply getting someone in office that would have the will to do it, and then rally the American people behind him, in order to pressure a corrupt, bought and paid for congress, to get the hell out of the way and start representing the best economic interests and common good of the American people. I know, a quaint, romantic idea, huh? Yet we used to do it, or at least it was a goal we had, even if we never were 100 percent.

    Now, some people, who cannot have a big picture view of reality will simply say, the world has advanced, and what I stated is no possible. But that ignores the fact that what got us here, globalization is nothing more than the newest scheme to make the rich richer, at the cost to everyone else. And that our politicians made a decision, a choice to indulge, and it in no manner came down from the giver of natural law, as gravity did. We do not choose gravity. But we sure as hell chose open borders, free trade, globalization, or our elites did, and for a very selfish, self serving reason. If you cannot grasp the simplicity of that fact, then please, blow your brains out, for a useless, easily deluded brain is not worth having.
  16. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Yeah, perhaps in really remote areas. But I live in a rural area, outside of a small town, and have been here for most of my long life. We never locked our doors in the 50s, 60s, 70s. But now, you have to, and not leave valuable things outside. That can be carried off in the hands of one or two people. We started to have to lock it up, once our living wage jobs, and the ladder up from poverty was offshored to mexico and other places. High unemployment, creates theft, and always has, and will. And it creates other social problems. For like it or not, people have to survive. And if they cannot survive by a living wage job, they will steal to survive. And not like this is new, but as old as civilization. Just another consequence of creating income disparity by offshoring not only manufacturing jobs but even service sector jobs. The cost of the maxing out of profits, instead of the FDR idea of being satisfied with a reasonable profit.
  17. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Lynchings were not common occurrences in certain parts of the country. They were occasional occurrences and were rare in the 1950's. They were much less frequent than drive-by shootings are in American cities these days. And the random assaults on white people by blacks were also much less frequent.

    Detroit used to be a world class city. Baltimore, Detroit, Camden, etc. were pleasant, safe and affordable places to raise a family. Drug addiction was a rare occurrence. Pornography was rare, indeed nonexistent by today's standards of what constitutes pornography. Most children grew up in two parent families, a great advantage for children. Women were happier, although men slightly less so, than today. Communities were more cohesive because they were less diverse.

    Yes, those were the good old days.

    (I've never heard that about soldiers "rolling queers." I've only heard the term as "rolling drunks" who were easy targets because they were unconscious, hence rolling,, and practiced by what we used to call "juvenile delinquents."
  18. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    And that appears to be his only plan.
  19. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    It's a great plan. Hillary is much worse.
  20. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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  21. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Actually didn't see any facts. You appear to be confusing your opinions with actual facts.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I concur, the Carter Recession was worse, just not because of double digit interest rates so you couldn't make a major purchase using a credit card or taking out a loan or double digit inflation but it affected everyone from the rich to the poor. Those who weren't adults during the late 1970's are clueless.

    Lets not forget who helped to create the "Great Recession."

  23. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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  25. PeppermintTwist

    PeppermintTwist Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Is it a "little white lie" to bilk people out of their hard earned money and savings with a bogus university and an empty promise? It was divine intervention that this class action suit is moving forward prior to a most important election.

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