I've Now Read 100% of the Redacted Report | My Final Word

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Primus Epic, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    The 400 or so pages of the Mueller Report is glaring more for what it did not say than for what it actually does say.

    It is clear to me now that Mueller, followed the Nixon standard. There was never an attempt by Mueller, after reading all of the available Report, to indict a sitting President. That was clearly not Mueller's intent. After checking with an old buddy of mine, a former District Attorney himself and now Defense Attorney in private practice, it seems rather obvious to him that Mueller, was layout grounds for Congress to impeach the President according to the standard found in the United States Constitution.

    Mueller, laid out the case for impeachment, not criminal prosecution. He knew the standards and the traditions. Therefore, he did not attempt to indict the President, as to not cause a new constitutional crisis to emerge. He essentially avoided a constitutional crises, provided just the facts and then closed with his opinion that while the case for "collusion" and "obstruction" was not made on legal grounds, it was done so (my wording not his) to protect the traditions while at the same time providing Congress with enough information about the actions of Donald Trump and his Campaign Staff, such that if Congress warranted, it could follow through with drafting articles of impeachment and/or strong censure of the President.

    Mueller, knew full well that Donald Trump, would not be forcefully removed from officer under an indictment and prosecution no matter what what claims or charges were discoverable through his investigation. So, Mueller, did not provide a Charging Document. He provided an itemization of Impeachable Offenses and left the matter up to Congress. Mueller, makes it crystal clear to anyone between Pages #1 and #2 of the Report, that his investigation was never going to seek an indictment on legal grounds. It is important to understand why Mueller, uses the language he does between Pages #1 and #2.

    The media's handling and reporting on Mueller's Report has been abominable at best. The Media failed miserably to clearly articulate what responsibility and duty Mueller, actually had in this matter given the Nixon standard. It is very unfortunate, that the entire discussion in the media from day one regarding the Nixon standard, was couched in purely political terms whether you watched Fox News or CNN. No matter which media outlet you watched over the past 2 years, you DID NOT get the full truth about Mueller's duty and responsibility under the statues that governed his job.

    Donald Trump, will not be impeached. That is an absolute guarantee at this point. I am 100% certain of that now after reading what Mueller, actually outlines. However, Donald Trump, could be HEAVILY Censured by the Congress. In fact, it would not surprise me if someone in Congress was at this very moment drafting a Resolution for that express purpose based on the content of the Mueller Report. I would not be surprised of House Democrats were not right at this very moment meeting in private discussions debating about how to approach the matter of Censuring the President with strong rebuke for not having a tighter grip on his Campaign Officials and for not approaching the FBI about having been in contact with Russians, who made it clear that that theirs was to topple the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

    It has been a long two years. Everything that Trump, has been through as been initiated by himself. Self inflicted political wounds. Flying low and loose with Russian operatives during a United States Presidential Campaign is going to attract attention from our Intelligence Community if discovered and rightfully so. Not coming forth after it has been made known that Russian operatives were up to no good, is also going to draw fire from the opposition - in this case, Democrats in Congress. When you read the Report, you can see that there were many chances where Trump's Campaign could have stepped forward to announce that it had been contacted by Russians and Ukrainians for the express purpose of dabbling in our elections, but no one in Trump's camp did that. Bottom line and absolute full stop. It does not matter what you think, Trump's camp NEVER stepped forward under its own power to report the external contacts and thus the existential threat to our Republic form a foreign country.

    Say what you want. This President should be impeached in my personal opinion after reading the Report. At minimum, a resolution should hit the floor first thing Monday morning for a strong rebuking Censure of this President.

    However, at the end of the day, this nation needs to move forward. Our government has been in permanent paralysis for the past two years. Very little worthwhile has been accomplished for the American People, during that time and the need to let go of the past is now upon us. Impeachment is not going to happen. Donald Trump, is not going to jail. There will be no removal from office. Thus, there is no more need to continue this injunction of the White House, separating it from its duties to the American People. We need to move on. Bottom line.

    Post your comments, criticisms, agreements, hate mail and nonsequitur replies below. All are welcome here. But, whatever you do, you need to simply Move On.
    markjs, ibobbrob, TomFitz and 8 others like this.
  2. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    The last thing with respect to my opinion about the Report I will post, is the major problem I have Volume 1, Pages #1 and #2 which reads in part as follows:


    This is a Circle that will not Square logically.

    You cannot on the one hand conclude that "the Campaign expected it would benefit" and simultaneously conclude on the other hand that "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government...". Those two things are simply not coherent and I was shocked that Mueller, would finalize his opening statements in a way that is clearly contradictory to say the least. To compound this inconsistency in the Report's conclusions, Mueller, later goes on in the Report to show numerous instances where there was direct "cooperation" and direct "coordination" between Trump's Camp and Russian agents/operatives or entities having foreign government contacts namely in Russia and directly to Putin. He outlines those instances quite clearly and quite convincingly.

    So, logically, I cannot square this circle. I've been in contact with legal minds that I know personally, went to school with and grew up with who cannot square the circle that I just pointed out here in this thread as well. So, I'm not the only who has difficult with the logic here. Other legal minds have the exact same problems that my engineering, mathematics and physics mind has with Mueller's opening remarks. Clearly, intelligent people are having a real difficult time making sense of Volume 1, Pages #1 and #2.

    Beyond this the rest of the Report makes it clear that there was "willing participation" on the part of both Russians and Trump surrogates to engage each other repeatedly and in an ongoing fashion that cannot be understood as anything other than "collusion." No matter how you slice it, it was "collusion." However, for some reason that is not being honestly dealt with in this Report, nor by Congress.
  3. kriman

    kriman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Mueller is smarter than that. The democrats can impeach him, but he will not be removed from office. Removal requires a two thirds majority of the senate. That means that no more than 33 senators can vote against removal and that it is not going to happen.

    Just as a side note. if successful, we will end up with Pence as president, which is not a bad thing.
  4. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Is it your contention that the reason Mueller didn’t bring forth indictments because of OLC guidelines regarding a sitting president?

    If yes do you think there is a distinction between recommending indictments vs actually indicting?

    Could you point to where in OLC guidelines it forbids recommending indictments?

    What was the purpose of the investigation if the main target couldn’t be indicted?

    Why didn’t Mueller turn that part of the investigation if he knew he couldn’t come to a prosecutorial decision per OLC guidelines?

    Was weren’t these Russian individuals more properly researched?

    I do agree with you on the media coverage though
  5. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Please note it is perfectly logical.

    The Trump campaign may have known or at least suspected that the Russians were playing games that may in the end benefit them. That does not mean that they necessarily had to participate in those games. Nor is the Trump campaign legally bound to tell anyone anything especially when about the same time they figured it out - the wiki dump - everyone else knew it too.
  6. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Pence, bothers me a great deal:

    Derideo_Te and wgabrie like this.
  7. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    How does one obstruct justice if no crime is found? This is all just another liberal pipedream. The witch hunt failed and Democrats still won't let it go. Remember when liberals thought EC electors would switch their votes for Hillary? That failed, so they rioted on inauguration day, that failed, so they whined about the 'popular' vote but the Constitution squashed that. Since they still couldn't handle that Hillary lost, they came up with the best excuse yet: RUSSIA, now that failed as well, so they grasp for 'obstruction' for crime that doesn't exist. How sad...
  8. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I see what he’s talking about and I actually agree with him those two statements don’t match imo.

    My speculation is that the Russian connections might actually have ties to other entities that Mueller didn’t want to have to uncover (Fusion GPS/ FBI). By saying they had connections with Russians but not charging them he can smear but never have to uncover rocks that he would’ve had to had he charged. Just look at the Trump tower meeting, on it’s face it looks like it might be collusion yet Mueller doesn’t really touch it. Why? I think for the same reason that if he looks too closely he’ll uncover people that can’t be uncovered(Fusion GPS/FBI)
    PatriotNews, drluggit and Blaster3 like this.
  9. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    As a practical matter, the Republicans in the Senate wouldn't convict him unless support for trump takes a big drop. Censure is a good idea because it doesn't allow trump to become the new standard.

    Keep up investigations in the House and expose as much of the truth as possible.

    IIRC, Mueller referred 12 other issues to various courts and there are still known cases involving trump in process. He can be prosecuted for crimes after he leaves office.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
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  10. Blaster3

    Blaster3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    they're prolly lookin at 'attempted obstruction' as a crime
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  11. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I mean look at the latest narrative that Mueller would’ve charged if it hadn’t been for them meddling OLC guidelines! Ok well Mueller knew about those guidelines from day one and he should have gave that part of the investigation back to congress if he felt he couldn’t properly do his job. Instead he continued to gather evidence for a crime OLC guidelines say he can’t prosecute only to turn it over to congress 2 years later when the house changed hands..... It was a stalling tactic pure and simple and if he had found irrefutable evidence there was nothing in OLC guidelines preventing him from recommending prosecution just from actually following through with it.
    Dispondent likes this.
  12. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Sorry I don't think it is that complicated, further the two things aren't mutually exclusive.
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  13. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Your good lol im not saying your for sure wrong I’m just speculating I could be giving them more credit than is due
  14. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Yes, the OLC Memorandum outlines the matter quite well, I think.

    In the final analysis, given that indictable facts must emerge anyway, no. No distinction(s) [that I can see] with any differential that is practicable.

    Yes, I can. I'll refer you to what I'm being referred to in forming my opinion:


    He was on a fact finding mission and he knew it from the start. OLC guided him, no doubt.

    Truth is, some of them were probably already known to our intelligence community (an educated guess on my part). We probably already had information on several of the players. It was merely a matter for Mueller, to show how the dots connected, so Congress to do its job. Congress, however, is incapable do doing its job on partisan matters with a divided body. This matter proves that Congress is dysfunction, incompetent and should be disbanded in favor of a New Congressional Format established by the People of the United States and predicated on The People's Amendment to the United States Constitution that I designed and wrote about on this forum some time ago. It is time to do what Jefferson, told us we might have to do when our government fails to serve The People. We can take care of that with what I call, The People's Amendment to The United States Constitution. It would be a new Contract and a new set of Rules for how Congress is formulated and how it conducts business on behalf of The People and not on behalf of Special Interests or the Federal Reserve Bank.

    We will continue to have a fully dysfunctional government until The People, take my words seriously and do what Jefferson, told us we might have to do some day. That day is now upon us. We need a New Contract.

    Absolutely, abysmal coverage and filled with partisan propaganda on both sides. Epoxy Glue on both Houses. They both need to go. We need a real Revolution that gets televised around the world. The American People need to March on Washington, deliver a written notice to both houses, the White House, the United States Supreme Court and the Pentagon, that We The People, will now be taking control of our Federal Government. Just that simple. We draft the The People's Article to remove the current Congress and The People's Amendment to the Constitution that enables legal restructuring of the Legislative process in the United States of America. Both the Supreme Court and the Pentagon will follow the lead of The People, I am sure of that.

    We replace the current Congress, we shift the Executive Office role into the nation's Top Cheerleader and put the President on Air Force One exclusively to speak highly and confidently about the United States of America abroad in foreign countries in the most diplomatic terms possible. The President would hardly ever be on US soil for most of their term in office. The Executive Branch would be the nations Top Diplomat on a mission around the world to generate (mostly) good will and willing Trading Partners.

    You let me get my hands on government. I'll get us headed in the right direction and we will have Job Surpluses from now until kingdom come as a direct result.
    TurnerAshby likes this.
  15. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    You really can't conclude anything from the report. It is the Deep State prosecutor's report. Possible that Mueller didn't withhold exculpatory evidence, but given the actor he put in charge, Weissman, that is unlikely. The target of the investigation didn't have a chance to cross-examine a single witness in the course of the investigation. The only thing we know is that Mueller took the job knowing there was no collusion, so his job was to fabricate crimes that didn't exist before he started spending the $35M 2020 campaign investment. Someone should end up in jail ,,, Hillary for paying a foreign national, Christopher Steele, to meddle in our election ,,, Hillary for violating the Espionage Act, sending classified data on an insecure server ,,, Obama in colluding by sending and receiving classified data to/from Hillary using that server ,,, and the intel actors who tried to inflitrate and frame the Trump campaign.
  16. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    As a general rule of thumb it is a good idea to give your opps too much credit rather than too little, but it is also a good idea to keep it simple as possible given the current circumstances.
    TurnerAshby likes this.
  17. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    So recommending prosecution and actually prosecuting are one in the same in your mind?

    I know that the OLC guidelines general sentiment is that a sitting president can’t be prosecuted in a criminal sense but where exactly does it preclude a recommendation that is handed to congress?

    Again I totally agree about the Media they did a horrible job informing the public on Muellers duties and his limitations.
  18. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Ya I’ve heard that before the keep it simple stupid method lol and don’t attribute malicious behavior when it could just be stupidity
  19. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    100% agree it seems once actual indictment was ruled out the motivations were to stall and to muddy the waters by taking wishy washy stances.
  20. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Censure is kind of pointless though. I believe Jackson, Tyler and Polk were all censured but it didn't really affect anything.
  21. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    They never had anything and Mueller knew it from the beginning. The Dossier was it --- I want to find out who played fast and loose with the Bill of Rights to allow this hoax to even get off the ground. That judge should pay a high price --- but won't --- and that's a problem.

    The most upstanding person in Washington took a job to fabricate crimes because Democrats feared a billionaire businessman might make them look like the pikers they are. He did and did it with 24/7 investigations and 96% negative media.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
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  22. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    If you take the first paragraph and turn it into the premise for the second paragraph and construct a Subject & Predicate foundation (as used in the English language), then it is abundantly illogical, irrational and downright circular. It is only when you approach both pages with politics in mind that is morphs into something that makes perfect logical sense. He tells you that Johnny, got caught with his hands inside the cookie jar. He turn right around and then tells you that Johnny, did not actually stick his hands in the cookie jar. That's bizarre on its face - especially, coming from someone with Mueller's extensive legal background. However, for as much legal background he has, he also has sizable Political background as well. Maybe his political mind got confused with his legal mind.

    That is logically inconsistent. You cannot know that games are being played, know that those games are beneficial to you if they succeed and then not be actively engaged in playing the game. Once contacted by Russians with dirt and you make no effort to relay that information to the FBI, or some entity in the United States who can further investigate, you put yourself directly in the middle of the game board and you set yourself up as a major game piece.

    You have a Moral Duty to tell someone who can investigate. Else, you willfully engage in potential Treason. Not saying, "Hey! We just got contacted by Russians with connections to Putin, telling us they want to "engineer" our elections! We thought you might want to know, FBI." Not doing that is dead wrong on every level imaginable. Furthermore, you must READ the Report. This was WAY MORE than just about WikiLeaks. WikiLieaks was only part of this investigation.

    THIS is what I mean by the Media having done you no favors. You don't even know that Cohen, was approached by a Russian who told him that they would "engineer" everything - referring to our elections and that said Russian, was promising a meeting with "key individuals" in Russia (Moscow). Who would that be other than Putin, himself. Who else would Donald Trump, be meeting with other than Putin.

    No. Once you get contacted by Russians telling you they have "disruptive technology" that will be of "benefit to you in the elections," you immediately contact someone at DOJ, because you know full well at that point, someone is trying to meddle in your elections. You don't sit on that information, have meetings with those very same people and continue seeking out and trying to schedule trips to Mother Russia, right in the middle of your bid for the Presidency here in the United States - unless - you do so with "forethought" and "intent to coordinate." Pure and simple.

    This guy deserves to be impeached - but that will never happen. This Congress needs to go - both houses. And, the Execute Branch needs to be turned into the Department of Diplomacy. The People, can manage their own affairs. We don't need Corporatists who pay homage to "K Street" handing our tax dollars anymore. These people are Criminals. Nothing more and nothing less. They all need to go. It is time.
  23. TurnerAshby

    TurnerAshby Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Those bottom two quotes aren’t mine lol
  24. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    You have clearly not either the OP, or the actual Mueller Report. Your question is predicated on what you've been told in the Media. I'm telling you, after reading the Report that YOU have been lied to by that same Media. You are not approaching the matter the way the matter unfolded. You are approaching the matter the way your Media has told to the matter has unfolded. Thus, your questions do not align themselves with the actual facts of the matter.

    It was not about obstruction. Read the Report in its entirety. I took the time to educate myself by doing that. This is a PRIME example of how your Media is using and abusing you. You've got Mueller, doing pure fact finding. You then have Fox News and CNN both lying to you for political reasons and creating false presuppositions about what Mueller, was actually supposed to be doing.

    I will NEVER watch mainstream media again after READING this Report. I feel like I was prostituted by our Media. I feel like a two bit Whore, right now. I feel like I've been intellectually raped by our Media. They LIED to you and the ONLY way you will know that for yourself is to finally READ Mueller's Report with your own eyes. It took me three (3) full days to get through it. Have at it.

    You will notice that I did not even address the remainder of your post because it is waaaay off base given what the Mueller Report actually says and what the statues actually allowed Mueller to do with the information he discovered. Epoxy Glue on CNN, MSNBC, FOX and all the other Information Pimps and Propagandists who sold America down the river on this matter for political and Ad Revenue gains.
    ImNotOliver and Curious Yellow like this.
  25. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    You might have a real point there. This rabbit hole may go deeper than we first thought.
    TurnerAshby likes this.

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